:WYPUN 5\TILY The VoiceTHE MAGAZINE OF THE FRIENDS OF LOCH LOMOND & THE TROSSACHS 6134 Spring Voice AMEND.indd 1 2/4/09 17:29:45 12 20 19 18 14 16 4 Letter from the President 14 Project news 21 Friends events 2009 ;OLSH[LZ[KL]LSVWTLU[ZPUV\Y /V^`V\JHUNL[PU]VS]LK[OPZ 5 From the Director’s chair UL^WYVQLJ[Z Z\TTLY -YPLUKZ»+PYLJ[VY4HY[PU=HYSL` VUOV^TLTILYZJHUOLSW[OL 15 Planning news 22 King Arthur and Loch ZVJPL[` <WKH[LVUWSHUUPUNPZZ\LZPU Lomond [OL5H[PVUHS7HYR 1PT4HJKVUHSKL_WSVYLZSVJHS 6 National Park news (Y[O\YPHUSLNLUKZ *H[JO\WVU^OH[»ZILLU 16 Walking Loch Lomond OHWWLUPUNPU[OL7HYR 9VUHSK;\YUI\SS[HRLZH^HSRPU 23 The last word [OL3\ZZ/PSSZ 7SHUZ[VJOHUNLVULVM[OL 8 Loch Lomond diaries 5H[PVUHS7HYR»ZPJVUPJ]PL^Z ,_JLYW[ZMYVT1VOU.YVVTL»Z 18 Spotlight on Cowal HYLÅH^LKZH`Z4HYNHYL[ KPHY`[LSSPUNVMSPMLI`[OLSVJO (SVVRH[\WJVTPUNMLZ[P]HSZPU 5L\MLSK K\YPUN[OL Z [OL*V^HSWLUPUZ\SH 12 Loch Lomond through 20 Long tradition: 10,000 the lens years at the Carrick ;OL^PUUPUNLU[YPLZPU[OPZ`LHY»Z (YJOHLVSVN`H[4PKYVZZ3VJO WOV[VNYHWOPJJVTWL[P[PVU 3VTVUK 2 The Voice Spring 2009 6134 Spring Voice AMEND.indd 2 2/4/09 17:29:55 V The VoicePZ[OLTHNHaPULVM[OL -YPLUKZVM3VJO3VTVUK ;OL ;YVZZHJOZ[OLVUS`JVUZLY]H[PVU JOHYP[`^VYRPUNZVSLS`[VWYV[LJ[ HUKLUOHUJL[OLSHUKZJHWLVM Chairman’s welcome :JV[SHUK»ZÄYZ[UH[PVUHSWHYR >LSJVTL[V[OPZPZZ\LVMThe Voice. ;OPZHUL_JP[PUN[PTLMVY [OL-YPLUKZ6\YKL]LSVWTLU[JVU[PU\LZHUK[OPZPZYLÅLJ[LK ;VQVPU\ZVY[VÄUKV\[TVYLHIV\[ PU[OLJVU[LU[ZVM[OPZPZZ\L V\Y^VYR]PZP[ www.lochlomondtrossachs.org.uk >LOH]LHUL^WYVQLJ[[HRPUNZOHWL[V[HRLZOHWL)`[OL [PTL`V\YLHK[OPZ^LOVWL[VOH]LHUL^TLTILYVMZ[HMM V The VoicePZW\ISPZOLKIPHUU\HSS` PUWSHJL^OV^PSS^VYRVU[OL;V\YPZTHUK*VUZLY]H[PVU PUZWYPUNHUKH\[\TU:\ITPZZPVUZ 7YVQLJ[OLSWPUNI\ZPULZZLZPU[OL5H[PVUHS7HYRKVTVYL VU[VWPJZYLSH[PUN[V3VJO3VTVUK [VJVUZLY]LP[>LHSZVOVWL[VOH]LZLJ\YLKM\UKPUN ;OL;YVZZHJOZ5H[PVUHS7HYRHYL ^LSJVTL7SLHZLZLUKZ\ITPZZPVUZ MVYHZLJVUKWYVQLJ[[VOLSWYHPZLH^HYLULZZVM^PSKSPMLPU [V[OLLKP[VYH[[OLHKKYLZZILSV^ [OL5H[PVUHS7HYR[VV@V\JHUÄUKV\[TVYLHIV\[[OLZL VYLTHPS WYVQLJ[ZVUWHNL THY[PU'SVJOSVTVUK[YVZZHJOZVYN\R ;OL-YPLUKZPZVMJV\YZLHIV\[`V\[OLTLTILYZHUK^P[O Friends of Loch Lomond & The [OPZPZZ\L^LHSZVSH\UJOV\YUL^TLTILYZOPWWHJRHNL6\Y Trossachs UL^N\PKL[V[OLUH[\YHSHUKJ\S[\YHSOLYP[HNLVM[OL5H[PVUHS 63 West Princes Street 7HYRZOV\SKILVUIVVRZOVWZOLS]LZZVVU>LOVWLP[^PSS Helensburgh OLSW[OVZL^OVJVTL[V[OL5H[PVUHS7HYR\UKLYZ[HUKTVYL Scotland HIV\[^O`P[ULLKZ[VILWYV[LJ[LKHUK^LHYLWSLHZLK[VIL HISL[VVMMLYLHJOUL^TLTILYHMYLLJVW`VM[OPZW\ISPJH[PVU G84 8BN @V\JHUYLHKTVYLHIV\[[OPZVUWHNL ;LS! >LHYLHSZVWSHUUPUNTVYLL]LU[ZMVYTLTILYZHUKHYL 4VIPSL! ^VYRPUN^P[OSVJHSI\ZPULZZLZ[VHYYHUNLMVYKPZJV\U[ZMVY ,THPS!PUMV'SVJOSVTVUK[YVZZHJOZVYN\R V\YTLTILYZVUWYLZLU[H[PVUVMV\YTLTILYZOPWJHYKZ ^^^SVJOSVTVUK[YVZZHJOZVYN\R >L^HU[TLTILYZOPWUV[VUS`[VILH^H`VMWYV[LJ[PUN[OL ZWLJPHSSHUKZJHWLZVM[OL5H[PVUHS7HYRI\[HSZV[VOLSW (Y[PJSLZW\ISPZOLKPUThe Voice KV PUJYLHZLTLTILYZ»LUQV`TLU[VMP[ UV[ULJLZZHYPS`YLWYLZLU[[OL]PL^Z VM[OL-YPLUKZVM3VJO3VTVUK (Z^LSSHZ[OLZLJOHUNLZ^LJVU[PU\L[VRLLWHU^H[JOM\S ;OL;YVZZHJOZ L`LVUKL]LSVWTLU[PU[OL5H[PVUHS7HYRHUK[OL^VYRVM[OL 5H[PVUHS7HYR(\[OVYP[`@V\JHUYLHKTVYLHIV\[[OPZ^VYR *OHYP[`5\TILY:* VUWHNL(Z`V\SVVRV]LY[OLWHNLZVM[OPZPZZ\LVMThe V The Voice is printed Voice0OVWL`V\»SSHNYLL^P[OTL[OH[`V\YTLTILYZOPWPZ on 100% recycled paper supporting YLHSS`OLSWPUN[VTHRLHKPMMLYLUJL the re-use of forest Rowena Ferguson, Chairman resources and in accordance with FSC standards only Cert no. SGS-COC-003591 using post-consumer YLJ`JSLK^VVKHUKÄIYL -YVU[JV]LY!)VH[TVVYLKH[3\ZZI` 4HYNHYL[*HTWILSS ^^^SVJOSVTVUK[YVZZHJOZVYN\R 3 6134 Spring Voice AMEND.indd 3 1/4/09 18:49:50 Letter from the Friends guidebook hits President the shops At the start of this year I had the pleasure of The Friends’ new guidebook to the Loch the company of Sir Malcolm Colquhoun and his Lomond & The Trossachs National Park wife at Auchendarron. Sir Malcolm has accepted should be in bookshops in early spring. The our invitation to be Honorary Vice-President of guide focuses on the natural and cultural Friends of Loch Lomond & The Trossachs and we heritage of the National Park and the talked about many of the issues facing the area. I elements of the landscape for which it was have known the Colquhoun family for more than designated. 30 years and know they have a fond attachment The guide is divided into chapters to Loch Lomond. Sir Malcolm’s grandfather was covering the four areas of the National Park rector of Glasgow University and helped to set - Loch Lomond, the Trossachs, Breadalbane up the National Trust for Scotland. Sir Malcolm and the Argyll Forest. Each section offers was one of the last Colquhouns to live at Rossdhu descriptions of where to go and what to from where he went on to study at Eton. see, with information about facilities and services as well as details of the history and Although much of his time is now spent away background to the places described. from Loch Lomond, his heart is firmly here. The The guide was produced to help children of his wife Kate’s preparatory school even visitors discover the special places of the have the Colquhoun tartan in their uniform. National Park. Its focus is on natural and We talked of many of the times we have cultural heritage. It does not have a lot known over the past decades and Sir Malcolm of information about tourist attractions, was very interested to hear of the plans which accommodation and places to eat as this is we have for developing the Friends. In this year readily available from visitor information when tourism is focusing much on homecoming centres and the internet. and getting Scots abroad to come to Scotland I ‘We want people who come to the would like to see the Friends share the clan National Park to know why it’s a special heritage of the area. The Colquhouns are just one place. We can’t expect people to want to of the many clans which have associations with conserve a landscape they don’t understand’ Loch Lomond. We have videos of clan history said Friends Director Martin Varley. ‘Although there is information out there, it produced a number of years ago and I would like is not always easy for the visitor to get hold to see us convert these into DVD format so that of, which is partly why we have written the more people may be able to hear the fascinating guide. We want people to get out there and stories which the clans have to tell. enjoy the National Park and then join us in Following my meeting with the National trying to keep it special.’ Park Authority and the Highways Agency in the ‘Discover Loch Lomond & The Trossachs autumn I am still waiting to hear what will be National Park’ is published by Birlinn. It done about my offer to improve the Stoneymollan will be available in May priced £9.99, but is roundabout. Some German visitors who stopped free to members of Friends of Loch Lomond by recently asked when it would be finished - a & The Trossachs. sentiment I’m sure we can all relate to! Yours aye! Hannah 4 The Voice Spring 2009 6134 Spring Voice AMEND.indd 4 1/4/09 18:49:50 These are difficult times for many charities to encourage a friend or family member to and Friends of Loch Lomond & The join the Friends. Trossachs are no different. We have seen Our current membership is less than our investments fall, our membership 500. We would like to see this number numbers waver and legacies and donations increase to 2000 over the next two years. come to a temporary standstill. It’s a hard target to achieve, but with 70% But it is not all doom and gloom. of Scotland’s population less than an hour’s From the There have been great leaps forward for drive away we feel that there must be a the Friends over the past few months. huge pool of untapped potential members We are about to embark on two major who care about the Loch Lomond and the Director’s projects which will help to spread our Trossachs area, and it is this unreached message of conservation into the farthest potential to which we would like to appeal. corner of the National Park. Our tourism If every member was able to get one chair and conservation project is helping us new member, we’d be half way towards our Now more than ever to work with businesses like Cameron total already. You can give them the leaflet, the Friends need you, House and Ross Priory to achieve practical or enrol them as a gift member if you like. conservation activity on the ground. Don’t forget you also need to fill one say Friends Director We now have the opportunity to meet of the membership forms in yourself if you Martin Varley with people from Dunoon to Drymen are renewing your membership. We want to talk with them about our projects and to review all our existing members so need other ways we can work together to protect to confirm your details and give you the the landscape of the National Park on opportunity to take advantage of our new which we all depend. members’ services. Our wildlife project, which we hope As members you can also help by to have confirmation of funding over the volunteering for us. There are opportunities next few weeks, will help people enjoy the advertised throughout The Voice and new National Park more, by bringing all the roles will be posted on our website as they information about wildlife in the park into are introduced so keep visiting www.lochl to one place.
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