/ ■ ■ -, ' ■ ‘.y ■ ' ' ' F B ID A Y .M A Y 1 , 196S A rong* Daily Ntt Prass Run P ^ E EIGHTEEN For «N Waak Caded ■fU...... V.-.-.V.. JEfirttittfl Hwalii April U, ISAS The branch office is only open for 10,952 Oecaaional Hght rain tonight. MHS Postpones Baseball Suspension Eased a period before expiration date as Biyona Photo Record Total m Cloudy, ehowen and eooL tonwpiw A b o u t T o w n Game and Track Meet a convenience for local motorists Member e( D AudH On Princess Grill vvho'Otherwise would have to. go W a ll K— p Your Bureau of dreulutleun to Hartford. Mancheater-^A Cky of VtUhge Charm '8 t. Mary’s Men's Club will hold b Identified today's scheduled CX3IL . F o r L ice n se s Procious Furs Its monthly meeting Monday^ night first place battle at Mt'. Nebo at 6;M at the church. A southern _Five days of a )5 days liquor between Manchester and Bris* VOL. LXXIL N0..181 (ClaaoMed AfiverMalag an Page M) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, MAY 2, 1953 ftiad chicken dinner will be en­ DeCiantis Asserts New tol High School nines was license suspension against the Kerr Notes 11,729 Re­ X (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE FIVE c u m ? joyed by the members. Princess restaurant has been ms- postponed by Coach Tom Kel­ ____ ______________ __________ York Man I» One Who ley and Faculty Advisor pended by the State Liquor Control newals Issued Here; > TOYS V. Rev. John J. Bennett of St. Jo- Dwight D. Perry Just before Commission. Attorney Herold Gar- HU 9 ,8 4 3 Last Year f FOR KroOIES 4 Sl[[ INI ■eph’a cathedral, Hartford, will be Robbed Package Store noon today. No date for the re­ rity, who represented the proprie­ ^ Large Ateortment ^ the speaker at the annual Holy .. .»■ — scheduling of the game was tor, George Paslsnos, today re­ Riker Family Gets A record total 'of 11,729 driver’s Hour of the Combined Catholic A Long Island man being held made. Perry said, ^ t h clubs ceived written notification of the by New York police fdr forgery licenses were i.asued-while the sub Mothers Circles of Manchester to are undefeated. action taken at yesterday's session be held at iSt. Bridget's Church and robbery, and who admitted branch office of the Motor Vehicles Also postponed was a. track ' of the commission. Parianos had To Defend Wednesday night' at 7:30. Follow­ the Jan. 20 holdup of the 6 dt 44 ! turned in his license when the sus­ Depsrtment'was open hi the Ar- ing the Holy Hour, the annual Package Store in Bolton, has been meet at the West Side Oval pension went into effect Monday, moi-y here, according to tabula­ W « greet your for with oeom- Telegram o f Hope between MHS and Middletown. tions revealed last night by In­ meeting will be held in the lower Identified" by the hold-up victim, allowing him the opportunity to ap­ 'plete cleaning and airing, church, and refreshments will be Lt. Robert Rundle of the Colches­ peal. spector Dsniel Kerr. The former UN Staffers served. The new chairmen and co- ter Bairacks of State Police said After reopening the case and high of 9.843 v‘aa reached last BANTLY relax it oh a roomy hongor of chairmen of the mothers circles todav. a detainer, would be served In New I hearing the grounds for appeal — year." its own, store it in a scientifi­ Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Riker of Highland Park are will be Introduced to the members Frank DcClantls. 74. o f 202 severe and undue hardship—the When the office closed yester­ anxiously awaiting a letter that might contain information United Nation'fi, N. Y „ May York today. Blvona will be prose­ cally cold vouh ond insuro it at this meeting. Porter street, identified a photo­ commission suspended five days of day afternoon, a total of 1.78.3 OIL CO. upholding their belief that their 24-year-oId son, Ensign An­ 2— (/P)— ^The liew United Na­ graph of Franria Blvona. 31. of cuted in New York on the many the JS days for a period of one licenses had been Issued. JTils was against loss or injury. Lake Ronkonkoma, Long laland, charges facing him there before he TEL. MI.9^ 59S drew Lawrence Riker, III, a pilot in the U. S. Navy who i.i tions secretary general has Rev. Frederick A. McUan. for- j year. The suspension is compara­ the highest total Issued on any as the man who held him up. is returned to face the Bolton ble to a court sentence that is sus­ one day. More than 1,000 licenses or MI-9-4596 FREE PICK-UP IT listfjd as miaaing In action, is being v----------------- ^ ^ ^ ------------ - served notice that he intends mar assistant at St. James' Church. | Bivons has admitted more than 20 charge. The effect of s detainer, held a prisoner of wal- somewhere lum b ^ n tr®naf€rred from the, pended, meaning that five days is 'vere issued each day. here while to maintain the independence holdups. in the last four months. Lt. Rundle said, is that-Bivona, if "over the head''of-the Princess and the office waa open from April .22 In North Korea.. Their.hopes. were o f the- intematiomil'orgaTriga- Church of St. Mary. Stamford, a* I He was arrested after a New York given a jail sentence, must serve RONDEO MESSENGER raised yesterday afternoon when ah assistant, according to an an would be put into ellfect if another thiough yeaterda.v. New licenses RANOE AND FUEL -1 store clerk became auspicioua the maximum of the sentence be­ became effective at midnight. they re,ceived a telegram from tion’s staff against outside or My Little Boy! My Little Boy! noonceraent In this week's issue of violation occurs within the year. When he made large purchases cause of the detainer. If he should I^azianos suffered the suspension Washington indicating some news inside influence. the Catholic Transcript. 'Not all licensed operators here snd cashed checks to pay fop the "get off lightly" in the New York when the Princess was found guilty secured their new permits. It will OIL DISTRIBUTORS on Ensign Riker had been secured. Referring to a current U. 8. in­ items. • courts, Bivona will ht ^ brought of serving to minors New Tear'*s be neces.sary for them to get them Main Stroof A letter will follow, according to quiry into alleged Communiat coh- fiss Dorothy D. McCsughey, Lt. Rundle aaid a warrant, with back here. ’ Eve. at the main office in Hartford now. 333 the telegram. nectiona of American employee of bter of Mrs. Lillian T. Mc- While the Information la not the UN, Dag Hammarakjold told of 29 Griflln road, and confirmed, the elder Rik^r this applauding ataff members at a Pauf\ Kriksciun of Hartford, morning said it is the first news 'meeting yesterday: Will he mbrried tomorrow- at 4 p.m. received since November of last "The principles on which the in­ In St. M a i^ Episcopal Church. year when his son Waa ahot down dependence 'o f our secretariat is Sought by UN while on a mlasion. The family founded will be staunchly defend­ Mrs. WalteK P. Gorman of ed and firmly applied.” probed every available aource after — ' ‘ \ - 4 Brookfield stre e t^ s been appoint­ being informed he was missing in Hear Farewell Talk ed chairman of a committee from action. ■ Froiri the . information Few of the ataff, gathered to hear Panmunjeim, Mffy 2— (/P)— The Communists asked today Gibbons Assembly, Cktholic Ladies g.sthered, the family has felt all ■a farewell. a(aten\ent from Trygve for a one-day recess in the Korean truce talks after namhif o f Columbus, which iassponsoring along that he was alive. Lie, first UN aecretary-genferal, four Asian nations they consider qualified to take custody of an art'exhibit at the home of Mrs. Telegrdm of Hope knew that Hammarakjold had Juat war prisoners who refuse to go home. The Allies agreed to George H. Waddell, 485\Porter . The tielegram was sent by Vice received back from the U. S. the skip tomorrow's session. - street,'for the benefit of theNC. L. Admiral J. L. Holloway, Jr., chief first batch of replies on question­ iNorth Korean Gen. Nam II aaid ; of C . Scholarship fund. The mm of the Nsvsl- Personnel in Wash­ naires that American employes India, Pakistan, Burma and Indo-! mittee has set the date of Wedn , ington. Its contens foIIiivL- filled out earlier this year. nesla might be considered neutral ' day, June 3, and proposes to hold The UN has been accused by nations to aerve aa caretakers for Cuba Cdup the exhibit in the afternoon from "I have received information many quarters in America of har­ that yoitr son. Ensign Andrew, 48,000 priaohera who balk at re­ 3 to 5, and in the evening from Kntlgu Andrew L. Riker boring Communiata and spies — a turning to their Communiat home­ T tofi. Lawrence Riker, HI. USNR, was’ statement vigorously denied by the reported, as being in an enemy land. \ is Miss Anne Fisher of Weston, UN administration and by many prison camp. I regret that authen­ delegation, spokesmen, Lt. Gen. William K. Harrison Mrs. Raymond Gasselin, president, Mass., daughter of the late Robert reiterated the Allied poaition that ■and Mrs. J. F. Wallett. past presi­ COOL Ii RIfRESHING t h s J W H A U e o ticity of the report cannot be veri­ ■ Hammerskjold, who inherited fied at this time, to he mutt con­ T.
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