ProgramsPrograms forfor SeniorsSeniors Senior Citizens‘ Secretariat 20052005 16th Edition Inside:Inside: y VValuablealuable informationinformation forfor thosethose 50+50+ andand theirtheir familiesfamilies Copy Complimentar 199306 A Message from The Honourable John F. Hamm Premier of Nova Scotia The Government of Nova Scotia is proud to be a part of this annual publication that supports healthy lifestyles and the independence of Nova Scotia’s seniors. Every day thousands of seniors energize and strengthen their communities through volunteering their time, participating in programs, or sharing with a friend or loved one. This directory is full of valuable information on everything from seniors’ organizations to health and wellness activities, to transportation and housing contacts. All are meant to promote the value and participation of seniors in communities throughout our province. On behalf of all Nova Scotians, I would like to thank all seniors for making such tremendous contributions to our province. Sincerely, John Hamm 2 PROGRAMS FOR SENIORS A Message from The Honourable Angus MacIsaac Chairperson, Senior Citizens’ Secretariat In my role as Chairperson of the Senior Citizens’ Secretariat I have had the opportunity to witness and be impressed by the strong model of partnership that has been formed with seniors in Nova Scotia. Throughout the year the Secretariat consults and collaborates with seniors and seniors’ organizations on issues that matter to our aging population. I appreciate receiving your advice in identifying priority areas. I want to acknowledge the many seniors’ organizations that dedicate their time to supporting the interests of seniors. Your knowledge and feedback is invaluable. I hope our 16th edition of Programs for Seniors is of value to you. We are distributing 75,000 copies as well as posting it on the Secretariat’s website. Please feel free to call our staff at 1-800-670-0065 if you have additional questions. Yours truly, Angus MacIsaac Chairperson, Senior Citizens’ Secretariat SENIOR CITIZENS’ SECRETARIAT 3 Message from the Ministers Message des ministres Ken Dryden,P.C.,M.P Tony Ianno,P.C.,M.P. Ken Dryden,c.p.,député Tony Ianno,c.p.,député Message from the Ministers of Canadian seniors and will con- vie dont nous pouvons tous être tinue to work with its partners in all fiers. Beaucoup d’aînés veulent As Minister of Social levels of government and the vol- demeurer actifs et être impliqués Development and Minister of State untary sector to help ensure that the dans des activités sociales au cours (Caregivers and Families), we are needs of seniors are met. de leurs années de retraite. C’est la pleased to congratulate the Nova If you are a senior or know some- raison pour laquelle Scotia Senior Citizens’ Secretariat one who is, we encourage you to Développement social Canada a on the 16th edition of Programs for become familiar with the new edi- lancé tout récemment le pro- Seniors, an important publication tion of Programs for Seniors. gramme Nouveaux Horizons pour for all Nova Scotians. les aînés, qui vise à financer les The Government of Canada rec- Message des ministres projets communautaires qui ognizes the vital role that seniors favorisent le bien-être, l’indépen- play in our society. They have En tant que ministre du dance et la participation des aînés. earned the right to be treated with Développement social et ministre Développement social Canada dignity and enjoy a quality of life d’État (aidants naturels et familles), tient à améliorer la vie des aînés that we can all take pride in. Many il nous fait plaisir d’offrir nos félic- canadiens et il continue de tra- seniors want to remain active and itations au Nova Scotia Senior vailler avec ses partenaires de tous engaged in community life in their Citizens’ Secretariat pour la 16e les ordres de gouvernement et le édition de Programs for Seniors secteur bénévole et communautaire retirement years. That is why 199433 Social Development Canada has (Programmes destinés aux aînés), afin de s’assurer que les besoins recently launched the New une publication importante pour des aînés soient satisfaits. Horizons for Seniors program the tous les citoyens de la Nouvelle- Si vous êtes un aimés ou si vous purpose of which is to fund com- Écosse. en connaissez un, nous vous munity-based projects that promote Le gouvernement du Canada encourageons à vous familiariser the well-being, independence and reconnaît le rôle vital que les aînés avec la nouvelle édition de participation of seniors. jouent dans notre société. Ils ont Programs for Seniors Social Development Canada is acquis le droit d’être traités avec (Programmes destinés aux aînés). committed to improving the lives dignité et de jouir d’une qualité de Thank You Through our Task Force on Aging initiative, we Getting Older … completed 34 lively, informative meetings across the province between October 25 and December 3, 2004. I was pleased to have had the opportunity to renew old Getting Ready friendships and reconnect with so many dedicated volunteers and professionals in the field of aging. A sincere thank you to the nearly 1,000 individuals and organizations who contributed to the consultation process by attending public meetings, sending in written responses and participating in focus groups. Your insights and experiences have contributed greatly to the creation of a comprehensive strategy that identifies the vision, principles, goals, and societal actions necessary for meeting the needs of seniors and seizing the oppor- tunities associated with an aging population. A special thank you to the Royal Canadian Legion for providing space for our many meetings, and to our Community Ambassadors who helped promote the public meetings and welcomed the Task Force to their community. Sincerely, Valerie White, Executive Director of the Senior Citizens’ Secretariat, chairs a public meeting on the Task Force on Aging. For more information, visit our web site at www.gov.ns.ca/scs/ or phone: (902) 424-0065 (Metro) or 1-800-670-0065 (toll-free) Mainstage Entertainment: Army Boots and Salutes A Big Band tribute to the men and women who served our country during World War II Friday, June 10 and Saturday, June 11, 2005 Exhibition Park, Halifax 5 SENIOR CITIZENS’ SECRETARIAT Personal Information New Listings Name: At Your Service website . .31 Address: Brain Injury Association of Nova Scotia . .124 Postal Code: Cape Breton Seniors’ Telephone: Community Learning Network . .50 Social Insurance: Chiropractors . .115 Nova Scotia Health Card: Compassionate Care Benefit . .121 Dance Nova Scotia . .39 Name, address and telephone number of: Delicious Deliveries . .111 Relative: Dignity by Design . .113 Friend: Friends of the Family Estate Services . .121 Doctor: Italian-Canadian Golden Age Senior Group 25 Lawyer: M&M Meat Shops . .112 Clergy: New Horizons for Seniors . .29 Other: Occupational Therapists . .116 Other telephone numbers: Preventing Falls . .106 Seniors’ Information: 1-800-670-0065 Problem Gambling Help Line . .32 Home Care: 1-800-225-7225 Seniors Mental Health Service . .104 Long-Term Care: 1-800-225-7225 Seniors Policies and Programs Database . .31 Local Pharmacy: Service for Seniors Emergency numbers: (a new income tax filing system) . .65 Ambulance, Police, Fire: 911 Volunteer Visiting Program . .110 Help Line: Hospital: On the Cover: Poison Control: Left: Four Generations: George Paul of Eskasoni took this portrait of his grandmother, mother, sister, daughter and two nieces. When calling 911 say: Top right: Nova Scotia was well-represented at the “This is an emergency!” Canada Senior Games in Whitehorse in 2004. Tell the operator where help is needed Centre right: D-Day veterans received a standing ovation and try to give the exact location at Province House, May 5, 2004. Photo by Shirley Robb. of the emergency, if possible. Lower right: Doris Evans of Dartmouth received the 2004 Remarkable Seniors Award in the Volunteer category. 6 PROGRAMS FOR SENIORS Frequently Called Numbers Birth, Marriage and Death Certificates . 1-877-848-2578 College of Physicians and Surgeons (NS) . (902) 422 5823 Continuing Care Services . 1-800-225-7225 • Home Care • Long-Term Care • Adult Protection Doctors Nova Scotia . (902) 468-1866 General Enquiries (Federal) . 1-800-622-6232 GST Refunds . .1-800-959-1953 Income Tax (Personal Tax and Volunteer Clinics) . .1-800-959-8281 Insurance Bureau of Canada (IBC) . .1-800-565-7189 Legal Information Society . .(902) 454-2198 MSI . .1-800-563-8880 OAS/GIS and CPP . .(English): 1-800-277-9914 . .(Français): 1-800-277-9915 Pharmacare Program . .1-800-544-6191 Property Tax Rebate . .1-877-296-9338 Provincial Tax Information . .(902) 424-6300 Public Enquiries (Nova Scotia) . 1-800-670-4357 . .(902)-434-5200 • General Information • Consumer Information and Complaints • Access Nova Scotia • Debtor Assistance • Residential Tenancies and Condominiums Senior Citizens’ Secretariat . 1-800-670-0065 (902) 424-0065 Seniors’ Safe Driving Discount Program . .1-800-898-7668 . .(902) 424-5851 Superannuation Plans . .(Provincial): (902) 424-5070 . .(Federal): 1-800-561-7930 SENIOR CITIZENS’ SECRETARIAT 7 Table of Contents You may also find what you’re looking for in the Alphabetical Index on page 130. A Message from Premier John F. Hamm . .2 A Message from the Chairperson, The Honourable Angus MacIsaac . .3 A Message from the Federal Ministers . .4 Personal Information . .6 New Listings . .6 Frequently Called Numbers . .7 Nova Scotia Senior Citizens’ Secretariat . .12 Seniors’ Organizations in Nova Scotia . .14 Nova Scotia Seniors’ Organizations — Group of IX . .14 Seniors Councils, Clubs, and Centres . .18 Other Nova Scotia Seniors’ Organizations . .25 Special Recognition for Seniors . .27 Federal Government (Aging and Seniors) . .28 National Seniors’ Organizations . .29 Information and Referral . .30 Seniors’ Information Services . .30 Help Lines . .31 Provincial Government Information . .32 Federal Government Information . .32 Resources for Newcomer Seniors . .32 Resources for Senior Women . .33 Resources for Seniors with Disabilities . .33 Active Living, Recreation and Sport . .36 Sport and Recreation .
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