ENVIRONMENT NAUTILUS AT WORK NL NEWS PEOPLE Progress on plastics but Union eff orts bring hope to Ship visits, college days Two writers shine a spotlight new nuclear concerns abandoned yacht crew and demonstrations on the maritime world Volume 51 | Number 07 | July 2018 | £3.50 €3.70 SCAPEGOATS NO LONGER Maritime unions around the world demand an end to the criminalisation of seafarers 1 Cover July_SR checked.indd 1 20/06/2018 15:51 CELEBRATING 40 YEARS AS THE INDUSTRY’S LEARNING PARTNER WITH NEW COURSES LAUNCHED FOR 2018 Limited places still available: COMING SOON: &HUWLͤFDWHLQ/RJLVWLFV0DQDJHPHQW 6WDUWHG-XQH &HUWLͤFDWHLQ0DULWLPH&\EHUVHFXULW\ &HUWLͤFDWHLQ6KLSSLQJ0DUNHWV$QDO\VLV &HUWLͤFDWHLQ%LJ'DWDLQ6KLSSLQJ 6WDUWV6HSWHPEHU &HUWLͤFDWHLQ,QWHUQDO$XGLWLQJLQ6KLSSLQJ &HUWLͤFDWHLQ7DQNHU&KDUWHULQJ &HUWLͤFDWHLQ'HVLJQDWHG3HUVRQ$VKRUH 6WDUWV6HSWHPEHU &HUWLͤFDWHLQ$XWRQRPRXV6KLSSLQJ &HUWLͤFDWHLQ/HDUQLQJ 'HYHORSPHQWLQ6KLSSLQJ 6WDUWV2FWREHU &HUWLͤFDWHLQ+HDY\/LIW 6WDUWV1RYHPEHU 7RͤQGRXWPRUHDERXWRXUFRXUVHVRUWRUHTXHVWDSURVSHFWXVFRQWDFWXVRQ [email protected] | +44 (0)20 7017 4483 | www.lloydsmaritimeacademy.com nautilusint.org 2 June 2018 TEL.JULY2018.002.indd 2 13/06/2018 10:26 CONTENTS telegraphVolume 51 | Number 07 | July 2018 Familiar story for Scottish lifeline services 15 WELCOME 05 General secretary Mark Dickinson expects the unexpected NAUTILUS AT WORK 9 New report forecasts fresh decline in UK offi cer numbers 11 UK government urged to end crew’s ordeal 13 Windfarm work permit waiver is 20 condemned 15 Northern Isles lifeline services go out to tender again 20 Progress for abandoned yacht crew 21 Member survey launched to inform fair treatment & criminalisation campaign 63 UK branch conference to consider 26 24 criminalisation STAFF editor: Andrew Linington Display adverts: Philip Johnston Although the Telegraph exercises care and caution Incorporating the Merchant Navy chief sub-editor: Sarah Robinson tel: +44 (0)20 7324 2727 before accepting advertisements, readers are Journal and Ships’ Telegraph advised to take appropriate professional advice ISSN 0040 2575 reporter: Steven Kennedy email: before entering into any commitments such as Dutch correspondent: Hans Walthie [email protected] investments (including pension plans). Publication Published by production editor: June Cattini-Walker of an advertisement does not imply any form of Nautilus International recommendation and Nautilus International Printed by PCP design: Nautilus/Redactive Recruitment adverts: Paul Wade cannot accept any liability for the quality of tel: +44 (0)20 7880 6212 goods and services off ered in advertisements. ADVERTISING email: [email protected] Organisations off ering fi nancial services or insurance are governed by regulatory authorities Redactive Media Group and problems with such services should be taken up 78 Chamber Street, London E1 8BL website: www.redactive.co.uk with the appropriate body. July 2018 3 nautilusint.org 3-4 contents NEW_SR checked.indd 3 20/06/2018 15:52 CONTENTS 33 HEALTH & SAFETY 16 Report condemns six-on/six-off rotas 17 Alarm after new rescue boat accident 23 Flags fail to deliver on accident reports 26 Industry urged to stay vigilant on WHERE'S MY piracy TELEGRAPH? If you have moved recently, your home PEOPLE copy may still be trying to catch up with you. 28 Investigative journalist’s insight into To let us know your new address, go to 2015 US shipping disaster www. nautilusint.org and log in as a 44 Author’s perspective on reefer trade 40 member, or contact our membership department on +44 (0)151 639 8454 or membership@ nautilusint.org ENVIRONMENT CAREERS The membership team can also cancel 24 Protests over ‘fl oating Chernobyl’ 33 Can the shipping industry do better your print copy if you prefer to read the on ‘selling’ careers at sea? paper on the Telegraph app. 40 How superyacht crews can help clean up the oceans 36 Building bonds between the Royal and Merchant Navies 63 WELFARE 30 Research delivers pensions GENERAL SECRETARY ‘wake-up call’ Mark Dickinson MSc (Econ) DEPARTMENT EMAILS 42 Maritime charity’s new chief looks general: [email protected] forward to meeting challenges membership: [email protected] legal: [email protected] REGULARS telegraph: [email protected] industrial: [email protected] 6 Letters young members: [email protected] welfare: [email protected] 48 Maritime book reviews professional and technical: [email protected] 50 Ships of the past Nautilus International also administers the 64 Crossword and quiz Nautilus Welfare Fund and the J W Slater 65 The face of Nautilus Fund, which are registered charities. • FNV Waterbouw holds annual meeting • Nautilus advice on pensions • Dangerous areas: Nigeria • New Rotterdam ‘Young Harbour Talent’ chosen IN THIS • Nautilus members reject Borr Drilling’s • Successful Nautilus works council event MONTH’S social plan off er DUTCH • Feedback from survey about onboard news service PAGES • Nautilus offi cials visit HAL vessels in Bergen, Norway • Celebration of 200 years of maritime education in Harlingen p52 • FNV demonstration in Rotterdam • College visits from IJmuiden to Vlissingen • Nautilus and ITF help to free captured member nautilusint.org 4 July 2018 3-4 contents NEW_SR checked.indd 4 20/06/2018 15:52 FOREWORD Welcome Nautilus general secretary Mark Dickinson reports on developments in UK maritime policy and considers how international cooperation can help Union members… ne of the important lessons I learned We also responded to the House of Commons during my years at sea was to expect transport committee Freight and Brexit inquiry, O the unexpected, and this month the highlighting our concerns that the potential unexpected came from the unlikely impacts of Brexit upon seafarers have not been direction of the Holy See. properly assessed. I believe that clarity is required I was due to lead a delegation from the from the government about the future shape of International Transport Workers’ Federation the single market and customs union before these (ITF) at the Joint Maritime Commission – where opportunities can be properly shaped and acted on. representatives from seafarers’ trade unions and This month I also attended meetings of the ITF ship owners meet to agree the minimum wage for and the European Transport Workers’ Federation seafarers under the auspices of the International (ETF). At the ETF we are supporting a new pan- Labour Organisation. Unfortunately, the Pope European campaign to stop social dumping. The agreed a visit at the exact time the talks were due Fair Transport campaign will see action being taken to take place, which meant that all the surrounding across Europe to highlight that all transport workers offi ces would be closed. The talks have been re- must be paid a fair wage from the country they are scheduled for November, and Nautilus International I encourage working in, not the country of their origin. This seeks and the ITF will continue campaigning for a real and all members to ensure a level playing fi eld for all workers and signifi cant pay rise for some of the world’s lowest- head off social dumping. This is a very real concern paid seafarers in the lead-up to the new meeting. If to support for our members in the shipping industry. you haven’t already, please visit www.fairpayatsea. our Fair The Nautilus Federation also met last month. org and sign up to support Fair Pay at Sea. The Treatment Discussions centred around the Joint Assistance campaign is also on twitter @FairPayAtSea – please & Support Network that we have established with follow and retweet. campaign by fellow maritime unions to safeguard members’ I’ve been working on a submission to the UK completing rights to fair treatment in the event of a maritime government’s latest initiative on the future of the the Nautilus incident. I am pleased with the way this has maritime industry: Maritime 2050. The policy pro- developed over the past two years. The scheme gramme will develop a maritime strategy able to Federation ensures that reciprocal advice and support can be make the most of future opportunities, and will iden- survey provided to union members if they are involved in tify the challenges and opportunities available in the an incident within a port, territory, territorial waters fi elds of maritime technology, trade, infrastructure, or onboard a vessel fl agged in one of the countries environment, people and security/resilience. covered by the agreement. My submission detailed the strengths and Assistance available through JASON includes weaknesses of the UK maritime sector and urged advice on choosing a local expert lawyer and the government to develop radical and innovative guidance on local investigation and legal procedures. policies to ensure that opportunities can be properly Support may also involve access to translation exploited for the benefi t of seafarers as well as services and consular services. companies. The member unions of the Nautilus Federation I also highlighted that there were still many action will also be working together in the coming months points outstanding from the Maritime Growth on a Fair Treatment and Criminalisation campaign. Study, and that this new longer-term review should Members can fi nd out more about this campaign on not be used as an excuse to push the conclusions of page 21 and I encourage all of you to complete the that study into the long grass. survey and ensure your views are heard. July 2018 5 nautilusint.org 5_welcome_SR checked.indd 5 20/06/2018 14:37 LETTERS What’s on your mind? Tell your colleagues in Nautilus International – and the wider world of shipping. Keep your letter to a maximum 300 words if you can – though longer contributions will be considered. Use a pen name or just your membership number if you don’t want to be identifi ed – say so in an accompanying note – but you must let INBOX the Telegraph have your name, address and membership number. Your space to join the debate on the issues Send your letter to the Editor, Telegraph, Nautilus International, 1&2 The Shrubberies, George Lane, that matter to maritime professionals South Woodford, London E18 1BD, email telegraph@ nautilusint.org or fax to +44 (0)20 8530 1015.
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