1953-07-09, [P ]

1953-07-09, [P ]

AUTOMOBILES FOR SUE AUTOMOBILES FOR SUE AUTOMOBILES FOR SUE AUTOMOBILES FOR SUE AUTOMOBILES FSB SME AUTOMOBILES FM SALE AUTOMOBILES FOB SUE AUTOMOBILES FOB SUE . ...........;•............. Our Selective .WISE BUYS! Ralph YOU CAN PAY MORE 9A Small! BUT YOU I Stewart BUT .. it will eland microscopic Buick CAN'T BUY BETTER Inspection — because frmn our Cheeked Trade-Ins on DODGES and A-l USED CARS PLYMOUTHS we DillBIX1 PrieeSALE Cn< USED CAR RETAIL ONLY THE BEST no* AND WHOLESALE THE RESTI 1948 PACKARD 8 Plenty of dead Miles in These Good Cars Clipper 2 Door; £4QK radio, heater yfvv MONEY BACK GUARANTEE Moru For Your 1947 BUICK Super 4 Door; one owner; very clean 1950 FORD 1948 DODGE Fordow radio and heater Monty at WARD'S inside and out; factory equipped radio wftNC 8 695.00 and heater; priced at only w” Custom 8 Crest- £HQR 1948 1FORD Super Deluxe Club Coupe; radio and heater line; radio, heater V ■ ■ 595.00 Compare These! 1948 HUDSON Commander 4 Door . _____________ 495.00 1948 PLYMOUTH Special Deluxe; light green finish; 1951 DODGE Coronet 1946 FORD Fordor; radio and heater radio and heater; good solid body; excellent motor 395.00 Club Coupe De- W4AAE 1946 PONTIAC Convertible Coupe; radio and heater 595.00 1947 CADILLAC 62 Sedan — sharp UMS and tires; an exceptionally clean car C7QK luxe; heater, etc. ylovv 1946 PLYMOUTH Convertible; radio and heater __ 495.00 inside and out W ■ w V 1947 DODGE Tudor; radio and heater .... _ 595.00 1948 BUICK Special Sedan — clean 9 795 1946 PLYMOUTH Club Coupe; radio and heater 1948 DODGE Custom Club Coupel beautiful dark 1948 OLDS 99 495.00 1949 CHRYSLER Windsor Sedan$1195 1949 CHEVROLET Deluxe Tudor; radio, heater; one owner maroon finish; radio and heater; immaculate interior; 2 Dr. Hydramatic; ££Q£ 795.00 radio, heater yvvv 1949 CHEVROLET Tudor; one owner ___ 1952 CHEVROLET Club Coupe — like new $1395 one owner; white sidewalls; C7QC 695.00 1949 FORD Tudor; one owner _____ 695.00 1951 PLYMOUTH Club Coupe — nice $1195 a real beauty pl Tl v 1946 DODGE 1951 HENRY J Tudor; very clean ___ Deluxe 2 Door; £OQ£ 750.00 1950 DODGE 2 Door — very good$1095 1948 CHEVROLET 2 door; green finish; radio and 1950 NASH Statesman Fordor 650.00 radio, heater guvv 1951 FORD Tudor; radio and heater 1951 CHRYSLER Windsor Club Coupe $1795 heater; low mileage; this car shows C7QC 1095.00 good care.............................................................. ylvv 1951 NASH 1951 CHEVROLET Tudor; radio and heater 1150.00 1951 CHEVROLET Coach — nice$1095 1948 OLDS Convertible Coupe; radio and heater 1950 DODGE 2 Door; light blue finish; radio and Hydramatic Sed.; £11Q£ 895.00 1946 OLDS 66 Sedan — original _$ 495 radio, heater ... VI ■ w v 1952 CHEVROLET Tudor; one owner 1395.00 heater; custom tailored seat covers; one ClilQC 1952 FORD Tudor; radio and heater 1495.00 1947 PLYMOUTH Club Coupe — good .$ 595 owner; a really nice one-owner car vIVvV 1950 CHEVROLET 1952 PLYMOUTH Fordor 1395.00 1948 WILLYS Station Wagon $ 595 Deluxe Sedan; (Many Other Good Clean Canning Values! radio and heater; £1 AA£ 1949 PLYMOUTH Suburban$ 995 Power Glide .... ylvUJ ★ Highest Trade Allowances * SPECIAL 1952 rORD 1/2 TON pick-up 1950 FORD V-8 Tudor — equipped------------------------ $ 995 a wot e-iftn F’lf 8 CyL Custom Cab; radio, heater; £1A£A 1951 FORD "Custom 8" SAVE $300 10,000 Actual Miles; a bargain y IVvU 1949 FORD V-8 Tudor — classy--------------------------- -$ 895 Tour Present Car May Bo Down Payment 2 Dr. Fordomatic; 614AC radio, heater ... 1950 PLYMOUTH Club Coupe — very nice$ 995 W I■ Ju 1950 DODGE Coronet Club Coupe------------------------- $1195 1951 BUICK SUPER Riviera Hardtop; Commerce Motors (Ford) CANNING'S Dynaflow; radio 0Q£ * AS IS SPECIALS ★ DIRECT FACTORY DEALER — DODGE and and heater .... y I Ovv 1949 Chevy Club $74511947 Ford V-9 Tudor ._JS295 PLYMOUTH CARS — DODGE TRUCKS 13608 St. Clair Avenue MUlberry 1-4000 1949 Packard 2 Door $69511946 Plymouth Sod. —$295 1951 BUICK SPECIAL At Haydsn Avenue 1940 Chevy Club $12511946 Mercury Sed. $325 MAIN SHOWROOM and USED CAR LOT and OFFICE Deluxe 2 Door; £1£QC SERVICE DEPT. Directly Across the Street at radio, heater ... y I vvv BANK FINANCING— EASY TERMS 14401 Euclid Avenue 14422 Euclid Avenue OPEN EVENINGS — Actom from East Cleveland CHy Hall CALL GL 1-5300 Ralph NASH J:,’1?.1.- FAMILY AFFAIR P. R. WARD CO. So Bring tha Whole Family Over For a Look at Chrysler-Plymouth Dealer Stewart a Better USED CAR for Carefree Vacation Tripe 870 East 152nd near 5 Points Whyte Chevrolet Co. Buick Reductions 1951 Rambler custom convertible 1981 BUICK 1949 PLYMOUTH MUlberry 1-7600 Open Eves., Mon.—Wed.—Fit. "BUY WITH CONFIDENCE" 943 EAST 185th STREET IVanhoo 1-9090 #2758, beautiful maroon, SPECIAL 2-door sedan, radio, heater, Deluxe 4-doar Sedan; radio new top 81395 — 2 Locations — seat covers, 2-tone green 61 EftE and heater; very clean... Q 1951 Ambassador sedan finish; week-end special QIUUU HOLIDAY SPECIALS! St Clair at East 125th #2514A 81395 12604 St Clair 1950 Statesman sedan #1308B.. .8895 1947 BUICK We Picked These Cats As ItyV&N! 1950 Buick 1950 Ambassador #1310A, 1947 STUDEBAKER Truck Bargains hydramatic, dean ................8995 Roadmaster Sedanette; Super Riviera 4 Dr. 1949 Ambassador 2-door #3708 . 8895 Champion 4-door Sedan, radio, radio and heater Dynaflow; tinted glass, 1951 Chevrolet 1949 "600 * sedan #1516A 8795 heater, overdrive radio and heater. Vi Ton Pickup Authorised Good Family Car 1947 Ambassador 2-door #2028 . 8395 1981 CHEVROLET $1495 $895 Mercury 1947 "600" sedan #348B 8395 1946 "600" sedan #135B 8395 1981 PLYMOUTH BEL JURE, radio, heater, Powerglide, 1951 Chevrolet Dealer— 1946 Ambassador sedan #3063.. .8395 U. S. Royal Master whitewalls, 2- 4 Door 1951 Chevrolet 50 other Nash models on display at CRANBROOK 2-door; radio, heater, tone green finish, very dean 1-owner Sedan Delivery Get the new low prices. $50 down on some seat covers, low mile- 1^92 New Car QIRQR Powerglide; tu-tone green; age. 1-owner GOOD car Trade-In QIUUU Radio, heater, new tirea Cars models, 25% down, 24 months to pay Q ■ ■ UU radio, heater, backup lights. Stratton on others. 200 used can on display at 1952 De Soto Custom $1995 $|096 $1295 $995 Story First at our 2 big addressee. Those Cm Are hi DmiRint Road-Beady OoaMca 1951 Plymouth Q I OAK 1949 Chevrolet Deluxe teghQE 1951 Plymouth Visit Our Club Coupe V ■ Club Coupe 1950 Chevrolet More Than 60 Other Good Vcdneol Concord Tudor 1 Ton Pickup Two Big LooatfosM Low mileage; one owner. stratton 1950 Chrysler Windsor $1395 1948 De Soto Custom $795 l-ton pickup $1045 1950 Chevrolet Deluxe C I IQR 1949 Dodge Coronet QA8ME $695 motors, inc. 4-Dr., Powerglide Q" ■ W Club Coupe .............QUUU 1949 Nash 15001 Euclid UL. 1-3500 ECONOMY &ici C,. 1948 Ford EAST END ”800" 2 Door 45 Yoon at 12645 Euclid Ave. GArfield 1-7641 1950 Plymouth QI (MA 1948 Dodge 4-Docr Radio and heater. F-3; Stake Club Coupe QIUUU $795 1961 Chevrolet $795 $495 2-Door, Powerglide, a | Many Cleveland fam Hies have been buying can at ECONOMY lor 43 yrs. Also Many Others To Choose From In The Bost Radio and Heater VI AUU "Where The Premiss b Performed" Open Evenings TW 8 Used Car Stock Wo Have Ever Hadi ... nearly everybody likes 1950 Mercury NASH Easy Financing Terms—Up To 24 Months To Pay Club Coupe — IAE ma Whyte ChevroJet Service ... You can't go wrong.... VI ■ Tv OPEN MONDAY. WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS Used Car Lot and Showroom Open Eves. Til 9:00 OPEN EVERY NIGHT 1951 Pontiac "8" Club Coupe — Q fl AQE New-Used Car Showroom Keith Weigle Motors, Inc. Mlles at pleasure Ql’fUU TRUCKS 13829 Euclid Ave. LL 1-5300 SOLD WITH OUR DE SOTO PLYMOUTH DEALERS 1950 Ford Giant Used Car Lot 20941 Euclid Avenue IVanhoo 1-4S00 Tudor — bore's a practiced Job 16229 Euclid Ave. LL 1-5309 ss UNDER *600 1947 Willys MONEY BACK GUARANTEE Open Every Night 1946 Olds "76" 2 Door . .$495 Station Wagon with '49 STUDEBAKER . 5 K $995 Overdrive 1947 HUDSON till 9 P. M. 1947 Olds "98" 2 Door ............ $595 "8" 4 Door AUTO 1990 Chevrolet '51 CHEVROLET . Pick-Up .... $846 1647 Olds "78" 2 Door $595 Deluxe 2-Docr, Radio and heater; LOANS BORNER’S Radio and Hooter good running condition 1948 Chrysler 5 Pas. Coupe.... .$595 '51 FORD ....$895 NEW 1948 Chrysler 8198 Windsor 4-doar; 0TAC '47 DODGE TRACT. L“p“ $595 CAR 1948 Nash5Pas. Coupe .$450 a handsome car ylUW MILT MILLER MOTORS RATE USED 1947 Ford Convertible ..$495 AB Good Solid Can In 548 E. 185th St. RE. 1-7300, Ext 12 '50 FORD F-3 . $795 Good Running Condition! Euclid's Only Dodge-Plymouth Dealer 0/ PER 1946 Chevrolet 5 Pas. Coupe . $395 4 /O YEAR J CARS Roms: Mon. to Fri. to 8:30 PM '52 FORD 12'Stake Z. $1545 Discounted 1947 Studebaker 5 Pas. Coupe $595, Sat to 5:30 PM AUTOMOBILES FOB SALE '49 Chev. 12'Van $995 1941 Plymouth 2 Door . $245 1960 P^TIAC, A-l condition, buying NORTH a he , must sell. MU, 1-6667. 1941 Buick2Door .. ..$186 Here's An IneiMien 1960 FORD dump truflk. 1 ton, reason­ 1951 FORD COME IN AND VISIT OUR able., UL. 1-1417.___________________ <ford> AMERICAN HO sB trailer. 1 room, sink and COMMERCE MOTORS Deluxe 4 Door; radio, heater; beauti­ of closet space, natural finish BANK ful gray finish, mochani- 4 QK 2 BIG LOTS inside, needs paint on outside; see TRUCK HEADQUARTERS cally A-l shape QI 1UU FARR MOTORS and offer.

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