www.WeeklyVoice.com FRONT PAGE Friday, July 3, 2020 | A-1 Canada’s Leading South Asian Newspaper - Tel: 905-795-0639 Friday, JulyJune 3, 2, 2020 2017 www.WeeklyVoice.com VolVol 26, 23, No. No. 27 22 PM: 40025701 Building A More Reliable Transportation System, page 7 Tourism Niagara Makes A Visitor Pledge, page 9 Mississauga Rows To 2023 World Games, page 11 Canada Celebrates Its Day In Digital World ‘Our Country’s Success Is Because Of Its People & Our Shared Values Of Peace & Compassion’ OTTAWA: Canadians across the coun- what it means to be Canadian. try and the world celebrated Canada Day “Canada’s success is because of its virtually on July 1. Hundreds of thousands people. People who strive to live up to gathered together virtually to share the our shared values of peace, equality, and pride in being Canadian, and joining the compassion, and know that diversity is colourful conversation on social media our strength. People who know that, only platforms using the #CanadaDay hashtag. together, we can build a better country, Hundred of people also took the oath of where every senior has a safe place to live, Canadian citizenship in virtual ceremonies and where we say no to racism, injustice, across the country. In Ottawa, Minister and hate. A country where we understand Minister of Immigration, Refugees and that our work to ensure everyone has an Citizenship Marco Mendicino joined in equal and fair chance at success is never celebrating #CanadaDay virtually, with 19 finished. #NewCanadians from 13 countries. They ‘Today, we welcomed new Canadians to the Flag of Canada family at the same “What makes Canada special is not the became Canadian citizens during a special time, from coast to coast to coast. The last few months challenged us to evolve, but belief that this is the best country in the virtual citizenship ceremony in partnership our values and belief in immigration are enduring. #HappyCanadaDay & Wel- world – it’s the knowledge that we could with the Institute of Canadian Citizenship come Home!’ - Minister Marco Mendicino tweeted. be, and that we will keep working to build and MaRS Discovery District. that country. Because no challenge we face The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, is- with the kids, this is a chance to reflect on We are neighbours helping neighbours, will be too great, if we face it together. sued the following statement: where we are as a country, and where we small businesses being there for their com- “I invite all Canadians to join this year’s “On Canada Day, we celebrate the are headed. munities and their staff, Armed Forces an- virtual celebrations and the #CanadaDay amazing place we call home – and the “The last few months have been difficult swering the call to help protect our most conversation online. Today, we celebrate people we share it with. Whether you are for all Canadians, but throughout this pan- vulnerable, and doctors and nurses keep- the country we share and tomorrow, we firing up the barbecue or playing outside demic, we have been there for one another. ing our families healthy. Because that’s Continued on page 2 Ladakh Stand-Off A Sign PM’s Youth Council Of China’s Nature: Trump NeW YORk: US President McEnany said, “Trump had said Donald Trump sees China’s ag- that China’s aggressive stance gressive action along the Line of along the India-China border fits Actual Control (LAC) in Ladakh in with the larger pattern of Chi- confirming the Chinese Commu- nese aggression in other parts of nist Party’s “true nature”, accord- the world. And these actions only ing to his Spokesperson kayleigh confirm the true nature of the Chi- McEnany. nese Communist Party (CCP).” Asked at her briefing about She said Trump was closely China’s attack on Indian troops, Continued on page 4 BROKER BROKER Prime Minister Justin Trudeau this week interacted with members REMAX REAL ESTATE CENTRE INC., BROKERAGE of the PM’s Youth Council - who shared their perspectives on - and experiences with - systemic racism. Trudeau tweeted: “Conversations like the one we had yesterday are key to bringing about change, and I continue to be inspired by your leadership on this and other issues.” Salma Lakhani Appointed approved... Mor e mor tgagesmor appr oved...tgages More tgage solutions... Mor e customized mor tgage solutions...mor Lt. Governor Of Alberta More customized MOR TGAGESTGAGESTGAGES OTTAWA: Prime Minister, An immigrant to Canada, she MOR GO!! Justin Trudeau has announced the has mentored young students with ONON THE GO!!THE appointment of Salma Lakhani as English as a second language. the new Lieutenant Governor of MorShe e mor is tgages a founding appr oved... member of a Mor e mor tgages appr oved... Alberta. Mor e customizedmovement mor tgage that solutions... helps vulnerable Mor e customized mor tgage solutions... * MONEY CREDITED * DEBT CONSOLIDATION A long-time community advo- women access education, and has *MORBAD TGAGESCREDIT? NO PROBLEM * 1ST, 2ND, 3RD MORTGAGES cate and successful business ownMOR- served TGAGES on its advisory committee *ONNO THEFEES, GO!!LOW RATES * RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL MORTGAGES er, Ms. Lakhani has dedicated her for the past decade. Ms. Lakhani ON THE GO!! ON THE GO!! * MorFREE e mor tgagesAPP appr oved...RAISALS * HOME RENOVATION LOANS life to helping people in need will be the first Muslim Lieuten- Mor e customized mor tgage solutions... and those who face obstacles to ant Governor in Canadian history. MOR TGAGES ON THE GO!! FAST APPROVALS success in our society. Through She will assume office upon her ON THE GO!! 416.667.8996 | www.mortago.ca her work to advance education, installation. *Terms and Conditions apply. Mortgage Alliance Company of Canada LIC#10530 * Money Credited * Debt Consolidation * Bad Credit? No Problem * 1St, 2Nd, 3Rd Mortgages health care, women’s empower- The Prime Minister thanked * No Fees, Low Rates * Residential & Commercial * Free Appraisals Mortgages ment, human rights, and support the outgoing Lieutenant Gover- * Home Renovation Loans for new immigrants, she contin- nor, the Honourable Lois Mitch- FAST APPROVALS www.mortago.ca | 647.302.0723 ues to be a champion of diversity, ell, for her dedication and service Terms and conditions apply* Mortgage Inc. Lic # 1 3158 pluralism, and inclusion. Continued on page 3 Toronto, Peel Making Wearing Of Masks Mandatory PEEL REGION/TORONTO: indoor public settings. “We are he has issued a recommendation He said at a June 30 news con- Bylaws making masks manda- committed to stopping the spread that bylaws be enacted across ference that the masks, when tory in indoor public spaces like of #COVIDー19!”, it said. Brampton, Mississauga and Cale- combined with regular hand grocery stores, and potentially Peel Region’s medical officer don mandating use of non-medi- washing, can help prevent the penalizing those who don’t wear of health Dr. Lawrence Loh said cal masks in public places. spread of COVID-19. a face covering, could be in place “It is time to move from a in Peel Region as early as next strong recommendation to a re- week. quirement in places where physi- Toronto City Council voted cal distancing cannot be main- unanimously early this week in tained, such as indoor public favour of requiring masks or face spaces,” he said. coverings in all enclosed public The Toronto measure heeds places as of July 7. advice from the Medical Officer Brampton City Council unani- of Health, who recommended mously instructed itslegal de- City Council use its authority partment to draft a by-law for to legislate for the protection of ratification next Wednesday on the health, safety and well-being making masks mandatory for Image by Tumisu from Pixabay Continued on page 2 A-2 | Friday, July 3, 2020 NatIONAL www.WeeklyVoice.com THE WEEKLY VOICE EDITOR-IN-CHIEF ‘Citizenship Connects Us As Diverse Canadians’ Bala Menon Continued from page 1 CONTRIBUTING WRITERS look to the future and move for- Amb. Praveen Verma (Retd.) ward, together. Dr. Nivedita Das kundu “Happy Canada Day, every- Harj Chaggar one!” Amitabh Saxena ••••• Marco Mendicino issued the Graphic Design following statement: Tamarind Tree “Happy Canada Day 2020! “This Canada Day is certainly ACCOUNT MANAGERS Manu Ramachandran one that we will all remember. “The pandemic has changed G Prasaad On left, Minister Mendicino at the Citizenship Ceremoney. On right Canada Online celebration Rohit Malhotra the way that we celebrate today, Maha and this includes being able to morial, have shaped the history ways come together in the face of us and our families, keep food physically join in citizenship and culture of this land, and we adversity and worked together to on our tables, and get us through ONLINE MARKETING ceremonies to welcome our new- recognize and remember the con- defeat the threats we faced. The tough times. Their compassion, MANAGER est Canadians. Today I have the tributions of immigrants to our past few months have been no generosity, grit, and determina- Amitabh Saxena honour to welcome families and country. exception. tion in the face of a global pan- individuals from coast to coast “Today, we will welcome more We have had each other’s demic should make us all proud LEGAL ADVISOR to coast in a virtual citizenship newcomers whose journey has backs and stepped up in thou- to be Canadian. In the months Dr. keshav Agnihotri ceremony, and to celebrate the taken them through to citizen- sands of ways to combat this ahead, the Ontario spirit will con- ship. Our shared citizenship con- threat, support our frontline tinue to inspire us as we rebuild ACCOUNTS achievements of frontline work- Asha J Singhh ers who have joined the Canadian nects us as diverse Canadians. health care workers, protect our and ensure our province comes familu.
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