IFEDERALSUSE ffllilONSDjfr CABINET WILL ACTc U.S. AIRPLANES By i^re in China NEARDiGEND; FINOEBATE TOROMBREBSf Canton,-China, Oct 20.—(AP)— ^of them managed to reach shore but Six hnndr^ and fifty'penK>ns died scores were reported to have drowned. Secretary Lamoti Issom1|*D in a holqcai^st in ,the tea house dis­ Because*^ of a peculiarity of the 'Equipped With Machine Gnns trict, of Wucho^iir,: on (.the Kwangri- West river, a cdnsidereble portion of Battle Over Beffddiem Steel Kwani^uiig border, today. its business is done aboard boats for a Meetmg Tomorrow The fire was^'reportiBd 't o ' have and on. pontoons. A difference of Merger is Resumed After They Are Doing Effective started in a floatingr restaurant in about 60 feet in the water-level be­ to Disenss Hoans to Re- the West river or SiWang. It spread tween full water in summer and low Work— Rio Reports Vic­ rapidly to other cr^t," hundreds of water in winter caused many mer­ Three Weeks’ Adjourn: which'jammed the stream, and final­ chants to have their stores, and Drowned Gere Preseat Stoatio^ b - ly reached buir<to^ on shore. ofiices afioat! The most prosperous ■■ tory for Federals. Huhjlri^ of persons; l^ p ^ into part of the city is located along the ment; Present Argmnents. I the str^m from bladng boats.* Some river. m Soond Were Rescned by diamipolis Fmancier t e ^ I Rio De Janeiro. Oct. 20.— (A P )— Youngstown, O., Oct: 20.— (AP.) P r e ^ o it There is Too Four American airplanes comprise —The court room of Common Pleas part of the military equipment be­ Ju^e David G. Jenkins again be­ Ma<A Prospofity Prope- ing used by the Brazilian Federal came the scene of battle over the Bridgeport, O ct 20:—(A P )—Given government to put down the rebel­ billion-dollar merger of the Youngs­ 'lip as lost whefi their overtotoed gandaMigCvcalatei lion. town Sheet and Tube Company with ory was foimd deserted to Long The machines, owned by the Sao BUT NEWS LEAKS OUT toe Bethlehem Steel (Corporation Island Sound yesterday,Jthree fisher­ Paulo state police, were equipped r when toe final- arguments of coun­ men were landed safriy at Fsdrfleld Washington. Oct. 20.— (A P.)-^ with machfhe guns several days ago sel begmi today. ,, ;3each after ‘spending the night at and now are doing active duty toe Penfleld' Reef Ughtoouse. The renewed efforts of the govem- against the rebels in the State of Hap Who Rew Admiral Byrd The first barrage after a< three relieve unemployment dur­ FR ANCE TO STOP weeks* adjoununent was toe presen­ The «men^ Cieofge Sohtoldt 30. of Parana, near the Sao Paulo border. Centrsl ^ak-avenue, Ifonkers; his, ing toe, winter will be started to­ They also are used for bombing, Jjut tation of briefs by both sides set­ cousin/Hatry Blfier, 19 of 761 East morrow when the President’s Cabi­ since they are not equipped with Over the South Pole Mar- ting forth toe issues of illegality 219th street New York'^and Walter racks all bombers must be dropped STOCK GAMBLING and fraud raised, by toe plaintiffs, Reilly, 30» of New York were net committee meets at the White by hand. ' tieis Girl From Norway in- and toe answers uid denial* of the rescued atnoofi yesterday and taken House under the chairmanship of A foreign engineer brought word defense. Each brief contained near­ to toe. lighthouse, after clinging to Secretary Lament. ly 500 printed pagea t o ^ y that the city of Campos, a toe capsized boat for over two hours Mr. Lamont first caUed the meet­ sugar making center in the state of Little New Jersey Church. |To Keep Its Financial House Then. Luther- < Day, member of n toe chic^py cold waters of toe counsel for toe Internatibnal Shares ing for today, but later had to Rio De Janelra J37 miles northeast Sound.^ Because of toe laric of. com- postpone It. of the Federal capital, had never Corporation and tke executors of munication news of toe rescue did been ^menaced by rebels from the Haabrpuck Heights, N.'J., Dct. 20. in Order— Few Unemploy- toe late Myron C. 'Wick, Jr., took not reach toe ihatoland until toe The commerce secretary, atfter a ; state of Minas Geraes, previous re­ — (AP.-)—3ern t Balchen, blonde toe floor to launch the arguments of three.fishermen were landed at toe conference with President Hoover, ports had indicated that the town toe plaintiff. beach early...today. said toe Cjabinet group would' act iwas endangered by bands s lic in g Viking of tije air whb accoinpanied ed in the Nation Now. Day turned his guns on Eugene at lightoeiue ^' only as a preliminary committee over the nearby Minas Geraes bor­ Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd on Grace, president of Bethlehem sad Aid ;i|aa h e i^ ’rushed to toe fish: and later would endeavor to set up der. ' his AtlamUc flight and bis >, South Hariy D^.tpn, of CUsvebadf director ermen when whatever, organization is found to Better Informed Pola,r expeditions, has - married his PariSi ,Qct. 20. — (AP) — The of Ydun^town and BefHitoem find thetopligta was seen from light- be necessary to cope wito unem­ * The people of Rio De Janeiro and nor^Sfid sweetheart. ' ' French government today ordered a pattner to Pickaluls Matoblr and hpubeniibbfil^SOO feet ftoto the *over- ployment. i Sao Paxilo are kept informed of A t a quiet ceremony on Saturday (Company, (Clevieland ore firm. airned.dbry, by W. A. Sbalti^, toe To Form Conunlaslon he was ' married to Miss Emmy judicial investigatioh and prosecu­ . A new.goid rush is on to. northern Ontario, following ..discovery o f rich keeper anb lii* assistant E. 'r. Pas- I Federal progress in the present war- Called Prime Movmrs deVito in Beonockbum township to the vicinity of Elk Lake^ These He expressed doubt that a com-“ 'fare by government broadcasting Soerlie o f Oslo, Norway, to wl^m tion of all persons suspected of en- He declared'these two men were tortoi. latter put a^^ow gjaging to acts endangering financial mission similar tq tpat appointed ,! stations, which go on the air every he l^ad been engaged-for four.y.eers. the prime movers in the tad4toiBiiunr..l ^ Preaident.'H^Rfingv <tf which Mr. ; night with communiques pointing She came to this omuitry eftec'Bti?- rkqfi and illegi^>-q)ecUl^tions Im- negdtlatiotia 'wE<9i:' Hoover as secretary of commerce out the situation and answertog the chen returned last.year-fromfAht- agreement for' lea exchange of one ed to the llghthbuse. petiltog the normal functions of toe make travel almost impossible. A fourth member of toe was head, would be necesssuy. claims of revolutionary forces. arcttee. The ip e^ ^ e took piece at and a third shares of Bethlehem Pointing out toat it had been ap­ (jne point stressed in such talks is a Uttle church in (Dpyteavllle, N. J., Stock Exchange. Commop for each share of Youngs­ flshtag party, Harry Schnlldt, 'Itos action followed closely upon 28, and a brother of Geor­ pointed to relieve a sudden emer­ ;the possibility of Communist trou­ with-Peter J. Siccardlfi 'chief of Ber­ town Common. The agreement was gency, Mr. Lamont said the present ble, the government warning all gen county traffic police, and Mrs. an addiiss by Premier Tardieu yes­ approvated later by Sheet and Tube FIND ORIENTALS ge, swam to shore' after toe Brazilians against such movements. boat had capsized about two miles committee was appointed to review Siccardi as attendants. terday to which he said France had directors and .ratified at a stoc|c- FULLER CRASH DUE the work of ten months since the I (Government sources said today Balchen was back .at work at his off Penfield Reef to get aid for bis decided to keep its economic sind holders meeting April 8 by a proxy IN MEXICAN WILDS business depression began and in­ I that the Federals are maintaining Job'as test pilot for toe Foklwr Air­ vote which toe plaintiffs contend companions. A 'poUce boat put out -all positions on the Paulo-Par- finwcial house in order > with the for the trio but was delayed when it tensify toe government’s efforts al­ craft. Ctoiixsration. i But when >news was illegal. ready imder way. 'sma front, and advancing against of his marriage leaked out he .pulled satoe, energy and determination it Speak Arabic, Ignorant of struck a rock. Meanv^hile toe rescue Day admitted Grace’s right to do was effected by th* lighthouse keep- the rebels in southern Minas Geraes. off‘a flying suit and.fled to'seclusion.I haa mAnifgwtpd in preventing meet- everything in his power to.idd Beth­ Spanish— Have Lived in Re­ Government’s Plans Yesteniay was a' quiet day owing after merely confirming toe •*—*fact ed! 'When the police boat finally ar­ Replytag to a question, the coin- togs or movements calculated to dis­ lehem but accused him of wrongful­ gion Four Centuries. rived and only the capsized dory to bad weather, the stormy condi­ that he .-was married. ly intei^ferrlng to to e relations of merce secretary said toe reduction tions particularly hindering the air turb public tranquility and national in tax receipts announced today by -Secret Leaks Out toe ■Youngsto>yn, directors, sad offi­ Thomas J. Speliacy Named (Continned on Page Two.) force. Federal troops now at ths It had beep hi* lilan to keep'toe security. The prime minister in his ' Tuxtla, Gutierrez, Chiapas, the treasury would not interfere front are fully equipped for active cers with tbe ShMt and Tube stock- -Makico,; Oct.
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