www.oeko.de t Forest Vision Germany Description of methodology, assumptions Berlin, 26 February, 2018 and results Commissioned by Greenpeace Authors Office Freiburg Postfach 17 71 79017 Freiburg Dr. Hannes Böttcher Physical Address Dr. Klaus Hennenberg Merzhauser Straße 173 Christian Winger 79100 Freiburg Öko-Institut e.V. Telefon +49 761 45295-0 Office Berlin Schicklerstraße 5-7 10179 Berlin Telefon +49 30 405085-0 Office Darmstadt Rheinstraße 95 64295 Darmstadt Telefon +49 6151 8191-0 [email protected] www.oeko.de Scenario development, characterisation of different options for forest management and the analysis of BWI data for the selection of areas excluded from wood production was carried out in cooperation with the Naturwald Akademie. Chapter 3 (Scenario development) includes content by: · Dr. Torsten Welle, Naturwald Akademie · Knut Sturm, Naturwald Akademie · Yvonne Bohr, Naturwald Akademie Forest Vision Germany Table of contents Summary 5 Introduction 5 Methods 5 Scenarios 6 Results and discussion 7 Conclusions 10 1. Introduction 11 2. Methods 16 2.1. Model description 16 2.2. Input data for modelling 17 2.3. Characterisation of model indicators 18 2.3.1. Growing stock and increment 18 2.3.2. CO2 sequestration 19 2.3.3. Stand structure and large trees 19 2.3.4. Deadwood stock 20 2.3.5. Growing stock available for wood supply and harvested wood products 20 2.4. Representation of forest management in the model 20 2.4.1. Forest restructuring 21 2.4.2. Management intensity 21 2.4.3. Areas excluded from wood extraction 22 3. Scenario development 23 3.1. Base Scenario 23 3.1.1. Forest restructuring 23 3.1.2. Management intensity 23 3.1.3. Areas excluded from wood extraction 23 3.2. Timber Scenario 24 3.2.1. Forest restructuring 24 3.2.2. Management intensity 24 3.2.3. Areas excluded from wood extraction 24 3.3. Forest Vision 24 3.3.1. Forest restructuring 25 3.3.2. Management intensity 25 3.3.3. Areas excluded from wood extraction 25 3 Methods and Results 3.4. Selection of areas excluded from wood extraction in the scenarios 27 3.5. Assumptions on temporal transitions into the scenarios 32 4. System boundaries 34 4.1. Indicators and input data 34 4.2. Project period and uncertainties 34 5. Results 36 5.1. Thesis 1: Increase of growing stock in the forest 36 5.2. Thesis 2: Maintenance or increase of increment 39 5.3. Thesis 3: Increase of carbon stock and CO2 sequestration in the forest, improvement of the extended CO2 balance 41 5.4. Thesis 4: Increase of the percentage of large trees in the forest 46 5.5. Thesis 5: Increase of deadwood stock 48 5.6. Thesis 6: Increase of naturalness and share of broadleaf tree species 50 5.7. Thesis 7: Decrease and shift of potential wood supply 51 6. Discussion 55 6.1. Development trajectory of growing stock and increment 55 6.2. Considering nature conservation aspects - deadwood 56 6.3. Forest sink and carbon balance 56 7. Conclusions 58 8. Literature 61 Annex 1: Glossary 65 Annex 2: Model parameters and settings 68 4 Forest Vision Germany Summary Introduction The goals of the present study included the development, characterisation and evaluation of a scenario for alternative ecological forest management in Germany, the so-called ‘Forest Vision’. This vision is intended to serve as a foundation to spark a debate on the development of future- proof, sustainable and ecological forestry in Germany. Based on the results of the most recent German National Forest Inventory (Bundeswaldinventur, BWI-3), the development of forests was modelled for the period between 2012 and 2102 using the Forestry and Agriculture Biomass Model (FABio) developed at Oeko-Institut. Three alternative scenarios for forest management were defined and implemented in the model. The differences between scenarios were assessed for a number of select indicators, including increment and growing stock, distribution of tree species and diameters, deadwood stock, carbon sequestration and wood supply. Methods Oeko-Institut has been continuously developing the Forestry and Agriculture Biomass Model (FABio) since 2015. FABio is a simulation model based on systems dynamics and agent-based modelling methodology for describing biomass growth and use in agriculture and forestry systems. The forest model in FABio is based on data collected for the German National Forest Inventory (BWI) in 2002 and 2012 (BWI-2 and BWI-3, respectively). It characterises the growth of individual trees recorded in the inventory as a distance-independent individual tree growth model. For this purpose, individual trees are modelled as agents associated with a number of different specific traits, e.g. species, age, diameter, height etc. Data for individual trees at designated inventory sites are scaled to one hectare by multiplying trees depending on their frequency in the respective stand. The growth of trees is estimated using growth functions to get increment and changes in growing stock. In addition, FABio includes modules for the calculation of carbon stored in living and dead forest biomass, wood products, litter and soil. A number of different indicators characterise forest development and allow the evaluation and comparison of model results for different scenarios. In addition to growing stock and woody biomass volumes of stems, branches, foliage and roots, the model also calculates annual increment and carbon sequestration of a given stand. The application of the single tree model allows projections of changes in stand structure (tree species composition, diameter distribution, percentage of large-dimensioned trees etc.). Deadwood stock and quality are key criteria and proxies for the assessment of forest biodiversity. A mortality model allows projections of deadwood production and decay. In addition, the model projects future growing stock available for wood supply, i.e. the volume of harvestable woody biomass and its potential use as different products. The model distinguishes stem wood, industry wood and x-wood depending on tree species and diameter. The sorted wood is allocated to four different groups of wood products: sawn timber, wood-based panels, pulp wood and wood fuel. Carbon storage in wood products is considered in three different compartments with varying residence times: saw timber, wood-based panels and paper. Carbon stored in wood used for energy production is assumed to be emitted at the time of harvest. The use of wood instead of other, more energy-intensive materials or the displacement of fossil fuels by wood biomass results in potential substitution effects. Due to the lack of data for a well- 5 Methods and Results founded description of such effects, these were excluded from the overall carbon footprint. The impacts of climate change and natural disruptions on forests were also not taken into account. Depending on the region, soil conditions, tree species composition and crop composition, these can have a negative or positive effect on forest growth. Various management options can be included in the model. Forest management measures are adapted to eight different groups of tree species (spruce, pine, larch, fir, Douglas fir, beech, oak and other broadleaf tree species) and correspond to certain stages of succession and stand development: · Forest restructuring: shift in tree species composition through targeted harvesting and regeneration. Tree species can be introduced, supported or pushed back and thus tree species distribution be influenced. · Intensity of management: measure for the intensity of activities for wood extraction. In this context, the minimum tree diameter allowing thinning or target diameter harvesting is a key control variable. The intensity and frequency of interference determine the amount of biomass available for wood supply to be harvested. As a result the growing stock may increase or decrease, also age class and diameter distribution of the forest are affected. · Areas excluded from wood extraction: Stands can be left to natural development when they are no longer used for forestry purposes. The selection of areas can follow a range of different criteria, e.g. naturalness of the forest by comparing the current tree species composition with the potential natural forest community, stand age or certain technical or economic restrictions, e.g. steep slopes etc. Scenarios Three scenarios for the implementation of alternative forest management strategies across all German forests were developed based on the options introduced above. The Base Scenario is a projection of existing conditions. Parameter selection followed the rationale to assume and reflect current management intensity. The settings for target diameter and management intensity are based on the WEHAM base scenario (BMEL 2016c). A targeted forest restructuring is explicitly excluded. Restructuring measures carried out between the two German National Forest Inventories in 2002 and 2012 is not extended. The Base Scenario assumes natural forest development on 4.1 % of the forest area. In addition to areas that have already been designated as protected areas without wood extraction (e. g. national parks or nature reserves), this figure includes also currently unused areas without a legal protection status. The Timber Scenario describes forests under the assumption that management is intensified. The intensity of management is increased compared to the baseline scenario by roughly doubling the intensity of thinning and extraction rates while maintaining similar target diameters. In addition, coniferous trees are promoted during the regeneration of the stands. Areas excluded from wood extraction do not change in comparison to the baseline scenario. The scenario Forest Vision reflects the implementation of ecological forest management across all of Germany. For this purpose, target diameters are increased by 17-22 %, whereas intensity and frequency of interventions is reduced by 10-65 %. In contrast to the Base Scenario, broadleaf trees are given preference in their native habitat and conifers are suppressed. Furthermore, the percentage of areas excluded from wood extraction is increased to 16.6 % in the Forest Vision Scenario and thus effectively tripled in comparison to the Base Scenario (4.1 %).
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