_ . _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ - _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ _ . " ' .e .1 m r. * ,,* $. 4. sp. nop,,\, UNITED STATES ! r., NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION f' p, .i a # j WAumotos,o c. sos 66 o g # . h* w ' *...+ NOV 6 IN7 ; t System Automation Corporation . 0555 Sixteenth Street a Sivler-Spring, MD 20910 Attn Mr. Craig Mattice , Dear Mr. Matticet h . Subjects Task Order No. 6, Entitled, " Technical Management and Database Administration For The Safety Information Network ( S I NET .' " i In accordance with Section G.1.4 entitled " Task Order Procedures" ' j of the subject contract, this letter provides authc.rization to' perform the effort under Task Order No.6. Perf ormance shall be in accordance with the -enclosed Statement of Work, the , Contractor's technical proposal dated October 27, 1997 and cost ' proposal dated November 3, 1997, incorporated herein by reference and the-telephonic changes detailed as follows: The Toi.e1 Fixed Fee for Task Order No. 6.shall-be $7,069.00. Task Order No. 6 shall be in offact from November 9, 1997 i through February 5, 199H with a total cost ceiling of $92,490.00 . The amount of $85,421'.00 represents . the total estierated , - reimbursable cost and the amount of $7,069.00 represents the - fixed fme. The issuance-of this Tattk Drder does not amend any . terms or conditions of the subject contract.. | Accaptance of this Task Order should be made by executing three copies of this document in the space provided and returning _two- copics to the Contract Administrator. Any questions regarding this matter should be addressed to Sharon " Bell on-(501) 492-4207. ! t . Sincerely, | -- g ! g a c z- . aul J E Y |< Contr'acti ng' Of f i car Divi si on of " Conteacts ; Enclosures.As stated , A ~ PTED: Task Order-No.6' r A[ ] ,- j- $.M h: DEUS ... t 1 ' ' h cR q' 2 .1h w_ . : +Y Ll|:ifB" |- 9211170201-420422 ER - i: - j 101]PDR [ _ w----e.r-+w,, er - +- y e--4- -- e +i--, *3 w u 4 e, -e ---v- a wy.m "w- mseae-go, g s =p ey- -v-w .+-v.'g ewty, r-C *e'n 4-ag+-- 9 fJ . - - - - ~ . _ - - _-. - - - .. - - 1 , . , m , t .. s. < . .. * . STAILMENT Of WORK CONTRACT NO.' NRC-33-87-224 ' 1ASK ORDER NO. 006 8 ' ,f SC0pE Of WOR _K - Title: 1. TEritNICAL MANAGCHENT AND DATABASE ADNINISTRATION' FOR Tite SAFETY INFORMATION NETWORK * SCOPE lhe Contractor and its key staf f shall be responsible for performance in two areas as they relate to the maintenance and enhancement of tech- nical work conducted under Phase 1 of the Safety Information Network (SINi:T) . These areas are: (1) Project Managenent and Control (2) Database and Data Dictionary Administration. 1. project Management and Control , l.A. Statement of Work The Contractor shall be responsible for the overall planning, phasing, management, control and integration of all work performed under this contract, includina that performed by subcontractors and their personnel. The Contractor shall assign dedicated personnel to perform the afore- . mentioned project management and control functions. The Contractor shall assure that all work performed under Contract No. NRC-33-67-224 conforms to (1) the technical requirements stated in Section C of the subject contratt, (2) standards and procedures i delineated in the QA toolkit or accepted by the NRC as deliverables under 51 NET phase 1 task orders (3) SINET data, hardware, software, telecommuni - cation and systems architectures. Work shall be performed in~ such a way as to contribute toward meeting SINET objectives and end-user needs in a cost-effective manner. The contractor shall use industry accepted project management and control ' techniques in managing all work conducted u , der this contrLct. At a minimum, the cont.m tor shall prepare and follow a documented approach that will: (1) coa.t out, record and track the. status of work on all enhancenent/ change requests and (2) record and track the status of all database, IDMS/R, subsystems, or other problems identified by the NRC staff in the operation of SINET from initial reporting through resolution. : 7 s e r ~- p -m nw c v t- s- mm. J 3 e -7- 1. [i . MilllNGVIRAvil the project management and cont rol function will require periodic m et- ings between Contractor personnel and NRC and technical and management 1 staff as stipulated in the subject contract. These meetings are to i include weekly written task progress reports and periodic briefings to I NRC rnanagement and user conar,ity representatives (see ' paragraph 1.1.C. i Delivnables). These rueetings shall be held at NRC's Bethesda offices. Ire additiori. It is anticipated that the project manager will travel to l each region at lecst one time for the purpose of meeting with the Regional Adminstrator's executive staff to determine management's needs in develop- inq LXSIS screens. 1.C. DELIVERABLLS The following deliverables are required in the Project Management ana Control area: (1) Written operational procedures to implement .he concurred upon technical approach for managing work identified in 1.A. paragraph 3. (2) Weekly written and verbal task progress reports for each active task under this contract. At a minimum, these reports shall (1) review the current status of the subject task order, (2) review progress on accomplish- rient of technical work against originally scheduled task milestones (3)assessandhighlightfutureimplicationsintermsofanyschedufe slippage or adverse impact on the quality of deliverables (4) identify any unanticipated cost, technical or other issues impacting upon the execution of the ag.eed-upon task proposal, and (5) present proposed solutions to such issues or problems. (3) Quarterly updates incorporating major changes to the SINET Archi tet.ture Plan. (4) Monthly written status reports. These reports shall cover each active task under the subject contract , using reporting techniques such as Gant t and PERT charts, in addition to the reporting requirements idertified in Section F.1.B of the subject contract, each report shall compare manpower and cost expenditures against originally scheduled task estimates. | The reports shall J. o assess and highlight future implications in terms ! of any schedule slippages, adverse impact on the quality of deliverables, | or possible cost overruns. In addition, the reports shall present the | Contractor's proposed corrective actions with regard to such issues or | problems. , | (5) Upon NRC request, periodic briefings for NRC management and represen- tatives of the useg conmunity, lhese briefings shall focus on such topics as SINEl, its objectives, IDMS/R, information engineering tools and tech- niques, the Contractor's lifecycle develorcent process, and the status df speci f ic major ' user enhancements projects. | _______ __ ____ _ __________ 3 _ . .' 3- , !!. DATABASE _AND DATA DICTIONARY ADMINSTRATION [ 7.A. STAT [ MENT Of WORK j _ Tjic contractor shall provide onr.ite support for scainter :e of.both tne productica dataudse system (SINET) and Cullinet s database manage- ment system 10MS/2. The contractor personnel shall perform two prinary functions which include providing routine services and serving as a back-"p for the NRC DBAs by providing specific services upon request. To the extent possible, work shall be scheduled around core user hours to ensure maximum user access to the production database. It is NRC's objective to have SINET available for user access on a 24 hour basis, with the exception of short windows of time to backup the database and to perform othar necessary system functions. 2.A.I. MAINTENANCE FOR DATABASE The contractor shall provide maintenance for SINET including routine activities recded to keep the system operational at an optinal level as the system expands, resulting in changes in the environment. All changes to the database shall be made in the test database environment before they are implenented in the production database environment. 8 Typical routine maintenance activities shall include but not be limited to the following: * Add a new area * Change area size * Change database buffers * Expard pace si;e * Change page group " Change db-key forma t " Change page reserve ' Add / delete / chance record / set definitions The contractor shall: perfonn other database maintenance activities. Typical backup maintenance activities shall include but not be limited to the following: * Create subschemas to acconpodate new user'.s views and program views. * Conduct an investigation of user problems (iog and follow up problems until resolved). * Conduct performance monitoring and tuning of the production database (s). , . )y ,re- .-c.-- -*.v., ._- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . _ _ _ ___ - __ __ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _. _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ __ - . - _ . * 1 - - , - * , , . - , ,4 , 4 -4- ' I * Perfom migration of programs (ADS /0. CUtPRil, COBOL) and dafabase changes between test and production envirotunents. * Perform ASf, LRF. OLQ/QFILE administration. / * Back up and recover the production database (s). ' * Add new elements to records. * Restructure r ord elements to accommodate field'(data element) changes or regrouping of record elements within a record. > ' Add / delete indexes to acconnodate new requirements. * Install new sof tware components (e.g., perforriance monitor, migration tool) 2.A.2 MAINTENANCE FOR IDMS/ps Maintenance for IMS/R involves activities needed to keep the system up and running, accessible to users (,n a 24 hour basis, if the system fails, downtime is to be kept at a minimum. The contractor sl.all routinely perform the following IDMS/R maintenar.ce activities: * Perform maintenar.ce activities associated with the data dictionaries except for the security features 3 which will be maintained by the NRC DBA.
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