l.932- '!.: ent1on ""·~ s r:i<'·Le of t~Le !..:.::; t Los J.nccl e s motor co2ch ~ s rvice. 1~35-1. pril Ke~ unifor~ed co ~ ch port~r s ~ rvice ~~s · c..nnounced. J.ugus t Announce~ent ~ a s m ~ de or sep~r~te . co~ches for v.- o.oen snd children, tree p1ll0\7s c~ C.rin.'dnt cups Lnd neu type of 11£hts. ;,U£ust 31 St€':. c.rcess sc.-rvice "C"-S 1.ru.:ugurz..ted .1~ u t; ust .31 on t:ie Cn ~ . llE-n~cr tr ~ ins ~nd 7 r.nd ;::nd 8 betr1€en Cb ~ h:.: Lnd Los 1..r~elEs. - ,An_'lounce::::e~t \':c~ s ~ce or the lengt~ t> n1ng of city ticket office hours, ~~is beiug pro ~ pt£d larEcly b7 ~~s co~pct1t1on. 1936-~ay City of Los /..n£eles 1nall6urc. tcd l:E.f 15th. Stet.ardess service !eE. tured. !f.c.. y Los i.r.t;eles Ch211enger re-nu..cb ~ rcd 'l'rt.ins 717-318 uid oparc..:.ted throU6h betrE:en ChcyEnne ~d LOS hn&eles ef!ective !!...Y 15th fro::i Chic~to end Y~y 16th rro8 Los i.n&El~s. 1937-Septe6b~r 15- s ~ n Frcnc1sco C~ll~nger vrmounced ~ s s c par~te tr; in on ~ G..:J e schedule ~s Overlc.nd L1 ~ 1ted. Septe:uber J_r.rJlounce:;ent ••c: s nade of the purchnse by the Union ?ac1Sic of the builcing at 6th ~~d Olive Streets, Los hngcles. Septe.::i.ber Ste"ifardess service 1':'<..S inz:u&ilrated on L ie Los l...ngeles .;:nd Ov€rL:.nd Li=1i tee, r..nci PortL:.nc Rose6 effective Se3te~ber 15th. · Octo'OC:r Stre£nl1ned city tic~et ofrice opened in ~c~ver. ~ & shi.ngton, D. C. office opened. 193S~June - ~o~en•s Travel Dep~r~ent, Los ~ngeles, opened June 16th. Deceo ber Nev; Chicc.... ~ o city of : ·1ce at 1 So. Le S .:.lle Street r.L.S O;>e n €d. 193?-Febru~ r.Y - t:o:::c:i 1 s J.°r <. vel De:p c. rbcnt in c :-~ icat.;o K.:: s 1n ~ u.gurc. ted • .· 19.39-!!uy - Heb Los /'..ntc.·ltos Te::-:::.~:-i:.l o,;:; t:ned for s Ervice. June - lie\\ 0.::<:.ho city tic::<=t office fr: .:::. t-..u-cd "!;" i th l.o:.:c;i • i; 1"rc. vcl Lep.:.r L.c !': t 1 cf.fc;c ~!ve June 15 t.b June - f."o::icn 1 s Trc.. vel Dcp::rt::..ent 1r.i-U!;Url. ted 1.n Denver office, effective :t.1nc 20th; · July New Spok.-.ne city ticket office opened Jul~ ~4th. 19J9- f:e:r esc e; l~tors pluceci in servicc · O.:J a!'lo Union St~t1on 1 effective ~o~th n~t liven. 191,.0-~arch The= o~nL'lS of t=-ie Los .hnt.elE:s Depot <·S the t;orld•s 1'1rst strc ::..r: liz~ed LnC. c.1r-c<.::Hl it1oned r~1.lroce <Jta tion -=.:.s <-:m.:--..mced .0... rch 9t~. llr.. y l!ev San Frc-:nc1s co office o;iened -.:..r-y 15th. 19~-J'une Nelr Port.knd city ticket office opened. 1941-1.pril - Nc;;r; of tice opened in !: e-r: York hpril 15th • . Lec~;::bt::r - Ke~ city ticket office Spokc.ne opened Dec. ~' · 9~~'--. .. ' . ,-, ~ ; .. - : · . < . ' t -- ( • I ' ~ .I ~ r .. ~ - ~ -· Ji .. : • /_ , ... .-.. ... - .....- & .. -.. -•::. .. -.,. .-.. ~- ·,. • ., > ·- c ., ...., ' , - h ~ •• ; .L ; ,., ... - .... ._re 1: ~a:· lo-; cost ?jct.ls on Un! en ?t c1f1c t.ir..i!!.£ CL:-s . - ·- .... ..., .. i.r.:; :::n!.."1Ced. Th.is br.d rc:fE;re:!-.ce to the lo• er inc or ... • ,·-! ' .·. ::iet.l r.:.tes on t.~e Colt:.:::b1ne, ::o~"lt.-:...in El:..tc.·tir<!, Por tL::.nd ?.o!:e c .. nd ?aclfic L1r:1 ted. 193.3-!l<-rcb Dining c~r prices reduced on t~1rouc!i tr~1ns i·.nd ·. n~de un1for2 1 "1th bre.:-.kfL s ts c. t 50-75f; luncheons .i.~ 75~-~1.oo; dinners ~ - 1.0~1.~s. · 19J 5-J..pril Select ~rtib scrv1ce ·c:..nn- dou.ncc~,:o: 1unc~~Wld dinn~r X oeL1 s, •.1.. 1oi;·er pr1 cc co.:J u.u~!t. .. 1 ons ":i.:-..n t:er& cvc:.11.E. ble prior to th:i t tice. --:.-w . · 1935-Jul.7 ·. Low prices v1ere aJmounced ror ?:.cc-ls 1n t.!:le hJ.ffet CE.rs on the City or· PorU~nd !rc=.1na l LJ:id 2. - Prices ~ere !;iven l!S 251 brc. t :d'u~tJ 351 ltL'1ch; 50¢ d1nner "·1th coffee or ~ilk 51. ,,, 1 , .. - • c.. - t . " :· - f - -. '19.35-/.ugust - I:e\'7 low cost me~l se-r-,;ice .;:ru:ounced !'or co ~ ·. ch- touri!: t sect1on· ot Trc-,in 7. Th~se "C'ere the • c-il 25, 30 ~'id JS cent zeals. Free pJllo·.:;s offered - · ·· .::nd tr.; in de:sipi.: ted as t:.e Ch.cllcnc:er eff<tct1ve , ; . u:;u~iS"t~'S* *' '· -=--""..-..c-7co~• 19.>6-~1q :J"r:" :,_ ~ - Coffee s~op ciiners ~v ere ;>le-ced in St:;rv1ce on the / ,'·- .-·: ._ ,._:' .. , . ; P.:.cific Lid teci c:.nd Venver LL:.1 tt-d• serving £.( (_ ,....L ~ .>- .....,__· . O"'" ,. - .. \ . Ch ~ llcn[~r =ei lS £t 25, JO ~ nd J5 c~nts ~ s 'ell .:.: club i:er.ls. - 1 19~- l-Oc tober J...r.noll!'.!ce ..:cnt \7.;:;.s ~<.:ce of c .:m tir..(;'!l t ~ l di! ..n er O'l \ ser"ic~ ........: t.y of _!;'"le-·- --Ci- - - ?o=-t.l<...nd St.reLaliners. ~--- - - - 193!:-5 i)ve.":l~r \.o_; t.~u>:::ndoo-1 - ,i.ua!""'r s~- rv!ce ~ --'Ui City t f -L Los An&eles stre~cliner. - - ~ --=.-- . __ ... - ., : ~' i : .~. -- 19J7-Septe!!ber - Sui Francisco Challenger inLU(\U".l. t:ed &s supt:r~train.~ --or =- =- ·@'·-~- - l·J.";9-Ja1~;I7 . - l'c~ ~{ ~~nti~n ~'i~ -- ~~e . ;,i L~~ ~rd~~ -~- ,. ~1!"1c ~---=: :, 1·:_--) ' _'. , · ~/_",t;tvf 3? Resec.rch· ~i tchen• ~~ a..£~,10. t../i.,) _ . · .. · · ·'-: ,_ ~\ 'V . ~-:- . ' - .. .' . ' , • " . i ~ 17Jtl-~~rcb - 'T:'estcrn Lines un1forol.y re~ tur~d ne~ lo,w .cost ·°)::· <· -~ - · _,.,,.... __ __ . me ~1 s. , i ,_ ~ __ ._, . :.: .: ~ _ . .~ 191.l.-.April Slight increi.ses 1n Challenf er t:letls~ bri:i{;ing (jiL t.tiem up to 351 . 40 z.ud 50 ce:nts ~ · ere umou.nc&d• to beco=-e effective ·hpril l~t. Gh; O h OL O Gl CJ ~ L C l:J-~ h ::: _ . • 'I ~ '.l' ~ N l.0 .R l'L tJ :J .., . .. : J,_, l.: · 1932 COVERING ADD IT IOJ ~ S AND I MPROVE J.IBJ ITS I N DI :i ~ l H G OR RESTAURA NT CAR SERVICE Section "E" 1932 - April 1932, i naugurated Cafe-Cbservation car service Portland-LaGrs:nde, and later extended to Salt L£ke-Butte service. Discontinued J'uly 1937 wh en replaced vd. th diner-lounge cars; no change in meal service. 1933 - February 1933, Parlor cars with buffet lunch service inaugurated on Trains 561 & 562 between Portland & Seattle - discontinued October 1933. · 1936 - Effective May 24, 1936, Assistant Stewards placed on Los Angeles Challenger. Effective May 31, 1936, Off-the-Tray service of coffee and sandwiches discontinued on Challenger diners, but sale of lemonade, pop, ice cream cones, etc. continued. Effective October 1, 1936, Continental. dinner {$1.75) inaugurated on City of Portland Streamliner and effective November 3, 1936, on the City of Los Angeles. 1937 - Effective January 25, 1937, Lounge Car Porters placed on lounge cars, Los Angeles Challenger. Effective April 24, 1937, portable bars placed in lounge cars on Los Ane;eles Challenger. Effective April 27, 1937, Union Pacific Cook ie Jar pa ssed to children as complimentary between-~eal snack. Effective June 2, 1937, portable bars removed from lounge cars on Los Angeles Challenger. Effective July 25, 1937, bar facilities built in lounge cars on Los Angeles Challenger. Effective September 15, 1937, lounge. car porters placed on lounge cars in San Francisco Challenger and lounge cars placed in this train. 1938 - December 1938, Union Pacific Research Kitchen was opened 1n Omaha Commissary Building. {Closed June 1942) 1941 - Effective Dec. 31, 1941, Continental dinner service dis­ continued on City of Los Angeles and City of Portland s treamliners. 1942 - Victory dlnner($1.75) inaugurated on City of Los Angeles and City of Portland, effective Jen. 1, 1942. (Discon­ tinued on City of Los Angeles May 30, 1942 and on City of Portland May 31, 1942). CHRONOLOGICAL CHARi' FOR THE TEN YE.AF. PERIOD COl&~ EHClNG 1932 COVERING ADDITIONS AND IKPROVEl · ~ENTS IN DINilJG OR RESTAURANT CAR SERVICE Section 11 F 1 1935 - Effective July 12, 193~, lo~-priced meal service inaugurated, 25¢ breakfaet; 30¢ luncheon, 35¢ dinner. 1936 - Effective April lS, 1936, Coffee Shop Serfice (plate . service) inaugurated on conventional trains, which established m0Qeratel1 priced m~e.ls -- 45¢ and 65¢ breakfast; 65¢ luncheon, and 50¢ and g5¢ dinner. i'hla s&rv1ce discontinued effective October 1, 1941. 1940 • Effective September 26, 194-0, 65¢ full dinner meal inaugurated on Los Angeles Chellenger diners as trial feature. (Discontinued January 7, 19~1) 1941 - Effective April 1, 19~1, prices of lor;-priced dining oar meals increased, breakfast to 35¢; luncheon to 40¢, and dinner to 50¢, due to increase in food costa, etc. No change in number or que.ntity or any items and no change in a la carte prices. Effective October 1, 19~1, prices of low-priced dining car meals increased, breakfast 4o¢, luncheon 50¢ and dinner 6o¢, a1so some slight increases in a la carte prices due to increase in food costs, etc.
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