

‘ ’ 99 ‘ ’ ‘The Unity of Church according to the Word of God’ - A Short Article on the View of the Church in terms of Augustine, Calvin, and the Reformed Tradition - ( ) 381 4 ( , , , ) ‘ ’ ‘ ’ . , . ‘ ’ , . , ‘ ’ . 100 ( 2 ) ‘ ’ 101 The Council of Constantinople in 381, confessed the four nature of . ‘ ’(oneness) the Church, that is, unum sanctum Catholiscam apostoliscam, of which ‘ ’(Corpus Christi) ‘one’ and ‘holy’ are often incompatible with each other in the history of . the Church. In this article I try to find the compatibility of the two ‘ ’(holiness) , fundamental natures of the Church, by considering a few significant . ‘ ’(catholicity) church historical examples of this theme: Augustine’s doctrine of Church in his connection with the Donatist controversy, Calvin’s doctrine of the . ‘ Church, and the Reformed confessions on the doctrine of the Church. ’(apostolicity) Both Augustine and Calvin (and Calvinists) find the key to the harmony , between unity and holiness of the Church in ‘apolicity’ of the Church, . the central significance of the Word of God as the fundamental basis of the Christian church. Reformed tradition endeavours to keep the holiness . as well as the unity of the Church on the common ground of the Church , ‘ ’(oneness) Father Augustine and the Reformed theologian Calvin. Today, in face of ‘ ’(holiness) serious divisions of contemporary Protestant churches, we had better , ( ) make good use of the Reformational wisdom ‘adiaphora’ in order to ( ) . regain the unity and the holiness of the Church. , . : , , , , , , Key words: Augustine, Donatist Controversy, Calvin, doctrine of , . Church, Reformed Theology, Adiaphora , , , ( , , , ) 381 , , : [ ] ‘ (denominations) . , , ’(one, holy, catholic and apostolic) J.N.D. Kelly, Early Christian Creeds (New York: Longman, 1985), 297-298. Otto de Jong, Geschiedenis der kerk (Nijkerk: Callenbach,1992), 9-10. 102 ( 2 ) ‘ ’ 103 (para-churches) 411 . , , ‘ ’ . 11 . , . 1 (sola scriptura) ‘ ’ ‘ ’ . , , ‘ ’(orthodox and catholic view of the Church) , . , 2000 311 312 , . , ( ) , , , ‘ ’ . , , (Caecillianus) . , , (adiaphora) , (Felix , von Abthungni), (Novellus von Tyzica) . (Faustinus von Thuburbo Maius) ‘ . ’(traditores) . (Secundus) 70 G.G. Willis, Saint Augustine and the Donatist Controversy (Eugene: Wifp & Stock, 1950). 117. “In the second note of the Church (i.e. ‘holy’) we touch the core of Donatist theology.” ( ). L. Praamsma, De kerk van alle tijden (Franeker: Wever, 1980), vol. I, 106. 4 5 A. Schindler, “Der Donatismus” in Thologische Realenzylopädie 1 (Berlin:Walter de ‘ ’ ‘ ’ Gryuyter, 1977), 655. (traditores) (lapsi) . (libellatici) . 104 ( 2 ) ‘ ’ 105 . (The Donatist Controversy) , , . (Majorinus) . , ‘ ’ . , . 2 , (Donatus) , ‘ ’(pars Donati) 1.1.1. : ( ) ( ) . (Constantinus) , ‘ ’ (Miltiades) (313 ), (314 ) , ‘ ’(apostasy) (316 ) , . ( ) ‘ . ‘ ’(filii traditorum) . , ’(Circumcelliones) , 371 388 , . 411 ‘ ’ . , . (Augustinus, 354-430) . (Possidius) . (Vita Augustini) , . , , , ( : , 2009). 31 . ( ) 6 ( ) . Praamsma, op. cit., 109. (Crispinus) , Schindler , V.L. Walter, ‘Donatism’ in . W.A. Ellwell ed., Evangelical Dictionary of Theology (Grand Rapids: Baker, 2001) ‘ ’ , . 106 ( 2 ) ‘ ’ 107 1.1.2. : ; 411 , , . ‘ , ’ . , , , . , , : . ‘ ’(sanctification of , the soul) (opus Dei) . , ‘ ’ , . ‘ ’ . (Cyprianus) . : . ‘ ’ , : (Psalmus contra pratem Donati, 393) , “ . , ” . , , , : . Willis, op. cit., 121. Philip Schaff, History of the Christian Church (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1910), vol. III. Nicene and Post-Nicene Christianity (From Constantine the Great to Gregory the Great, A.D. 311-600), 1013. Praamsma, op. cit., 110. 108 ( 2 ) ‘ ’ 109 . 411 ( ) ‘ , ’ . ‘ ’ ‘ ’(catholicity) , . ‘ ’(sola scriptura) , . , ‘ ’ , ( 12:3 . , “ “ ”) ” , . , ‘ ’ ‘ ’(Apostolic Succession) ‘ (whole truth) . ‘ ’ . ’ , (Apostolic Teaching) , ‘ ’(apostolicity) . ‘ ’ . ‘ ’ , ‘ ‘ ’ . , ‘ ’ ’ . (catholicity) ‘ ’ (oneness) , . , ‘ ’ . ‘ ’ , ‘ ’ ‘ ’ (Perfect Church) . , , . , O. de Jong, op. cit., 72. O. de Jong, Ibid., 72. Willis, op. cit., 120. 110 ( 2 ) ‘ ’ 111 4 , ‘ ’ . , . ‘ ’ . (heresy) (sect) ‘ ‘ 1 ’ : ’ ‘ ’ , . , ‘ ( ) ... ( ) ( )’ ( ) , . , ‘ , ’ . , , , ‘ ’(the word of God) . , ‘ ’ ‘ ’ ‘ ’ (Apostolic , Teaching) . ‘ . ( ) , , , (papacy) (hierarchy) , , ‘ ’ ’ . , ‘ ’ ‘ , , ’ . ‘ (marks) , . Calvin, Institutes of the Christian Religion (Philadelphia: The Westminster Press, 1960) ET by F.L. Battles, IV. ii. 4. , ( : , 1988), , 49. Ibid., IV. ii. 5. Ibid., 62. Ibid., IV. ii. 12. 112 ( 2 ) ‘ ’ 113 ’(Catholicism) ( ) .” (Imbart de la Tour) ‘ ’ , “ . , ” . ‘ ’ ‘ , ‘ ’ ’ . (Guido de Bres) 1561 1563 (Catholic or Universal Church), ‘ (provincial Synod of Armentieres) ’ , ‘ , ’ . ‘ “ , ” (1618-1619) (the ’ Belgic Confession) 6 (27-32 ) (27 ). , ‘ ’ . ‘ ’ ‘ ’ 29 (Everyone’s Duty to Join the Church) 28 : “ : “ ‘ ’ , , . , .” .” , . ‘ ’ , . “ , . , (unity) .” (marks) , ‘ “ , ’(the pure preaching of the gospel) , ‘ , ’(the pure administration of the sacraments G.S.M. Walker, “Calvin and the Church” in D.K. McKim ed., Readings in Calvin’s Theology (Grand Rapids: Baker, 1984), 213. Ibid., 161. Jan van Bruggen, The Church Says Amen: An Exposition of the Belgic Confession Ibid., 148-149. (Neerlandia: Inheritance Publications, 2003), 16-17. Ibid., 163. 114 ( 2 ) ‘ ’ 115 as Christ instituted them), ‘ 54 ‘ ’(the holy catholic Christian ’(Church discipline for correcting and punishing Church) , sins) . , ‘ , , , ’(by His Spirit and Word, in the unity of the true faith) . , ‘ . , ’ , ( , ) . (“ ‘ ’ ( .”) ‘ ’ ) . “ , ‘ ’ . , , ‘ ’ ‘ , . ’ . , ” , ‘ ’ 27 . , “ ‘ ’(the (to itself and its ordinances) .” “ ministry, oracles, and ordinances of God) .” ‘ (3 ). (A.A. ’ , . Hodge) “(1) “ , (2) . , (3) , , , , . ” . , ‘ ( ) ’ : Jan van Bruggen, Annotations to the Heidelberg Catechism (Neerlandia: Inheritance Publications, 1991), 144. Ibid., 164. A.A. Hodge, The Confession of Faith (Edinburgh: The Banner of Truth Trust, Ibid., 164. 1978), 313. 116 ( 2 ) ‘ ’ 117 , ’ , ‘ ’ (4 ). , ‘ ( ) . ‘ ’ (5 ). ’ . , ‘ ’ ( ) , , , . (6 ). , ‘ ’ . ‘ , ‘ ’ ’ . - (Amen) - . ‘ ’ ‘ ’ , . , 1523 ‘ ’(adiaphora) . (Zwingli) , , , 67 (The Sixty- Seven Articles) , . 1548 ‘ ’(Leipzig Interim) (The Adiaphoristic Controversy) ‘ ’ ‘ ’(adiaphoron) . ‘ ‘ , ’ . (non-essential) ’ (Tertullianus) . ‘ ’ , ‘ B.J. Verkamp, “The Zwinglians and Adiaphorism” in Church History 42, no. 4, ‘ ’ , B.J. Verkamp, “The Limits upon 1973, 496. Adiaphoristic Freedom: Luther and Melanchthon” in Theological Studies, 36 no.1 Ibid., 493. Mr. 1975, 55-57 . W.P. , ( : ), 47-49. 118 ( 2 ) ‘ ’ 119 , ‘ ’ . (Melanchthon) (Matthias Flacius Illyricus) (the Gnesio- . ‘ ’ Lutherans) ‘ ’ . , . 17 ‘ (Peter Martyr Vermigli) ’ . (the Colloquy of Poissy, 1561) (Catherine de Medici) , (Lange) 19 , . , ‘ ’ . ‘ ’ . , . , (fundamentals) ‘ , , ’ . , , ‘ . , ’ ‘ (Marburg Colloquy, 1529) ’ , ‘ (sola scriptura) L. Praamsma, De kerk van alle tijden (Franeker: Uitgeverij T. Wever, 1980), deel , H. Scheibe, “Melanchthon” in Thologische II (De Reformatie-Eeuw), 110-113. Realenzylopädie 22 (Berlin:Walter de Gryuyter, 2000), 382-384. ‘1.8. Der Adiaphoristische B.F. Paist, Jr., “Peter Martyr and the Colloquy of Poissy” in Princeton Theological Review Streit (1549-1580)’ C.L. Manschrek, “The Role of Melanchthon in the Adiaphora 20 (1922, July), 418-419. Controversy” in Archiv für Reformationsgeschichte 48 no.2 1957, 168-182 . Calvin, Inst., IV.i.12.; G.S.M. Walker, op cit., 215. J. Gottschick, “Adiaphora” in The New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious (Thomas Cranmer) . Praamsma, Ibid., Knowledge (Grand Rapids: Baker, 1966), 41-44. II. 135. 120 ( 2 ) ‘ ’ 121 ’ . , ‘ ’ , ‘ ’ . ‘ ’ , , ‘ ’ , . , (Apostolic Teaching) ‘ ’ . , ‘ ’(sola scriptura) . , . , (Archbishop) , , , ‘ ’ . , . , , ‘ ’ . ‘ . ’ . ‘ ’ ‘ ’ . , . ‘ ’(ecclesia reformata , semper reformanda) . ‘ ’(Perfect Church) ‘ . ’ . , , . Willem Balke, Calvin and the Anabaptist Radicals (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1981). Ibid., 110-111. ‘ ’(Psalmus contra Praamsma, op cit., II. 138. pratem Donati) 2 , 122 ( 2 ) ‘ ’ 123 . ’ . ‘ ’ ‘ . ’ . (Pietism), . (Nadere Reformatie), . (Puritanism) , ‘ . ‘ ’(spiritual automatism) . , !’(No Adiaphora!) , . ‘ ’ . (Jochem Douma) , . , 1 ‘ ’ . - - . , . , , ‘ ’ . ‘ ’ ‘ , : : . , ? , ‘ !’ , . , . , ‘ ’(traditores) , . : : J. Douma, Verantwoord Handelen: inleiding in de christelijke ethiek (Kampen: Uitgeverij , van den Berg, 1992) 9 (Zijn er adiafora?) . 12 (Casuïstiek) . 124 ( 2 ) ‘ ’ 125 Paist, Jr. B.F. “Peter Martyr and the Colloquy of Poissy” in Princeton Theological Review 20 (1922, July), 212-231, 418-447, 616-646. 1. Scheibe, H. “Melanchthon” in Thologische Realenzylopädie 22. Berlin:Walter . : , 1988. , . de Gryuyter, 2000, 371-410. : , 2009. Schindler, A. “Der Donatismus” in Thologische Realenzylopädie 1. Berlin:Walter , W.P. : , 2007. de Gryuyter, 1977, 654-668. Balke, W. Calvin and the Anabaptist Radicals. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1981. Walter, V.L. ‘Donatism’ in W.A. Ellwell ed., Evangelical Dictionary of Bruggen, Jan van. Annotations to the Heidelberg Catechism, Neerlandia: Inheritance Theology. Grand Rapids: Baker, 2001, 329-330. Publications, 1991. Verkamp, B.J. “The Limits upon Adiaphoristic Freedom: Luther and Melanchthon” Bruggen, Jan van. The Church Says Amen: An Exposition of the Belgic in Theological Studies, 36 no.1 Mar. 1975, 52-76. Confession. Neerlandia: Inheritance Publications, 2003. Verkamp, B.J. “The Zwinglians and Adiaphorism” in Church History 42, no. Calvin, J. Institutes of the Christian Religion. Philadelphia: The Westminster 4, 1973, 486-504. Press, 1960. Vol. 2. ET by F.L.

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