Xavier University Exhibit Journals, Publications, Conferences, and Edgecliff oC llege Newspaper Proceedings 1939-06-08 Edgecliff tudeS nt Newspaper Edgecliff olC lege - Cincinnati Follow this and additional works at: http://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/edgecliff_newspaper Recommended Citation Edgecliff oC llege - Cincinnati, "Edgecliff tudeS nt Newspaper" (1939). Edgecliff College Newspaper. Book 15. http://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/edgecliff_newspaper/15 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Journals, Publications, Conferences, and Proceedings at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in Edgecliff oC llege Newspaper by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. FAREWELL CLASS OF '39! WELCOME, NEW ALUMNAE! DGECLIFF Volume IV. Walnut Hills, Cincinnati, O hio, Thu rsday, J une 8, 1939 Number 6 HONOR STUDENTS AMONG 1939 GRADUATES Six members of this year's Left to right, Mary Andris, Andris and Miss Ebertz, were during the past scholastic year, Miss Soete was president of graduating class left school with Mary Angela Creed, Rosemary graduated summa cum laude, are being the second member of her the Catholic Students' Mission high honors today. For superior Ebertz, Emma Lou Harig, Rita accomplished musicians and ap­ family to hold the position. Crusade unit at the college and scholastic records compiled dur­ Riesenberg and Bernice Soete. peared frequently in recitals Earlier this week, Miss Ebertz received this week the Paladin ing their four years at Our Lady Besides accrediting themselves in throughout Cincinnati. received from the Teachers' Col- Jewel, one of the highest servi ~ e of Cincinnati College they were the classroom, these students al­ The others were graduated lege of the Athenaeum of Ohio awards bestowed by the organ­ graduated with special recogni­ so played prominent parts in magna cum laude. Miss Riesen­ a special degree in music which J ization which has its national tion of their accomplishments. extra-curricular activities. Miss berg was editor of The Edgeclilf she intends to teach next year. headquarters in Cincinnati. COMMIITEES NAMED TO SENIOR BALL TONIGHT 126 ARE GRADUATED AS AT COUNTRY CLUB ARRANGE PRESS MEETING I COLLEGE COMPLETES· 4th YEAR Extent to which local students sion of the theme at the con­ As a fi tting <Climax to all the I Our Lady of Cincinnati Col- I w?men of G:eater Cincinnati re­ in Catholic institutions of hi.gher ference. exdtement and thrill.s of gradu- lege completed its fo urth scho- ce1ved degrees. learning are interested in the Bishop Noll has indicated that ation week, tha fourth annual lastk year this afternoon with The ceremony took place on autumn press conference to be he will speak at the conference Senior Ball ·will-ibe held tonight commencement exercises at campus at the rear of Em- ery Hall overlooking the Ohio held at Our Lady of Cincinnati if possLble. Should the duties of at Summ it Hills Country Clulb, which the Rev. J ohn A. Elbert, his office prevent his coming, he River. The graduates were College is shown by the fact that wrote recently, he will d elegate Fort Mitchell, Ky. The student S. M., presiden,t of Dayton Uni- presented by the Rev. Alfred G. many have volunteered to work one of his priests . ,to represent body and faculty have <been in- versity spoke. Twenty-six stu- Stritch, faculty member, to this summer on the program. him. vited to attend. dents, including five ReHgious Arch!bishop John T. McNkholas, The meeting wiH be held Oc­ The .conference is designed to Miss Mary Jane Kleve, one of Sisters of Mercy and 21 young who conferred the degrees. The tober 14 at Edgecliff and will be keep principles of the association this year's .graduates and .gener­ Catholic School Press Associa­ a sectional conference of the before students who are una1ble al chairman of the· affair, lhas se- Grand March around the ball­ tion journalism key and the St. Catholic School Press Associa­ to attend the national sessions in lected the popular Stan Keller room and each couple will re­ Thomas Moore Award, given for tion whose headquarters is at Miliwaukee every two years. and his 1Melody Masters as the ceive a novel souvenir of this the ·bes,t essay written on Cath­ Marquette University in Mil­ Catholic schools within a 150- orchestra for the evening. Miss last dance of the regular college olic Action, were also present~ . waukee. Local commLttees which mile radius of Cincinnati will 'be Kleve and her associates have year. Summit Hills is one of the The program climaxed a week wiH put finishing touches to the invited to send delegates. At the also taken ca•re of appropriate most beautiful country clubs in of varied activities. Last Satur­ program during vacation months first section conference held in decorations which will lbe in the the Middle West. It is located day was Play Day, postponed are composed of students from May 1938, at Mt. St. Joseph Col­ school's color scheme of bue arid just off the Dixie Highway on from an earlier date. Baccalau­ Xavier University, Mt. St. Jo­ lege, Delhi, more than 250 young white. the hills overlooking F1ort Mit- reate ceremonies were held Sun­ seph College, Our Lady of Cin­ men and women were present. The Senior Class will lead the chell. day, when a Solemn High Mass cinnati College and high schools was sung. The sophomore gar­ and a·cademies in Grea.ter Cin- den party and candle light cere­ cinnati. TO THE CLASS OF '39 mony took place Monday eve­ ning. Tuesday was designated Bishop May Speak y ou are the first to have attended Our J Q R better still, you might return some Class Day, and Wednesday the Them.e of the conference prob- Lady of Cincinnati College four years. years hence with the man of your ably will be woven around the I . · · freshman luncheon for seniors Legion of Decency in Print cam- Yo~r ~atriculat10n signalized the hu~ble chmce_ and ma~be a child or ~wo for whom and the commencement play, paign being ·promoted under the begmmng of a school that has grown to size- you will be havmg the same high hopes your 1 "Pharaoh's Daughter" were on direction of Bishop John F. _Noll I able stature since that autumn day in 1935 zealous parents had for you from the begin- the schedule. of Fort Wayne, Ind. Comm~t.tee when the Religious Sisters of Mercy cour- ning. About all this there is a joyful sad- members have been comp1lmg 1 k D d h d f · · · m. f orma tion' w h 1c' h 1s. d es1gne. d t o ageously began a monumenta tas . ur- ness, . an . t e sa part o it. is that you. are ESSAY PRIZE WON f orun a va1 ua bl e b as1s· f or d1scus-' ing those four years you helped build many severing1 k m a senseh connect10ns you· will ever· things that now are traditions. 00 upon. as. t e ~ost valuable m your life. Your JOY is m this: that you are being sent Margie Kuhlman of the THIS RING'S TRUE No matter what your passmg anxi~ties into a bitter fight, not unarmed and without Junior class has been de­ were, no matter how many aggravat10ns raiment, but fortified with conquering spir­ clared winner of the fourth After all her graduation you submitted to in and out of class, we know 1 itual weapons and shielded with the armor annual St. Thomas More gifts had been received, Janet that today, when your sheepskin was given of your faith. award given the student who 1 submits the best essay on any Louis probably considered the to you, you would have cried and laughed For this were you trained that you might phase of Catholic Action. She one she got last week the gift at the same time if possible. You want to be able to fight a good fight, to run a good chose "Catholic Action in the that made her most happy. be brave, nonchalant and "sophisticated" race, to conquer. And to conquer means The same gift, incidentally, Home" as her topic. The es­ about leaving us, we know. You might try to save your soul and those of the young and say appears on Page 2. made the 1939 prom queen to pass off the whole affair by reminding I old who shall be entrusted to you. You the center of attraction at the others who intend to return that "there'll be must pass through trying fire before the vic­ Commendable entries were first annual play day. no more study, no more books for me." tory is yours. The travail you cannot, will also submitted by Laura Jane The "most precious" gift was But beneath that joviality can't we see your not escape. Your consolation is that at the Howard, a member of today's .a diamond ring which dis­ eyes glistening with something · other than school you are leaving there will be always graduating class; Sarah P. closed Miss Louis' engagement happiness? sympathetic ears to hear your troubles and Smith of the Junior Class, and Mary Hughes, freshman. Miss to Lawrence Albers who was You won't come back to us again as a stu- soothing hands to heal your wounds in the Kuhlman received her award her escort at the prom and, in dent. You are a full-fledged alumna now. 1 same charity you have known four years. together with other prize win­ fact, to every college function When you return it will be to grace some I But above all, in this same school there since Miss Louis entered o.
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