Particulars of Schools Accommodated For

Particulars of Schools Accommodated For

Contact details of Building management (Principal / Department caretaker contact details Sl. Divisio Name of Ghat / Department Mandal Description of Accommodation Head Master of Jr. DegreeDesignat Colleges Mobile / Schools / Contact / Mobile / No n Pushkar Nagar Name Name Designation ion No. Contact No. Head station fire 1 FIRE GDV Pamidimukkala Inapuru Ghat MPT School, Inapuru N.Venkateswara Rao 9491735213 A.Ramaligeswara Rao 9963725389 Master officer P.D.K.Prasad Fieldman 8179218129 2 Fisheries GDV Pamidimukkala Inapuru Ghat ZP High School Inapuru Meerja Liyakhath Áli, HM 9949313316 P.Prasannakumar Fisherman 9951123889 Panchayat 3 Panchayatraj GDV Pamidimukkala Inapuru ZP H School Meerza Liyakat Ali HM 9949313316 P.Venkata Naga lakshmi 9505909547 Secretary MPP School, Lankapalli (v), 4 Police_Ez GDV Pamidimukkala POLICE M. Radharani, HM 9502232576 M.Ram Naik PC 2352 9704797657 Pamidimukkala MPUP School, Inapuru (v), 5 Police_Ez GDV Pamidimukkala POLICE Ch.Radha Rani(HM), HM 9550401192 I.Naga Raju PC 2355 9000198190 Pamidimukkala 6 Revenue GDV Pamidimukkala Inapuru Ghat ZPH School, Inapuru Liyakath Ali HM 9949313316 Victor Babu Tahsildar 9908664623 Head station fire 7 FIRE GDV Thotlavalluru Illuru Ghat-1 MPT School, Illuru N.Venkateswara Rao 9491735213 A.Ramaligeswara Rao 9963725389 Master officer Head station fire 8 FIRE GDV Thotlavalluru Illuru Ghat-2 MPT School, Illuru N.Venkateswara Rao 9491735213 A.Ramaligeswara Rao 9963725389 Master officer Head station fire 9 FIRE GDV Thotlavalluru Illuru Ghat-3 MPT School, Illuru N.Venkateswara Rao 9491735213 A.Ramaligeswara Rao 9963725389 Master officer Head station fire 10 FIRE GDV Thotlavalluru Royyuru ghat Z.P.P School Thotlavalluru Y.Dhanalakshmi 9491727003 A.Ramaligeswara Rao 9963725389 Master officer Head station fire 11 FIRE GDV Thotlavalluru Vallurupalem Ghat Z.P.P School Thotlavalluru Y.Dhanalakshmi 9491727003 A.Ramaligeswara Rao 9963725389 Master officer Head station fire 12 FIRE GDV Thotlavalluru Thotlavalluru Ghat-1 Z.P.P School Thotlavalluru Y.Dhanalakshmi 9491727003 A.Ramaligeswara Rao 9963725389 Master officer Head station fire 13 FIRE GDV Thotlavalluru Thotlavalluru Ghat-2 Z.P.P School Thotlavalluru Y.Dhanalakshmi 9491727003 A.Ramaligeswara Rao 9963725389 Master officer Head station fire 14 FIRE GDV Thotlavalluru Chagantipadu ghat Z.P.P School Thotlavalluru Y.Dhanalakshmi 9491727003 A.Ramaligeswara Rao 9963725389 Master officer Contact details of Building management (Principal / Department caretaker contact details Sl. Divisio Name of Ghat / Department Mandal Description of Accommodation Head Master of Jr. DegreeDesignat Colleges Mobile / Schools / Contact / Mobile / No n Pushkar Nagar Name Name Designation ion No. Contact No. Head station fire 15 FIRE GDV Thotlavalluru Devarapalli Ghat Z.P.P School Thotlavalluru Y.Dhanalakshmi 9491727003 A.Ramaligeswara Rao 9963725389 Master officer R.Varuna kumar , M.Brahmanandam AIF 9290621202 16 Fisheries GDV Thotlavalluru Royyuru ghat MPUPS Royyuru HM 9908872161 N.Satyanarayana Fieldman 9948588998 Y.Srinivasa Rao, M.Satyakishore JA 7396224163 17 Fisheries GDV Thotlavalluru Vallurupalem Ghat ZPHS, Vallurupalem HM 9949330039 T.Satyam Fisherman 9701216881 Panchayat 18 Panchayatraj GDV Thotlavalluru Iluru - 2 Saraswathi Public School,Iluru Ch. Syam Prasad Principal 9440647201 B.S.N.Raju 9949615844 Secretary Panchayat 19 Panchayatraj GDV Thotlavalluru Iluru - 3 Saraswathi Public School,Iluru Ch. Syam Prasad Principal 9440647201 B.S.N.Raju 9949615844 Secretary ZPHS, Thotlavalluru Panchayat 20 Panchayatraj GDV Thotlavalluru Thotlavalluru -2 Y.Dhana lakshmi HM 9491727003 D.Rani 9912447538 Secretary MPP School, Chagantipadu (v), 21 Police_Ez GDV Thotlavalluru POLICE Naga vanaja HM 9492808503 B.Krishna Murthy PC 1486 9440141486 Thotlavallur 22 Police_Ez GDV Thotlavalluru POLICE MPP School, Iluru (v), Thotlavallur G.Venugopala Rao HM 9494878183 SVND Malleswara Rao HC 313 9440718584 MPP School, Royyuru (v), 23 Police_Ez GDV Thotlavalluru POLICE M.Ananda Rao HM 9989647942 K.Siva Krishna PC 2720 9000546828 Thotlavallur 24 Police_Ez GDV Thotlavalluru POLICE MPP School, Thotlavallur V & M N.Lakshmi Narsamma HM 9640772737 K.RamaRaju PC 2305 9100812569 MPP School, Vallurupalem (v), 25 Police_Ez GDV Thotlavalluru POLICE Immanuel HM 8500738449 P.Krishna PC 2460 7659957247 Thotlavallur. MPP Urdu School, Iluru (v), 26 Police_Ez GDV Thotlavalluru POLICE Padma sudha HM 9100084673 SVND Malleswara Rao HC 313 9440718584 Thotlavallur Contact details of Building management (Principal / Department caretaker contact details Sl. Divisio Name of Ghat / Department Mandal Description of Accommodation Head Master of Jr. DegreeDesignat Colleges Mobile / Schools / Contact / Mobile / No n Pushkar Nagar Name Name Designation ion No. Contact No. MPUP School, Chagantipadu (v), 27 Police_Ez GDV Thotlavalluru POLICE G.Visweswara rao HM 9502905994 B.Krishna Murthy PC 1486 9440141486 Thotlavallur MPUP School, Guruvindapalli (v), 28 Police_Ez GDV Thotlavalluru POLICE Lakshmamma, HM 9490635614 G.Nagaaih PC 2818 9848062485 Thotlavallur MPUP School, Royyur (v), 29 Police_Ez GDV Thotlavalluru POLICE Ravella Varun Kumar HM 9908872161 K.Siva Krishna PC 2720 9000546828 Thotlavallur 30 Police_Ez GDV Thotlavalluru POLICE RCM School, Thotlavallur V & M Jhansi Rani HM 9701563769 K.RamaRaju PC 2305 9100812569 ZPH School, Devarapalli (v), 31 Police_Ez GDV Thotlavalluru POLICE A.Naga Bhushana Rao HM 9951303866 V.Srinivasa Rao PC 2307 9848462370 Thotlavallur ZPH School, Vallurupalem (v), 32 Police_Ez GDV Thotlavalluru POLICE Y.Barla Srinivas HM 7569159093 P.Krishna PC 2460 7659957247 Thotlavallur. MPUP School, Badrirajupalem H/o 33 Revenue GDV Thotlavalluru Chagantipadu Ch Ramesh HM 9440224719 G. Badru Tahsildar 9849904000 Southvalluru ZPH School, Penamakuru 34 Revenue GDV Thotlavalluru Devarapalli G. Krishna Deelip HM 9949510642 G. Badru Tahsildar 9849904000 10 Rooms ZPH School, Penamakuru 35 Revenue GDV Thotlavalluru Iluru-1 G. Krishna Deelip HM 9949510642 G. Badru Tahsildar 9849904000 10 Rooms ZPH School, Penamakuru 36 Revenue GDV Thotlavalluru Iluru-2 G. Krishna Deelip HM 9949510642 G. Badru Tahsildar 9849904000 10 Rooms ZPH School, Penamakuru 37 Revenue GDV Thotlavalluru Iluru-3 G. Krishna Deelip HM 9949510642 G. Badru Tahsildar 9849904000 10 Rooms ZPH School, Thotlavalluru Main, 12 38 Revenue GDV Thotlavalluru Royyuru Y. Dhanalakshmi HM 9491727003 G. Badru Tahsildar 9849904000 Rooms Contact details of Building management (Principal / Department caretaker contact details Sl. Divisio Name of Ghat / Department Mandal Description of Accommodation Head Master of Jr. DegreeDesignat Colleges Mobile / Schools / Contact / Mobile / No n Pushkar Nagar Name Name Designation ion No. Contact No. ZPH School, Thotlavalluru Main, 12 39 Revenue GDV Thotlavalluru Vallurupalem Y. Dhanalakshmi HM 9491727003 G. Badru Tahsildar 9849904000 Rooms ZPH School, Thotlavalluru Main, 12 40 Revenue GDV Thotlavalluru Thotlavalluru- 1 Y. Dhanalakshmi HM 9491727003 G. Badru Tahsildar 9849904000 Rooms ZPH School, Thotlavalluru Main, 12 41 Revenue GDV Thotlavalluru Thotlavalluru-2 Y. Dhanalakshmi HM 9491727003 G. Badru Tahsildar 9849904000 Rooms Chief Sri J.R.Kumar, Depot 42 Apsrtc GDV Vuyyuru Iluru Velagapudi Rk High School, Vuyyuru K.Venkateswara Rao Operating 9908166688 9959224796 Officer Vuyyuru, Manager KCP Head 43 Endowment MTM Avanigadda Puligadda Ghat School, Puligadda K.Mari Babu 9849234377 M. Murali Krishna E.O Grade 2 9440241751 Master Head 44 Endowment MTM Avanigadda Kothapeta Ghat School, Puligadda S.Sambasiva Rao 9440353625 M. Murali Krishna E.O Grade 2 9440241751 Master Southchiruvolulanka D.Uma Maheswara Head 45 Endowment MTM Avanigadda School, Puligadda 9441121666 M. Murali Krishna E.O Grade 2 9440241751 Ghat Rao Master Head 46 Endowment MTM Avanigadda Edlanka Ghat School, Puligadda B.E.Kameswari 9440230536 M. Murali Krishna E.O Grade 2 9440241751 Master MEO&H 47 Endowment MTM Avanigadda Vekanuru-1 Ghat School. Vekanuru Siva Sankar Rao 9247367099 M. Murali Krishna E.O Grade 2 9440241751 M MEO&H 48 Endowment MTM Avanigadda Vekanuru-2 Ghat School. Vekanuru Siva Sankar Rao 9247367099 M. Murali Krishna E.O Grade 2 9440241751 M station fire 49 FIRE MTM Avanigadda Puligadda Ghat Indian Springs School, Avanigadda K.Venkateswara Rao principal 8106605959 N.Venkata Rao 9963723527 officer station fire 50 FIRE MTM Avanigadda Kothapeta Ghat Indian Springs School, Avanigadda K.Venkateswara Rao principal 8106605959 N.Venkata Rao 9963723527 officer Contact details of Building management (Principal / Department caretaker contact details Sl. Divisio Name of Ghat / Department Mandal Description of Accommodation Head Master of Jr. DegreeDesignat Colleges Mobile / Schools / Contact / Mobile / No n Pushkar Nagar Name Name Designation ion No. Contact No. Southchiruvolulanka station fire 51 FIRE MTM Avanigadda Indian Springs School, Avanigadda K.Venkateswara Rao principal 8106605959 N.Venkata Rao 9963723527 Ghat officer station fire 52 FIRE MTM Avanigadda Edlanka Ghat Indian Springs School, Avanigadda K.Venkateswara Rao principal 8106605959 N.Venkata Rao 9963723527 officer station fire 53 FIRE MTM Avanigadda Vekanuru -1-Ghat Indian Springs School, Avanigadda K.Venkateswara Rao principal 8106605959 N.Venkata Rao 9963723527 officer station fire 54 FIRE MTM Avanigadda Vekanuru-2-Ghat Indian Springs School, Avanigadda K.Venkateswara Rao principal 8106605959 N.Venkata Rao 9963723527 officer Avanigadda, Govt NRI Indian Springs School, station fire 55 FIRE MTM Avanigadda K.Venkateswara Rao principal 8106605959 N.Venkata Rao

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