Eye on the News [email protected] Truthful, Factual and Unbiased Vol:XI Issue No:299 Price: Afs.20 www.afghanistantimes.af www.facebook.com/ afghanistantimeswww.twitter.com/ afghanistantimes SATURDAY . JUNE 03. 2017 -Jawza 13, 1396 HS uestions have been raised as to how the sewerage Qtanker used in Wednesday’s deadly truck bombing managed to reach the heart of Kabul city laden with explosives. The blast site is just a few hundred meters from the Presidential Palace and the CEO’s office and in the immediate vicini- ty of numerous embassies. TOLO- The death toll among protesters at news journalist Karim Amini looks Friday's mass rally in Kabul has at the possible routes the truck risen to seven, hospital officials could have taken and at how many confirmed. checkpoints the driver would have Kabul Emergency Hospital has had to pass. The explosion took confirmed that seven people were place just after Zanbaq Circle – A source from the Ministry of consideration of scale of the attack, killed. This happened after securi- where between 25 and 30 routes ty forces opened fire on the dem- Public Health (MoPH) on Thurs- perhaps at least 20 other people converge, while each route leading day said that at least 100 people are missing, maybe they are muti- onstrators. According to officials, to the circle has between two and among the dead, two were shot in were killed and more than 600 lated or burnt completely,” said five check points. As such, the wounded in Wednesday’s truck Mohammed Salim Rasuli, head of the head and two in the chest. The fact that this truck managed to number of wounded is not yet clear bombing in Kabul city. MoPH hospital. Zabi is one rela- reach the heart of the city has raised The source said the death toll tive who is still searching for the but hospital officials also said that concerns among the public and most of the wounded had been shot is expected to rise as recovery bodies of his uncle and three col- MPs. “The security in Kabul is workers continued Thursday to leagues who are believed to have in the legs and feet. Amid heavy ensured by human force; and we firing by security forces earlier pull bodies from the rubble. He been caught up in the explosion. should change this type of securi- also said countless people are miss- “We searched all hospitals in Kab- Friday afternoon, TOLOnews ty into a security which is main- journalist Samim Faramarz said on ing and that many bodies were bad- ul and got nothing so far, finally tained by using technological ca- ly mutilated due to the ferocity of we came to the incident site to get the phone to TOLOnews.com that pabilities plus human capacity. It police were firing above people’s the explosion. This comes amid information from the police,” said is needed for all over the (Kabul) growing public anger over govern- Zabi. Meanwhile, the Ministry of heads while security personnel city,” said Mirza Mohammad where also firing a mounted ma- ment's failure to prevent such dead- Interior (MoI) said that recovery Yarmand, former deputy minister ly attacks in the heart of the city. operations by experts were still chine gun from a Humvee. Pro- of interior. “This shows the weak- testers had by early afternoon been The truck bombing took place at underway on Thursday. “We are ness, failure and irresponsibility of about 8:20am on Wednesday morn- prepared, our health teams are sup- pushed back to 15th Street in security forces and in general of Wazir Akbar Khan, which is just a ing in the busy diplomatic zone of porting in this respect according our government,” said Assadullah the city. The bombing was one of to their abilities,” said Najib Dan- few hundred meters from the scene Saadati, MP. Meanwhile, military of Wednesday’s deadly truck Demonstrators came under heavy fire by security forces as they the worst recorded in Kabul, ish, spokesman to MoI. Officials analysts slammed security insti- which has added to the woes of from the Public Health Ministry bombing. Angry protesters not tried to push their way forward to the Presidential Palace tutions, the National Security only stoned fire trucks and securi- Afghans who are paying the high have said that the majority of those Council and the National Director- price of insurgency in the country. wounded in the explosion were ty force vehicles earlier in the day ate of Security for having failed to but had been chanting “Down nons on the crowd, while security son of the first deputy speaker of city following Wednesday's dead- On Thursday, recovery operations transferred to Kabul’s Emergency safeguard security in the city and were still underway at the blast Hospital, Wazir Akbar Khan Hos- With (President Ashraf) Ghani”, forces threw tear gas canisters but the Meshrano Jirga (Upper House ly truck bombing in Wazir Akbar said all bodies need to apologize to “Down With the CEO (Abdullah this appeared to have angered dem- of Parliament). This mass rally was Khan area, which is not only in site, as a team of experts from the pital and Jamhuriat Hospital. Ac- the public and leaders need to re- Ministry of Interior (MoI) tire- cording to the MoPH, of the total Abdullah)” and “Down With The onstrators further. An earlier shoot- in protest against government for the heart of the city but is also the sign. “Government leaders should U.S”. Fire trucks used water can- ing killed Mohammad Salem, the failing to prevent attacks in Kabul diplomatic zone. (Tolo News) lessly searched for bodies in the injured that were taken to hospi- apologize from the people and rubble. The truck bomb was so tals, 100 were taken to the Emer- should say that they cannot carry intense that it brought down a gency Hospital, 210 to Wazir Ak- on. This is either their guts, their number of buildings in the imme- bar Khan Hospital, 80 to Jamhuri- Taliban, duty, their courage and it is the best diate vicinity. Roshan Telecommu- at Hospital, 35 to Ibn-e-Sina hos- option on the ground,” said Atiqul- nication Company, which was pital and 60 to the NDS hospital. security forces 5-fold increase claimed in lah Amarkhail, a former military close to the blast scene, was badly Initially the majority of bod- official. However, the Kabul Po- affected in the explosion. The ies were transferred to Wazir Ak- suffer casualties lice Chief Hassan Shah Frogh source said that dozens of people bar Khan Hospital, but later, 60 illegal armed groups in north termed such deadly attacks as nor- from this company could have bodies were transferred from mal. ”Such incidents are happen- been killed. It is believed howev- Wazir Akbar Khan Hospital and in Paktia ing around the world; they are not MAZAR-I-SHARIF: The num- roups created of irresponsible armed men in his er, that the exact number of vic- 15 from Sardar Daud military hos- He said other g in Afghanistan alone. Afghanistan ber of illegal armed individuals has in the name of public uprisings and province. tims will never be known due to pital to the Forensic Hospital. fire fight is a country which has experienced increased by five times in north- Afghan Local Police (ALP) forces While handing over 20 weap- enormity of the explosion. “With (ToloNews) thirty years of war. Afghanistan is GARDEZ: Militants and securi- ern Afghanistan during the past were considered illegal armed ons to DIAG, he told Pajhwok that two years, an official said on dealing with terrorism. The inci- ty forces have suffered casualties groups due to their poor manage- some powerful individuals carried dent (in Kabul on Wednesday) is during the Taliban attack in Dand- Thursday. ment. illegal weapons around Mazar-I- an incident which could have oc- Disbandment of Illegal Armed On the other hand, civil soci- Sharif, the provincial capital. i-Pathan district of southeastern curred and we cannot say that this Turkey, Aussie politician Groups (DIAG) program chief for ety activists accused security of- A civil society activist, Najib Paktia province, an official said on was the last incident; and we can- northern region, Gen. Abdul Man- ficials of taking no action against Pasoon, said a number of warlords Thursday. not say that no incident will hap- nan, said told Pajhwok Afghan illegal armed groups and weapons. and former war criminals contin- flay Kabul bombing Police chief, Brig. Gen. Tory- pen (in the future),” the police chief News that Taliban militants, who Maj. Gen. Sayed Kamal Sadat, ued to rule on people at gunpoint alai Abdani, told Pajhwok Afghan said in an interview with TOLO- had joined the peace process still the police chief for northern Balkh in the provincial capital and some News the militants staged a coor- news on Wednesday. (ToloNews) dinated attack on security check- totted guns. province, confirmed the presence districts. (Pajhwok) posts in the district late on Wednesday. Both security forces and in- surgents suffered casualties during the overnight clash. Abdani said exact figures of dead and wounded people could not be ascertained. The insurgents he said were pushed back from the area. Abdullah Muskeen, an inhab- itant of the district, confirmed to Pajhwok the clash and casualties KABUL: Turkey and Australian ment of Australia, told Thursday’s but was unaware about the exact KABUL: Some Wolesi Jirga (low- education, transport, telecommu- appointed as the governor of east- troduce its nominees to the house.” opposition leader Bill Shorten on session that the Prime Minister figure. er house) members on Wednesday nication and higher education for ern Nangarhar province.
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