All_Short_Notes_(Seiten 59-112):SHort_NotE.qxd 07.08.2017 18:57 Seite 18 76 SHort NotE HErPEtoZoA 30 (1/2) Wien, 30. Juli 2017 SHort NotE amphibians as scientific specimens; pp. 289-297. in: Sul, 79070-900, campo grande, Mato grosso do Sul, HEyEr , W. r. & D oNNEl ly , M. A. & M cDiArMiD , r. Brazil. W. & H AyEk , l. c. & F oStEr , M. S. (Eds): Measuring 2) Programa de Pós-graduação em Ecologia e and monitoring biological diversity. Standard methods conservação, universidade Federal de Mato grosso do for amphi bians. Washington (Smithsonian institution Sul, 79070-900, campo grande, Mato grosso do Sul, Press) . PENNiNg toN , r. t. & P rADo , D. E. & P ENDry , Brazil (retired). c. A. (2000): Neotropical seasonally dry forests and 3) Departamento de Morfologia e Fisiologia Quaternary vegetation changes.- Journal of Biogeo - Animal, universidade Estadual Paulista, 14884-900, graphy, chichester; 27 (2): 261-273. PErry , g. & Jaboticabal, São Paulo, Brazil. PiANkA , E. r. (1997): Animal foraging: past, present and future.- trends in Ecology and Evolution, cambridge;12 (9): 360-364. PoNSSA , M. l. (2008): cladistic analysis and osteological descriptions of the species of the L. fuscus species group of the genus Teius suquiensis AvilA & M Artori , Leptodactylus (Anura, leptodacty lidae).- Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evo lutionary research, 1991, from Santiago del Estero, Berlin; 46 (3): 249-266. SouZA , F. l. & u EtANABAro , Argentina: first record and potential M. & l ANDgrEF -F ilHo , P. & P iAtti , l. & P rADo , c. P. A (2010): Herpetofauna, municipality of Porto case of range extension Murtinho, chaco region, state of Mato grosso do Sul, Brazil.- check list, goiania; 6 (3): 470-475. toFt , c. A. (1981): Ecology of Pana manian litter anurans: pat - Teius suquiensis AvilA & M Artori , terns in diet and foraging mode.- Journal of 1991, is a parthenogenic lizard present in Herpetology, Houston etc. ; 15 (2): 139-144. contact zones of the parapatric sexual spe - kEy WorDS: Amphibia: Anura: leptodacty - cies Teius oculatus (D’ orBigNy & B iBroN , lidae; Leptodactylus bufonius ; feeding ecology, ontoge - 1837) and Teius teyou (DAuDiN , 1802) ( Avi- netic variation, prey items, prey size; chaco, Mato lA 2002 ). this is a diurnal species that feeds grosso do Sul, Brazil on insects ( AvilA et al. 1992). of the two SuBMittED: June 27, 2016 populations known, the southern is as - AutHorS: gabriel P. FAggioNi (correspon - sociated with the Espinal and Dry chaco ding author < [email protected] >) 1, 4) , Franco l. SouZA 1), Masao uEtANABAro 2) , Paulo lANDgrEF - ecoregions, reaching elevations of 1,210 m FilHo 1) & cynthia P. A. PrADo 1, 3) a.s.l. in the “Sierras de córdoba”, in the Pro - 1) Programa de Pós-graduação em Ecologia e vinces of San luis and córdoba, whereas, conservação, universidade Federal de Mato grosso do the northern is present in the Dry and Humid Fig. 1: Habitat at the new record locality of Teius suquiensis AvilA & M Artori , 1991, in the Province of Santiago del Estero, Argentina. All_Short_Notes_(Seiten 59-112):SHort_NotE.qxd 07.08.2017 18:57 Seite 19 SHort NotE HErPEtoZoA 30 (1/2) Wien, 30. Juli 2017 SHort NotE 77 shrubs (Fig. 1). in the study area, this habi - tat type represents the transition of Dry to Humid chaco. More to the west, the habi - tats along the roads are barren grounds with - out vegetation. it is important to note, that in the near forest (1.3 km from the T. suqui - ensis records) T. teyou is found. the previous known T. suquiensis lo - ' calities, which are closest to the new record were villa Minetti and Estancia El Nochero in the Province of Santa Fé ( cAcciAli et al. 2016), at distances of 31 and 43 km, respec - tively (Fig. 2). this species was initially described from the Province of córdoba ( AvilA & MArtori 1991); later the known distribu - tion was extended considerably to the Pro - vince of Santa Fé ( AvilA 1995). A record of T. suquiensis , 100 km north to previous known localities in córdoba is an indication for an expansion of its range ( cABrErA & MoNguillot 2007). Teius suquiensis seems to tolerate environmental modifications, be - ing present in disturbed habitats and along roads ( AvilA & M Artori 1991). it is cur - rently not possible to determine if the new record represents a recent expansion of the species’ range, or an established occurrence Fig. 2: Map showing the location of the new record that was unknown simply due to lack of of Teius suquiensis AvilA & M Artori , 1991 (white square), and the closest previous records (white dots) information. in the Province of Santa Fé, Argentina. AckNoWlEDgMENtS: the authors are Bottom left: whole of the known distribution grateful to John kochalka (Museo Nacional de Historia of T. suquiensis with the area Natural del Paraguay) for corrections to the English, P. of the main map framed in gray. cacciali and M. Motte to consejo Nacional de ciencia Bottom right: location of the map to the left y tecnología for financial support through ProNii in the geographical context of South America. (Programa Nacional de incentivo a los investigadores, Argentina is highlighted in gray. Paraguay), and J. A. céspedez to Secretaria general de ciencia y tecnología of universidad Nacional del Nord - este for support through research project Pi 12F- 004. rEFErENcES: AvilA , l. J. (1995): Teius su - chaco ecoregions, in the lowland below 75 quiensis : ampliación de su distribución geográfica y primera cita para la provincia de Santa Fé.- cuadernos m a.s.l. ( cAcciAli et al. 2016). this latter de Herpetología, Buenos Aires; 9 (1): 57-58. AvilA , l. population was known only from the Pro - J. (2002): geographic distribution of lizards of the genus vince of Santa Fé ( cAcciAli et al. 2016). Teius (Squamata: teiidae: teiinae) in southern South Here the authors report the presence of America.- Biogeographica, Paris; 78 (1): 15-33. AvilA , l. J. & A coStA , J. c. & M Artori , r. ( 1992): compo - T. suquiensis at 20 km east of “los Juríes” sición, variación anual y estacional de la dieta de Teius on the way to “la Nena” (28° 28’10”S, 61° suquiensis (Sauria: teiidae) en la provincia de córdoba 53’36”W), Province of Santiago del Estero, (Argentina).- cuadernos de Herpetología, Buenos Argentina. Five specimens collected at that Aires; 7 (2): 5-13. AvilA , l. J. & M Artori , r. (1991): A unisexual species of Teius MErrEM , 1820 (Sauria site were deposited in the herpetology col - teiidae) from central Argentina.- tropical Zoology, lection of the universidad Nacional del Firenze; 4: 193-201. cABrErA , M. r. & M oNguillot , Nordeste, corrientes, Argentina (uNNEc J. c. (2007): reptilia, Squamata, teiidae, Teius suqui - 13003-5, 13010-1). ensis : New evidence of recent expansion of this parthe - nogenetic lizard?- check list, rio grande do Sul; 3 the specimens were found along the (3): 180-184. cAcciAli , P. & M orANDo , M. & k öH- road, on grassland vegetated with thorny lEr , g. & A vilA , l. J. ( 2016): on the distribution of the All_Short_Notes_(Seiten 59-112):SHort_NotE.qxd 07.08.2017 18:57 Seite 20 78 SHort NotE HErPEtoZoA 30 (1/2) Wien, 30. Juli 2017 SHort NotE genus Teius MErrEM , 1820 (reptilia: Squamata: (1952). Further records of the species refer teiidae).- Zootaxa, Auckland; 4136 (3): 491-514. to northwestern Anatolia ( BArAN 1977; kEy WorDS: reptilia: Squamata: Sauria: NilSoN et al. 1988; BErgMAN & N orStröM teiidae: Teius suquiensis , parthenogenetic species, chorology, new record, los Juríes, Santiago del Estero, 1990; FrANZEN 1990; t EyNiE 1991; B ArAN Argentina et al. 1992; MulDEr 1995; S iNDAco et al. SuBMittED: June 27, 2016 2000; BülBül et al. 2015). All specimens AutHorS: Jorge céSPEDEZ 1) , Pier cAcci - of the European and Anatolian parts of Ali (cor responding author < pier.cacciali@senckenberg. turkey were assigned to the widespread de >) 2, 3, 4) , Martha MottE 5) & Juan céSPEDEZ 6) nominate race already by MErtENS (1952), 1) Departamento de Biología. Facultad de cien - which was later confirmed by PoulAkAkiS cias Exactas y Naturales y Agrimensura, universidad et al. (2005) with molecular stud ies. the Nacional del Nordeste. Av. libertad 5470, (3400) cor - distribution of P. tauricus in turkey is shown rientes, Argentina. 2) Senckenberg Forschungsinstitut und Natur - in BülBül et al. (2015). in the present note, museum, Senckenberganlage 25, 60325 Frankfurt am the authors report a new turkish record local - Main, germany. ity of this species from Anatolian Çanakkale . 3) Johann Wolfgang goethe-university, institute for Ecology, Evolution & Diversity, Biologicum, Six adult specimens of P. tauricus were Building c, Max-von-laue-Straße 13, 60438 Frankfurt seen at the banks of the lagoon of Çardak am Main, germany. (Province of Çanakkale, turkey) on March 4) instituto de investigación Biológica del Para- 08, 2016, two of which, a female (Fig. 1) and guay, Del Escudo 1607, 1425 Asunción, Paraguay. 5) Museo Nacional de Historia Natural del Para - a male, were collected according to the guide - guay, Sucursal 1, campus u.N.A, 2169 San lorenzo, lines of the university’s ethics committee Paraguay. (2016/03–01), an esthethized (ether), pre - 6) our lady of itati college, EEuu 305, (3400) served (70 % ethanol) and stored in the col - corrientes, Argentina. lection of the Zoology Museum at the Bio - logy Department in the Faculty of Arts and Science at Çanakkale onsekiz Mart uni - versity (ZM-coMu 1-2016). the speci - Podarcis tauricus (PAllAS , 1814), mens are in full agreement with P. t. tauri - new to the Anatolian part of the cus in terms of coloration and pholidosis Province of Çanakkale, turkey (see data in BAşoğlu & B ArAN 1977; Ç Evik 1999; B ArAN & A tAtür 1998; B ül Bül et al. 2015). the new record extends the known three out of 23 species of Pod arcis , distribution area of the species across the namely P.
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