Regd No. : 0Er17555 of 1995 Lic c'No. :L I: 192 (1996) O rvshakti sugars Gn acr tr5O On.orDor.r.d U.dr C6p.da \o : SSLY/l'orcstl2019-20 Date : 20-08-20 Undcrtakins M/s Shivashakti Sugars Ltd,. Soundatti 'l.q : I{aibag I)ist :I}clagavi hercby Undertakcs to pay the "Nct Prcscnt Value" and additional amount of N['V and othcr chargcs as may bc fixcd by the Govt. of India or the State Govemmcnt or by thc Statc Forcst I)cpartmcnt as per thc provisions of the F'orest (Conservation) Act-19t30 and or Subscquent amendmcnts to the said Act and l{ules. FOR SHIVASHAKTI SUGARS LTD.' r/&...----- MANAGER (ADMIN.) ( Nisarahmed S Mulla) Mobile No:-9741667O34 Pincode:-591213 Factory Office : CorDor.tc Omce : mad, Shivrshskti Sugrrs LtEtted Mayur Chitra maodir ANKAU - 591213. Tal. : Chikodi SOUNDATTI, Tq. Raibag BelgauD, Kamataka Dist. Belgaum, Ph - 59t213 K-amstaka (Idi.) Disl. ondia). Ph. No. :08331 - 227 65'1, Fnx | 227607 email : info @shivshaktisugzus.com ieg4 No. : 08/17655 of 1995 Lic@No.:LIrl92(1996) (h-i.nfhAkti sugars \o : SSLY/l'orcst/201 9-20 Date:20-0li-2019 TI Tal. Raibag 0ist. Belgaum t Undertaking D M/s Shivashakti Sugars Ltd,. Soundatti 'l'q: Raibag Dist: Belagavi hcre Undcrtakcs to bcar the Net Present Valuc (NPV) ol thc divcrted lorest land as pcr thc norms prcscribcd by the Statc (iovemment / Ccntral Govt./ Ilon'blc Suprcmc Cou( of' lndia. FOR SHIVASHAKTI SUGARS LTO.' / LI&--- [tANAGER (AO[llN.) ( Nisarahmed S Mulla) Mobile No:-974L661O34 Pincode:-591213 Faclorv Office : CorDorrte Omce : Shiv$h.kti Srgrn Ltrrnttod Mayur Chit'a Eutrdt roa4 Sot NDATTI, Tq. Raibsg ANXALI - 591213, Tat. : Cbitodi Dist. Belgaum, Pin - 591213 Karmtaka (India) Dist. BelgluE, Krmataka (hdia), Ph. No. : 0E331 - 227657,Fax : 227607 email : [email protected] Regd. No. : 08/l?655 of 1995 Licdce No. : Ll : 192(1996) sugars ( hakir95O 6trrus A.r Ilcorpot.r.il Undd CoDp.nr \o : SSLY/I orcst/2019-20 Darc : 20-0tl-20 Raitbag 1al Undcrtaking Dist' Belgaum g =t D M/s Shivashakti Sugars Ltd,. Soundatti Tq:-Raibag Dist:-Belagavi here Undertake to bcar the cost of raising maintcnance of Co afforcstation or pcnal compcnsato well as cost of protection regeneration of sal'cty zonc, the Sta Govemmcnt. IVASHAKTl SUGARS LTD.' UANAGER tADi'I N.) ( Nisarahmed S Mulla) Mobile No:-9741661034 Pincode:-591213 Fsctory Ofnce : corDorite Offce : Shivrshrkti Sugrrr LlDlted Mavur ChiFa mandt road. lN'Xant - SgtU t3. t"t. , Chitodi SOUNDATTI, Tq. Raibag Bolgaum, Kamataka (lndia). Dist. Belgaum, Ph - 591213 Krm8t ka (Iodia) Dist- Ph No. : 08331 - 227651.Fax | 227607 : info email @shivshaktisugars.com ! Regd No. r08/l?655 of 1995 Licoe No. : L I : t92 (1996) 'frjyShAkti sugars No : SSLY/!'orest/2019-20 I)ate:20-0tl-20 I UNDERTAKING * M/s Shivashakti Sugars Ltd., Soundatti Tq:-Raibag Dist:-Bclagavi herc undcrtaking that the all carcss of forcst land proposcd for diversion will be physically markcd on marked on ground with the hclp of tcmporary stone pillars / other appropriatc mcans for verification by Forest officers. LTD.' sHIVASHAKTI(a-.- SUGARS UANAGER (AOirlN.) ( Nisarahmed S Mulla) Mobile No:-9741661034 Pincode:-591213 Frctorv Olnce : Comorrrc Omce : mandir ma4 Sbivashrkti Sug.rt LiDlted Mayur Chitra - 591213. Tal. : Chikodi SOUNDATTI, Tq. Raibag ANKALI Belgaum, Krmataka (India). Disr. BelgaurrL Ph - 591213 Kamataks ordia) DisL Ph No : 08131 - 221657. Eat :22160'l email : info @shivshaktisugan.com.
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