Murray State's Digital Commons Fulton Daily Leader Newspapers 3-27-1941 Fulton Daily Leader, March 27, 1941 Fulton Daily Leader Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/fdl Recommended Citation Fulton Daily Leader, "Fulton Daily Leader, March 27, 1941" (1941). Fulton Daily Leader. 265. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/fdl/265 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Fulton Daily Leader by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. J41t. •t - ;kr , • rv.:141, No) e• 46tet^4 .#7 wet/•s;•41ite.4tt.:1•14• •10%4 '7 •:.•• *-1. • .• • .• • • , • • • • - •• ;... •. • Weather Guess -- Subscription Rates -• Friday clearing over west and north portions, occasional rain in southeast; not much change in $3.00 tempera(ure. FULTON -11410. LEADER Tears For For Fulton First and Always For Forty.Two Fulton's Daily Newspaper Fulton First and Always Kentucky, Tiiiirmla) • Volume XI 11. ESTABLISHED 1898. Fulton, tfternoon, March 27, 1941. -No. 74. Thos. H. Moore Wanted-Five Million Bibles For P.-T. A. Play To Police Watch THE 1Johnson Says Dies Of Injuries Be Presented , LISTENING In Helena Hospital TWO Service Branches Of U.S. Friday Night Pick etsAt POST Paying Off Debt Thomas Hi Moore, brother of "Something Old - Something New," a three-act play, under the Hoyt Moore of thii city, died yes- Chicago, -In .1 their 40 or more:uniform-khaki for the Army, blue Bethlehem • The building of a superhigh Very Important direction of Miss June Dixon. music terday afternoon in a Helena. years of expIrkiice in giving away for the Navy. The usual Gideon way, four lanes wide, stretching teacher at Carr Institute, will be Arkansas, hospital, from injuries Bibles, the Gide ,-,s aever before got Bible, a complete Old and New from the Great Lakes to the Gulf presented Friday night, March 28, U."5. Virtually Orders Tells Bakers State Must Re. sustained in an automobile crash large an "Or. :" as the one they Testament edition, was regarded as Allis, of Mexico, is quite an ambitious so at 8 p. m. at Science Hall. near that city last Friday morning. now have on their halts. too large for pocket use. undertaking-but is no more am- sit The play is sponsored by the Clialniers Plant To Re. Pressure For Big He had never regained conscious- Five million Bibles! The little books win be dis- bitious, no more improbable than West Fulton Parent-Teachers As- ness since the accident. His three That's the nta-.ber requested by tributed to all men in service who many other things which are tak- ippropriations sociation and proceeds will go to smile Operations months' old granddaughter was the War and s. • request them through chaplains ing place in this country today. A Departments the shoe fund and other general killed- in the wreck, and his wife of the United 8' tes. ; without. cost. The expense of the few years ago the location of a purposes. It was originally planned Bethlehem, Pa., Frankfort, Ky., -Gov Keen John- Is still in the Helena hospital with "Always the orld's best seller., books-25 cents a copy-is being -CIO picket% government plant in Milan, Tenn., to use the proceeds for the lunch watched grimly by son declared today that "it's tre- severe injuries. His daughter, Mrs. the Bible is no regarded as es-'met by the Gideons. state police who costing more than thirty million fund, but the Lions club will spon- smashed mendously important" to pay off B. H. Woodard, also suffered minor sential equipme. ' for every sol- their lines last night and dollars, would have been consider- : This organization .was sor its annual minstrel for this warned by their Kentucky's warrant debt quickly injuries. Funeral services were held dier, sailor; and .4r,ne, in our na- formed own leaders to be ed as a wild dream; yet that is now in 1898 by three trav- fund. "orderly," and, "when the legislature meets, in Memphis this afternoon, with tional defense." iy's Miss NellieoF commercial returned tonight to the taking place. Already a twenty mil- eling men, who wanted to give This play Friday night offers you gates of Bethlehem Steel to prevent a spending spree Just burial following in Memorial Park Dewar, secretary of this organiza- -and both lion dollar plant near Memphis is 'other traveling men the comfort of something new in entertainment . company and union because we're in such good finan- Cemetery. tion which foi many years has got set for a producing powder that will be used the Christian religion. These three and will provide many a laugh. A possible cial shape." Mr. Moore was the son of the supplied hotels v. copies of the prolonged strike. by England in all parts of the world. , men, at a committee of high school students He said furthelit, in a brief ad- late Eld. and Mrs. Thomas F. Moore, Bible for each yrie room. meeting Y. M. C. A. in Directed Cazimii Miller, of the Yes, big things are taking place in is in charge of the ticket sales and dress before the Kentucky Master and would have been 56 years of 'Beaver Dam. Wis , prayed to be Steel Workers Organizing Com- this nation of ours, and big things a large crowd is anticipated to see that pres- age April 6. He was born in Brad- To meet this ea.,. demand, the'shown a good name for their or- mittee, as placard-bearing pickets have come to our own section. Bakers Association, at this play. Come out and ent he saw "no necessity for an in- ford. Tenn., and since 1904 has Gideons are ordering a special edi- ganization. One of them arose,' support 'trooped cat of strike headquarters •• • been a postal clerk, making his tion consisting ot the Psalms and read from Judges 6 and 7 and said: the P. T. A. Friday night at "Some- 1 to the nine plant entrance-ways: • Now plans are being made to crease in state taxes." home in Memphis. He is survived the New Testament, together with "We will be called The Gideons." thing Old-Something New." Ad- f "What we do we must do in or. Interest the United States govern- The Governor told of the re- mission, 10. 15 by his widow, Mrs. Birdie Barton some hymns and Bible excerpts. For Gideon was a man who, he and 25e. I deny fashion!" superhighway which duction in the warrant debt from ment in a Moore, two sons, Charles of Mem- The book is being iitade small and pointed out, was always willing to I The cast of characters includes, After a day In which more than would come through Fulton. High- approximately $25,000,000 to $4,- phis. and Thomas of Miami. Fla., light enough for .oldier or sailor do exactly what God wanted him!Grace Cavender, Jack Snow, Mir- 200 Pennsylvania state police stood has been picked by certain 000,000 in the last five years "as way 51 and a daughter, Mrs. W. B. Wood- to keep in his. loa, while the to do, regardless of his personal,'iam Browder, Martha Neil Hous- 'guard, with groups of strikes re- communities for this a result of a continuous, conscien- Mississippi ard of Helena. Ark. A sister, Mrs. binding is d 1 to match the views. ton. Caroline Atkins. Elizabeth maining away from the immediate transformation, and already Sena- tious application of good business Payne, Harold Minnie Wheeler of Memphis also Mullins. Earl Willy. vicinity of the gates, the organized a bill in in public office," and added. tor Bilbo has introduced survives. Richard Rucker, Jane Dallas, Will picketing was resumed in late after- the United States Senate asking Liquor British Display Taylor Lee, Mildred Mount, Sees Debt Elimination Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt Moore left this Control Lillian noon-SO men beginning a march that this highway be so designated. Homra and Lois Jean "I forsee within the next two,morning for Memphis to attend Hindman. lin front of the main gate and 400 place the lleeting To Be Boats Designed Preliminary estimates - or three years a complete ellortna-' the funeral. • !more scattering to the eight other cost of this highway at eighty mil- tion of the Kentucky state debt." skhgates..it lion dollars, and in the Bilbo bill held Mondav For Invasion Use Some persons, he said, had ad- Man Unchallenged The pickets, ordered equipped an appropriation of one fourth of vised against speedy payment of Brass Hat Can identification cards. made that sum is asked to begin the During the pad few months London, -British troops in train- "such a little%debt." On London Stroll , their reappearance at 3:30 p. work. The theory is, naturally, that Take It Even there has been a e- \king interest ing for the invasion of Europe fore- "But," he "Continued -It's tre- 'CST', half an hour after scores of if the work is ever started, the in Fulton, Hickrns and Carlisle cast by Government leaders dem- In Nazi Uniform' mendously important that we pay non-striking workers entereri and balance of the cost could then be From Selectee counties in the p. ..ning of an onstrated their amphibian techni- it off so the Court of Appeals can !left the plant without incident on secured. Educational prograL n reFstionque Wednesday with assault boats London, -Unchallenged,—4"-- a man get us back on the Constitution." the regular change of shirts.
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