CORE Metadata, citation and similar papers at core.ac.uk Provided by Ithaca College Ithaca College Digital Commons @ IC The thI acan, 1963-64 The thI acan: 1960/61 to 1969/70 10-10-1963 The thI acan, 1963-10-10 Ithaca College Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1963-64 Recommended Citation Ithaca College, "The thI acan, 1963-10-10" (1963). The Ithacan, 1963-64. 2. http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1963-64/2 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The thI acan: 1960/61 to 1969/70 at Digital Commons @ IC. It has been accepted for inclusion in The thI acan, 1963-64 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ IC. Fall Weekend '63 Begins Tomorrow With Pep Rally The Co-ordinating & Review Board Sponsors Fall Weekend Events by Maureen Daley Ithacan Ithaca College's annual Co­ "HARVEST MOON" Ithaca, New York October 10, 1963 ordinating and Review Board Saturday, October 12, will sec sponsored Fall Weekend will be the Bombers assembled on the held tomorrow, Saturday and Sun­ South Hill football field to battle the Red Dragons of Cortland in day, October 11, 12, and 13. IC's first home game of the sea­ • "Sentimental Season" will be the son. American Ballet Theatre general theme of the Weekend At half-time, Freshmen will which features several dances, ~ battle Sophomores in a tug-of-war Hootenanny, and a football game to determine whether Beanies go. between the IC Bombers and their ''The Harvest Moon Dance," traditional rivals, Cortland's Red featuring a Midnight Court Pro­ Ithaca College Sets October 22 Dragons. cessional (see page 4 for candi­ dates), will be 'held in the Rec "SUMMER'S GONE" Room from 10 to 2 a.m. Billy May's Orchestra will provide dancing For Ballet at Kulp Auditorium A pre-Cortland Pep Rally will music. begin the Weekend's festivities to­ A "spiked" punch will be served The Ithaca College Lecture-Con­ morrow night at 8 p.m. Phi E K is free during the dance, and soft cert series will sponsor the Ameri­ sponsoring the Rally, which will be drinks will also be on ·sale. A 3 caii '"Ballet Theatre on October 22, held on the middle quad at South a.m. curfew will be given Saturday 1963. The performence will be held Hill. A Red Dragofl procession will night with proof of attendance. in the Ithaca High School. Tickets start the rally. Pep songs, school Delta Phi Zeta will sponsor Sun. are aiailable at the Student Union cheers and !C's Fight Song will be day's dance, Autumn Leaves," with Information Desk, the downtown led by Ithaca College. Cheerleaders. music by Big Daddy and the The Red Dragon will then be box office and Fred's Record Shop. Duquanes. The dance will be held · The company will perform the burned in effigy to cries of "Beat from 2 to 5 p.m. The Women's' "Piano Concerto #1" by Mendels­ Cortland" and "Go, Bombers." Student Government is sponsoring sohn, "Jardin Aux Lilas" by Chaus­ The Senior and Sophomore a "Penny Night" allowing co-eds . son, "Pas de Deux-Flower Festi­ Classes will sponsor the other Fri­ to stay out until 11:30 p.m. Sunday. ~ val" by Halsted and "Theme and day events: a Hootenanny, from , Members of the Women's Athle­ Variations" by Tschaikovsky. 9 to 11 p.m., with the Barkley tic Association will sell tickets to "Concerto," William Dollar's Squares, Tom Pasle and a female the Weekend. A Weekend ticket latest addition to the American vocalist; and a dance from 11 to will cost $8.50; individual tickets Ballet Theatre repertory is a bal­ 1 a.m., with music by Ronnie and will cost $3.50 for Friday night, let in the modern classical style. the Prophets. $5.00 for Saturday night, and $2.50 The ballet is set to Mendelssohn's IC Coeds will receive 2 a.m. per­ for Sunday afternoon. Piano Concerto No. 1 and is de­ missions if they have proof of their At the Friday and Saturday signed to show the technique of attendance at these events. During night dances, proof of age will be the c9.rps de ballet, as well as, the the dance beer and soft drinks will required for students wishing beer principal dancers. be sold by Rho l\Iu Theta. or punch. "Jardin Aux Lilas" or "Lilac Garden", which as the first of Antony Tudor's great psychological ballets started a new trend in bal­ let choreography. Set to the music LITTLE THEATER OPENS OCT. 16 of Chausson's "Poeme," the work I has been in the repertory of WITH MOLIERE'S FAMOUS FARCE : American Ballet Theatre since its The 1963-64 season at the Ithaca first season in 1940. College Theater opens with Mo­ "Flower Festival" with choreo­ Ithaca College liere's famous farce, "THE DOC­ graphy by August Bournonville is TOR IN SPITE OF HIMSELF." It newly adapted by Harold Lander. will be presented by the Drama . The music is from "Flower Festi­ Physical Therapy and Speech Department for four i val at Genzano" by Edvard Halsted. Members of American Ballet Theatre Troupe performances, October 16-19th. The American Ballet Theatre Students Get Aid has appeared before more govern­ In a novel production scheme, a mental officials and dignitaries of state in 37 foreign countries in­ Last December during the com­ Several Ithaca College Physical troupe of commedia dell' a.rte actors will set up their stage in a through the years than any other cluding the Soviet Union, but this pany's season in Washington, D.C., Therapy students were the recipi­ ballet company. So that when the was the first time in the 24 years President and Mrs. Kennedy at­ ents of scholarship grants this village square and proceed to romp : company' was summoned to the since its organization that it had tended a second performance of semester. through the zany script which has [ White House in May 1962 to danced for the President of its American Ballet Theatre. Needless been amusing audiences since the The grants, made available by I dance before President and Mrs. own country. to say there was a great deal of reign of Louis XIV. Although it the Vocational Rehabilitation Ad­ contains many barbed comments 1 Kennedy and their guests Presi- In 1960 during American Ballet excitement generated backstage ministration of the Department of dent and Mrs. Houphouet-Boigny Theatre's tour of Russia, Premier amongst the dancers due to the on doctors and the practice of Health, Education and Welfare, of the Ivory Cast, it was like put­ and Mrs. Khrushchev attended the presence of the First Family. medicine, the play concentrates on ting the finishing touches to · a final performance in Moscow and When asked for their reactions, the were given to Junior and Senior laugh-getting gags and pure fun. long list of heads of state for afterwards gave an intimate sup­ dancers stated that while there is student_s. The play will be directed by which the company had already per party for the stars of the com­ always a certain amount of excite­ The awarding of these scholar­ Robert Bardwell, with special cos­ danced. pany. This was a unique experi­ ment about dancing for other ships was based on students' aca­ tumes designed for this production ence since the Russians are sup­ heads of state, there is nothing With its seven foreign tours demic achievement, financial need by Vergiu Cornea; settings and from 1946-1960 the company had posed to be the most critical of compared to dancing before your and professional potential. Stu­ lighting are by Alan G. Leach. danced before royality and heads all ballet audiences. own President. dents receiving this aid are re­ quired to continue their studies in The ~ntral role of Sganarelle Physical Therapy during the per­ will be played by Sal Mistretta, a iod the grant covers. sophomore in the Drama Depart­ W.S.G. HOLDS PENNY NIGHT; ment. He will be aided and abetted Senior students, now studying at FUNDS USED FOR FOSTER CHILD Vote Friday for the Albert Einstein College of by Nancy Smith, Judy Lane, Allen Medicine, who received scholar­ Rockwerk, Roger Ochs, John Noble, Women's Student Government By participating in "Penny ship grants were: Carolyn White, Tim Hicks, Audrie Zcrul, and John Night" the girls and their dates Fall Weekend Court will sponsor 11 "Penny Night" on Jeanne Gagnon and Fred Bradley. will be contributing to the welfare Messerschmitt. Sunday, the last night of Fall of a ten-year-old Greek foster 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. The Juniors who received awards All I.C. students are eligible for Weekend, to obtain funds for the child, Antigone, adopted by W.S.G. were: Betsy Bartholomew, Sue one free ticket for each play in the support of II foster child, through the Foster Parents Plan, on South Hill and Draper, Roberta Hepner, Peggy series of Drama Dept. plays. All a By paying a penny for each min­ Inc. Kneale, and Roberta Bleiman. student has to do is come to the ute they stay out after the regu­ Antigone lives in Kalamatas, theatre box office, downtown, and lar 10:30 curfew, ·1.c. ooeds may Greece with her mother, and is a at Downtown Library Kay Hamlin, Gail Greenberg, extend their curfew until 11:30 sixth grade grammar school stu­ Doph Shapilo, and Linda Norton show his ID card. All seats are re­ p.m. dent. also received awards. served.
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