MINUTES FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE 8 DECEMBER 2015 APPROVED FOR RELEASE ------------------------------------ MARTIN MILEHAM ACTING CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER I:\CPS\ADMIN SERVICES\COMMITTEES\4. FINANCE AND ADMIN\FA151208 - MINUTES.DOCX FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE INDEX Item Description Page FA229/15 DECLARATION OF OPENING 1 FA230/15 APOLOGIES AND MEMBERS ON LEAVE OF ABSENCE 1 FA231/15 QUESTION TIME FOR THE PUBLIC 1 FA232/15 CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES 2 FA233/15 CORRESPONDENCE 2 FA234/15 DISCLOSURE OF MEMBERS’ INTERESTS 2 FA235/15 MATTERS FOR WHICH THE MEETING MAY BE CLOSED 2 FA236/15 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND FINANCIAL ACTIVITY STATEMENT FOR THE PERIOD ENDED 31 OCTOBER 2015 3 FA237/15 CENTENARY BELL COMMEMORATIVE PROJECT 4 FA238/15 REPLACEMENT OF STOLEN GUMNUT BABY SCULPTURE, STIRLING GARDENS 7 FA239/15 CITY OF PERTH ART COLLECTION – ART ACQUISITIONS – BEN PUSHMAN – WASHED OUT 10 FA240/15 ADOPTION – CITY OF PERTH THOROUGHFARES AND PUBLIC PLACES AMENDMENT LOCAL LAW 2015, AND REPEAL – CITY OF PERTH SIGNS LOCAL LAW 2005 16 FA241/15 AMENDED – COUNCIL POLICY 9.7 PURCHASING POLICY 21 FA242/15 THE 2015 CITY OF PERTH LOCAL GOVERNMENT ELECTION 23 FA243/15 AMENDED – COUNCIL POLICY 1.6 CITY OF PERTH COMMEMORATIVE WORKS 28 FA244/15 ADOPTION – CITY OF PERTH PUBLIC ART POLICY 30 FA245/15 MOTIONS OF WHICH PREVIOUS NOTICE HAS BEEN GIVEN 32 FA246/15 GENERAL BUSINESS 32 FA247/15 ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION AT A FUTURE MEETING 33 FA248/15 CLOSE OF MEETING 33 I:\CPS\ADMIN SERVICES\COMMITTEES\4. FINANCE AND ADMIN\FA151208 - MINUTES.DOCX FINANCE AND - 1 - 8 DECEMBER 2015 ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Minutes of the meeting of the City of Perth Finance and Administration Committee held in Committee Room 1, Ninth Floor, Council House, 27 St Georges Terrace, Perth on Tuesday, 8 December 2015. MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE Cr Davidson - Presiding Member Cr Chen - Entered the meeting at 4.03pm Cr Harley OFFICERS Mr Stevenson - Chief Executive Officer Mr Mianich - Director Corporate Services Mr McDougall - Interim Manager Economic Development Mr Richards - Manager Finance Mr Ridgwell - Manager Governance Dr Mackay - Temporary Public Art Program Coordinator Mr White - Chief Accountant Ms Ferreira - Senior Management Accountant Mr Mulcahy - Senior Management Accountant Ms Emmons - Governance Officer GUESTS AND DEPUTATIONS Nil OBSERVERS Nil FA229/15 DECLARATION OF OPENING 4.00pm The Presiding Member declared the meeting open. FA230/15 APOLOGIES AND MEMBERS ON LEAVE OF ABSENCE Nil FA231/15 QUESTION TIME FOR THE PUBLIC Nil I:\CPS\ADMIN SERVICES\COMMITTEES\4. FINANCE AND ADMIN\FA151208 - MINUTES.DOCX FINANCE AND - 2 - 8 DECEMBER 2015 ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE FA232/15 CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES Moved by Cr Harley, seconded by Cr Davidson That the minutes of the meeting of the Finance and Administration Committee held on 17 November 2015 be confirmed as a true and correct record. The motion was put and carried The votes were recorded as follows: For: Crs Davidson and Harley Against: Nil 4.03pm Cr Chen entered the meeting FA233/15 CORRESPONDENCE Nil FA234/15 DISCLOSURE OF MEMBERS’ INTERESTS Nil FA235/15 MATTERS FOR WHICH THE MEETING MAY BE CLOSED The Presiding Member advised that in accordance with Section 5.23(2) of the Local Government Act 1995, the meeting will be required to be closed to the public prior to discussion of the following: Confidential Item No. Item No. and Title Reason and Schedule No. Confidential Schedule Item FA239/15 – City of Perth Art Section 5.23(2)(b) No. 5 Collection – Art Acquisitions – Ben Pushman – Washed Out I:\CPS\ADMIN SERVICES\COMMITTEES\4. FINANCE AND ADMIN\FA151208 - MINUTES.DOCX FINANCE AND - 3 - 8 DECEMBER 2015 ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE FA236/15 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND FINANCIAL ACTIVITY STATEMENT FOR THE PERIOD ENDED 31 OCTOBER 2015 BACKGROUND: FILE REFERENCE: P1014149-25 REPORTING UNIT: Finance RESPONSIBLE DIRECTORATE: Corporate Services DATE: 18 November 2015 MAP / SCHEDULE: Schedule 1 – Financial Statements and Financial Activity Statement for the period ended 31 October, 2015 LEGISLATION / STRATEGIC PLAN / POLICY: Legislation Section 6.4(1) and (2) of the Local Government Act 1995 Regulation 34(1) of the Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations 1996 Integrated Planning Strategic Community Plan and Reporting Council Four Year Priorities: Community Outcome Framework Capable and Responsive Organisation Implications A capable, flexible and sustainable organisation with a strong and effective governance system to provide leadership as a capital city and deliver efficient and effective community centred services DETAILS: The Financial Activity Statement is presented together with a commentary on variances from the revised budget. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: There are no direct financial implications arising from this report. COMMENTS: The Financial Activity Statement commentary compares the actual results for the four months to 31 October 2015 with the revised budget approved by Council on 3.November 2015. I:\CPS\ADMIN SERVICES\COMMITTEES\4. FINANCE AND ADMIN\FA151208 - MINUTES.DOCX FINANCE AND - 4 - 8 DECEMBER 2015 ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Moved by Cr Harley, seconded by Cr Chen That Council approves the Financial Statements and the Financial Activity Statement for the period ended 31 October 2015 as detailed in Schedule 1. The motion was put and carried The votes were recorded as follows: For: Crs Davidson, Chen and Harley Against: Nil FA237/15 CENTENARY BELL COMMEMORATIVE PROJECT BACKGROUND: FILE REFERENCE: P1010627-30 REPORTING UNIT: Arts, Culture and Heritage RESPONSIBLE DIRECTORATE: Economic Development and Activation DATE: 20 November 2015 MAP / SCHEDULE: Schedule 2 – Correspondence to the Lord Mayor Schedule 3 – Interpretation on the Bell In a letter to the Lord Mayor dated 9 November 2015 (Schedule 2) an approach was made by The Swan Bell Foundation requesting a financial of $48,000 contribution towards the casting of 6.5 tonne bell of Perth to complete the suite of bells in the tower at Barrack Square. The Bell Tower is a prominent tourist destination in the City attracting between 40,000 – 60,000 visitors annually with this figure likely to increase once the Elizabeth Quay development has been completed. The current 17 bells are made up of the 12 bells of St Martin-in-the-Fields and five bells from London diocese of the Church of England and the parish of St Martin-in- the-Fields. The historic ring of bells was given to the people of Western Australia as part of the National Bicentennial celebrations in 1988. The Swan Bells Foundation has been granted conditional approval to include the word “ANZAC” by the Minister for Veterans’ Affairs as recognition of the Centenary of ANZAC Commemorations, which has been indicated in a supporting letter. A copy of I:\CPS\ADMIN SERVICES\COMMITTEES\4. FINANCE AND ADMIN\FA151208 - MINUTES.DOCX FINANCE AND - 5 - 8 DECEMBER 2015 ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE the permit and associated conditions which relate to the permit have not been supplied. LEGISLATION / STRATEGIC PLAN / POLICY: Integrated Planning Strategic Community Plan and Reporting Council Four Year Priorities: Community Outcome Framework Healthy and Active in Perth Implications A city with a well-integrated build and green natural environment in which people and families chose a lifestyle that enhances their physical and mental health and take part in arts, cultural and local community events. DETAILS: Existing Bells The 12 bells of St Martin-in-the-Fields are recorded as being in existence from before the 14th century, and recast in the 16th century by Queen Elizabeth I. The bells were again recast between 1725 and 1770 by three generations of the Rudhall family of bell founders from Gloucester in England, under the order of the Prince of Wales who was later crowned as King George II. The bells were gifted to Western Australia as part of the national Bicentennial celebrations in 1988. They are one of the few sets of royal bells and are the only ones known to have left England. The other five bells were specially presented to the University of Western Australia, the City of Perth and to the people of Western Australia from the London diocese of the Church of England and the parish of St Martin-in-the-Fields. The bells were cast in 1988 and include two from the cities of London and Westminster, who each gifted one bell to the project, and three bestowed by a consortium of British and Australian mining companies. New Bell The Swan Bells Foundation is taking the opportunity in casting of the bell of Perth to undertake some unique interpretation for all Australian service men and women involved in wars, conflict and peacekeeping operations. The Swan Bells Foundation has been granted conditional approval to include the word “ANZAC” by the Minister for Veterans’ Affairs as recognition of the Centenary of ANZAC Commemorations. A copy of the permit and associated conditions have not been supplied. The interpretative artwork supplied includes (Schedule 3) the ANZAC logo on the bell along together with the crests of the State Government and the City of Perth. I:\CPS\ADMIN SERVICES\COMMITTEES\4. FINANCE AND ADMIN\FA151208 - MINUTES.DOCX FINANCE AND - 6 - 8 DECEMBER 2015 ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Funding To date the Swan Bells Foundation has received a Lotterywest grant of $300,000, and over $100,000 in cash from private donations and the RSL together with a donation of Australian copper and tin for the bell from Mark Creasy, valued at $178,000. To complete the ANZAC Bell, the last in a suite of 18 bells in the tower at Barrack Square and provide high quality interpretative material, The Swan Bells Foundation has sought a financial contribution from the City of Perth of $48,000. The contribution is unbudgeted but can be funded from the Mural Art program budget. The Foundation has proposed that the City of Perth crest be included on the bell as a supporter of the project, along with the State crest and the ANZAC logo. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: ACCOUNT NO: CL 15852000 BUDGET ITEM: Recreation and Culture - Other Recreation and Culture - Community Arts Program BUDGET PAGE NUMBER: 10 BUDGETED AMOUNT: $162,000 AMOUNT SPENT TO DATE: $ 0 PROPOSED COST: $ 48,000 BALANCE: $114,000 All figures quoted in this report are exclusive of GST.
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