,::, II 41111111111 1 i m I I!1 , 1 1 °"."111'11 I i', 1111IIIIir i • 9i11.!i' I 0 I! ii, itl 1:11,11,1il I, I ;1,111.111 , ' I 1 i111111 !I stin.1 nilitilillg i!'il.111.11111i11111 1 VIIIIIiiiii.ptioidip i yl —invd r11111111:1111'1'11, 1(11, 1 I 81 111,1 I 1 !Ill 5.1_01111111111111111161,-41111r111111111111111111 ,il1Iiiii.1111,1!!!!11,, ., 11,1 Hi Rim to Rim: Correction ignoring the health principles the Perfection It was with dismay and chagrin that I Lord has so graciously given us. Thanks to Clifford Goldstein for realized shortly after "Perfection" (July 24). To understand my article ("Rim to —Donald E. Casebolt, M.D. cold we have heat, to grasp perfection Rim," July 24) was FARMINGTON, NEW MEXICO we have been given the opportunity for published that I had imperfection. However, I do find one of made two errors. Clifford's arguments misleading while The first had to Another Mama's Legacy still being valid in its foundation. do with the diet fed The story of Mable Siemens ("Mama's Goldstein states: "What purpose to the young men in Legacy," July 24) brought back many were His temptations . if Christ the 1967 study from Sweden. Unfortu- similar memories. I became a Seventh- couldn't have fallen? What type of nately, the original article in Acta day Adventist as an answer to prayer for example would Jesus be for us in our Physiologica Scandinavica did not tell God to lead me to the church that struggles with sin if He could not specifically what was fed, but merely believed in and lived the Bible way. I have sinned?" stated that the first diet was a mixed was the only Adventist in my family, and While it is self-evident that Christ diet, the second was 1,500 kilocalories my husband and his parents were not in had the capability of sinning (lying, of protein and 1,500 kilocalories of fat, favor of my newfound faith. cheating, stealing, sexual promiscuity), and the third was 2,300 kilocalories of I wanted my children to have a I wonder how Goldstein would handle carbohydrates and 500 kilocalories of Christian education in our schools. the comment by Ellen White that He protein. Since meat has no carbohy- When I took them out of public school, had no propensity toward such sin. In drates in it, I assumed that the second my husband was irate. But I went to work fact, He was repulsed by it—a far cry diet was all meat. In all likelihood it as a literature evangelist, selling our from our own condition. The fact that was derived from animal sources. Since books in the "highways and hedges." God Christ could have sinned in terms of a the third diet had no fat, I assumed that blessed my efforts with enough for the specific deed misses the real point about it was vegetarian. But it's possible that children's tuition and my operating His temptations and why He was some of the protein could have been expenses. They all graduated with honors tempted beyond anything we can imag- from animal sources. from Adelphian Academy in Michigan ine. I've concluded that even if Christ The second error was regarding the and went on to Andrews University. could not have sinned, He would have idea that superior endurance came from Also, my sewing for a special piano still been able to serve as our Saviour the noneating of meat or animal prod- teacher provided one child the oppor- (not orthodox Adventism, I know!). ucts. According to David Nieman, who tunity to start music lessons, with the Why? Please read in The Desire of is very knowledgeable in this area, others following. Ages the chapters on Christ's tempta- recent studies have shown that the high My husband could see the value of a tions in the wilderness and in Geth- carbohydrate intake is responsible for Christian education. Two days before he semane. It appears to me that His real the superior endurance. died of a massive heart attack, he gave temptation was to operate under His Even though it now appears that his heart to the Lord in surrender. I have own power and let go of the Father- being a vegetarian does not confer always been thankful that we did not operating-through-Him mode that He greater endurance, there are still many compromise our beliefs. had maintained His entire time on other proven advantages to a plant A legacy? Only the love of a wife earth. He could have abandoned food diet. In my 44 years of medical and mother. humankind and returned to heaven. practice I have seen many people, The real temptation was to do His both Adventist and non-Adventist, —Laurie McClanahan own will instead of the Father's will. If suffer from diseases as a result of FLETCHER, NORTH CAROLINA He could have returned to heaven, as 2 (1266) ADVENTIST REVIEW, SEPTEMBER 25, 1 9 9 7 DVENTIST indicated by Ellen White, this act of about people not liking the Adventist operating under His own power could Review covers. I think the covers are fan- not have been considered a sin. tastic—a real improvement over the past Whereas we are either Christ-con- 20 years. Bravo to the layout team! R trolled or Satan-controlled, and never self-controlled, Jesus in fact could oper- — John A. Boyance COVER STORY ate under His own power and good- SUMTER, SOUTH CAROLINA ness—but He chose to allow the Father 8 Will the Stars Fall Again? It's been nearly 164 years since the to operate Him instead. great meteoric shower. Would we This is why His temptations were Outstanding, powerful covers! I espe- be surprised to see a repeat? greater than ours—He was the only per- cially liked Jonah (July 12) and reli- BY MICKEY KUTZNER son ever capable of actually running His gious liberty (Aug. 14). ARTICLES own life. Yes, He could have told a fib, but that misses the essential element. — Helen Stiles 12 Feelings of Emptiness His real example was that He was always MERIDIAN, IDAHO We should be happy that our chil- a dwelling place for His Father. dren are testing their wings. BY KIM A. JOHNSON —Gary Brown Adventists and Catholics (cont.) 16 Jesus: The Life-giver CALDWELL, IDAHO As a Catholic Christian who occasion- Improving the quality of life. ally reads the Adventist Review, I want to BY ELLEN G. WHITE say how edifying I find your magazine. I Misleading? believe that the Holy Spirit consistently 18 Another Widow, I'm certainly not intending to detract inspires much of it. I particularly liked Another Mite from the issue of copyright infringement the tone of William G. Johnsson's After years of faithfulness, was this God's way of repaying her? by Pacific Rim Press, but the July 10 "Adventists and Roman Catholics" BY FRANCES M. SCHWARTZ Newsbreak article states that "the White (June 26). I agree that substantial doctri- Estate board of trustees has opposed plac- nal matters still divide us, and that we 24 Let the Walls Come Down ing Ellen White's writings within the should not blur them but prayerfully and Just how far does Jesus expect us same covers as the Bible for many years." respectfully discuss them. to take this unity thing? BY JOHN D. BUTLER, SR. Doesn't the Review and Herald In the same issue's Newsbreak, Bert Publishing Association publish The B. Beach seems to equate papal primacy DEPARTMENTS Study Bible, sold through Adventist with papal infallibility. This may be a Book Centers, advertised as containing fine point, but there are two distinct 2 Letters "significant Spirit of Prophecy comments doctrines here. One can believe in papal 7 Give & Take on . each page . and marginal refer- primacy without believing in papal infal- 15 On the Home Front ences . to other statements made in libility—and vice versa. Papal primacy 19 Children's Corner Mrs. White's books"? This would seem to pertains to church governance; papal give "critics the opportunity to accuse infallibility pertains to teaching sound 20 World News & Perspectives Adventists of having their own Bible doctrine. Both refer to ministries of ser- 27 Leaving the Comfort Zone and placing Mrs. White's writings on par vice and the accompanying charisms 28 Clifford Goldstein with the Sacred Canon." that the Lord promised for exercising Don't get me wrong—I like The Study these ministries. Some relevant Scripture 29 Bulletin Board Bible. But the Newsbreak comment passages are: Matthew 16:18, 19; Mark 30 Reflections seems misleading. 3:16, 9:2; Luke 22:32, 24:34; John 21:15- 17; and 1 Corinthians 15:5. EDITORIALS —Gary M. Kelley Of course, Catholics read these pas- 5 In Praise of Distinctives FORT LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS sages understanding the ministry of Peter 6 Good for You to be continued by the bishop of Rome The White Estate and Review arid and the ministry of the apostles to be con- NEXT WEEK Herald Publishing Association have differ- tinued by the Catholic college of bishops. ent boards.—Editors To Love, Honor . and Rescue —David H. Carey, chair When she was drowning emotionally, he was there for her. When he decided to go DEPARTMENT OF PHILOSOPHY snorkeling . Covers: The Response WHITMAN COLLEGE I can't stand it anymore! So many letters WALLA WALLA, WASHINGTON ADVENTIST REVIEW, SEPTEMBER 25, 1 9 9 7 (1267) 3 AD VE iLT I S T Inspiring Boo eff the Voice of Prophecy "Behold, I come quickly .
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