Darragh ticket sweeps SMC election by Anne Bachle ing on numerous committees and Staff Reporter activities throughout their years at A record number of Saint Mary's Saint Mary's. "So we were glad students voted yesterday to elect people put their confidence in us," Gail Darragh as Student Body she said. President. Maureen Carden as A junior psychology major, Vice-President for Academic Af· Darragh said she plans to begin fairs, and Julie Pope as Vrce-Presi­ work on implementing her platform dent for Student Affairs. campaign promises as soon as The wiiining ticket posted "a possible. Carden, a junior art and clear victory over the opposing business major. and Pope, a ticket of Terry Tuohy, Sheila sophomore psychology major, ag­ Wixted, and Mary Mullaney, reed voicing their determination to according to Election Commission­ "do a great job." er Maria-Lisa Mignanelli. Election Commenting on the "clean rules in the Student Handbook campaign," Tuohy said she does prohibit public disclosure of exact not regret running for office. vote tallies, but Mignanelli said "It's a way of showing support for 1,018 students voted, which is your school," she declared, adding approximately 60 percent of the that she as offerend her support to student body. Darragh and was "optimistic that she'll do a good job." Darragh, pleased with the Both platforms promised to work tum-out and especially grateful to for extended parietals, close her supporters, attributed her cooperation with the Career success to tbeir campaign organiza­ Development Center. and better Election winners Pope, Darragh and Carden gather after last night's victory. [photo by Dave tion. "We really worked hard on communication between the stu­ .Rumbach] our platform and on our campaign, dents and their representatives. but we gained a lot of backers Some students indicated that because I think out enthusiasm was Darragh's proposals for additional contagious," she commented. callboxes. weekend movie festi­ Although the opposing ticket vals. more responsibilities for claimed extensive experience in section representatives, and a student government, Darragh poin­ Professional Week offering career ted out that she and her running information, were major factors in mates have had experience work- their decision. The Candidate Bradley eyes U.S. Senate seat by Marjorie Observer Irr sensitive to peoples' problems." an independent student newspaper serving notre dame and st. mary's Regardless of his allegiance to Voi._XII, No. 102 Tuesday, March 14, 1978 Bill Bradley. U.S. Senate the party. Bradley admitted that candidate from New Jersey told the party organization in New students last night that he Jersey is not with him. "deliberately took a di,fferent "I don't have the governor's No forced compliance road" into politics. • ,, support and I don't have the state After ten years of professioha) ··Chairman's support." Bradley basketball with the New York conceded. "B ut I do have the Miners ignore court work order Knicks. a year on the U.S. Olympic support· of many municipal chair­ team in 1964. and a Rhodes men." He recently got the [AP]iAII but a few of the nation's said the necessary papers had been bats and pipes, some 400 men in a Scholarship following graduation ~ endorsement of Henry Luther. who 160,000 striking coal miners ignor­ served on virtually all UMW locals caravan of 150 cars roved through from Princeton in 1965. Bradley managed Governor Byrne's sue­ ed a federal back-to-work order in the country. the countryside, heckling and shut­ said he represents a challenge to cessful campaign in 1977. Monday, and the handful who Over the weekend, and on Mon­ ting down non-union mines that how New Jersey politics have been In the New Jersey Primary returned to the mines had virtually day, local union leaders were had been operating, state police made in the past. election on June 6. Bradley will no effect on coal production. performing their legal duty to pass said. Approximately 100 students oppose New Jersey's former state In Pennsylvania, hundreds of the word on to members, and to "If any mines are open they shut attended the reception for Bradley treasurer who is the Democratic club-carrying pickets took to a road have mines inspected by union them down, then they move on," in the Memorial Liprary Lounge Party's candidate and a New Jersey in a 150-car caravan to shut down safety committees - a step needed said state police Major Homer following his appearance at the non-union mines. But most other for reopening. Redd. "We've had some rocks annual basketball banquet. areas were quiet, with union mines But while union leaders and thrown, but most of it's heckling. According to a show of hands. the remaining.idle even in the absence locals can be penalized for failure So far there hasn't been too much majority of students were not from of pickets. to comply, there is no mechanism damage compared to other strikes New Jersey and they questioned It was the first real test of for forcing individual miners back we've been through." Bradley mostly on national issues whether the United Mine Workers to work. And at most mines that A spokesman for Consolidation including the Middle East. the rank and file will obey a Taft­ reopened Monday, no miner.: Coal Co. said about 30 pickets had Panama Canal. human rights. and Hartley court order obtained last showed up. - shown up at one union mine in energy. Thursday by President Carter. Even when miners did report, Pennsylvania at midnight Sunday, ''Although I would vote against But with the order still not in full there were usually too few to form but "there wasn't any problem. the sale of arms to Saudia Arabia effect in some areas, a Justice maintenance or mining crews, and They just wanted to make sure no and Egypt, we have a specific Department spokesman in Wash­ the companies sent them home. one went to work." exception to make with Israel," ington said there would be no One of the few mines where work While some union locals else­ Bradley said. hasty action to force compliance. was done wa's in Keystone, W.Va., where completed their safety in­ "I support the Panama Canal Spokesman Mark Sheehan said the where 30 members of a 150-man spections in short order, some treaty. We've never had administration expects miners to safety committees from District 23 sovereignty over the canal. But we gradually return to work this week. "So far there in western Kentucky were giving will have control over the Meanwhile, bargainers for the that area's strip mines a stringent commission to govern the canal," union and coal companies took a hasn 't been too and time-consuming going-over, he noted. pause in negotiations in Washing­ according to Wayne Neal, chair­ On the human rights issue, ton. They reported some progress much damage man of a UMW grievance commit­ Bradley said that the U.S. cannot over the weekend, but said they tee there. rightfully set any hard and fast were not on the verge of a compared to "I don't expect any coal to be rules for other countries. "We settlement. Each side used the day mined this week," Neal said, can't tie aid packages to the value to work on its own positions on adding that the committees, which systems of other countries and specific issues. other strikes ... " also must re-inspect and approve cultures.'' Since the strike began Dec. 6, shift showed up at 8 a.m. First any repairs they 1order, might not Bradley admitted that. if elected, rebellious union officers and rank reports said there were not enough finish their work for two or three one of his pet projects would be and file members had already men to mine coal, but there were days. solar energy. He said that it could scuttled two tentative settlements enough for maintenance work. Meanwhile, a spokesman for the be a reliable and excellent source of on grounds that they eroded union The local involved was one of the giant Peabody Coal Co., which energy if the federal government medical benefits, did not equalize few which had voted to accept the employs 11,000 UMW miners in would make it available to the pension benefits among old and most recent contract settlement. Ohio, Indiana, lllinois, Kentucky, public by financing generators. younger retired miners, and allow­ A 30-member maintenance crew Missouri, Oklahoma or Arkansas, "I oppose further nuclear develop­ ed companies to discipline those also showed up for work at a said none of its 42 mines was ment. When we run out of who lead wildcat strikes. Pittsburgh and Midway Coal Co. operating. uranium, we'll have to use The strike, which was in its 98th mine in Amsterdam, Mo., which In West Virginia, where 65,000 plutonium, a very dangerous day Monday, has cut national coal has been damaged by harsh weath­ UMW miners work, only small substance," Bradley noted. production in half, forced power er, according to coal company groups were reporting to mines. In Altough Bradley said he dis­ BILL BRADLEY companies in much of the Midwest spokesman Jim Carnett. Mining addition to the 30 at the Keystone agrees with the Democratic Party [photo by Dave Rumbach] and mid-Atlantic regions to ask for was not expected there for several mine, which is operated by Eastern line on the merits of nuclear state senator. Bradley said that or order power conservation, and days. Associated Coal Co., a few men energy, he added that the polls indicate he is in the lead.
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