East Tisted Parish Council _____________________________________________________________________ Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Thursday, 10 September 2015 at 7.30pm in East Tisted Village Hall, Gosport Road GU34 3QW Present: David Bowtell (Chairman) Mary Jane Carter (Councillor) Emma Dillnutt (Clerk) Helen Evison (Councillor) Kevin MacEntaggart (Councillor) Charles Louisson (District Councillor) 9 Members of the Public MINUTES 1. Apologies and welcome. Members RECEIVED apologies from Cllr Sir James Scott and PCSO Jess Hornsby (Hampshire Constabulary). The Chairman welcomed Cllr Charles Louisson and those members of the public present. 2. Public Forum a. Updates were RECEIVED as follows: Phil Cutts (Superfast Broadband Campaign). Notes from a recent public meeting have been circulated and further pledges for funding have been received. The shortfall currently stands at circa. £3.5K although the VAT issue has not yet been resolved. Any request for funds from the Parish Council will be formally requested prior to December’s meeting. Cllr Louisson also suggested an approach to EHDC* for funds. Larry Johnson (Neighbourhood Watch) ran through his report (attached). Basil Lansdale (East Tisted Community Website) ran through his report and offered, due to personal circumstances, to stand down as Webmaster to enable the Clerk to administer the Website. No formal decision was made but the Clerk will continue to assist. Charles Louisson (District Councillor) introduced himself and summarised current developments, in particular the Hampshire Combined Authority initiative. Charles is keen to understand local issues by attending meetings and encouraged villagers to feel able to contact him via EHDC’s website at: http://easthants.moderngov.co.uk/mgUserInfo.aspx?UID=673 b. The Clerk informed the meeting that an issue raised by Diane Childs regarding the overgrown pavement walkway along the A32 past the village hall has been reported to HCC for resolution ( http://roadenquiries.hants.gov.uk/roadproblems/statuschecker.aspx - 21177334). Action: Clerk Allan Read informed the meeting of some scheduled resurfacing work to be carried out at the forecourt of Homefield Cottages by Radian in the week commencing 14 September. The Chairman thanked the public for their input and closed the meeting for public participation. 3. Minutes of the previous meeting and matters arising. Members APPROVED the minutes of the Parish Council’s Annual General and Village Open Meetings of 19 May 2015 and the Chairman signed them as a correct record. 4. Declaration of interests. No declarations were made. E:\ETPC\ED Minutes\2015\December 2015\Sept 2015 - PC Minutes.doc 03/12/2015 Page 1 of 3 *Amended from HCC in the original minutes) East Tisted Parish Council _____________________________________________________________________ 5. Official Notices & Responses. a. A32 FAG – Members RECEIVED the minutes of the public meeting held on 29 July. b. Following a discussion and tied vote, the Chairman’s casting vote RESOLVED to respond to the HCC East Hampshire Transport Study. The Clerk will liaise with Cllr Evison to formulate a response. Action: Clerk/Cllr Evison c. Members RATIFIED the response sent to the Hampshire Police and Crime Panel’s (PCP) request for evidence, for their proactive scrutiny session on Anti Social Behaviour (ASB). d. Cllr Evison briefed Members on the South Downs National Park Authority – Local Plan: Preferred Options Public Consultation following her workshop attendance. The consultation is open and running until the end of October. The Public is encouraged to seek information via the website at https://www.southdowns.gov.uk/planning/planning- policy/national-park-local-plan/local-plan-preferred-options-public-consultation/ or by attending any of a number of roadshows running from 3 to 8pm as follows: o Hampshire Roadshow: 14th September at Greatham Village Hall o Hampshire Roadshow: 21st September at Meon Hall, Meonstoke o West Sussex Roadshow: 16th September at Arundel Town Hall o East Sussex Town Hall: 8th September at Lewes Town Hall o Park wide: 12th September at the South Downs Centre, Midhurst. Although the village is not listed as receiving any housing allocation under the plans, lack of a formal settlement boundary was of potential concern. The Clerk was tasked with obtaining further information. Action: Clerk e. Members RECEIVED notice of EHDC’s ‘STOP:DON’T DROP’ anti litter campaign. 6. Planning a. Members RECEIVED the planning application update. 7. Responsible Financial Officer a. Members RECEIVED and APPROVED the Quarterly Financial Statement (below). b. Members RECEIVED notice of the changes concerning Workplace Pensions due in 2017. c. Members RECEIVED the Report and AGREED that no remedial works are required at this time although those areas highlighted in the report will continue to be monitored during weekly inspections. 8. Next Meeting 10 December 2015 - 7.30pm in the Village Hall - to include Quarterly Financial Review, 2016/17 Budget Review & Precept Setting, 2016 thru 2018 Ground Maintenance Contract and 2016 Meeting Dates. There being no other business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.21pm. EmmaD Clerk & Responsible Financial Officer Thursday, 03 December 2015 All supporting documentation available for this agenda can be found on the link below: http://www.easttisted.btck.co.uk/EastTistedParishCouncil/ParishCouncilMeetings Signed as a correct record of events: David Bowtell, Chairman Date E:\ETPC\ED Minutes\2015\December 2015\Sept 2015 - PC Minutes.doc 03/12/2015 Page 2 of 3 *Amended from HCC in the original minutes) East Tisted Parish Council _____________________________________________________________________ 8.a. Quarterly Financial Statement 19 May 2015 Bank Balance (Reconciled to Bank Statement 52) £5,333.39 Payments Out 423 RPCC (Ground Maintenance) £550.00 424 E Dillnutt (April Salary) £43.60 425 Chairman’s Allowance Top-up £44.48 426 Broker Network (2015 Insurance) £265.00 427 HALC (Annual Subs) £135.00 428 CPRE (Annual Membership) £36.00 429 HPFA (Annual Membership) £40.00 430 ETVH (Hall Hire) £30.00 431 E Dillnutt (May Expenses) £17.28 432 E Dillnutt (May Salary) £123.64 433 Playsafety Ltd (ROSPA Inspection) £78.00 434 EHDC (2015 Election Fees) £119.70 435 E Dillnutt (June Salary) £83.72 436 HMRC (PAYE 2013 plus interest) £142.73 437 Brian Davey (Ground Maintenance) £280.00 438 HALC (Cllr Training) £108.00 439 E Dillnutt (July Salary) *£137.25 440 E Dillnutt (August Salary) £83.52 Total £2,317.93 Payments In None 10 Sep 2015 Bank Balance (*Reconciled to Bank Statement 55) £3,015.46 Notes: £410 allocated for community projects (pond/playground) £20 spent on ivy reduction leaving £390. £18 VAT to be reclaimed Funds Available £2,643.46 2015/6 Six month contingency calculated to circa. £1.9K. 2015/16 Precept £3.5K - £2K in April and £1.5K in October. E:\ETPC\ED Minutes\2015\December 2015\Sept 2015 - PC Minutes.doc 03/12/2015 Page 3 of 3 *Amended from HCC in the original minutes) .
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