WESTERN NEWS Volume 1, Number 4 WESTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY September 26, 1974 Campus Approve New Briefs· Advising Plan The Beta Iota chapter of Kappa The first comprehensive Univer- Delta Pi, an honor society in edu- sity-wide plan for academic advis- cation, is taking a survey to deter- ing of Western students was ap- mine membership among the UDi- proved Friday by the WMU Board versity faculty in the society. Uni- of Trustees. versity faculty who are members . The Trustees' approval of the of the society are asked to notify plan, submitted by Dr. Philip Den- Jim Burns, chapter counselor, in enfeld, associate vice president for the teacher education department, academic affairs, authorizes the 3-0430. University to develop a system of *** academic advising composed of As of Oct. 3, all users files not many present departmental and accessed since Aug. 3 will be trans- college advising programs and mod- ferred to magnetic tape and purged ifications of other existing pro- from the disk system. The access grams. date is updated by reading, updat- Henry Mancini SUah Vaughn The new advising system results ing, or hmning the file. from a year-long study by a repre- In order to recover a file purged sentative University committee ap- from the disk, a user must request pointed to recommend a systematic that it be reinstated through the Robert Goulet Here Saturday, Mancini, approach to academic advising, PLEASE command or a written no- which Denenfeld told the Board tice to the manager of Computer Sarah Vaughn Head Homecoming Show "has for many years been uneven center Operations. and in some areas simply inade- To check the access date of a Singing star Robert Goulet will .Appearing with him will be ~me· quate." file, use the SLOW option of the present two ~n~rts· at 7 and 10 dian Ronnie Schell. Tickets are stin Prior to Board approval, the com- DIRECT command: DIRECT / p.m. Saturday in Miller Auditorium. available for both perfonnanees. SLOW. mittee's report was reviewed and Western's Homeeoming Show in approved by Western's Educa.tional • • Miller Auditorium will feature Hen- Pianist Mary* Jane Rupert will Policies Council and the Faculty ry Mancini and Sarah Vaughn at senate. present a solo faculty recital at 3 7 and 10 p.m. Saturday, Od. 21. p.m. Sunday, Sept. 29 free to the Counseling Center The first show already is sold out, According to the committee's public in Oakland Recital Hall. but there are still some late show suggested timetable, total imple- Compositions to be performed in- Extends Hours tickets available at the Auditorium. mentation will be achieved by Sep- clude works by Beethoven, SChu- Western's Counseling Center has tember 1, 1975, including: appoint- mann, Brahms, and Hindemith. ment of a coordinator of academic extended its open hours until 9 advising and articulation, respon- *•* p.m. on Thursdays, except for holi- Applications for Who's Who Display Frostic Works sible to the vice president for aca- days or periods when classes are demic affairs; designation of college Among Students in American Col- not in session, to provide greater Works by Michigan poet! artist! leges and Universities, the organi- 'creative printer Gwen Frostic are level personnel specifically respon- convenience primarily for commut- sible for academic advising; and zation that honors outstanding col- ing students. This service is avail- on display now through Nov. 12 at lege seniors, are currenUy available Miller Auditorium. Details of a spe- establishment of college and depart- able on an appointment or a drop- mental level programs. at the Office of Student Activities, in basis. cial October program for her here 2420 Student Services Building. In addition, the Counseling Cen- on campus will be announced soon. Highlights of the new system are: Any WMU senior wit.h at least a 2.3 ter is emphasizing its program de- advising is not mandatory, but at overall grade-point aterage and signed specifically for students who least one advisor who is willing and who has been active in campus and have been placed on academic pro- Hold Reception Sunday able to discuss the overall program community aftairs may apply. bation or academic warning. Facul- All faculty and professional ad- pattern will be available to every **• ty are urged to encourage students ministrative staff and their spouses student; each new student will be More than 100 members of the to avail themselves of the Center's are invited to a Fall Reception from assigned a specific initial advisor;. Paper Technology Foundation, Inc. services in this respect. 2-5 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 29 in Miller each college will determine how are attending the foundation's an- Additional information may be Auditorium, sponsored by the Board students will be advised; goals and nual meeting here yesterday and obtained by phoning Jo Nicolette of Trustees and President and Mrs. procedures will be approved by the today. at 383-1850. John T. Bernhard. Educational Policies Council; and ** • the coordinator of academic advis- High school marching bands from ing and articulation have responsi- Traverse City, St. Joseph, Vieks- hility for the overall system. burg and Owosso will perform at WMU Band Day Saturday, sept. 28, Campus Calendar when Western's Bronco meet Bowl- ing Green at 1:30 p.m. in Waldo Sept. 26-Academic Forum "Collective Bargaining for WMU?", 3750 Symphony To Open Stadium. Knauss Hall, 4 p.m. Western's Marching Band will Sept. 27-WMU Athletic Hall of Fame banquet, West Ballroom, Stu- perform at pre-game ceremonies, dent Center, 6:30 p.m. LeviLevel Series and all bands will make a massed Sept. 27-New Structures in Sound Concert, Miller Auditorium, 8 p.m. The University Symphony Or- appearance at halftime, conducted Sept. 28-Robert Goulet Concert, Miller Auditorium, 7 and 10 p.m. chestra, under the direction of Her- by Director of Bands Carl Bjerre- Sept. 28-Faculty Women's Brunch, West Ballroom, Student Center, bert Butler, professor of music, will gaard; Richard Swinsick, Marching 9:30 a.m. present its first concert of the year Band director; and Don Baker, as- Sept. 2&;-Football, WMU vs. Bowling Green (Band Day), Waldo Stadi- at 3 p.rn. Sunday, Oct. 6, in West- sistant director. Each band also will um, 1:30 p.m. ern's Miller Auditorium. present a post-game show. Sept. 29-Reception by President and Mrs. Bernhard and Board of Trustees, Miller Auditorium, 2 p.m. The free concert will also inaug- *•• Sept. 29-Faculty recital, Mary Jane Rupert, pianist, Oakland Recital urate the 1974-75 LeviLevel series "Collective Bargaining for Hall, 3 p.m. in which patrons wearing casual WMU?" is the topic for the first in Sept. 29-0ct. 6-WIDR Week Party and Open House, daily, Student clothing may choose to sit in the the series of academic forums at Services Building Auditorium's Grand Tier, the de- Western which begin at 4 p.m. to- Sept. 3O-0ct. 3-Red Cross Blood Drive, Health Center, noon-5:45 p.m. signated LeviLevel. day in 3750 Knauss Hall. Sept. 30--AWS panel "Facilities Available to WMU Women Students," Guest conductor Chou Wen- Speakers will be Dr. Arthur Falk, room 204, Student Center, 7:30 p.m. associate professor of philosophy chung, who ,will be a participant in Oct. I-Lecture, "Solar Energy," by Dr. Aden B. Meinel, Visiting Western's visiting scholars pro- and president of the WMU chapter Scholar, 1104 Rood Hall, 7:30 p.rn. of the American Association of gram, will direct his own composi- Oct. 2-College of Fine Arts Convocation, Miller Auditorium, 2 p.m. tion on the program. The orches- University Professors, and Dr. Oct. 2-Lecture, ";very Large Telescopes," by Dr. Aden B. Meinel, Chester Hunt, professor of sociolo- tra also will perform works by Mo- Visiting Scholar, 1104 Rood Hall, 4:15 p.m. zart and Hindemith. gy. Today's discussion will be mod- Oct. 3--Alpha Kappa Psi Career Day, Student Center, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. erated by Dr. Raymond E. Zelder, The Sunday afternoon concert Oct. 4--Faculty Vocal Chamber Music Concert, Oakland Recital Hall, series is planned as a family series chairman of the department of 8p.rn. economics. for family entertainment. Two • Thursday, September 26, 1974 • Western News Trustees· Appoint Two Department Approve 1974-75 Capital Request A 1975-76 capital outlay budget Charmen, Change Several Titles request totaling $57.6 million for planning, construction and renova- Appointment of two. new de- tion of physical facilities was ap- partment chairmen, plus several proved Friday by Western's Board changes of title, are among numer- of Trustees. That's $5.2 million ous personnel actions approved Fri- more than what the Trustees ap- day by Western's Board of Trustees. proved for 1974-75. Dr. Lloyd J. Schmaltz, professor The 1975-76 total request actual- o! geology, and Isabelle Smith, as- ly will be phased in over a five fis- 1l1Stant professor of home eco- cal year period, said Dr. Myron L. nomics, were appointed chairmen Coulter, vice president for admin- of their respective departments. istration. A change in title for Dr. Myron Western's 1975-76 request in- L. Coulter from interim president cludes planning of eight new facili- to vice president for administra- ties or alterations; completion of tion, effective Sept. 1, and for Dr. plans and the start of construction Morvin A. Wirtz from associate of an $8 million College of Business dean of education to professor of Building; $450,000 each for remod- special education, effective Aug. 26, eling of the Speech and Hearing also were approved.
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