Nr. 903 26. október 2009 REGLUGERÐ um þvingunaraðgerðir varðandi Simbabve. 1. gr. Almenn ákvæði. Með reglugerð þessari eru sett ákvæði um þvingunaraðgerðir varðandi Simbabve sem íslensk stjórnvöld hafa ákveðið að framfylgja á grundvelli yfirlýsingar ríkisstjórna aðildarríkja Evrópu- sambandsins og Fríverslunarsamtaka Evrópu um pólitísk skoðanaskipti, sem er hluti samningsins um Evrópska efnahagssvæðið, sbr. lög nr. 2/1993. Þvingunaraðgerðir Evrópusambandsins varðandi Simbabve byggja á sameiginlegri afstöðu ráðs Evrópusambandsins 2004/161/CFSP frá 19. mars 2004 ásamt síðari breytingum, uppfærslum og viðbótum: ákvörðun ráðsins 2007/455/CFSP, sameiginleg afstaða 2008/135/CFSP, ákvörðun ráðsins 2008/605/CFSP og sameiginleg afstaða 2008/632/CFSP og 2009/68/CFSP. Gerðir Evrópusambandsins, þ.m.t. uppfærðir listar yfir aðila og hluti sem þvingunaraðgerðir beinast að eða varða, eftir því sem við á, eru birtar á vefsetri þess (http://ec.europa.eu/external_relations/cfsp/sanctions/index_en.htm). Ákvæði reglugerðar nr. 119/2009 um framkvæmd alþjóðlegra þvingunaraðgerða skulu gilda um framkvæmd reglugerðar þessarar. 2. gr. Vopnasölubann. Vopnasölubann skal gilda gagnvart Simbabve, sbr. 2.-3. gr. 2004/161/CFSP og síðari breytingar, uppfærslur og viðbætur. 3. gr. Landgöngubann. Einstaklingum, sem tilgreindir eru í viðauka, er óheimilt að koma til landsins eða hafa hér við- komu, sbr. 4 gr. 2004/161/CFSP og síðari breytingar, uppfærslur og viðbætur. 4. gr. Frysting fjármuna. Frysta skal fjármuni og efnahagslegan auð í eigu aðila sem tilgreindir eru í viðauka, sbr. 5. gr. 2004/161/CFSP og síðari breytingar, uppfærslur og viðbætur. 5. gr. Undanþágur frá þvingunaraðgerð. Ráðherra getur veitt undanþágur frá þvingunaraðgerðum sem gripið hefur verið til á grundvelli gerða Evrópusambandsins, af mannúðarástæðum eða öðrum ástæðum. 6. gr. Viðurlög. Hver sá sem brýtur gegn þvingunaraðgerðum skv. lögum nr. 93/2008 um framkvæmd alþjóð- legra þvingunaraðgerða skal sæta viðurlögum skv. 10. gr. laganna, nema þyngri refsing liggi við samkvæmt öðrum lögum. 7. gr. Heimild. Reglugerð þessi er sett með heimild í 12. gr. laga um framkvæmd alþjóðlegra þvingunaraðgerða nr. 93/2008. Nr. 903 26. október 2009 8. gr. Gildistaka. Reglugerð þessi öðlast þegar gildi. Utanríkisráðuneytinu, 26. október 2009. Össur Skarphéðinsson. Einar Gunnarsson. VIÐAUKI Listi varðandi landgöngubann og frystingu fjármuna, sbr. 3. og 4. gr. 1. 2009/68/CFSP I. PERSONS Government and in the President's Office), 1. Mugabe, Robert Gabriel | complicit in forming or born 25.2.1968. Former President, born 21.2.1924, directing repressive state member of the Passport AD001095. policy. | Government and as such Head of Government and 6. Bonyongwe, Willa (a.k.a. engaged in activities that as such responsible for Willia) | Chair of seriously undermine activities that seriously Securities Commission, democracy, respect for undermine democracy, married to Happyton human rights and the rule respect for human rights Bonyongwe. Supporter of law. | and the rule of law. | and beneficiary of the 9. Bvudzijena, Wayne | 2. Abu Basutu, Titus MJ | regime through Assistant Police Air Vice-Marshal, appointment and through Commissioner, Police Matebeleland South. close association with key Spokesman. Member of Directly involved in the member of the the security forces and terror campaign waged Government. | bearing wide before and during the 7. Bredenkamp, John Arnold responsibility for elections. | | Businessman, born defending serious 11.08.1940, passports: violations of human 3. Al Shanfari, Thamer Bin | rights. | Former Chairman of Oryx Netherlands (1285143, Group and Oryx Natural expired), Zimbabwe 10. Chairuka, Annie Flora Resources, born 3.1.1968 (Z01024064, Z153612), Imagine | Married to (see item 22 in part II). Surinam (367537C). Paradzai Zimondi. Ties to the Government Businessman with strong Supporter and beneficiary and involved in activities ties to the Government of of the regime through that seriously undermine Zimbabwe. He has close association with key democracy, respect for provided, including member of the human rights and the rule through his companies, Government. | of law. | financial and other 11. Chapfika, David | Former support to the regime (see 4. Barwe, Reuben | Deputy Minister of also items 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Agriculture (former Journalist with Zimbabwe 7, 8, 9, 12, 14, 20, 24, 25, Broadcasting Deputy Minister of 28, 29, 31 and 32 in part Finance), born 7.4.1957. Corporation, born II). | 19.3.1953, passport Former member of the BN311374. Whipped up 8. Buka (a.k.a. Bhuka), Government and as such the government- Flora | President's office engaged in activities that orchestrated terror (Former Minister of State seriously undermine campaign before and for Special Affairs democracy, respect for during the 2008 elections. | responsible for Land and human rights and the rule Resettlement of law. | 5. Bonyongwe, Happyton | Programmes, former 12. Charamba, George | Director-General Central Minister of State in the Intelligence Organisation, Permanent Secretary, Vice-President's office Department for born 6.11.1960, Passport: and former Minister of AD002214. Ties to the Information and Publicity, State for the Land Reform born 4.4.1963, Passport Nr. 903 26. október 2009 AD002226. Member of 19. Chihuri, Augustine | 25. Chinamasa, Patrick the Government and as Police Commissioner, Anthony | Minister of such engaged in activities born 10.3.1953. Member Justice, Legal and that seriously undermine of the security forces and Parliamentary Affairs, democracy, respect for bearing wide born 25.1.1947. Member human rights and the rule responsibility for serious of the Government and as of law. | violations of the freedom such engaged in activities 13. Charamba, Rudo Grace | of peaceful assembly. | that seriously undermine Married to George 20. Chihuri, Isobel (a.k.a. democracy, respect for Charamba, born Isabel) Halima | Married human rights and the rule 20.6.1964. Supporter and to Augustine Chihuri, of law. | beneficiary of the regime born 14.4.1974. Supporter 26. Chindori-Chininga, through close association and beneficiary of the Edward Takaruza | with key member of the regime through close Former Minister of Mines Government. | association with key and Mining Development, 14. Charumbira, Fortune member of the born 14.3.1955. Former Zefanaya | Former Deputy Government. | member of the Minister for Local 21. Chimbudzi, Alice | ZANU Government with ongoing Government, Public (PF) Politburo Committee ties to the Government. | Works and National Member. Member of the 27. Chingoka, Peter Farai | Housing, born 10.6.1962. politburo and as such with Chairman of Zimbabwe Former member of the strong ties to the Govern- Cricket, born 2.3.1954. Government with ongoing ment and its policy. | Ties to the Government ties. | 22. Chimedza, Paul | President and involved in activities 15. Chidarikire, Faber of the Medical Association that undermine the rule of Edmund | Provincial of Zimbabwe, Doctor, law. | Governor for born 29.6.1967. Engaged 28. Chinotimba, Joseph | Vice Mashonaland West, in activities that seriously Chairman of the former Mayor of undermine democracy, Zimbabwe National Chinhoyi, born 6.6.1946. respect for human rights Liberation War Veterans Ties to the Government. | and the rule of law. | Association, leader of 16. Chigudu, Tinaye | Former 23. Chimutengwende, ZANU-PF militia. Provincial Governor: Chenhamo Chekezha | Engaged in activities that Manicaland. Ties to the Former Minister of State seriously undermine Government and bearing for Public and Interactive democracy, respect for wide responsibility for Affairs (former Minister human rights and the rule serious violations of of Information, former of law, including direct human rights. | Minister of Post and involvement in the terror Telecommunications), campaign waged before 17. Chigwedere, Aeneas Soko and during the elections. | | Provincial Governor: born 28.8.1943. Former Mashonaland East, former member of the 29. Chipanga, Tongesai Minister, born Government and as such Shadreck | Former Deputy 25.11.1939. Former engaged in activities that Minister of Home Affairs, member of the seriously undermine born 10.10.1940. Former Government and as such democracy, respect for member of the engaged in activities that human rights and the rule Government with ongoing seriously undermine of law. | ties to the Government. | democracy, respect for 24. Chinamasa, Monica | 30. Chipwere, Augustine | human rights and the rule President of the Zimbabwe Colonel, Bindura South. of law. | National Farmers' Union, Directly involved in the 18. Chihota, Phineas | Deputy married to Patrick terror campaign waged Minister for Industry and Chinamasa, born 1950. before and during the International Trade. Supporter and beneficiary elections. | Member of the of the regime through close 31. Chiremba, Mirirai | Government and as such association with key Director of Financial engaged in activities that member of the Intelligence at the seriously undermine Government and involved Reserve Bank of democracy, respect for in activities that undermine Zimbabwe, born human rights and the rule the rule of law. | 14.05.1962. Ties to the of law. | Government and Nr. 903 26. október 2009 complicit in forming or responsible for Special Government and as such directing repressive state Affairs in the President's engaged in activities that policy. | Office), born 19.3.1949. seriously undermine 32. Chitakunye, Eliphas | Former member of the democracy, respect for High Court Justice. Has Government
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