St. Louise de Marillac Church Serving God’s people in Covina, Glendora, San Dimas and surrounding communities. “Praise the Lord, for his is good; for his mercy endures forever.” Psalm 136:1 St. Louise de Marillac Feast Day Fr. Robert P. Fulton May 9, 2021 Pastor Sixth Sunday of Easter Fr. Emmanuel Francis Associate Pastor Peter Brause Deacon Alan Holderness Deacon Omar Uriarte Deacon Al Valles Deacon Mass Schedule Monday –Friday 8:30 am Saturday 8:30 am & 4:30 pm Vigil Sunday 6:30 am, 8:00 am 9:30 am, 11:00 am Confession Schedule Wednesday 4:00 pm to 5:15 pm Saturday 2:30 pm to 4 pm Parish Office 626.915.7873 Visit us: 1720 E. Covina Blvd. Covina, CA 91724 www.stlouisedm.org St. Louise de Marillac is a Roman Catholic community called together as family to worship, to minister, and to evangelize. As true disciples of Jesus Christ, we are called to renew His love and spirit by sharing our time, talent and treasure. St. Louise de Marillac Mission Statement Page 2 SPIRITUALITY AND ENRICHMENT Our Lady of Fatima Mary appeared to three peasant children near Fama, Portugal, six mes between May 13 and October 13, 1917, and asked for prayers for world peace and an end to World War I, for sinners, and for the conversion of Russia. She entrusted the children with three secrets, regarding devoon to her Immaculate Heart, a vision of hell, and a “bishop in white” shot by soldiers firing bullets and arrows. Many connect the third secret to the aempted assassinaon of Blessed Pope John Paul II on May 13, 1981, and the pope thanked Mary for guiding the bullet and saving him. At the Vacan last October 13, Pope Francis stood before the statue of Our Lady from the Fama shrine and formally entrusted the world to Mary. Her feast day is May 13th. A Mother’s Love: A Prayer of Our Lady of FaƟma We praise you, Lord, and bless you, For in a Ɵme of horrific war And pandemic plague, You sent us your mother, Our Lady of FaƟma. We sing praises to you, For even in Ɵmes of sorrow and fear The Earth is sƟll touched by one such as she. And we are reminded, Knowing that whatever war visits itself upon us, Whatever deprivaƟons, Whatever want, Whatever illness, Whatever calamity endured by humankind That may cause us to look to the sky and despair, That your children do not toil in this world apart from your grace, That our prayers are not unheard And we do not go forth without a mother’s love. Keep us devoted to you, O Lord, Devoted in our prayer, our words and our acts, That all souls in this world may know your compassion, peace and mercy, That all souls who have departed this world may find salvaƟon. Lucia, Jacinta and Francisco, pray for us. Our Lady of FaƟma, pray for us. Amen. hps://catholiccurrent.org/saints/our-lady-of-fama-2/ hps://catholiccurrent.org/prayers/a-mothers-love-a-prayer-to-our-lady-of-fama/ ST. LOUISE DE MARILLAC CHURCH View this bullen online at www.StLouiseDM.org SPIRITUALITY AND ENRICHMENT Page 3 MOTHER’S DAY PRAYER MOTHER’S DAY NOVENA CARDS The following prayer may be used prior to the Grace Sunday, May 9th, is Mother’s Day. St. Louise de Marillac is Before Meals or at the conclusion of dinner. honoring Mothers and Mother figures, both living and deceased, with a “Spiritual Bouquet” by enrolling mothers in our Novena of Loving God, Masses. A Novena consists of 9 days as a mother gives life and nourishment of prayer. to her children, so you watch over your Church. We have envelopes available in the Parish Office. Please print names Bless our mother. clearly on the envelopes and return by Let the example of her faith and love Mother’s Day, May 9th to the Parish shine forth. Office, or place in the offertory collec- Grant that we, her family, on with your gi. On Mother’s Day, may honor her always the envelopes are placed next to the Tabernacle. Your loved ones will be remembered throughout with a spirit of profound respect. the nine days of the Grant this through Christ our Lord. Novena. Amen LEGION OF MARY The Legion of Mary is known as a world-wide Catholic Apostolate in the Catholic Church. This ministry’s purpose is to save our souls and those of others through Marian spirituality and evangelizaon. We meet virtually every Tuesday. Please con- tact the Front Office if you would like to join. THIS WEEK’S HIGHLIGHTS St. Louise de Marillac Feast Day Today, May 9th is the Feast Day of St. Louise de Marillac. We will have special prayer in her honor at the beginning of every Mass this weekend. Her feast day was originally on March 15th, but was moved to May 9th which is the anniversary date of her beaficaon. Louise de Marillac was born in 1591 and educated by the Dominican nuns at Poissy. She married Antoine LeGras and they had one son. Aer her husband died in 1625, Louise joined with a French country priest named Vincent de Paul to co-found the Daughters of Charity. With his support, Louise set up a center in her home to train young women in the service of the poor. The Daughters of Charity was founded in 1633. Louise took her vows and began her lifelong work of traveling throughout France establishing orphanages, hospitals and other instuons to help the sick and the poor. She was canonized by Pope Pius XI in 1934. Picture: hps://cmglobal.org/en/2020/05/09/the-celebraon-of-the-feast-of-saint-louise-in-the-me- of-pandemic/ Bullen Cover: hps://www.svdpfrisco.org/events/2016/3/16/st-louise-de-m2Fst-louise-de- m&psig=AOvVaw0DZT-j9WBDCB8_F09TG-2e&ust=1620154284444000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=2ahUKEwjT1o6Wl67wAhUIjp4KHfrFAyMQjRx6BAgAEAc May 9, 2021 SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER Page 4 ST. LOUISE DE MARILLAC HAPPENINGS IN MEMORIAM JIM “FATHER BINGO” CORBITT “. And remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.” Acts 20:35 With great sadness we regret to announce that Jim Corbi, a long me parishioner and volunteer extraordinaire passed away earlier this week. Jim was one of the most devoted and cherished volunteers ever known to the community of Saint Louise de Marillac. Since 1987, he operated and managed the weekly Friday night bingo games here. Prior to the pandemic’s unmely closing of the bingo program, his reless efforts raised nearly $3 million dollars to benefit the parish school and other parish programs. For his herculean efforts he earned the well-deserved nickname “Father Bingo”. For more than three decades, Jim could be found here every Friday night guiding the parent volunteers, greeng guests, and taking care of all the details required to run a successful program. That wasn’t the end of his service though. During the week he spent me reviewing the books, ordering supplies, working with vendors, repairing equipment and seng up for the next week. Jim had just celebrated his 85th birthday and 45th wedding anniversary when he experienced a major health event that ulmately led to his passing. Jim’s family legacy includes his loving wife, Sharon; two daughters, Candy and Janelle; two grandchildren, Steven and Jenna; and two great grandchildren. His youngest daughter, Janelle, is a graduate of St. Louise de Marillac School. A celebraon of Jim’s life will take place later when we can gather safely as a community to remember in gratude the devoon and dedicaon that “Father Bingo” gave as an example to all. In the meanme, condolence cards may be le at the parish office, care of Sharon Corbi. Jim gave far more than he ever received. May he now rest in peace and be welcomed into the loving embrace of his Heavenly Father. Thank you Jim for the example of love and devoon you were for all of us. GENE WAGNER Another much beloved former member and volunteer of the St. Louise de Marillac community also passed away on May 3rd, aer baling health issues for quite some me. Many will remember Gene Wagner as the highly talented drummer for the 5:30 pm Saturday Vigil Mass. For years Gene blessed us with his gis and percussion talents unl he and his family moved. Gene was always the brightest light in the room, joking and making other people smile. His wife Rita, and daughter Lauren, will remember him as the most selfless, caring, kind, and loving man. He blessed the lives of the enre St. Louise community with his music, humor, and love. FRONTIER DAYS The Froner Days Carnival will be on June 4th, 5th and 6th. There will be no doubt that this year’s carnival will not look like most of those in the past. This year’s celebraon will feature a variety of food truck delights and a food court to enjoy those treats while listening and watching some great entertainment. We will also feature a variety of game booths. There may even be some bingo games to be enjoyed! The Carnival Commiee will be outside at the 9:30 AM and 11 AM Masses on Sunday, May 16th and May 23rd to accept raffle ckets for the early bird raffle. They will also be selling raffle ckets, the Froner Days, t-shirts, and accepng store bought cakes for the cake walk and items for the silent aucon.
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