Business Notes BUSINESS INDIA u THE MAGAZINE OF THE CORPORATE WORLD not favourable enough,” he adds. “It SAJAL survive primarily on agriculture, is high time that we explore various B fishing and collecting forest prod- possibilities thrown open on account OSE ucts. Frequent climatic adversities, of the government’s ‘Make in India’ geographical challenges and inade- initiative”. Garg believes the indus- quate health infrastructure are lead- try will be required to invest an esti- ing to severe malnutrition among the mated $6-7 billion in the next seven children. The research reveals that years for capacity expansion. there is only one doctor for 35,000 While availability of raw materials people in public healthcare systems. and power at competitive prices has “More than one-third of the chil- continued to be an issue calling for dren are chronically malnourished urgent redressal, the availability of in the Sundarbans. Malnutrition is sand, a vital input, has also become higher among older, poorer children a major concern for the industry and girls aged 13-36 months. due to environmental issues. Sand used in the foundries is usually recy- Inadequate infrastructure Also, cled to some extent and the rest is the dominance of quacks is a threat discarded. Sand reclamation plants to child health. Children of the Sun- are expensive and till recently it darbans are facing an extra burden was not financially viable to have of morbidity,” says Barun Kanjilal, a plant. IIF has plans to create com- professor, IIHMR & chief investiga- mon sand reclamation facilities near tor of the research project on Sun- clusters with financial support from Health threat for children at Sundarbans darbans. Kanjilal thinks NGO s are the government. The apex body has working in the Sundarbans primar- also demanded reduction in import revealed the structural holes in ser- ily focusses on environment and put duties on raw materials such as scrap, vice delivery of public healthcare in little efforts on child health. “Our pig iron, etc, which were nil till Sundarbans and suggests a public- report is expected to help the gov- May 2013. private partnership (PPP) model for ernment and the NGO s set proper u ARBIND GUPTA improving child health. The study, agenda on healthcare,” he says. ‘How healthy are the children of “The government should ori- Indian Sunderbans?’ was carried out ent and define their space,” says over five years. a National Rural Health Mission HEALTHCARE IIHMR University has established (NRHM) official. O“ ften we have evidence through a research initia- found that complicated diseases are Hazards in tive to highlight key gaps in public diagnosed by shady medical prac- health. Through this research, the titioners.” However, because of the university has been able to emphasise geographical adversity, he feels it is tigerland that the healthcare needs amongst difficult to ignore their presence. udarbans, the UNESCO world her- children in Sundarbans range from Sundarbans needs a multi-pronged Sitage site, spreading across hun- nutrition intake to the core neces- strategy to give better healthcare for dreds of islands, is the largest Royal sity of public hospitals and front- children. A logical step forward would Bengal Tiger Reserve and National line workers. The findings reveal be to discuss and debate the options Park in India – one of the most pop- that about 55 per cent of new born with key stakeholders and finalise a ular wildlife tourist destinations in are delivered at home and only 5 per roadmap with necessary modifica- the world – only 110 km from Kol- cent births are assisted by qualified tions. “A public-private partnership kata. But what is little known about professionals, which points out that (PPP) model will be ideal for improv- the 4.5 million people living in the neonatal care is neglected most of ing the children’s healthcare,” says region is that they – particularly, the times. S.D. Gupta, president, IIHMR Univer- small children – are suffering from Given the failure of public health sity. “Improvising the logistic and unstable health conditions, which systems to cater to the child health, a supply of healthcare, monitoring should be a major cause of concern. parallel market has cropped up with and making sufficient funds avail- The research conducted by IIHMR unqualified rural medical practitio- able through proper management University, a leading health care ners or quacks, who provide health can actually change the scenario.” management & research institute, on care services and OPD treatment to The West Bengal government has behalf of John Hopkins University about 85 per cent of the ailing chil- accepted the findings in the report in the US (as a part of a multi-coun- dren. This area is, unregulated and and admits that a lot can be done for try health assessment project funded posing a potential threat to the healthcare in the region. “The report by the Department for International child’s health. more or less reflects the reality,” Development, UK) has recently The population of Sundarbans admits Molay Kumar De, principal u 26 u MARCH 16-29, 2015 BUSINESS INDIA u THE MAGAZINE OF THE CORPORATE WORLD Business Notes secretary, health & family welfare, government of West Bengal. “We are trying hard to improve the situation, but lack of essential infrastructure like roads and electricity in these islands has made it difficult for us to reach proper healthcare to the peo- ple. We have taken a few initiatives like clinics on boat, delivery centres at strategic points and immunisation projects through the NGO s work- ing in Sundarbans.” Proper medi- cal care alone can reduce the threat looming large before the children in Sundarbans. u SAJAL BOSE [email protected] Indian Ocean has been a meeting point for many cultures CONFERENCES countries as well as countries along being viewed by many as a charm the eastern coast of Africa as well offensive to China’s growing regional Boosting ties as Middle East regions. These coun- clout as well as its offer to reprise the tries have deep-rooted cultural influ- 21st Century maritime Silk Road, n a first of its kind confluence of ences, similarities and long-standing which involves Indian Ocean. How- IIndian Ocean Rim countries in relations that have transcended the ever, trade and economic relations India, an international conference boundaries of time and evolution, between the IORC nations remain titled India & the Indian Ocean: to emerge as a respected trade corri- unexplored given the vast potential. Renewing the Maritime Trade & dor in the present times. “The Indian The government of India continues Civilisational Linkages is being Ocean is unique, not because it’s the to play a proactive role in improv- organised by the Institute of Social only ocean named after a country, ing the relationships owing to the & Cultural Studies (ISCS), a major but also for the past 7,500 years, it strategic as well as economic impact think tank based in Kolkata, at Bhu- has been a meeting point for West- envisioned in the coming years. baneswar, Odisha, next week. About ern, Northern, Eastern and South “This conference will provide a 20 nations from the region (Austra- East Asian countries – and a gate- valuable opportunity to study and lia, South Africa, Thailand, Indo- way to the western world for many analyze the Indian Ocean from all nesia, Malaysia, Kenya, Myanmar, economies. The Indian Ocean Rim aspects and perspectives: historical, Bangladesh, Madagascar, Mauri- Countries have strategic relevance economical, geo political, cultural, tius, Yemen, Oman, Iran, Sri Lanka, as well as socio cultural similarities, energy security, religion, literature, Maldives, etc) will participate in which are key to fostering sustained trade, migration, diaspora, etc, and the three-day deliberations cover- economic as well as trade ties in the rejuvenate the deep ties that bind ing vital aspects of trade, maritime region. This conference will set a the regional nations,” adds Mukher- security and civilisational linkages. platform for exchange of ideas and jee. The conference would highlight The conference, which is sup- therefore re-energise the concept the opportunities and challenges fac- ported by eight important ministries of linkage in the backdrop of cur- ing the IORC nations and the greater of the government of India – exter- rent geopolitical developments and need to focus on unlocking the nal affairs, petroleum & natural gas, alignments,” says Arindam Mukher- growth potential of the region. power, shipping, commerce & indus- jee, secretary, Institute of Social and The collaborating partners of the try, culture, tourism and agriculture – Cultural Studies. conference include Indian Ocean Rim is expected to be a unique event with The present government’s agenda Association (IORA); XP division, min- fruitful exchanges and deliberations to revitalise this corridor and expand istry of external affairs, government of ideas and experiences amongst the the volumes along the maritime of India; department of international participating countries. regions of Indian Ocean has led to a relations & co-operation, Republic of focussed strategy from Prime Minis- South Africa; Kenya National Cham- Focussed strategy The Indian ter Narendra Modi to visit each coun- ber of Commerce & Industry; Odisha Ocean has been the key medium try since his term began – including Institute of Maritime & South East of fostering economic, cultural and the one presently being pursued in Asian Studies; and National Fisheries social ties with most of the nations in Sri Lanka, Maldives and Mauritius. Development Board. u the South-east Asian, Middle Eastern The Indian Ocean Diplomacy is [email protected] u 27 u MARCH 16-29, 2015.
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