“To embody Christ’s teaching in appropriate ways for serving the community, the nation, and the world. SAINT PETER’S ANNOUNCMENTS AND REMINDERS IN THE MOUNTAINS The next Community Cel c Worship service is on Sunday March 3rd at 5:30 p.m. at Saint Peter’s. This is a candlelit, quiet, contempla ve service 65 Rock Ridge Road that is open to everyone in the community. Callaway, Virginia 24067 540-483-5370 Saint Peter’s Endowment Fund – “Keeping the Rock Church Solid.” Every www.SaintPetersCallaway.org month Birthday Sunday dona ons go to the Saint Peter’s Endowment [email protected] Fund. How about matching your age in dollars this year for your birthday? The Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper will be March 5 at 6:00 pm in the Community Center at Phoebe Needles. The youth are preparing the meal. Please bring your family and friends. There will be an Ash Wednesday Service on March 6 at 7:00 pm at Saint Peter’s Church. The next program of the Center for Lifelong Learning at the Phoebe Nee- dles Center is Tuesday, March 12 at 10:00 a.m. The program will be “Genet- ically Modifi ed Babies: Frankenbabies” with Dr. Ginny Garre . Please call the Center at 483-1518 to make a reserva on by Friday, March 8. March 10 is the First Sunday of Lent. On March 12, the Center for Lifelong Learning will feature Dr. Jinnie Garre speaking on “Gene cally Modifi ed ROCK Babies - Francenbabies?” 2019 Proposed St. Peters Outreach Calendar CHURCH (Sunday, March 3, is outreach Sunday) Jan. Callaway Pack a Sack Program (donated $170) Feb. Free Clinic of Franklin County (donated $276) NEWS March So. Virginia Child Advocacy Center April Ferrum Panther Pack Program May Stepping Stone Mission Volume 130 June Phoebe Needles Camp Scholarship March 2019 July Helping Hands of Franklin County Aug. Ferrum Community Mission Center Sept. Heavenly Manna Food Bank Oct. Grace House on the Mountain Sunday Service: 10:00 a.m. Nov. Boys’ Home, Covington VA Church School: 11:15 a.m. Dec. Christmas Families Kelley Bayer will have forms for Easter Lilies in the Par- ish Hall next Sunday. Cost is $10 and the the deadline to order is April 7. Please send April newsle er items by March 27 to Gary Holden at [email protected]. St. Peter’s Youth Group The St. Peter’s Youth Group made Valen nes for the residents at the Franklin Health and Rehab. The youth group will next be making Shrove Tuesday Pancake supper March 5 at 6 p.m. Liturgical Notes for the Season of Lent Shrove Tuesday Ash Wednesday derives its name In some countries, grand religious Shrove Tuesday (also known as from the prac ce of placing ashes processions and cultural customs Shrove de Tuesday, Pancake Tues- on the foreheads of adherents as a are observed, and the faithful at- day and Pancake Day) is the day celebra on and reminder of human tempt to visit seven churches during preceding Ash Wednesday, the mortality, and as a sign of mourning Holy Week in honor of Jesus Christ fi rst day of Lent. Shrove Tuesday and repentance to God. The ashes heading to Mount Calvary. At Saint is determined by Easter; its date used are typically gathered from the Peter’s, during the season of Lent we changes annually. The expression burning of the palms from the do a few things diff erently: “Shrove Tuesday” comes from the previous year’s Palm Sunday. Al- word shrive, meaning “confess.” though the imposi on of ashes was • The opening saluta on is diff er- Shrove Tuesday is observed by many generally seen as a Catholic prac- ent (BCP p. 355). Chris an denomina ons, including ce, as it was mostly abandoned • The Kyrie Eleison (Lord, Have the Lutheran, Episcopal,Methodist by Protestants except for Anglicans Mercy) is used in place of the and Roman Catholic Churches. a er the Protestant Reforma on, it “Gloria in Excelsis” (BCP, p. 356). has become increasingly common • The “Alleluias” are omi ed Many of these Chris ans, on Shrove in much of Chris anity, now being throughout the service in the Tuesday, “make a special point of observed by many Lutherans and liturgy and hymns. self-examina on, of considering Methodists in addi on to Catholics what wrongs they need to repent, and Episcopalians. Some Bap st and what amendments of life or ar- and nondenomina onal churches, eas of spiritual growth they especial- among other denomina ons, also ly need to ask God’s help in dealing observe this day. with.” Being the last day before the peniten al season of Lent, related The Season of Lent Grants totaling popular prac ces, such as indulging The tradi onal purpose of Lent is the $1,257,778 were in food that one sacrifi ces for the prepara on of the believer through made last year by upcoming forty days, are associated prayer, penance, repentance of the na onal Unit- with Shrove Tuesday celebra ons, sins, almsgiving, atonement and ed Thank Off er- before commencing the fas ng and self-denial. Its ins tu onal purpose ing (UTO) of the religious obliga ons associated with is heightened in the annual com- Episcopal Church. Lent. The term Mardi Gras is memora on of Holy Week, marking One of those grants, $30,000, goes French for Fat Tuesday, referring the death, burial and resurrec on to the Charis Hospitality Expansion to the prac ce of the last night of of Jesus, which recalls the tradi on Project, an inten onal community ea ng richer, fa y foods before the and events of the Bible beginning on of young adults seeking to follow ritual fas ng of the Lenten season, Friday of Sorrows, further climaxing Jesus through prayer and social which begins on Ash Wednesday. on Jesus’s crucifi xion on Good Friday, ac on. The grant will allow the which ul mately culminates in the church to add three bedrooms and Ash Wednesday joyful celebra on on Easter Sunday a bathroom to make the home Ash Wednesday is the fi rst day of the Resurrec on of Jesus Christ. more welcoming to the stranger. of Lent in the Western Chris an During Lent, many of the faith- calendar, directly following Shrove ful commit to fas ng or giving up Another grant, $45,000, will create Tuesday. Occurring 46 days before certain types of luxuries as a form of a Book of Common Prayer in the Easter, it is a moveable fast that can penitence. The Sta ons of the Cross, Lakota Language for nine tribes fall as early as February 4 and as a devo onal commemora on of in South Dakota. A $29,000 grant late as March 10. According to the Christ’s carrying the Cross and of his for Clear Start, a social jus ce canonical gospels of Ma hew, Mark execu on, are o en observed. Many enterprise of The Well, a two-year and Luke; Jesus spent 40 days fas ng Roman Catholic and some Protestant residen al program modeled on in the desert, where he endured churches remove fl owers from their Thistle Farms. The program pro- tempta on by Satan. Ash Wednes- altars, while crucifi xes, religious stat- vides women with employment, day marks the beginning of this ues, and other elaborate religious and fi nancial autonomy, allevia ng 40-day liturgical period of prayer and symbols are o en veiled in violet the poverty that is at the root of fas ng or abs nence. Of the 46 days fabrics in solemn observance of human traffi cking. un l Easter, six are Sundays. As the the event. In certain pious Catholic Chris an sabbath, Sundays are not countries, some adherents mark the The Spring Ingathering at St. included in the fas ng period and season with the tradi onal absten- Peter’s will be Sunday, May 5. Blue are instead “feast” days during Lent. on from the consump on of meat. Boxes are available at the church. SERVICE CALENDAR – March 2019 Readings Lector Chalice Altar Guild Acolyte Children’s Chapel Mar. 3 Last Sunday A er Epiphany Rob Charlo e Lisa Zoe Tyler Exodus 34:29-35 Pat N Regina 2 Corinthians 3:12-4:2 LINK Luke 9:28-36, [37-43a] Psalm 99 Mar. 10 First Sunday in Lent Carolyn Carolyn Pat N Peter Zoe Deuteronomy 26:1-11 Bob Chris na Romans 10:8b-13 LINK Luke 4:1-13 Psalm 91:1-2, 9-16 Mar. 17 Second Sunday in Lent Bob Benton Marilyn Tyler Peter Genesis 15:1-12,17-18 Marilyn Maureen Philippians 3:17-4:1 LINK Luke 13:31-35 Psalm 27 Mar. 24 Third Sunday in Lent Gary Martha Pat R Zoe Tyler Exodus 3:1-15 Dave 1 Corinthians 10:1-13 Luke 13:1-9 LINK Psalm 63:1-8 Mar. 31 Fourth Sunday in Lent Pat Charlo e Regina Peter Zoe Joshua 5:9-12 Katherine Lisa 2 Corinthians 5:16-21 LINK Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32 Psalm 32 SAINT PETER’S PRAYER TEAM We have included in the Prayers of the People at each Sunday’s worship service the names of those people in need of prayer that you have made known to the church. As a way of keeping those names before us in prayer, we are going to begin a Prayer Chain at Saint Peter’s. This will be a group of people who are willing to commit to praying for each person on our prayer list on a daily basis.
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