[ 545 ] P R E S E N T S •0, i ,{ . ^ ’ 4 fi ■ j j ' . * * • ; MADE TO THE # .. $ -‘ «- 4,-1- , , -VJ-. * !« \ . a . * * ROYAL SOCIETY In the Y E A R 1774.; WITH The NAMES of the DONORS. Donors* Prefents, Omitted, 1774. Due de Groy.j M. de Vaugondy’s Map of the Southern Hemifphere. Not. io» Mr. Hope of Amfterdam* Tranfa&ions of the Harelem Academy of Sciences, 14 vol. g» R. Ac. of Sciences Paris, Memoires for the Years 1760 and I771, vol. go Abbe Rozier, Journal, &c. Phyfique, for May, June, July, *774• 40 John Strange, Efq, F. R. S, Zanetti Statue d’Afclepiade <fAbano, 4® . , , ---- — ' ■ Difcorfi Epiftolari fopra i fuochi di Loria. 4® ■Coll. Phyf. Edinburgh. Pharmacopoeia, 1774. i° The Hon. C. J. Phipps,now A Voyage towards the North Pole, in 1775. Lord Mulgrave, F.R.S. 40 Samuel Horfley, LL.D. Sec. R. S. Remarks on the Obfervations made in a late Voyage towardsthe North Pole. 40 J. B. Cafp. d’Anli de Villoifon, Apollonii Sophiftae Lexicon Homericum, 2 vol. 4° W. Gerard de Brahra. The levelling Balance and Counter-balance, fob M. l’Abbe Marie. Traite de Mechanique, 1774. 40 If* Samuel Wegg, Efq. V. P. R. S. Three rare Birds, fome Fungus and Mofs from Hudfon’s Bay, with fome Account of them by Humphry Martin, Refident there. Vol, LXV. 4 C Donors. [ 546 j *774* Donors. Prefents. Dec. i . William Hunter, M, D. F. R. S. Anatomy of the human gravid Uterue, 1774. Atl. M. Portal, Rapport fur la mort du Sieur le Maire, &c. par la vapeur du Charbon. 8* M. Sanchez, M. D, Examen fur l’apparition de MaladieVenerienne en Europe. 8* Leonard Euleri. Novze Tabula Lunares, Petrop. 8* 25. M. Necker. Methodus Mufcorum, per clalfes, &c. 8° Phyfiologia Mufcorum per examen analyti- cum. 8* Richard Twifs, Efq. F. R. S. A Snake-Hone from Spain. 22 • R. Ac. Sciences Paris. Connoiffance des temps, pour 1775'. 8® Ow. Salulb. Brereton, Efq.F.R.S. A Zoophyte, found in the Sea near Scarbo­ rough. Alexander Hunter, M. D. F. R.S. An engraving of an ancient Gold Ring. Two new Plates, with their drawings and de» M. Aublet; fcriptions in Latin and French. Hudfon’s Bay Committee, Several dried Animals from Hudfon’s Bay. A piece of a Tree, Eight Inches diameter, cut down, by the Beavers near Hudfon’s Bay. 1.775. Jan. 12. Matthew Raper, E fq.F.R .S. Dr. Bradley’s Quadrant Obfervations, MS. fol. ■ ..... ................. Dr. Bradley’s TranlitObfervations,MS. fol.. Thefe are copies by the late Gael Morris. Molineux Shuldham, Efq, An uncommon fijfh falted, with a drawing of it. A Sea-cow’s Head, and T w a Foetus’ of that Animal, in Spirits., Several Caperlines, the Bait for Cod, in S p i­ rits. A large Loon diver dried. Capt. Furneaux. A mufical Inftrument from the. Illand of Amfterdam in the South Seas. A new colouring Subftance, from ditto. Jan. 19. Piedro Garanta. A Print of Don G. Juan, F. R. S. M. de. Horne. Exposition des differens Methodes d’adminif- trer le Mercure, &c. 8® MS. Diflertation on the Infufficiency of the Signs from Urine. Donors* [ 547 ] *77J* Donor?, Prefentf. ^ M, de Horne# MS, Obfervations on a Uterus without jf Cavity, »6. Alex. Dalrymple, Efq. F. R, S. Plan, of Pom in the Eait Indies, N» III md lV ’ ■ fol. Peter Muilman. A new ami complete Hillory of Effex, in 6 vols. go Feb, 2. John Hunter, F. R. S. A Preparation of the Gymnotus,or Eledncal Eel, in Spirits* 9. Thomas Henry, F. R, S, Experiments and Obfervations on Six Sub­ jects, Medicinal, &c. go 16, Society of Antiquaries. A Print of an ancient Pifture in Windfor Caftle. An Hiftorical Defcription of the Print, by Sir Jofeph Ayloffe, Bart. F. R. A, S. 4® 23. J. R. B. GroiTen. Recueil des Antiquites et Monumens Mar- feillois, .• Thomas Tyrwhitt, Eft]. F .R .S . The Canterbury Tales of Chaucer, with an Effay, Notes, &c. 4 vols. g» March a, Samuel Vernon. Meteorological Obfervations, made at Mid- dlewich in Chefliire, MS. from 1768 to 1771, inclulive. 9. John Ellis, Efq. F. R. S, A Defcription of the Mangoihn and of the Bread Fruit 4* M. de Vaugondy. Memoire fur les pays de l’Afie et de l’Ame- reque au NdS. S. 4® 16. Sir John Pringle, Bart. P. R. S. A Sepia, or Ink Fifh, preferved in Spirits. 23, Samuel Foart Simmons. Element of Anatomy and the Animal Oeco- nomy. * g« Mr. Hope of Amfterdam. Memoires of the Society of Sciences ofHaer- lem, vol. XV. go Apr* 6. Richard Twifs, Efq. F. R. S Travels to Portugal and Spain,, 4* 27. Commiffioners of Longitude. The Nautical Almanack for 1776. 8° The Editor. The Probability of reaching the North Pole difcufied. 4n Edward Jacob. The Hiftory of the Town and Port of Fe- verfham in Kent. go M. Gibelin, D. M l Experiences et Obfervations fur differentes efpeces d’Air. go J. Muller, Botanical Prints, N° II. f0i, May 4. P, G, F, Fontana; Delle altezze Barometriche faggio Analitico. 4° 4 ^ z Donors, t ;548 ] Ptefents. >775 Donors. iS. John Ellis, Efq. E. R.S# The Fruit and Bloffoms-of theTheobroma Cacao, in Two Jars of Spirits. Peter Chelier. Some Slices of Jalap from Florida. Univerlity of Gottingen. Tobias Mayeri, Opera inedita. fob John Hunter, F. R. S. A dice of the Gymnotus Eledtricus, in a Jar of Spirits. 25. R. Lowth, Bp. of Oxford, F.R.S. De facra Poefi Hebraeorum, Edit, tertia. 8* June x. L. Yifc. Mahon, F. R. S. Confiderations refpedting Gold Coin. 4* 15. Abrah. D’Aubant, The Works of William Thomas, Clerk of the Privy Council 1549. 8® Count de Salis, F. R. S. La facra Biblia, in Lingua Romanfcha. fol. 29. W. Bowver and J. Nichols. Remarks on a late Diflertation on the Greek and Roman Money. ^:jr i f Lud. Kuilerus De vero ufu verborumi me- dlorum. gC J * | \ ' '■ -V ‘V • , --5 ~ .v , Occafional Difcourfes in the Royal Navy, in 1756, 57, and 59. 8° Seledt Difdourfes on fhe Hebrew Months,, Sabbatical Year, &c. Dionis du Sejour, F .R .S . ElTai fur les Cometes en general, &c. John Wynn Baker. Experiments in Agricukure in 17721 and %• X773* f July 6. R. Acad. Stockholm, De Geer. Memoir^ pour PHiftoire des In­ fers, tom. IV. 4®' Nova Adta Regia Societatis Scientiarum Up- falieniis. 40 Swedilh Adis, Two Numbers for 1773, and Two Numbers for 1774. 8° John Harrifon, F. R. S, On Clock-work and Mulic, 1775. 8° Inllrudiions fur les Maladies que detruit le Betail. 4? M. Meffier, F. R. S. Obfervations Meteofologiques faites a Pekin,’ parP.Amiat. 40 J. H .de Magellan, F. R. S. Defcripti®n des Qdlants et Sextants Anglois. Jm. A N I N D E X T O T H E SIXTY-FIFTH VOLUME O F T H E PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS. A. ABANO, an extraordinary animal in the waters of, p. 4$, 46. Heat of the baths there, ibid. Abyjfmia, obfervations made there upon myrrh, in the year 1771, p. 408. See Myrrh* Acephalous birthy an account of an extraordinary one, p. 311. See Birth, Acid, mineral, a new one produced from phofphoric fpar, p. 394. JZtna, conje&ures concerning, p. 29. Ackworth, in the county of York, average of deaths there for ten years, p. 428. Chrif--. tenings and burials for twenty years, p. 443, 444. Air, fixed, apparatus for impregnating water with, defcription of one, p. 39. See Water,— Air, an account of further difcoveries in, p. 384. The vitriolic acid, the nitrous acid, and the vegetable acid air, difcovered, p. 385. Vitriolic acid air how produced, ibid. Vegetable acid air how produced, p. 386. No fluid capable of con­ fining nitrous acid air, ibid. Kinds of air formed by the nitrous acid more numerous than all the kinds that can be formed by the other acids, ibid. How produced, p. 386, 387. Various metals yield inflammable air by the foregoing procefs, p.387. Air, five or fix times better than common air, p. 387—-389. How produced, p. 387- Conjedture that the nitrous acid is the bafis ofcommon air, p. 389. 394. Pure air pro­ cured from a variety of materials, p. 390. Fixed air a modification of the nitrous acid, ibid. A pure dephlogifiicated air may be procured from earths of all denomina­ tions, p. 392. Obfervations on air, , p. 392, 393, Air produced from ore of lead and. fpirit of nitre, p. 393, AUahaladj 55® I 'WD E X . Allahabad, in the Eaft Indies, an account of fome thermometrical obfemtions made there, in lat. 250 30' N. during the year 1767, and alfo during a voyage front Ma- drafs to England in the year 1774, p. 202.------Natural ice feldom feen there, p. 232, Altar. Prognoses derived from the bright Star, 182. Amputation above the knee, remarks and confiderations relative to the performance of it by the fingle circular incifion, p. 373. The manner of operation, p, 373 —375- marks on amputation, and the fingle incifion recommended, p. 375~~377* Amferdam, ifle of, in the South Seas, account of a mufical i rift r unlent brought from thence, p. 67. See Mufical Infirument,------Remarks on a larger fyftem of reed pipes from thence, with obfervations on the tiofO flute of Otaheite, p. 72.— Experiment* on a new colouring fubftance from thence, p. 91. See Colouring Andes. See Volcanos. Anmonies. See Sea-Anemonies. Jneuryjmsin the thigh, concerning, p. 378—380. Animals and vegetables, experiments on, with regard to the power of producing heat, p.446.
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