BUY YOUR TICKETS THE SUBSCRIBE NOW TO THE FATHER-SON FOR THE DINNER! SIENA NEWS 1959 SAGA! College of Saint Bernardine of Siena Vol. XX. SIENA COLLEGE, LOUDONVILLE, N. Y., NOVEMBER 7, 1958 No. 7 *Who's Who' Honors 20 Srs. Twenty students have been selected by Fr. Brian Duffy, OFM, Coach Nat Holman to Speak Dean, and a faculty committee for inclusion in this year's issue ROTC Ball to of "Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities." At Father-Son Fete, Nov. 23 The students were chosen on their Vote Queen individual leadership and academic Nat Holman, the dean of the nation's basketball coaches, activities, as well as their excellence The eighth annual ROTC MiUtary Team Debates will be the main speaker at the second annual Father - Son and sincerity in scholarship. Also Ball will be held November 14 in Dinner, to be held on November 23 at the Circle Inn. under consideration were the stu­ Gibbons Hall at 9:00 p.m. The At Rochester dent's citizenship and service to the After an active high school ath­ theme for the Ball is "Rhapsody in Varsity GaveUers wiU compete at school and his promise of futtore letic career, Holman turned down Rockets," and the hall will be deco­ St. John Fisher in Rochester, to­ usefulness to business and society. an offer with the Cincinnati Reds to rated in a space atmosphere. morrow. In this three-round event attend the Savage School of Physi­ Bureau Sets The following prospective 1959 Cadet 1st Lt. Paul Kaufman will Dave Fahey and Bill Reddy will cal Education. When he graduated graduates were honored: argue the affirmative. Ed Tobin and from there, he was appointed soccer be the Master of Ceremonies, and Sr. Seminar Classen Gramm will debate the From Albany, David L. Carpentier and junior varsity basketball coach music will be provided by Harry There will be two seminars held Vincent, his triimpet and his or­ negative. (Physics), David M. Fahey (His­ at City College of New York. He for members of the Senior Class at chestra. Tuesday afternoon, this varsity tory), and Ronald E. Lather (Pre- formed the team into a coordinated 12:30 p.m., November 11 and 13 in team participated in an intramural Med). unit by teaching, demonstrating and the Seminar Room of the Ubrary. The cadets and their dates will be debate on campus. Thursday eve­ Representing Troy, Gerald A. arousing a great spirit among the The first meeting will include a dis­ greeted, on entering the hall, by a ning the members of the squad met Brehm (Economics), Frederick E. players. cussion of "The Trainee in Indus­ receiving Une, consisting of ROTC the varsity team from Union Col­ Conron (Modern Languages), Wil­ try" by two representatives from staff and cadet officers. lege. This morning the team will Uam H. Elder (Accounting), Gary J. I.B.M. The highUght of the evening will engage the debate team of the Uni­ Perkinson (English), and Richard V. The Thursday program will be a be the selection of the Honorary versity of Vermont on campus. Testa (History). discussion of the employment inter­ Colonel, who will be presented with view as well as general comments a trophy, crown, and bouquet of The topic debated this year is Dennis F. Corbett (Pre-Med) and regarding the local labor market. white roses. The four members of "Resolved, that the further develop­ Francis J. Farrell (Sociology), both This discussion period will be the court will be presented with red ment of nuclear weapons should be of Schenectady. John E. Girard headed by Mr. Edward J. Lange, roses. Following the choosing of prohibited by international agree­ (Economics), Robert E. Heslin employment interviewer, New York the queen, she will lead the Honor­ ment." (Physics), and William J. Perrault State Department of Labor. ary Colonel's Waltz with the Regi­ The Siena College novice debaters, (Biology), all of Cohoes. Louis A. The Placement Bureau urges all mental Commander, Cadet Lt. Col. last Saturday, competed in an in­ Buff (Economics), Loudonville; Seniors to attend the seminars. Donald Traver. vitational tourney at Dartmouth Thomas P. Fehlner (Chemistry), College, Hanover, N. H. Members Dolgeville, N. Y.; Brendan T. Glynn were affirmative, Vince Fitzgerald (History), Rego Park, N. Y.; John and Harry Barton, and negative, W. Hannon (EngUsh), Comstock; Senate to Sponsor Contest John Rosetti and Fred Miller. James K. Reilly (History), Feura The officers of the Club invite Bush; Edwin J. Tobin (History), For Cheers; to Award Prize prospective members to attend a and Donald J. Traver (Chemistry), meeting of the Gavel Club. Meetings Poughkeepsie. By CAKEY CUMMINGS, Senate Publicity Coordinator are held every Tuesday, free period, All of the twenty will graduate in in Room 201. June, except Hannon who will com­ Tom Mahar, Junior Class President announced to the Student plete his course in January. NAT HOLMAN Senate that a "Cheer Contest" will be held on campus, in order The practice of selecting outstand­ ing college Seniors for national Meanwhile he was earning the to boost Siena spirit. It will be run in conjunction with the 'Casa ^ in 10th recognition in this fashion was orig­ reputation in pro ball, as "the Pep Rally and a prize of $5.00 will be awarded to the student inated in 1934 and since that time world's greatest basketball player." who writes the best cheer. All Year at Siena Before joining the Celtics, he played has come to include nearly every entries should be turned in by No­ Tom Mahar announced that the La Casa ItaUca di Siena College for numerous teams, and led Ger- college and university in the coun­ vember 24 to any Senator, or to Junior Class dinner will be held at began its tenth year as an active mantown to a championship in the try. Siena was invited to participate Jack Hannon or Lee Skinkle, chair­ Reich's on November 10. club here at Siena this month. The eastern league. In 1920, he sparked in 1947 and since then has annually men of the Pep Rally. The winner, club was fotinded in October of 1949. Albany to the title in the New York Ron Lather annoimced that Billy named students to this honor pub­ or wirmers in case of a tie, will be State league. While playing with Harrell has been added to the guests In commemoration of the club's lication. The niimber to be selected announced at the Rally. the Boston Whirlwinds, they played of the second annual Father-Son tenth anniversary, a re-union din­ each year depends upon the regis­ a series with the Celtics. Two weeks November 18 will be the day that Dinner to be held at the Circle Inn ner-dance will be held tonight, at tration of the colleges and univer­ later, Holman had signed with the the Bender Lab mobile will come on November 23. Tickets are $8.00 the Ritz Restaurant in Schenectady, sities. Celtics. With him, the Celtics could to the campus to collect donations and can be purchased until next at 7:30 p.m. boast that they never lost a series of blood for the Siena Blood Drive. Friday in the cafeteria. A deposit Among the guests of honor will and won 90% of their games. They wiU be here from 8:30 to 9:30 of $2.00 is necessary. be Dr. Michelangelo De Rosa, the Club to Hear The typewriter situation in the founder of the club and the club's When the scandals of 1950 hit bas­ a.m., and, if possible, excused cuts library has been investigated and first president. All alumni of La ketball, CCNY deemphasized bas­ will be given to those who wish to Talk on Novel the Senate has decided to have Casa ItaUca have been invited and ketball and Holman left the school. give blood. Ron Lather is in charge of the Blood Bank. the present typewriters completely a large turnout is expected. The Siena German Club will meet He has received almost aU the tonight at 8:00 at the Little Bavaria overhauled. Over the past ten years the club, honors possible for a player and a On Wednesday, November 12, Restaurant, near the corners of Cen­ The Senior Seminar, estabUshed now under the moderation of Mr. coach. Former president of the during the free period, Mr. McPike tral and North Allen, in Albany. National Association of Baskeball will address the Student Senate As­ to acquaint Seniors with job oppor­ Thomas Castellano, has continued as tunities after graduation, will be an active part of Siena College. Fr. Sixtus O'Connor, OFM, Vice Coaches, he toured Mexico at the sembly on the subject of alcohoUsm. President of the College, wiU speak (Cont. on Page 2, Col. 5) held during the free period on Tues­ Among the traditional functions held Mr. McPike is a member of Alco­ on the topic "German War Novels." hoUcs Anonymous. day, November 11 and Thursday, by the club is the annual tri-cities November 13. For information con­ area Orphans' Party during the Fr. Sixtus' experience in Germany This Sunday, the NFCCS Regional cerning the talks, Seniors should Christmas season. This year's party are long and varied. Before World Open House Congress will be held at Manhattan­ contact Pete Carey. will be the largest in the history of War II he was a student of philoso­ ville College in Purchase, N. Y. the club. phy at the University of Mtmich. In Bishop Fulton J. Sheen will be the The Intramural Basketball Tourn­ addition, he completed his duties as Here Tonite ament between the classes wUl be Officers of this year's club are keynote speaker and student tickets an Army chaplain at the Nurenburg There will be an Open House at held this year.
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