An Bord Pleanála Inspector's Report Appeal Reference: PL06D.243128 Development: Construction of a new 2-storey primary school and a new sports hall including ancillary accommodation and on-site parking at Parkvale, Balally, Dublin 14. Planning Application Planning Authority Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council Planning Authority Reg. Ref. D13A/0670 Applicants: Department of Education & Skills Type of Application: Outline permission Planning Authority Decision: Refuse outline permission Planning Appeal Appellants: (i) Department of Education & Skills (ii) James & Averil Leonard and others Type of Appeal: First and third parties Observer(s): (i) Robert Daughton (ii) Wyckhan Place Management Ltd., Southmede Management Ltd. and Dundrum Point Management Ltd. Date of Site Inspections: 30 th May & 12 th June 2014 Inspector: Donal Donnelly Appendices: Photographs and Maps PL06D.243128 An Bord Pleanála Page 1 of 29 1. SITE LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION 1.1 The subject site is located in Balally in south Co. Dublin approximately 600m south of Dundrum town centre and 1.2km north-east of Ballinteer. The site is currently accessed off Sandyford Road (R117) and through the Parkvale housing estate. 1.2 The site measures approximately 5.21 hectares and comprises the grounds of St. Tiernan’s Community School. The existing secondary school is situated towards the south-east of the site near the access from Parkvale. Car parking is located around the school yard to the east of the school building. There are sports fields located to the north of the site extending west to the site boundary along Wyckham Way (R829). 1.3 The frontage onto Wyckham Way measures approximately 50m and comprises a stone wall with railing. There is a grass verge to the front of this wall and a ramped pedestrian access down to the River Slang Greenway. Wyckham Way is a dual carriageway at this location with total width of approximately 13m. There are bus lane road markings on the inner lanes in both directions but the bus lanes are not in operation. Two-way cycle lanes and footpaths also continue along both sides of the road. To the north-east of the frontage is a bridge over the Slang River and Greenway that carries the roadway, cycleway and footpaths. 1.4 Ballinteer Educate Together National School currently occupies a section of the ground floor of the northern wing of the Community School building on a temporary basis. It appears that the primary school has been operating at this location since September 2012. There is one senior infants’ class and two junior infants’ classes with a total enrolment of c. 55 pupils. The primary school is completely self-contained with its own entrance to the front and enclosed play area to the rear. 2. PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT 2.1 The proposed development as described on statutory notices is for (a) a new 2-storey primary school consisting of 16 mainstream classrooms, general purpose room, library, ancillary accommodation (approximately 2,350 sq.m.), associated on-site car parking, ball court and hard play areas; and (b) a new sports hall including ancillary accommodation (approximately 980 sq.m.) and associated on-site parking. 2.2 The planning application is for outline permission and therefore no plans or elevations of the proposed buildings have been submitted. The site layout plan shows the proposed primary school building set back from the road a distance of approximately 100m on land currently in use as sports fields. It is indicted that the proposed school will have 16 classrooms over two storeys. 2.3 The proposed sports hall is located further to the east and to the north-west of the secondary school building. This facility will serve St. Tiernan's with access being available to the proposed primary school and the wider community. PL06D.243128 An Bord Pleanála Page 2 of 29 Outdoor ball courts are also proposed to the west of the proposed school building and between the sport hall and secondary school. 2.4 A new two-way vehicular access road to the primary school and sports hall is proposed off Wyckham Way. A one-way arrangement will be used to access school car parking (25 no. spaces) and the sport halls will also be provided with 25 no. spaces. Footpaths and cycleways are proposed either side of the access road and a pedestrian crossing will be located at a midway point. 2.5 The proposed signalised junction onto Wyckham Way will have left in/ left out only arrangement. A left turn lane is proposed into the junction with detection loops to allow for the traffic light sequence changes to be linked to traffic demand. A toucan crossing fed by existing relocated cycleways and footpaths will remain within the green phase under general circumstances. The red light phase at the toucan crossing will also allow for traffic to egress the site and this requires a red light phase on Wyckham Way for south-west bound traffic only. 3. TECHNICAL REPORTS 3.1 The recommendation to refuse outline permission, as detailed within the Planner's Report, reflects the decision issued by the Planning Authority. 3.2 Issues covered under the assessment of the application include development principle, visual amenity, access/ transport (existing St. Tiernan's entrance, proposed entrance, traffic impact assessment, bridge parapet), landscaping, services and drainage, water and waste services and other issues (impact on protected structures, flood risk assessment, energy efficiency, community facilities and development management threshold information document). 3.3 With respect to development principle, the Case Planner notes that education is open for consideration under the land use zoning objectives pertaining to the site. It is also considered that the proposed primary school and sports hall would accord with other policies and guidelines set out in the Development Plan and with national policies and guidelines. 3.4 The impact of the school on adjoining residential amenity would be considered in more detail at permission consequent stage. It appears that the intention is to retain trees on site and to strengthen planting. However, a landscaping plan and assessment of the level of screening would also be submitted at permission consequent stage. 3.5 In terms of access, the Transportation Department highlights that Wyckham Way is a newly constructed distributor road connecting Dundrum major town centre with the M50. This road was widened in 2006 and carries considerable traffic travelling at speeds well above the posted 50 kph. It is also stated that there are 2-way cycletracks and footpaths on both sides of Wyckham Way that are heavily trafficked by commuters, morning and evening; pedestrians/ cyclists use the nearby signalised crossing to avoid the large roundabout at the junction with Dundrum Bypass and the entrance to Dundrum town centre. PL06D.243128 An Bord Pleanála Page 3 of 29 Wyckham Way has no vehicular entrances and it is stated that Council policy would normally seek to preserve its transport capacity. However, it is pointed out that an exception could be considered in this case which also offers a resolution to existing access problems through Parkvale. 3.6 The existing access to St. Tiernan's Community School is through Parkvale and it is noted that this gives rise to considerable traffic nuisance. Alternative accesses have been ruled out by the Department via Gort Mhuire, the existing traveller settlement, the protected walled gardens and through Ardglass, Dun Emer and Ballawley Park. 3.7 A left in/ left out access arrangement is proposed to the site off Wyckham Way. The Case Planner considers that these entrances are not optimal and tend to cause confusion. 3.8 With respect to the Traffic and Transport Impact Assessment, it is noted that PICADY has been used to model the performance of the proposed junction; however, it is stated that the effect of traffic signals do not seem to have been included in the analysis, which is seen to undermine the credibility of its conclusions. 3.9 It is also considered preferable to use actual arrival/ departure data from similar nearby schools and to take into account diverted traffic to the new entrance from the existing community school. 3.10 An assumption is made in the Planner's Report that one car would arrive and depart every 12 seconds over a period of 30 minutes. It is more likely that the majority of parents would arrive in the 10 minutes before school starts and it is considered that the proposed signals could not cope in this situation. 3.11 It is proposed to replace the mesh within the bridge parapet with a top railing supported by uprights to improve visibility from the proposed access. However, the Road Safety Audit submitted with Reg. Ref: D12A/0488 left some uncertainty as to whether the parapet could perform its intended function. 3.12 The Case Planner and Transportation Department conclude that the proposed access onto Wyckham Way, a heavily trafficked distributor road, would endanger public safety by reason of traffic hazard or obstruction of road users. 3.13 It is noted that no landscaping plan has been submitted with the planning application. Further information would be necessary with regards to water and waste services. 3.14 The proposed development adjoins a walled garden which is a protected structure and the application was not referred to the Conservation Officer for comment. An Architectural Heritage Impact Assessment would be required by the Planning Authority should a further application be submitted on site. 3.15 A number of flooding events have occurred in the Dundrum/ Ballinteer area relating to the River Slang, which bounds the subject site to the north. It is PL06D.243128 An Bord Pleanála Page 4 of 29 considered that any future application should address the issue of flooding in an appropriate manner.
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