THE BYRON SHIRE ECHO Advertising & news enquiries: Mullumbimby 02 6684 1777 Byron Bay 02 6685 5222 Fax 02 6684 1719 [email protected] [email protected] http://www.echo.net.au >ÌiÊ VOLUME 21 #06 V >}iÊ TUESDAY, JULY 18, 2006 22,300 copies every week >ViÀÃ PAGES $1 at newsagents only HIGH DEFINITION TEXT Byron holds out over fl uoride Lesley Patterson ‘If a staff recommendation Council to reconsider its Helena and Ocean Shores to Rous Water will add fl uoride is adopted on Wednesday, at position concerns our neigh- enable it to link up with to the region’s water supply least Rous will be demanding bours to the north. A few Tweed have already been but exclude properties within that all capital costs, even for years ago Rous approached completed. The problem is Byron Shire. This is the rec- four plants, be met by the Tweed Shire Council about that Rous could not supply ommendation to go before Department of Health not linking their respective water Tweed with fl uoride dosed Rous Water’s council meet- Rous,’ said Cr Staples. Rous, supplies. During periods of water unless a separate dos- ing this Wednesday. Follow- or rather its ratepayers, will shortage in the Tweed, Rous ing plant is built to the north ing support from Lismore, have to cover the annual would send water north and and any water Tweed Shire The fi lm of The Book Richmond Valley and Ballina operating costs which are in when the dry hits Byron and supplied to Byron Shire Councils, management from the region of $170,000. In Ballina, then the Tweed would contain unwanted Tom Long stars in The Book of Revelation, a psychological mys- Rous Water are recommend- the unlikely case that Byron would top up our reserves. fl uoride. tery, which premieres in Byron Bay next month. ing that the organisation Shire changes its mind and The deal has by no means A rescission motion to doses the public water supply votes to opt in, the yearly bill been tied up, however it overturn Ballina Shire Coun- The NSW premiere of a new between victim and perpe- with fluoride, but also would drop to $90,000. Rous could be jeopardised or com- cil’s support for fl uoridation feature fi lm, The Book of Rev- trator and the redeeming ‘requests Byron Shire to Water customers can expect plicated by the fact that has been scheduled for next elation, will be held at Byron nature of love. reconsider its position on to pay between $1 and $2.60 Tweed Shire water is fl uori- week’s council meeting, Cinemas on Wednesday Stars of fi lm include Tom fl uoride’. a year, a charge that will be dated. although it is unclear whether August 2 as part of the Writ- Long, Colin Friels, Deborah Byron Shire Councillor levied, say Rous, whether a The simplest method for it will receive majority sup- ers Festival. Billed as a psy- Mailman and Greta Scacchi. Richard Staples says the rec- Shire choses to have fl uori- Rous to supply Tweed is port. A group of anti fl uori- chological mystery about a Tom Long will attend the ommendation is ‘totally as dated water or not. through Byron Shire and dation campaigners has been man’s struggle to regain his screening and is known for predicted’ and told The Echo One more reason why designs for the replacement collecting signatures to a lost self, the fi lm explores sex his roles in The Dish, Two he was expecting more pres- Rous is keen for Byron Shire of the water main between St continued on page 2 and power, the interplay Hands and Doing Time for sure to be applied to Byron Patsy Cline. Small screen to fall into line with the other viewers will remember him councils. A dangerous fl ight to lunch on Parnassus as Angus in the ABC’s ‘I don’t think they will SeaChange. force us to do it if Byron ‘This is a provocative, dis- Shire Council stands fi rm,’ turbing, beautiful and chal- said Cr Staples who, together lenging movie, as one would with Ross Tucker represents expect from the pen of Byron Shire on Rous Water’s Andrew Bovell, the writer of council. ‘Forcing us to take Lantana, which was based on the fl uoride out of the water his own stage play, Speaking would be politically untena- in Tongues,’ said Jeni Caffi n ble because there would be from the Writers’ Festival. such an outcry among Byron ‘Bovell will join Tom at the Shire residents.’ premiere, with director and The opposition to fl uori- co-scriptwriter Ana Kokki- dation by Byron Shire resi- nos and producer Al Clark. dents and Council has caused Ana’s work includes direct- a headache for Rous Water ing episodes of the compel- which has said it would pre- ling television series The fer to dose at one central Secret Life of Us. Al Clark pro- point. If Byron sustains its duced one of the most suc- principled position, Rous will cessful Australian fi lms of all be forced to construct four time, The Adventures of Pris- dosing facilities at an esti- cilla, Queen of the Desert and mated capital cost of $1 mil- the groundbreaking Chopper, lion, twice that of a central amongst a host of others.’ dosing operation. The The program begins at Department of Health has 5.45pm for drinks followed agreed to pick up the bill for by the screening at 6.30pm. the construction costs how- Tickets are available through ever Cr Staples is question- the festival website www. ing whether it will baulk at Dancer Rochelle Mclean levitates for joy at the thought of reading at Dangerously Poetic Press’s Fifth Annual Poetry Day Lunch. On byronbaywritersfestival.com paying for four dosing Saturday July 29, with a cabaret of talented local musicians, actors and poets, Dangerously Poetic will offer a wild feast of poetry and or from Jetset Byron Bay on plants. song at the Bay Pavilion restaurant from 11.30am in the Byron Bay Resort. Photo Jeff ‘Just Dangerous’ Dawson 6685 6262. 2 July 18, 2006 Byron Shire Echo www.echo.net.au Local News Spring comes early to the market Fluoride row from page 1 petition against fl uoridation which it will present to Coun- cil before the vote. Ballina Shire Councillor Alan Rich told The Echo he was ‘outraged’ by Rous Water’s latest move saying he believed the issue should be deferred to Rous’s August meeting so that the outcome of Ballina Council’s vote can be taken into account. Last week Lismore Coun- cil reconfi rmed its support for fluoridation, although anti fl uoridation Councillor Ros Irwin says she has not given up her fi ght for a refer- endum on the issue. Mean- while the Lismore Freedom Salsa dancers, Andi Davey and Jesse Blackadder (above), helped the Byron Farmers’ Market cele- from Fluoride group has brate spring last Thursday with demonstrations for market goers and a cook up by local chefs Che called its third public meet- and Jules Devlin. Jim’s Alternative Tours laid on a courtesy bus to ferry in shoppers from Suffolk Park ing for July 27 at 6.30pm at and Ewingsdale keen to stock up on the freshest peas, potatoes and parsley. the Lismore Workers Club. Whales thrive but still need care The recent conviction of a ing program for a number of Queensland man and subse- years, but this is the fi rst time quent $500 fi ne for harassing humpbacks have been tar- a humpback whale in 2004 geted, with their intention should serve as a warning to being to take 50 humpbacks all whale watchers, according from Antarctica. For Dan to Sue Walker of the Cape and his research team, this Byron Trust Reserve. The has serious implications. man was on a jet ski when he ‘Not only do I disagree approached the whale, get- with this project for personal ting within 70 metres of the reasons, but we may also lose 3HOP #AVANBAH!RCADE animal, well within the 100m important scientific data *ONSON3TREET "YRON"AY restriction. Ms Walker told through the killing of these 0H The Echo that this was not an Let’s hope that this doesn’t become a rare sight: a humpback whales,’ said Dan. ‘We have isolated incident. whale on its northerly migration breaching in Byron Bay. been trying to build life his- ‘We often get reports that Photo D Burns SCU Whale Research Centre tories of individual animals vessels are within the restric- over the years, and should PRECISION DENTURES tion zone, but unfortunately Australia is starting to would have broken the one of them be taken by the it is not always very clear recover, something that has record. Japanese, we will lose our David Stanford Smith cut,’ said Ms Walker. ‘In this been confi rmed by the recent ‘This is continuing the case study. Adv Dip. DP (Syd), Dip. DT (Syd) case, however, it was quite Southern Cross University trend of steady recovery of ‘I do not know why the clear that the man was very (SCU) research project. Dan the humpback population Japanese feel the need to kill Dental Prosthetist close to the whale and we Burns, a PhD student in - but we are still a long way the whales in order to study Technical & Clinical Excellence were able to prosecute. volved the project was from pre-whaling numbers. them; we believe that all sci- ‘The whale migration is delighted when his survey We also know that this could entifi c research can be done Finely crafted for Comfort vitally important [to the results showed that the pop- be the last time we can do a as well if not better on living Engineered for Function future of the species] and ulation he is studying has solid count before the Japa- animals.
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