Columbia College Chicago Digital Commons @ Columbia College Chicago Columbia Chronicle College Publications 1-17-1989 Columbia Chronicle (01/17/1989) Columbia College Chicago Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.colum.edu/cadc_chronicle Part of the Journalism Studies Commons This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. Recommended Citation Columbia College Chicago, "Columbia Chronicle (01/ 17/1989)" (January 17, 1989). Columbia Chronicle, College Publications, College Archives & Special Collections, Columbia College Chicago. http://digitalcommons.colum.edu/cadc_chronicle/260 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the College Publications at Digital Commons @ Columbia College Chicago. It has been accepted for inclusion in Columbia Chronicle by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Columbia College Chicago. Classes falsely cancelled Teachers angered by unofficial notes posted on· doors aild blackboards of those absent that evening be­ By Douglas Holt A half hour later, Cohn was · fore Thanksgiving break. and Adolfo Mendez waiting for the Wabash building elevator doors to open; just after "I didn' t say a word about it Mysterio us unofficial class the doors opened, security guard [after Thanksgiving break], " cancellation tales; several in- Clifton Stuckey stepped out of Cohn said. " I was wattmg for structors have them to tell. the e leva tor and approached so meone in the class to say " I went and checked out my Cohn as he was entering . something about it. I didn' tthink _ room at about 6 p.m:, but no- " He [Stuckey] said, 'Your somebody in class did it." body wa:s in the room," Steve class was cancelled,' and I said, .. I didn' t know anything about Fiction Instructor Shawn Shiflett holds up two signs he found poi ted Neulander, instructor of Intro- 'What!' I went up stairs and [the it " Derrick Gardner, junior, me­ at his classroom without his permission. duction to Advertising, said. sign posted on the classroom dia major in Neuiander's Intro­ asked if we were going to be here " I then left the room , came door) said 'Class was cancelled,' ducton to Advertising class . Wri ling back at 6:25 p.m. and I wished everybody a ' Hap- because of the break." to said, " We had class; we stayed Ne ulander said a n official " When I walked in the room py Thanksgiving.' There weren' t for an hour and a half, then he let there was a sign on the black any students in the class." form is needed so students can encompass us out." discern whether class rea lly is board that said, 'There will be He added, " I told [students] I Gardner said the incident did no class.' That evening I only would not cancel a class without cancelled or if it is "somebody's not affect him because he came idea of a joke." all majors had 17 out of 32 in a class when I them knowing." to class-tardy that day. He won­ normally have almos.t 28 or 29 Neu\ander' s Monday nig ht Cohn. and Shawn Shiflett. a dered why the class was not as F ic tio n Writing ins tructor. every Monday night. So I fig- class and Cohn's Wednesday crowded. ured whe n some people got night class were both unofficially . agreed; there should be .an offi­ By Tanya Bonner Two of Cohn's students were there7· they saw the sign, took it cancelled during the week before cial form . waiting in the Wabash building as value and departed and some Thanksgiving break. The inc i- Cohn said , " It's not appropri­ When Columbia College stu­ lobby when he came down stairs people didil' t lake it as value and dent a larmed the teachers , d is- ate for that to happen. It wasn't dents start studying fo r math afte r noting the sign that eve­ professional.'· classes next semester, they' ll s\ayed." . rupted their classes' syllabi and ning. Neulander said he has riot can- confused some students. John Tarini, chairman of the need to know one important " He was mad because some­ celled a class during his three Neither Ne ulande r or Cohn Marketing/Communication De­ equation: Math plus writing one had done that," Eva Marie years at Columbia. mentioned the incident to the ir partme nt, said all departments equals learning. Roberts, a marketing major said . Uarret Cohn, instructor of stude nts, but the aftershock hit should have " Some kind of form The idea that writing about The week before he asked us if Techniques of Direct Marketing, by doubling up class time to that cannot ba duplicated. Any any subject helps a student un­ we wanted class [next week[ . He calle d the school from a pay make up the lost week. Continued from page 5 ders tand it be tter h as bee n spreading to colleges nationwide phone on the Eisenhower Ex- Neulander said there was ..-------------------- ...............,...,""""1 pressway to inform his students _., more sfudent traffic than usual through the Writing Across The be was going to be late because during the class period because Curric ulum (WAC) progra m , ofjammed traffic. which has found its way to Co­ lumbia. Incorpo rating writing into classes where it's not tradi­ Film dept. receives tionally used such as in mathe­ matics. is one of the program's primary goals. two major grants Two cons ulta nts w ill ho ld seminars with Columbia faculty By Matthew Kissane leverage to raise the tota l from members to give them pointers. outside sources. The Film/Video Department Elaine Maimon of Queens Col­ received $ 16 ,500 in two major " The match.ing grant means lege of New York will come to grants, wliic h will be used to the Academy gave us a certain Columbia on Fe b. 20. Danie l Fader of the University of Mex­ fund advanced level projects and amount for us to raise outside to expand its animation pro­ money to matc h the grant, " ico will visit on March 23 and gram. Riley said, explaining that it will 24. The Princess Grace Founda­ help eslablish internships within " Programs like these succeed tion set up to aid student film the industry. because of very gifted instructors makers, was the contributor of who are willing to try new things " We are honored to rece ive $ 12,000; and the.Academy of in their classrooms. based in the these important grants," depart­ Motion Picture Arts and Sci­ idea that wriling is a way of ment chairman Tony Loeb said. ences awarded the department learning:• Dr. Philip Klukoff. $4,500. Columbia College was one 9f English Department chairperson five nationwide institutions re­ " The Princess Grace Founda­ said . ceiving the Academy's grant , in­ tion released a letter for applica­ Klukoff and Columbia's Aca­ cluding Southern Illinois Univer­ tion· based on our standard as a demic Dean, Lya Dym Rose­ sity, San Francisco State Univer­ nblum began looking for such film school," Riley, program di­ sity, Temple University a nd rector of the Master's of the Fine achievement for a school of our schools had finalists in the Acad­ instructors in 1986 to head the Brigham Young University. size and location," Loeb said. · Arts program said. " [They] in­ emy amateur competition." WAC program. vited us to submit a proposal," ''T hey represent a vote ot James Richardson's Academy " A portion of the mo nies will This semester, Columbia has Award for the animation " Cat & she said. Riley was asked to sub­ confidence for our program and be devoted to our animation pro­ an active WAC Committee made Rat" and two other Columbia up of faculty who are committed mit the proposals. confirm the fact that we are inde­ gram in order to enhance our ca­ winners from the past eight years to applying writing in their class­ The Acade m y g r a nt is a ed traveling in very special com­ pac ity with computer-oriented Jed the Acade my to offer the es. matching grant, according to pany." Loeb continued. ''We design,·· Loeb said. ·'Othe r grant to the school. Richard Miller, the program co­ have been able to gain a kind of monies will become part of our They are Garnett Kilberg . co­ " We usually try to target a ordi nator: Debor ah S iegel. ordinator for the Academy. recognition that has never been production fund. which helps different market of schools every Columbia will match the won by a Midwestern school be­ make the filmmaking process a grant, giving the department the fore. This is an unparalle led year," Mille r said . " These reality for our students." Continued from page 5 Nobel winner combines poetry School continues series of critical issues Columbia College continues its WNCH AND LEARN series of free noon-time forums on subjects of critical and topical interest with and science in latest book the issue of " SHUT UP 1••••• First Amendment and Artists' Rights" at 12:00 Noon. Thursday. Jan . 19. at the college's Ferguson Memorial Theater. 600 S. Michigan Ave. By Timothy Bentevis ature. He began writing poetry Among the panelists addressing this timely topic arc Sherry B. II years ago, but his work was Goodman. president and chief executive officer of Chicago Access Nobel Prize winning chemist published just four years ago. Corporation: Jay Miller. director of the American Civil Liberties Uni­ Roald Hoffman, has successfully The genius of Hoffman lies in1 on. Chicago C h <~ ptcr (ACLU); Irene Siegel. artist. and Clarence S. brought together his brilliant sci­ his ability to bring both science Wil son.
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