GB 1072 DB/IIIR Merseyside Record Office This catalogue was digitised by The National Archives as part of the National Register of Archives digitisation project NRA 39267 The National Archives BRYSON COLLECTION (DB/IIIR) BRITISH COTTON GROUJING ASSOCIATION A highly important collection of correspondence relating to the establishment of the Gezira scheme and its importance to the growing of cotton. Principal correspondents are:- I *-*-—- Sir W.H.Himbury,Chairman of the British Cotton Growing Association. Sir F.Eckstein,The Sudan Plantations Syndicate,Royal Exchange,M/cr. Lord Lovat,Director of The Sudan Plantations Syndicate. * - t Lord Derby,President of the British Cotton Growing Association. Major-General Sir Lee Stack,Governor General of the Sudan(assassinated 1924 . ,. 1 ft Alex MacIntyre,The Sudan Plantations Syndicate. Sir Edgar Bernard,Financial Secretary of the Sudan. 0.E.Niemeyer,Treasury Official. ,3 Sir F.I.Hopkinson;Worked for Pearsons Engineers,consulted by the Treasury on the Gezira Dam Scheme. Sir Robert Home,Chancellor of the Exchequer. H.E.HarropjKnowsley,Secretary to Lord Derby. Sir James Currie,Empire Cotton Growing Committee. Sir Maurice FitzMauricelWorked for Goode,FitzMaurice,Wilson and Mitchell. Sir Murdoch MacDonald ) Hugh H. McClure ) engineers, ; f MERSEYSIDE COUNTY MUSEUMS, COUNTY ARCHIVES DEPARTMENT Title of Deposit: BRYSON COLLECTION DB/IIIR Deposi t No. Description Date (s) Item No. W.0.Davie,Director of Agriculture,Sudan Government, 2 April 1921 holograph letter from Khartoum. J F.Eckstein,holograph letter,invitation to Winston 18 May 1921 Churchill banquets. 13 . Major ­ General Sir Lee Stack,Governor General of 7 June 1921 the Sudan,signed,typed letter,explaining his inability to attend the Churchill banquets. 4. R.Hewison,letter to Sir W.H.Humbury,Chairman of the I I June 1921 British Cotton Growing Association,Banbury.Oxon. 5. Lord Lovat,signed,typed letter, extension of Sudan 4 July 1921 loan. Amended,typed copy of above,extension of Sudan loan 4 July 1921 guarantee. i Booklet:marked strictly private and confidential. 5 -July 1921 Empire Cotton Growing Association,.Statement of Care regarding Sudan Irrigation Works,to be presented to Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs.pp.I - 10. 8. Draft copy of above.pp. 1-9. 5 July 1921 9. Lord Lovat,telegraph to Sir W.H.Humbury. 8 July 1921 Alex Maclntyre,The Sudan Plantations Syndicate, 3 Aug 1921 signed,typed lgtter from Lord Lovat. Sir Edgar Bernard,Financial Secretary of the Sudan 10 Aug 1921 signed,typed letter. 112 . Sir Lee Stack,typed letter to the Under Secretary 29 Sept 1921 of State of the Foreign Office.Request for finance to aid dam construction.(Geyira Dam Scheme.) 13. Sir Lee Stack,signed,typed letter to Sir W.H.Humbury 30 Sept 1921 : refering to enclosures: ..' : (a) Sir F. I. Hopkinson, letter to 0. E. Niemeyer disapproving of the scheme. (written 15 September 1921.) (b) 0.E.Niemeyer,letter to thca Under Secre­ tary of State. 4 (written 24 September 1921.) * MERSEYS IDE COUNTY MUSEUMS, COUNTY ARCHIVES DEPARTMENT Deposit No. Titla of Deposit: BRYSON COLLECTION DB/IIIR Item No. Dascription Oats (s ) 14. Lord Derby,first draft of letter,marked private and 4 Oct 1921 confidential, exhorting Sir'Robert Home to give consideration to the Gezira Dam Scheme,suggesting a meeting between engineers. 15. Sir W.H.Himbury,letter to Lord Derby,refering to 6 Oct 1921 alterations to be made to the above letter. - ­ 16. Copy of (14) with handwritten alterations. 17. Sir U.H.Himbury,letter to H.E.Harrop stating alter ­ 7 Oct 1921 ations to (l4)shown in (16). 18. Sir W.H.Himbury,co'py to Sir Lee Stack, informing him 8 Oct 1921 of events. 19. Sir Edgar Bernard,telegraph to Sir U.H,Himbury, 13 Oct 1921 refering to incorrect ^statements in Guardian news­ paper about financial difficulties in the Sudan. 20. Sir Edgar Bernard,telegraph to Sir .W.H.Himbury, 14 Oct 1921 correcting mistake in figures in (19). 21. Sir Robert Home,letter to Lord Derby saying that 14 Oct 1921 he will not give the guarantee in reply to (14) also agreeing that Sir F.I.Hopkinson should meet the engineers. 22. Arthur Hutton,signed typed letter;to Sir W.H.Him­ 30 Sept 1921 buryjwith enclosures:­ 'a) As (13) * .bj As (I3a) (c) As (I3b) (dj As (12) (el Covering copy of (12) (f) Sir Lee Stack to Sir Robert Home,with refer- . ance to his leaving for the Sudan. 23. Sir Edgar Bernard,telegraph to Sir W.H.Himbury. 15 Oct 1921 24. Sir Edgar Bernard,signed typed letter to Sir W.H. 15 Oct 1921 Himbury. 25. Sir W.H.Himbury,letter to Lord Derby refering to 18 Oct 1921 item (21). 26. James Currie,letter to Sir W.H.Himbury,marked 20 Oct 1921 personal.Copy of letter from James Currie to Sir Robert Home dated 10 Oct 1921, enclosed. KERSEYS IDE COUNTY MUSEUMS. COUNTY ARCHIVES DEPARTMENT BRYSON COLLECTION DB/IIIR Deposit No Titls of Deposit: Description Date (s) Item No 27. Sir W.H.Himbury,1etter to Lord Derby.Covering note 21 Oct 1921 for enclosed copies of (26) also enclosures. Marked personal and enclosures stamped confidential. 28. Sir Edgar Bernard, telegraph to Sir ui.H.Hinbury 21 Oct 1921 refering to critical situation and postponed departure. 29. Sir W.H.Himbury,covering note for (28) to Lord 21 Oct 1921 Derby. 30. Sir W.H.Himbury,invitation to dinner to Sir Edgar 21 Oct 1921 Bernard. 31. Sir Edgar Bernard,signed typed letter from Sir W.H. 2 2 Oct 1921 Himbury accepting invitation. 32. Sir W.H.Himbury,letter to Sir Edgar Bernard, express-] 24 Oct 1921 ing his disgust with the government. 33. Sir Maurice FitzMaurice,letter to-Sir Edgar Bernard 25 Oct 1921 excusing himself from a meeting with Sir F.I.Hop­ kinson. 34. Sir James Currie,letter to Sir W.H.Himbury with 25 Oct 1921 enclosure of draft note from Lord Derby to Sir Robert Home. Sir Edgar Bernard,letter to O.E.Niemeyer,explaining 27 Oct 1921 Sir F . I. Hopkitisons change of mind. Sir Edgar Bernard,letter to Sir W.H.Himbury making 31 Oct 1921 request to pass letters on to Lord Derby. Sir Murdoch MacDonald and Sir W.H.Himbury,letter to 31 Oct 1921 Sir Edgar Bernard.Enclosure referred to not present but in 41(c). 38. Sir F.I.Hopkinson,letter to Sir Edgar Bernard. I Nov/ 1921 39. Sir Edgar Bernard,1etter to O.E.Niemeyer,enclosing 3 Nov 1921 (38)andUo) * 40. Sir Murdoch MacDonald and H.H.McClure,copy of (38). 3 Nov 1921 HERSEYS-IDE COUNTY MUSEUMS. COUNTY ARCHIVES DEPARTMENT Deposit No Titla of Deposit: BRYSON -COLLECTION DB/lIIR Date (s) Item No Description 3 Nov 1921 41. Sir Edgar Bernard,typed signed letter to Sir W.H. Himbury,reguarding enclosures. a)same as (33) 'b) as (35) c)Copy from Sir Edgar Bernard to 0.E.Niemeyer, 31 Oct 1921 covering (37) with its enclosure:also copy of forwarding letter to Sir F. I.Hopkinson. (d) as (38) (e) as (39) (f) as (40) (g) Copy from Sir Edgar Bernard forwarding (40) 3 Nov 1921. 42. Sir Lee Stack signed typed note to Sir U/.H.Himbury 3 Nov 1921 thanking him for Guardian article,dated 18 Oct. 43. O.E.Niemeyer to Sir Edgar Bernard,copy of covering 4 Nov 1921 note for enclosure of^ letter written by B.P.Black­ ett,advising not to continue work. 44. Sir Id.H.Himbury copy to Sir Edgar. Bernard thanking him for (41). 45. Sir- Edgar Bernard,copy of telegram,paraphrased,to 7 Nov 1921 Hakimam,Cairo. 46.. R.Idaddington,holograph letter to Sir Id.H.Himbury. 8 Nov 1921 47. Sir Edgar Bernard to Hakimam,Cairo,copy of telegram 10 Nov 1921 paraphrased. 48. Sir Edgar Bernard to the Under Secretary of State 10 Nov 1921 to the Foreign Office.Copy of letter marked private Letter refering to Tokar money. 49. Lord Derby to Sir W.H.Himbury,marked confidential. 10 Nov 1921 50. Sir Id.H.Himbury to Lord Derby,reply to (49). 11 Nov 1921 51. Sir Id.H.Himbury to Sir Lee Stack marked private and II Nov 1921 confidential. Letter from Lancelot Oliphant,Foreign Office to the II Nov 1921 52. Treasury,refering to the enclosures in (43)and (49), the letter from B.P.Blackett. Sir Edgar Bernard to Sir Id.H.Himbury,with enclosure 1 2 Nov 1921 53. including page of Hansard. KERSEYS IDE COUNTY MUSEUMS, COUNTY ARCHIVES DEPARTMENT Titl a o f Deposit: BRYSON COLLECTION DB/IIIR Oeposit No Item No Descriptio n Date (s) Copy of (53)from Sir W.H.Himbury to Sir Edgar Ber­ 15 Nov 1921 nard. Sir Edgar Bernard to Sir W.H.Himbury,telegram 16 Nov 1921 apologising fordelayed departure. 56. Sir F.Eckstein to Sir W.H.Himbury,copy of letter 21 Nov 1921 stating the Chancellor had promised the Tokar money 57. Sir UJ.H.Himbury to Sir F. Eckstein, copy marked per­ 22 Nov 1921 sonal,replying to (56). 58. Sir F. Eckstein to Sir W.H.Himbury,holograph letter 29 Nov 1921 MERSEYSIDE COUNTY MUSEUMS, COUNTY ARCHIVES DEPARTMENT Title of Deposit: Ospo3it No BRYSON COLLECTION DB/IIIR Item No. Description Data (s) Map of Gezira Irrigation Scheme. Cutting from Board of Trade Journal: 22 - 28 May I "Possibility of Cotton Cultivation in Australia." Announcment.in Liverpool Courier of Annual General Meeting of the British Cotton Growing Association, Article on the Sudan. 61. Excerpt from the Sudan Chamber of Commerce monthly May 1921 journal by "Agriculturalist",criticising the Gezira Dam Scheme as badly timed.
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