FEBRUARY 12, 1881—SIXTEEN PAGES. M TOK CHICAGO TRIBUNE: SATURDAY, ~ I7.:i*ibmso nn«l Cumber* nilHlo r0n5t1niK.,,,,7,. onto of poultry and game, although nlrnrs quoted at S.nlllmxpdi H Untoa nmC®7 por ITiilted Htatos securities— Now Cs, IftlUl 4!i s« In tho prices binds, iso boxedi cntlmms, W{-»w)i sweet* dUOAIH. counts nro prowhifr cnslor. .w lon* ■ , FINANCIAL, 4n. till. tho stock is sensibly diminishing dally both pickled hams qtm.u.lnt for litald itTornuoi I’ntanlcut-loafi’ in vent. llt'i: Crushed... H f r BUSINESS. Central, hum*, avonwe, . c V *” Ilnllroad stocks—lllinois I.'W: I’enn- smio H • In quantity and quality. Wool continues ureaii for ' t.KBTKII. I'llAS, PritlVAflTß. In local ttocurltlcs, Iho supply of dty nncl Vork Central, IWi Hitenn minted nl fur shoulders. WSWfI Powderedv ?rj ■ t New Hlock sylvnnlatVntral.il*'*; New hogs •»•<! jc .ViwJifa tiJ(iil94o for standard H.R. wil.i.Alio. Member York KxclianßO exhausted. dull and uneventful. Dressed wero short rlb«, s'! f.irshort clour*, hum*, <4runnta>odUi AM.EUrON. Hliortll. county bonds is reported ns utmost Uric, fitly;j do seconds. lffl'4: Heading, UUi. (Jrsnulatod.Urni not standard ,s HAM'I. W. _ . gone fiClIOo per 10J lbs bettor, nt 0.79 for light and nllcanvasud mul packed. t ■ Stocks More Active, with a Strong On thoCHlciiffoS’ook Hoard thoro wore miloa of Amount of bullhia In. £68,01W. f IIKKK—Was qnlm. nt fT.vmi» for mesa, 13.30CW.00 A standardsi Mliftß II weights. Heeds wore gcnurnllv oxlrn and fur hnmi. A No. 8 » Cook County 7n. IKU, SI.OJO nt l‘Jlj Cook County liar silver Is quoted at 6lHd. |D.75 for honvv for moss, |hi.M:t.M.<M •'<«£)■ & Upward Tendency. PARIS, Fob. IL—HenteSl »lf 275i0» dull s2.4fift‘U9 for prime tlniolhy, 9I.P6QIJK) Kuril U /JjJj ■ CO., /»•*, (l.OiK)nt 101; Cook County 4‘i*. $.“».(«) nt at i J. T. LESTEiI Weal Division City forprlmn clover,mid?l.2fl for llnxsecd, delivered. lIUHAIWrPPS. ■ v«hl*tr.,lTT nj!■ lA7‘i; s:».ivwnt W;Vi: CUlcirm ; extra whim following MINING NEWS. Cooperage wns llrmcr lor pork barrels at W® rf.oi;u-Wns vopr qnlet, without quoted chnntrp. N.o. I'Criß BROKERS. Us, nt Tho quutn* O. - STOCK lliiihvny SSOU 10054* HUSTON. st.U2>iiftl,o7li. tlicmilillm feellm; liohbirs aflrmono In N. white ■ Transactions In Storks We. lower for lard tierces at mnotni was N. medium.,., .v ■ - Stocks, Bonds, &c., Mainly Scalping tlot\A\\T*romwvlc: ami ask* ‘ o. v >v Kp«frtl DbqvilfA 10 Ttif Vhi&ieo Tribune. Ilnllroad freights wore moderately active nt sympathy with ulums. mul they refined to shade N. O. seconds ■ i nml (told York Slock Gsclinnuo. I.OCAI, (lOVEUNUKST winters, ojjoti !, nonclil on New for Quick Turns. AND SCCCIItTIEJ. mining sharer.. Heaver The rates to Now York ImtlUures. Hale'i word reported of ISW urls N. U. toillo I k7» ■ lllft,■ • 11. Boston, 11.—In the November advance. HlltUl‘3, •jfi «lr at Cbnmbcr of Commerce. tlilwwn. AtkhI. Fob. imrllr(UJl S-UVU)! tutbrls mul AO bajssprintf exlrna I ■ I A WllXAim. Stiiti'i* U. * Ulver Madison nt t’mdcut- are per lbs on provisions and .'lie on grain. Cliolco com or auirar B Now York lloiiso-Scuanton Unttoil UU7 Ili< nm\\*S Coni sold at 71;: l!4: 400 100 on tornm HI brls nt IMMj and 30 bell aiujir 4) 1 J. CnUcil sinit'« ....m>t private buck- I'rtmvstumor qtj B nfStock* nlio lumslit nnd nold on tlic UoslOß, mcntntl?,: at «tei Quincy advanced Through freights are quoted at 7il?4 'u on provis- Hour aif).7V Tumi equal (» brls. Kxpurt sugar. nncl Ilnllimuro M>|4if qj Pontiac wheat I.Ull Pair lo Kuudvorn or '“i'm ■ n riillotidjilitn uxchamrc*. Chicago Finances Very Quiet- Ij'ltUfil HtJtK'H u-» ijiS IJ'/J* Hs Catulpa. 11-Hl; Brunswick Anthuony »4; ions to Liverpool and 7HJio do to Antwerp. Ilnurs wore quoted nt U.lWifrVii /or tfoodto choice, Blackstrap.... 'I ui B « in ('uUiiiiiiiii W.v*'« N. o. 3 k;i B Grain and Provisions the dimriot i*r .kitis, Mj? & ?*: |1.&U1.7.'i. niwiosiea, now Commission Foreign Exchange. ivit S is?* Hldge Us Calumet llecln Pewnhle declined Flour freights were quoted nt COJio toLiverpool mul rvedo ul « CWc:ur<» U’nlur7i». Ml, *W( .... T.l B Chicago 115!$ ormsii Mii.l,sruiT.4-Woro In end i HI'ICKH. I* markets. fliiciiiM Wiuor ’W JaM l-a Vt\ llarshnw 1; Franklin Jit Silver Islet V%. Oth- and title to Glasgow. wind dnmand. 1 AllspTo ■ ClllUJlrfO >VIIUT •M.’l'l IV-*£t 5? aggregate of wheat reported for llrm.wlsli only a niadcrato supply. Hales woro ru* Cloves ' *\t> ■ •••• ers ns before. Tho receipts stuiks, ivnv.vr, timi vnnvisioss. I'liiiiuit Wntor *«,’ai 1 period of II hrnn nt nt ‘IM i-i.H 20 Toledo, Ht, cum Umr siilddllinfs t B Tho Product! Markets More Active, and Gen- Clilcattn CUy 7* ‘3l ...UIjM <>■• tn-iHrrt Associated Press. yesterday at Chicago, Milwaukee, (lilUit II mulrear uoiirao corn* JiuVC !; iiiij•* ohm food ai4llAi«it I DO; CliU'mM Oiy }IIU IDJ Boston, Feb. ll.—Conner slocks closed: Louis, and Detroit were 78.UXJ bn. Thu corre- moil nl*|i.7.» par tun on irueM, , V trucmpVs crally Higher—Provisions Quito Strong.* UiU-.uu City >,'3? l'.AT—vViia nctlrn A* VY. *i *l*l u »*I Vlio* ilufiu'i'i,l,IJ| ......ID]? Alima** liU'MnillMn Copper 1U were tin. M'lll.'ni nmro mul much (lruicrHt<)ii'ituUiiiii>!VI I'Wuit H t ClUoswn Cl.y 7m. ’■'» lit!! sponding shipments IW.uW \vll •<« early, ud* t 111?* »*P' The Mimed lower but . Hvmo.ny, SPECULATION 5 Vutuawt »*t struimur. marnol No. 11«c1w......‘AV )t'e«alitc.%. V ton B 1 CUy 7*. M> H\* produce reported from Now , imosl * CliKitvo The movement rained M/.n lV mid efnmd iilmvn the : .Nil, If tllUlHliy. (Oil U’UCk Clilwnm City It.* Wli KJ Catmint pr.ee* rnufiliijr. Tim Milil-u markets pub- V Oil lt*t B t 7s 2 # t mi|.crFalls „yi Included Hie following: Ho- of were , Mixed ■ Innnc'lay *.? */??.£ CtiKiuiiiCtly 7t*» "tl it, Vork yesterday iintier, private mlrHos noieda ~,-IU V 9.'mitkea •• Pinnor Tone in Both Sides Silver i»lo licly reported nnu * •• A BrcadslufTa on < l.lfutiii City 7h. 'iU |;J$ Franklin UK tork, Cphmd pmlrlo B uni eelptss Flour, !7,«»07 wheat, U7,tWO bu; nemand bold mul New .* •• “ Dm ViV* brls: better In Mrori No.ltwahte SAo «ini» «r.oi> OOmni CUy 7b, iVi iwi 21,(150 whim them inquiry bare. winch rusnlied in t «• " •• of tho Atlantic. UIDKrt-Tlu) Utt *m»o 91.0011 Cliy «i«, '»*.l Ml21 law?TAHf eorn*SH,7uO bu: oats, lm: corn-meul, was morethonreaior pan of session. markeieonilmius uml ni/i..’ l B I KtOO •* u cnehialrise dnrinti tbp B •• “ 910,000 city in. ’1b..,., D* HEAL KSTATE. 10,400 malt, till*cimtnte. Woijumo: 90.000 'nii-miu ( lion pkgs: rye, 4,672 bu: barley, bu: TUo market would probably haveboon innoU strtnuor triulor*. troc. liicnuiMHy M) I>?| i;VV* p.-eat In, Urm>n-entsd. Hutu, a B Komi for pamphlet of InalnictUin* to i*. 1,000 brls: beef, 251 brls; cut luit for tbo b-dlei Hint n runny orders worn Green-cured, heavyV I .V Mll.f.HU. Ilri»lu-i*a, IT IX AX ClAlj. tiiiiiiu'o Cl{y4!<o. Mil IWT?<iur?l bu; pork. 027 to soil wlit'ii Urn prion torApril should touch a •••"’ fLDIMIM) City rvL't’lpti), 4 per cunt ...HC**ll>L. la*>» Tito following Instruments wore tiled forroo« whisky, 022 )tmitl J I 1 Mcrdmnia* lliilldltifi, Uilvmm. 111. 'iionuo ml meats, 0,077 pkgs; lard, 0,712 tea; doilnr. It win reported Unit pintles In Now torn c 2i lokcoumy ;r^‘m -..UVmI IS; they I Dummied li\dc*V.V."V.!!!l“.‘.V’'.*.’,.V.‘.'.''. I ord Friday, Fob. were lllllmt omvoos wliudi bud sold sbnrl under Calf, Mb •ft Cnpllnl, fW.(ni. Iloferonce-MorohnnW National In mocks showcrl on Increasing Cook Comity 7*. *ai,V.V.V.V.V.*.V.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*l*lo i; iitufi‘4 raoi'p.UTV. brls. Increased tibnnt tbreo days pro* “I'i ■ rrovlalon Hcvlotr. Transactions 1 »•••* t’ITV ftn demand . l)ry*sal>ed. V %ii | llitnk. t lilcnuo t.ruln mnl Cook County lioinls, Mini Hxports for twenty-four hours—Flour, 41,000 tempo- D ■ lint . advanced. Tho upward Cook Vi..„ m ft wof Dock nr,n f.MxWI i vtansly, oxpci'llnif 10. bo. only Dry .No. U volume. nn*l prices County is. lii . Worrier st.STCHI well Hint. I B ft, Hunk bu; 171.CUU bu. rary. lint tbu denmml, lAs lasted loinier dry M ’vj »•••• rimed Not. vri. It<*l Dummied was not equally marked (ilomr tho Cook County fa. w*?i (DcrmuQ Savina* brls; wheat, 210 0,000 corn, they M In Postern J'.tiropo an*T B uimemimt K® Hum Uuuwht. ickh wool ~ it ook County 1»«». UtJ iu<s4 to ttbtiin AUoD , fromr, abecoirt'lu*, I'MlnmU'H B tho conspicuous i tV- « ll.duy, i> f. 3 xW ft, Tho Now Yo ark Produce Krctnwue WctMu very low.and ibe smallnessof tbo uiuvoiueiit " I* very whole lino. Perhaps must cmniKofa. id . In.ttmm M. VJ* ft or past J.UMIIHU-Thore n brisk lnelVV,:,.‘ u B FIELD, Wwi , W«n Hie seaboard for tbreo weeks bit • pfiibn* e I”* 1,.w two or (lie lfl, BAY &■ Fob.«i(Pi(«rlck F.

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