LEAGUE OF NATIONS NUMERICAL LIST OF DOCUMENTS DISTRIBUTED TO MEMBERS OF THE COUNOIL. " • Q v o;. t - t .v* Wo.II’ (November 1932) Part I. Official number S U B J E C T 0,921,M.486.1931.II.B.Toi, I Unification of customs nomenclature,- and Errata and Addenda Diaf^ nomenclature of Sub-Oommittee of Experts. C.921 *M.486,1931. II.B.Vol, Explanatory?, notes by Sub-Commit tee II Û of Experts. C,627(d) ,M«.309(d) .1932.IX. Renewal of armaments truce.-Communicat - ions from Governments of Afghanistan, Chile, India, Irish Free State,Liberia, Mexico, Panama, Siam, Turkey and U.S.S.R 9 French text only - English text to be distributed at a later date. - 2 - Q, 663.M.320.1932.VII• Sino-Japanese dispute.- Addendum Addendun to the report of Committee of Enquiry. C,663,M .320.1932.VII. Supplementary documents to the report Annex of Commission of Enquiry. 0, 705(a).M.340(a),1932. Council, League (69th Session) Agenda for the November meeting. 0.705(b),M,340(b).1932. Supplementary list of items to Agenda of November meeting* 0.705(1).M.340(1).1932. Revised Agenda for November meeting. H.724.M.342.1632.VII. Commission of Enquiry for European Union (6th Session).- Minutes. .752.M.352.1932.1. Saar Basin.-Petition from the Association Oi of Pensioners of Altenwald and letter froc the Governing Commission. G ► 753,M.353.1932. Numerical list of documents distributed to Members of the League.-No,l0 (October 1932), C.754.M.354.1932.V Hungaro-Czechoslovak Mixed Arbitral and Annex <9 Tribunal.- Note by the Secretary-General and preliminary objection of the Hungarian Government to the judgments of Leeember 21,1931. 0.755 .M.355,1932.V Note by the Secretary-General and and Annex ©<9 preliminary objection of the Hungarian Government to the judgment of April 13, 1932. C. 756,M.356.1932.VII. Convocation of the November meeting of Council’s 69th Session.-Letter from the Japanese Government. 758, M. 357.1932. II. A. Monetary Normalisation fund scheme.- and Erratum. Report by the flommittee of Experts and erratum. I.761.M.358.1932.II.B. International Relief Union.-Report by the Permanent Committee. C.763.M.360.1932.VII. Eispute between Bolivia and Paraguay,- Telegram from the President of thcCommisa­ lon of Neutrals (November 5,1932). C. 764.M*361*1932.II. Preparatory Commission of experts for the monetary and economic Conference.-; 1st Session). Letter from the President of this Commission. ® O.P.J.I., Distr. 2744.1932 C.P.J.I.,Listr. 2747.1932 - 3 - g,7.66.M.362.1932,VII. Tiü^ute between Bolivia and Paraguay.- Telegram from the President of Council' to the Chairman of the Committee of Neutrals ^November 5,1932). C.769,M*363.1932.T and Case of the Freo Zones of Upper Savoy Annex @ and the District of Gex.- Note by the Secretary General and pleadings, oral statements and documents submitted to the Permanent Court of International Justice. fl.774„M.365.1932.XI. Opium conventions of 1,925 and 1331.- Mudel administrative codes. G,775.M.366.1932.VII. Sino-Japanese dispute.-Obserrâtions of the Japanese Government on the report of the Commission of Enquiry. 0.779.M.367.1932.T H . Relations between Colombia and Peru.- Telegram and memorandum by the Government of Ecuador. 0*784.M.369.1932.Y and Interpretation of the convention of 1919 Annex concerning employment of women during tfte Sight.- Note by the Secretary General and advisory opinion of the Permanent Court of International Justine. n.786.M.370,1932.VII. Sino-Japanese dispute.- Letter from the A. (Extr.)146.1932,VII. Chinese Government and telegram from Uhanghal Chamber of Commerce, Bankers' Association, Exchange Guild and Rotton- mill Owners’ Association (November 22, 1932). ^-796,M.371.1932.II. Preparatory Commission of Experts for the monetary and e^onomi^ Conference [1st Session),-?Letter from the P-esident of Organising Committee. H.806,M,374.1932, VII. Sino-Japanese dispute.- Letter and memo. of the Japanese Government (November 28, 1932). H.807 ,M.375.1932.VII. Dispute between Bolivia and Paraguay,- Telegram from the Paraguayan Government (November 28,1932), A.89,1929 m @ Acceptance of gifts towards the construct­ ion, decoration and furnishing of the new League buildings.- Report by the Persian Representative ;September 1929) and memo, by the Secretary General (September 1929). ® C.P.J.I., Series C> No.58 n.P.J.I., Series A/B, No.50 One copy redistributed with H.L.179.1932.X» - 4 - L. 70.1931,IV Penal and penitentiary questions'. Report by the 5th Committee (September li.B(a) .1032.V.Annex, Ratification of agreement? and conventions Erratum/' cond u led under auspices of the League.- Erratum to' +iiV 13th list. |A, 58.1932.IV @ Improvement of penal administration.-Report by the 5th Committee ^Ootober 193 IA. (Extr. )141*1932.VII. Sino-Japanese dispute.- Oommunication from China (November 15,1932) 1, (Extr, (142.1932.VII. Letter and telegram from China (November 9,1932). [.(Extr. ) 143.1932.VII. Letter frbm China(November 21,1932). i (Extr. )144.1932.VII. Letter from China(November 21,1032). .(Extr. )145.1932.VII. Letter from China and telegram from the National Crisis Salvation Associa­ tion (November 22,1932). (Extr. ) 146.1932.VII. Letter from the Chinese Government and 786.M.370.1932.VII. telegram from Shanghai Chamber of Commerce, Bankers’ Association, Exchange Guild and Cotton-mill Owners’ Associat­ ions (November 22,1932). (Ex&r. )147.1932.VII. Letter from the Chinese Government and telegram from the "Federation des musulmans du pays entier" (November 25,1932). .(Extr. ) 148.1932.VII. Meeting of tho Speoial Session of the Assembly.- Convocation by the President. (Extr. )149.1932.VII. Repiesentation of Japan at tho meeting of the Spécial Cession of the Assembly.- Letter from the Japanese Government (November 29,1932). XL.163.1932.VIII, Convention concerning measurement of Addendum. vessels employed in inland navggtion navigat ion" ahd Protocol of signature November 1925).-Addendum to the communic­ ation from Italy. •L.171.1932,II.B m Unification of customs nomenclature.- ’‘L.171(a) .1932.II.B Letter from the Secretary General. _ One <>opy redistributed with C .L.174.1932 .IV. Listributed to those Members and Non-Member s of. the League who * receive the League documents in French. listributed to those Members and Non-Members of the League who receive the League documents in English. English text only. - 5 - -,L. 172*1938. VI. Slavery.- Letter from the Secretary General. i1..L,173»1932.T"» Convention concerning; workmen’s compen- nompensation In agriculture ""[November 1921I adopted"by International" Labour Conference ,3rd Session).-Ratification by Belgium.- ,\I .174.1932» IV © and Penal and penitqntiarv quostions. C.1.174.1932.IV,Annex <m Letter from the Secretary G en e r al*“'âri d joint reply submittnd by seven organis­ ations consulted on the question of unification of criminal law and the no-operation of States in the prevention and suppression of crime. C.L .175,1932.V » Convention concerning seamen’s articles of agreement* (aunc 19267 adopted by International Labour Conferencpj9th Session).-Ratification by India. M.176.1932.XII. Protection of historical monuments and works of arts.- Letter from the Secretary Generaj. and recommendation of Internation­ al Committee on intellectual co-operation. C.1.177.1932.VIII. Convent ion on the taxat i on of foreign noter vehicle? \fMarch 1931, ,-Ratiflcation by Belgium. f.L,178,1932.XI. Convention for limiting the manufacture _and regulating; the distribution of narcotic drugs (.Tm Iv 1931 .-RatIfi ca t i on W In dïT; “ G.I.:179.1532.X m ® Participation of Members of the League In the décoration and furnishing of the new building,qT-Note by the Secretary General, statement by President of 13th Session of Assembly and list of gifts suggested by architects. M..180,1932.II .B. Reservation of Netherlands in regard, to application to Netherlands Indies of the convention relating to economic .statistics (Eecomber 1928 Observat- ions of Portugal. M.181.1932.V. Convention concerning forced or compuls­ ory labour (.Tune 1930) adopted by Inter­ national Labour Conference 14th Sosslon;,- Ratification by ,,rapan. T. one c jpy of 3 distributed with/A.P,3 , A.70.1931, A.5H.1932 and Official Journal Special Supplement,No 98. JA.P.4 Distribute! with one copy of f.A.89.1929. - 6 - DOCUMENTS ISSUED BY PERMANENT CENTRAL OPIUM BOARD TO THOSE MEMBERS AND NON-MEMBERS OE THE LEAGUE 7JHICH ARE PARTIES TO 1925 CONVENTION. L.P*0.24 Report of the Opium Central BobtH (11 th,12th and 13th .anCon" statistics for the yeavZ.WT. -Ann ex / L.P.0*25 © and Annex* ^^^I^L-Sta^stios of, import and export of drugs ~ — j-r—f ^ece^.^£ ^ L a r ter^.532« -Note by the Board and statistical form A (revised')T" JtP,0.25(a) ■SP-arterly^ s_tfttistics of Import and export of drug? and Annex. + he March ^.935,-Note by the Board and statistical form  vrevised). .P.0»26 and Annual statistics of production.manufacture , amounts Annexes. _uroiased for government purposes and c-onsumption 7j 1 u -or G°YerDIG-eflt purposes - annuaT statistics — soojcs and annual statistics of r-eizu res, - Note y the Board and statistical forms 3,C,B,E. DOCUMENTS ISSUED BY PERMANENT CENTRAL OPIUM BOARD TO THOSE MEMBERS AND NON-MEMBERS OF THE LEAGUE IffllCH ARE NOT PARTIES TO 1925 CONVENTION* »N»P, 0*25 Report of the Cpjm tral Board filth,12th and 15th bessions) and on statistics for the y e a r 1031«-Annex.
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