ARGYLL & BUTE CHP COMMITTEE MEETING Wednesday 17 December 2014 Training Room, Cowal Community Hospital, Dunoon 10.30am – 12.30pm – Committee Members Development Session • AVA Reshaping Care – Sue Davies, Visiting Friends Co-Ordinator • Patient Opinion – Gina Alexander , Director, Patient Opinion Scotland 12.30pm - Lunch 1pm - Meeting Time Agenda Item Title Presenter 1pm 1 Chairman’s Welcome Chair 2 Apologies Chair 3 Conflicts of Interest Chair 1.05pm 4 Minutes of Meeting of 22 -10 -14 (attached) Chair 1.10pm 5 Matters Arising Chair 6 NHS Highland 1.20pm 6.1 Highland NHS Board – 2 December 2014 (verbal) Chair 1.25pm 6.2 Director of Operations Report (attached) Christina West 7 Clinical Governance 1.35pm 7.1 Clinical Quality & Patient Safety Report (attached) Pat Tyrrell 1.50pm 7.2 Infection Control Report (attached) Pat Tyrrell 2.10pm 7.3 Public Health Annual Report (attached) Elaine Garman 8 Financial Governance 2.25pm 8.1 Finance Report (attached) George Morrison 3.10pm 9 A&B HSCP Integration Scheme (attached) Stephen Whiston 3.20pm 10 Mental Health Modernisation Update (attached) Christina West 3.30pm 11 St aff Governance 11.1 PDP/R & eKSF Implementation Update (attached) Gaye Boyd 3.40pm 12 Performance Management 12.1 Delayed Discharge Update (verbal) Christina West 3.45pm 13 Papers for Noting Chair a) Vale of Leven Hospital Enquiry Report – Executive Summary (attached) b) Aberdeen Royal Infirmary – Short Life Review of Quality & Safety (attached) c) Notes of Clinical Quality & Patient Safety Group – 09-09-14 (attached) d) Integration Newsletter – Dec 14 (attached) e) Reshaping Care for Older People – Survey https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/Reshaping_Care f) NHSH Quality Awards Nomination Process (attached) 3.50pm 16 AOCB Chair 17 Details of Next Meeting : Wednesday 18 February 2014 at 10am J03-J07, Mid Argyll Community Hospital, Lochgilphead Public Session Chair Argyll & Bute CHP Committee 17 December 2014 Item : 4 Argyll & Bute Community Health Partnership Aros DRAFT MINUTE OF MEETING OF Lochgilphead THE Argyll PA31 8LB ARGYLL & BUTE CHP COMMITTEE www.nhshighland.scot.nhs.uk/ J03-J07, MACHICC, Lochgilphead 22 October 2014 – 1pm Present Mr Robin Creelman, Chairman, Argyll & Bute CHP Ms Pat Tyrrell, Lead Nurse, Argyll & Bute CHP Ms Mary Wilson, AHP Representative, Argyll & Bute CHP Ms Elizabeth Reilly, Area Dental Committee Representative Ms Elaine Garman, Public Health Representative, Argyll & Bute CHP Ms Elaine Wilkinson, Non-Executive Member Councillor John McAlpine, Argyll & Bute Council Representative Councillor Anne Horn, Argyll & Bute Council Representative Mr Alastair McLaren, Argyll Voluntary Action Mr Duncan Martin, Chairman, Public Partnership Forum Mr Michael Roberts, Vice-Chair, Public Partnership Forum By VC Dr Peter Von-Kaehne, LMC Representative In Attendance Mr George Morrison, Head of Finance Ms Lorraine Paterson, Locality Manager, Mid Argyll, Kintyre & Islay Mr John Dreghorn, Programme Director, Mental Health (agenda item 14) Mrs Sheena Clark, PA to Interim Director of Operations - Minute Secretary Apologies Ms Christina West, Interim Director of Operations, Argyll & Bute CHP Dr Michael Hall, Clinical Director, Argyll & Bute CHP Mr Stephen Whiston, Head of Planning, Contracting & Performance, Argyll & Bute CHP Mr David Ritchie, CHP Communications Manager Ms Gaye Boyd, Personnel Manager Ms Dawn Gillies, Staffside Representative Ms Elizabeth McMillan, Staffside Representative Ms Glenn Heritage, CVO Representative Councillor Elaine Robertson, Argyll & Bute Council Representative 1. CHAIRMAN’S WELCOME The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting. 2. APOLOGIES Apologies for absence and the non-quoracy of the meeting were noted. 3. CONFLICTS OF INTEREST There were no conflicts of interest noted. 4. MINUTE FROM PREVIOUS MEETING on 22 AUGUST 2014 The Minute of the meeting on 22 August 2014 was accepted as an accurate record. The Committee: • Approved the content of the Minute of 22 August 2014. 5. MATTERS ARISING Obstetric Scanning – Mr Martin requested an update on the review of the service. Ms Tyrrell reported that the Review Group is working on a proposal to develop a model to enable CHP Midwives to carry out obstetric scanning under appropriate governance arrangements and a report will be taken to the Core Management Team in December. If agreed the Review Group will look at training and workforce requirements, with an anticipated implementation date of middle of 2016. In the interim scans will continue to be carried out by NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde. The Committee: • Noted the update . 6. PARTNERSHIP WORKING PRESENTATION Reshaping Care for Older People (RCOP) Consultation – Long, Healthy, Active & Happy Lives The presentation given by Ms Tyrrell has been developed as part of the work of Reshaping Care for Older People and the Integration of health and social care and the draft Joint Strategic Plan for older people. The services should meet the needs of the person rather than fitting the person into services, with the person at the centre of their care and support. It is also about health, social care and local communities all working together more, along with other partners. The aim is to put people at the heart of the services provided and communities, as well as with partner agencies. To support this work a booklet which has been developed with input from older people to explain how and why things are changing and to seek their views on the draft plans. The booklet includes a questionnaire to facilitate feedback, either online via http://livingwellinargyllandbute.co.uk/ or as a tear out from the booklet and using a freepost address. This can be completed individually or as a group with the facilitator providing the feedback, by the end of December. In early 2015 the results will be reviewed to inform the draft Joint Strategy for Older People Dr Von-Kaehne referred to the RCOP information available on the website not being up to date. Ms Tyrrell acknowledged the requirement for updated information to be available and advised that work is ongoing and feedback awaited, with progress being made on updating the information in 4-6 weeks. Dr Von-Kaehne highlighted difficulties experienced in calling the central number used by health and social care professionals and self referring members of the public to access 2 Social Work Services and Home Care in Cowal. This results in unacceptable delays in early intervention and community care assessments. Ms Tyrrell acknowledged that the use of this ‘Golden Number’ has resulted in some difficulties and work is being undertaken to the resolve issues raised. She requested that Dr Von-Kaehne provide her with further details of his concerns to inform the work underway. Ms Tyrrell responded to comments by Dr Von-Kaehne relating to differing contract terms for external care providers and the impact on staff, advising that this is currently under review by the Council Procurement Department. The presentation is being presented to staff and joint CHP and Council meetings before being issued to the wider public. Ms Garman suggested that the joint work and plans to encourage community capacity building should be reflected in the presentation. Ms Tyrrell agreed with this proposal. The Committee: • Noted the content of the presentation. 7 NHS HIGHLAND 7.1 Highland NHS Board 7 October 2014 Mr Creelman advised that the Highland NHS Board meeting is now available to view on Webex and requested that this is publicised within Argyll & Bute. Ms Clark will advise Mr Ritchie, Communications Manager. The Committee: • Noted the information. 7.2 Director of Operations Report Mr Morrison advised that Ms Christina West, Interim Director of Operations has been appointed as Chief Officer of Argyll & Bute Health & Social Care Partnership. The Committee offered their congratulations to Ms West. Mr Morrison spoke to the circulated report. Visit - the Cabinet Secretary for Health, Alex Neil, will be visiting Argyll & Bute CHP on Thursday 23 October. His visit will be focussed on Lorn & Islands Hospital, Oban, with several meetings with staff, community members and senior officers arranged. Mr Neil will be accompanied by local MSP, Michael Russell. ADP - interviews for the post of ADP Co-ordinator are due to take place on 23 October. The annual report for 2013/14 was finalised and agreed at the ADP Executive Meeting on 13 October and will be submitted to the CPP Management Committee at the end of October for final sign off. 3 Mid Argyll, Kintyre & Islay (MAKI) Mid Argyll - • HEI post inspection report published with an action plan insitu and progressing. • The Scottish Government funded sustainable medical services project continues. Ongoing recruitment in Mid Argyll & Kintyre for GPs, practice nursing and project manager. GP training program has been developed and planned for January 2015 to which GPs across the CHP have been invited to attend. • Temporary movement of patients from Cara Ward into Knapdale Ward due to temporary staffing pressures continues. Patients continue to be cared for in a dementia continuing care ward by staff with dementia nursing skills. Kintyre - Sustainable medical services project continues. There were no applicants for the Kintyre Medical Group (KMG) salaried GP post and advertising continues. The KMG team are being supported by locum GPs to ensure continuity of service for patients. Community engagement meetings to highlight the sustainable services project are underway, with the opportunity for community members to provide feedback. Councillor Horn asked if there was Community Council involvement in the KMG. Ms Paterson replied that she was unaware of their participation, which will be reviewed. Islay & Jura - • Islay Implementation Group - key ongoing actions : GP recruitment, Integrated Workforce model being developed, IT infrastructure, hospital redesign and Community Engagement. • Dental Services - Unfortunately the latest round of recruitment to the full-time dentist post on Islay has been unsuccessful. Although the CHP were hopeful of having a dentist in place by the end of the year, the appointment is not going to take place. There have been three rounds of recruitment for a dentist on Islay but none of the preferred candidates progressed to appointment.
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