T"°Franklin news-recorD , ’. ,, Vol. 26, No.6 Twosections 32 paz/es Phone(201) 725-3300 ! Thursday,F’ebruaty 9; 1978. ’ Secondclass postagepaid at Manville,N.J. 08835 $4.50a ye~’/15Cents per copy: Franklin sees red ink over white stuff bySteveGoodm,~n ’ proximately$25,000, he indicated, snowoperatic’us in the township conditionwhich Could allow us to me’ntisineredibte,’Mr.Gerkensald. ¯ Man,glngEdltor Finalfigures are notin yet. dudngtheroeantstorms.Tbeirbillforamortize over a period of three Transmissions are especially . the first stormapproaches $5,000, Mr. y.ears,"he explained, susceptibleto the strain of pushingthe : A financial crisis is crashing,or ASOF jAN. 2L the townshippaid Gerkenindicated. Otherwise,it.will be the Franklin snnwoutoftheway.Trucksaremeant moreapproprlfitely, floating, down $13,000in overtimecompensation to In additionto the East Mfllstonn Townshiptaxpayer who, along with to pull; not push,he explained. i uponFranklin Township even before membersof" the road deparlmentand company/he lownshipemployed four, rnsldnntsof almostevery neighboring "Wehave a lot of oldequipmen! that,, the 1978municipal budget has been other township employees who independentplow owners as well as . municipa,lity, willfoot the bill for will nowhave to be replacedsooner, /officially adoptedby the Franklin mannedthe snowremoval equipment contractingwith Phillips Concrete on makingroads passable In private he said. "Wemay not knowthe cost of ; TownshipCouncil;, duringthe first storm,the township Route27 for use of their dumptrucks automobiletraffic, that for three In fourmonths." ), Clean.up;.biiL~fromthe two major manager reported." . .~ withplow attachments. ’ Thecouncil will haveto make - . ’ ’i~ snowfalls~.wLt~"two weeks of each Theproposed 1978 bunge¢ aueca¢ea a "TILEWINTER isn’t over_yet.".Mr.. someemergency amendments to, the ADDING .TOthe tewnship’s ,~ other h~xr~6i/ntedto ~5,000ac- meager$15,000 for. snowclean-up Gerkenaeknow edged, "and westill temporarybudget to cover,this,’ the financialwoes, the state informedMr ~= cording~nshiI~’.ManagerHarry throughDecember 1978. In addition, haveNovember and Decemberof this townshipmanager said. ,’ : ’ GerkenOn :Friday, Febl 3, they had "TGerken’~...~.- -:. ’ $2,000has beenearmarked for con- "year for budgetnurveses" Counciladopts a budgetamounting madea’$9,000.error in calculatingthe. T~.eexpe’nditure forlthe most recent tracted snowremoval services. ’ - "Theonly n-rayer w’e’ve got in terms to onequarter of the previousyear’s munteipality!scap figure and were" slol:fi~,~lanketifigthe townshipon AmwellUtilitte’s¯ of East Millstone 0t financiail:ellefis that the governor expendituresin orderIn facilitate the outline’an: $181000 alloealion in haft. :r Monday,"Feb.6, ~,ill reach ap- providedtwo front-endloaders for could declare a state of emergency transition period prior to final : Effectivelylowering the caplimit, "~ - adoptionel the currentyears expense th state’s actionhurts Franklinintwo. guide., wayse according to the to~vnship ’ ¯ manager.Not only can the townshp ¯ THESNOWFALL this weekwasn’t ’ spend$9,000 less, it is facedwith a packed’withwater like the first storm $9,000loss in anticipatedrevenues~ .. andwas easier to handleMr.Gerknn :" "Thebudget is nowabout ~,000. reported. , Underthe Capfigure and if I’many l "In this case, within24 hoursafter judge of the past, a numberof tha snowended, 99 percentof the roads amendmentswill be madeprior to its werepassable," he said. final adoption"he explained. "Weregret that one percent,?he Councilexcised $10,000 from the’ : continued,recalling on Mondayhow initial ~,566,551figure at Its budget he plowedpassed a smallside street, worksession on Tuesday,Jan. 31. Two madea mentalnote to returnto it, hut communityservice organi~atioos, the nevergot backto cleanit up. ’ Franklin-Sor/zersetFirst"Aid Squad ,Thecrews did an outstandingjob," and the MillstoneValley Volunteer heemphasized. "It is a refil’tributeto Fire Department,have approached the mechanieswho kept things going." the governingbody for fundingabove Council membersJack Cullen, lha approximately$3,000 aitecaled In Nancy Henry Phil Beachemand eachin the proposedbudget. HelenRail y rodewith roaddepart- Addressingthe seeminglymore’ Cruising for o bruising .... meat men, helping them navigate pressingproblem of the whilestuff . ¯ ¯ ’ .. the]z; coursewhile plowing the white underfoot, Mr. Gerkenindicated Thiscar,paiked on PhillipsRoad, $omerset, 0n Wednesday,Feb. 8, mayhsva been stuff.. replacementof the older snow towedaw~;y by now. An obstacle to efficientsnow removal~ theparked vehi{:le was removale([uipment might.have to ’only burieddeeper by the townshippl0w truck loomingOminoUsly in the tilDDENFROMlmmediateview,is take precedence." background.In addition to removingtheir vehces from streets to factare pow the financialdepreciation "of the "For too manyyears the township¯ operations,township’ residents are" reminded, they are responsible for shoveling equipmentthat has been used to fight hasn’tbeen able to afford decent sidewalkperimeters of their property, Police Chief Russell. Pfeiffer reported his. thedrifting snowduring/he last two’ equipmnnl,,he exptelned,"we will departmentissued 40 summonses for unshoveled sidewalks following the first big weeks haveto. come’togrips withthat this stormthisyear. .. ¯ "Thewear and tear on the equip . yearor next." ¯ . ’ ’ . .. (RichPipelingPho’t0) ¯ .. , . , i: : --y ran t,:tOfunded, UCO: tion¢oo ..... , amaror, .: , ,:.:: , . : ,’.L-’: .~ . ~.!,.. : ’" , SIXTEEN-YEAR-OLDBifly Kline employs an electric snow propertyand then went next door to clesnup tl~e Chu~:ch’s ’/b)~Stev~’Goodmim’ Whi)setasks will involve:: ’ .: makea recommendationto School limitedto the traditionallearning blowerto clearthe drifts of whitestuff from his driveway next walks.’ MaoaglogEditor .’ .¯ meetingwith and ascertaining . the StiperialendeaL RonaldWhyte. The experience. to theMiddlebush.Ref0rmed Church.Billy finishedup on his (Rich~ Pipeling photo) needsof senior cilia, COS; newlyappointed senior citizens adult’ "Asa resultel the" grant,we can . It is commonlyquipped, education is ¯ locatinginstructors interested in . ,learningcoordinator will beginwork have sometruly effecti,;’e par, ¯ t. ’ a life-long process .... workingwith senior citizens aa Feb.15. ¯ .~1. ¢- tic]pal]onel adultswith the ongoing Senior citizens a=~fur’ center ’ 1;’ranklinTow~hip, through a joint .sere ng .as a liaison to the , ’ dayprograms," the associate school ¯ ¯ effort by WilliamGrippe, Coordinator SomersetCounty Office on Aging; . EXPRESSINGIllS enthusiasmfor superintendentexplained. o,the.-township’s,dolt andCoin..finding instruetiousl spaceand tha eawprogram, Assooiate School "’- --’"’U .,,,,,, Rdueationprogram, and John ¯ materiats~OrseniereilizeasIdutiliz,; S,perintendentRobert Freda said, MR.GRIPPe indicated .senior. Geoghano! the Franklin Township and " "Seniorcitizens are a segmentof the citizenstutoring students i’equesting Ke"- veenu.... sna’-"tunas----moyhelp’-- . ’ SeniorCitizens Club lnc., is aimingto =servingas "a direct iink to" communRywhomust feel they. are helpis nnlyone area wbere they wlll ’ ’ provide specially designed Franklin’s Health Officer, John receiving services fromthe school be ableto get involved. experiencesfor senior Carlann. board." Thecommunity education co’or- ¯ ’ citizens to fulfill the aboveprophesy... AFTERCONSULTING’ with Mr. In light el Mr.’Grippe’s dramatic dinetor has had a prograracalled poy ’ policemen;lessen tax burden ..o.,,o.., ’ .: expansionofthecommunityeducationSeniors TeachingSeniors on the . : A 6ne-year~$9,107 CETA grant has Gecghanregarding the program,’Mr, program and his successful drowln~board [or’severol months by Steve Goodman . action to plan [or and erect a center CareAssociation Inc,, I]16 OldYork been awarded to the Franklin Grippes,’,bmitted a proposalto CETA:acquisltl n of the CRTAfunding, Dr, .. ManagingEditor solelyfor the useof seniorcitizens of Rd,,Ran]tan, submitted a requestfor TownshipBoard of Educationto hire a in December. ,Freda acknowledgedthe township’s c "SeniorsTe.achth.g. Seniors / ~s FranklinTownship." ’ $300. Six townshipchildren are senioreltliens adult ]earningcoon- . Mr. GecghanhelpedbreathelffeIn(o seniorcitizens mustnow be provided¯ nasleauy a. semencmzen ~woo .. has - ) Respondingto "a recent an- Theresolution(approved by the 3=- enrolledat the daycare facility. The. " dlnatorto overseethe pendingspecial the programby contactingCETA and witho~anized educational activity gamedlife experience~eacnmg omer nouncementby Franklin Township memberseniors club, followson the monetaryrequest ¯ Is based on ’program. emphasizingthe support the 3=; ,,tt i~°nown~,rt nrn.r nr~’~atinn~l seniorcitizens that whichhe or she Managerl~larry Gerken,the Franklin heelsat" Mr,Gerknn’s Jan. 12 notice ’ chargingSt a weekper child for a 50- r ¯ membersenior Citizens club would geiso "- I"o .provide "" - ~- ....... a comml-tmeat .......... and knows,"Mr .Grippe explained ’ TownshipSenior ’Citizens Club, Inc., soliciting publiccomment, regarding weekyear, ’ ADMINISTEREDthrough Mr, lendto the project, programmingin this area,’, he era- A .day activity, he anticipates unanimouslyadopted a resolution on the allocationof anticipatedGeneral In a coverletter passingthe span- Grippo’s communityeducation ’ Receiving CETAapproval on Jan. pheslzed, . successfullylaunching the programIn Jan, 31, requesting the Franklin RevenueSharing funds amounting to ding proposalsto the council for ~program,the CETAfunds will allow ~, Mr,. GrippeIs
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