FACULTY OF FINE ARTS AND DESIGN News and EventBulletin • May 2021 • Issue: 12 TOTAL 19 NEW EVENTS! Design Fest’21 is completed with great interest. Faculty of Fine Arts is on the news. Gülben Alkan İletişim Ve Tasarım www.gelisim.edu.tr 0 212 422 70 00 FACULTY OF FINE ARTS AND DESIGN FACULTY OF FINE ARTS AND DESIGN News and EventBulletin • May 2021 • Issue: 12 News and EventBulletin • May 2021 • Issue: 12 During the 5-6-7 May, a total of 18 the students who received the honor- events were held on Zoom, with a total able mention also won a professional of 2500 people attending the festival, drawing set. Two separate online exhi- and live broadcasts were created on bitions be exhibited at the Artsteps IGU YouTube watched by more than 2300 Digital Gallery. people while the events were continu- In addition to the 18 events held Revolution in Art and Design ing. The Design Festival, where approxi- within the Design Festival, online exhi- mately 5,000 people are active viewers, bitions were presented to the audience provided its participants with 3 days full throughout the festival. of art and design, despite all the nega- All session records regarding the tive effects of the pandemic. The ses- Design Festival organized by the Faculty sions united under the theme of Digi- of Fine Arts can be accessed on the You- DESIGN FEST’21 talism ended with valuable information Tube account named TasarımFest’21. shared by guests from different fields. During the preparation process of the Design Festival, 25 students and 14 tasarimfest.gelisim.edu.tr lecturers actively took part in both so- cial media and the design team. About the purpose of the festival, “It aims to Various Conversations and Events were Held on enable all students within the Faculty of Revolution in Art and Design 5-6-7 May as part of the GSF Design Festival. Fine Arts to put into practice the theo- retical knowledge they have gained from the programs they are affiliated with Istanbul Gelişim University (IGU) Gelişim University (IGU) Faculty of Fine and thus integrate their field expertise Faculty of Fine Arts (GSF) hosted var- Arts (GSF) Lecturers İrem Fulya Özkan into social life. Lecturer İrem Fulya Öz- ious talks and events within the scope and Nihal Ekici Demir, was very high. kan and Lecturer Nihal Ekici Demir who of the Design Festival. Participation in made their comments as in the follow- the festival, which took place simul- Why “Digitalism: Digi- ing “In this way, the festival will provide taneously on the Zoom platform and tal Evolution in Art and De- motivation to the students by reviving Youtube on May 5-6-7, was quite high. sign?” the spirit of fine arts while presenting an The recordings of the sessions held The festival, which set out with academic perspective to the new digital with speakers and moderators who the slogan of “Digitalism: Digital Evo- age.” are experts in their fields under the lution in the Fields of Art and Design” Participation in the “Digitalism” theme of ‘Digitalism’ can be viewed on in parallel with the idea of realizing themed illustration contest organized the Youtube Design Fest 21 account. the design festival organized by GSF in parallel with the design Fest 21 eth- The event, which set out with every year online due to the pandem- ics was quite high. The illustrations that the motto of “Digital Evolution in the ic, aimed to question the new digital best reflect the process we are in and Fields of Art and Design” and lasted age created by the rapidly developing the concept of Digitalism won the prize for 3 days, took place with the partici- and changing technology. He also dis- and were awarded. While the first three pation of internal and external guests, cussed the emerging positions of the students in both high school and associ- seminars, workshops and workshops. fine arts fields in the technology, art ate / undergraduate categories won the Participation and interest in the fes- and design relations trilogy. Wacom brand graphic drawing tablet, tival organized online, led by Istanbul www.gelisim.edu.tr 0 212 422 70 00 www.gelisim.edu.tr 0 212 422 70 00 FACULTY OF FINE ARTS AND DESIGN FACULTY OF FINE ARTS AND DESIGN News and EventBulletin • May 2021 • Issue: 12 News and EventBulletin • May 2021 • Issue: 12 Academic Success Academic Success continuing events and festivals during the vals as before, to watch films side by side “ pandemic period: The festival, where films in the cate- Research Assistant Emel Çirişoğlu and Research Assistant Ayşe “It is very important that arts, cine- gories of feature-length film, short films Seray Çetin ma-related events and festivals continue and documentaries competed and are in this difficult period. This year, I am glad shown, will be held in June. In the festival, attended the TÜBİTAK-supported “Science and Technology to be a jury member at the 21st Frankfurt which was postponed due to the pandem- in Gastronomy: There is an Turkish Film Festival with my colleague As- ic, awards will be given in the categories Engineer in the Kitchen-2” event. sistant Professor Önder Paker. It was very of best film, best director, best script, best enjoyable to watch and evaluate the mov- cinematographer, best music, best actress, ies. Thank you to the festival team who best actor and audience awards. For de- Assistant Professor Önder made the festival happen. With the end of tailed information about the 21st Frank- Paker and Assistant the pandemic period, I hope to be able to furt Turkish Film Festival and the program, Professor Radife Akyıldız meet face to face, to participate in festi- you can visit the festival’s official website. Istanbul Gelişim University (IGU) Ongar Attended the 21st Faculty of Fine Arts (GSF) Gastronomy Frankfurt Turkish Film Istanbul Gelişim University (IGU) es and transformations in societies with and Culinary Arts Department Research Festival as Jury Members Faculty of Fine Arts (GSF) Interior Ar- complex systems are shaped by many Assistant Emel Çirişoğlu and Research chitecture and Environmental Design different dynamics. Therefore, the emer- Department Research Assistant Gökçe gence of any social reality in which so- Assistant Ayşe Seray Çetin had partici- Istanbul Gelişim University (IGU) Fac- Assistant Uzgören, on May 3, 2021 she presented ciety, where, in which historical period, pated in the “Science and Techniques ulty of Fine Arts (GSF) Radio, Television her paper titled ‘Reading Different So- how, and what effect has an important in Gastronomy: There is an Engineers and Cinema Department Assistant Pro- Professor cial Realities Through Time and Space: place in sociological research. This lets in the Kitchen-2” within the scope of fessor Önder Paker and Assistant Profes- Önder Paker A Study on the Traces of the Capitalist us to understand the importance of the TÜBİTAK 2237-A Scientific Activities sor Radife Akyıldız Ongar participated in Social System in Literature and Cinema’ “time-space” context in urban studies.’’ Support Program provided. Supported the 21st Frankfurt Turkish Film Festival as Played a Role at the Second International Culture, Art within the scope of Istanbul Sabahattin a short film competition jury. As the jury Zaim University and TÜBİTAK 2237-A in the Akıncı and Literature Congress. Abstract summary: members of Assistant Professor Önder Pa- The paper was presented by Re- ‘’[…]While many theorists define a determin- Scientific Education Support Program, ker and Assistant Professor Radife Akyıldız search Assistant Gökçe Uzgören based istic relationship between industrialization the activity consists of totally 24 hours Series and urbanization problems arising from the Ongar, who have been on the festival jury on course named ‘Current Problems relations of capitalist society, the emergence of theoretical training. In the scientific for two years, for the first time in Turkey, of Turkey II’ by who conducts Prof. Dr. of capitalism, agriculture; This is explained by event held online from the Zoom plat- the loss of importance of craft and industrial two academicians from the same universi- Fuat Ercan in Mimar Sinan Fine Arts production against the market and exchange form, the trainings had continued for ty and the same department took part in Assistant Professor Önder Paker, head series and movies. Referring to the care in University Urbanism Doctorate Program value.The aim of the capitalist system is to re- 3 days and paid great attention from turn itself increasingly transferred capital for the festival jury. of the Department of Radio, Television the sets during this period, Assistant Pro- through theoretical analyzes conducted production process. Although this aim is the students and academicians. Partic- Among the 30 short films submitted and Cinema at Istanbul Gelişim Universi- fessor Önder Paker commented on the se- within the scope. Emphasizing that liter- common tendency of capitalism in all geogra- ipants who fully participated in the to the 21st Frankfurt Turkish Film Festival ty (IGU) Faculty of Fine Arts (GSF), played ries and working conditions: ature and cinema are crucial resources phies, it is known that it has different results in different geographies and different histori- events were sent a certificate of par- this year, 9 films were selected and got it the role of Consul Gunther in the TV se- “The Akıncı series is a successful pro- in understanding the multidimension- cal sections. In this study, it is aimed to show ticipation and acknowledgement. The ries Akıncı, which tells about the difficult duction in the crime action genre. My al relation between social actors in ur- the opportunities provided by literature and to the finals. As a result of the decisions cinema in explaining the reproduction pro- fundamental aim of the organization is of the jury members, who made their se- struggle of a modern hero whose cores lay role continues in the 19th episode of ban studies, Research Assistant Gökçe cess of the society that takes place in urban “To increase the knowledge about the back to Ottoman history and who protect- the series, where I participated as Con- Uzgören said about her work: life.
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