1881. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. - 263 immediately in the morning to the pending business makes it desira­ NAYS-20. ble to get out of this dilemma to-night. Allison, Dawes, In.IZ3lls, Mitchell, :Mr. MITCHELL. I was paired with the distinct understanding :Blair, Ferry, MCDill, Morrill, :Burnside, Harrison, McMillan, Platt of N. Y., that I might vote to make a quorum. I am ready to do so. Cameron of Pa., Hill of Colorado, Mahone, Plnmb, Mr. HOAR. Has the- Conger, Hoar, Miller, Sawyer. Mr. HARRIS. I demand the regular order. Mr. HOAR. I rise to a parliamentary inquiry. Has the vote been ABSENT-37. Anthony, Fair, Jones of Nevada, Saunders, .announced t Bayard, Frye, Kellogg, Sewell, The PRESIDING OFFICER. The vote having been announced, :Beck, Garland, Lamar, Sherman, the roll-call will proceed. It is the duty of the Chair to require the Camden, Groome, Logan, Teller, Cameron of Wis., Hale, McPherson, VanWyck, roll of the Senate to be called. Cockrell, Hawley, Maxey, Voorhees, Mr. DAVIS, of West Virginia. To see whether or not a quorum is Conkling, Hill of Georgia, Platt of Conn., Williams. present! Davis of lllinois, Jackson, Ransom, The PRESIDING OFFICER. That is the purpose. Edgerton, Jonas, Rollins, Mr. DAWES. I supposed, if I may interrupt the call, that there Edmunds, Jones of Florida, Saulsbury, were Senators paired who were at liberty under their pairs to vote to So the Senate refused to proceed to the consideration of executive make a quorum, and we could get along without this roll-calL If I business. am mistaken-- Mr. BECK and Mr. DAWES addressed the Chair. The PRESIDING OFFICER. By unanimous consent that can be The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Senator from Massachusetts. -done. Mr. BECK. I desired to take the floor to make a few remarks in Mr. DAWES. I ask unanimous-consent that Senators who are so the morning. I would rather not do so now. situated may be allowed to vote-- . .Mr. DAWES. If the Senator will give way, he holding the floor,. Mr. HARRIS. I demand the regular order. I thought the Senator I will move to adjourn. from Massachusetts would have moved au adjournment; but as he Mr. BECK. Certainly. -sees proper not to do so, we will proceed in order. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Chair understands that the Mr. DAWES. I am sorry to disagree with the Senator-­ Senator from Kentuc]ry has the floor and yields to the Senator from The PRESIDING OFFICER. The roll-call will proceed. Massachusetts to move an adjournment. The question is on the mo­ The Secretary proceeded to call the roll. tion of the Senator from Massachusetts, that the Senate adjourn. Mr. VANCE, (when Mr. RANsoM's name was called.) I desire to The motion was agreed to; and (at four o'clock and thirty-five .announce that my colleague [Mr. RANSOM] was called home suddenly minutes p.m.) the Senate adjourned. by illness in his family. I expected him to arrive back this morning, but he has not done so. · The roll-call having been concluded, the following Senators had .answered to their names: Allison, Dawes, Ingalls, Platt oC N. Y., TUESDAY, April 12, 1881. Anthony, Farley, Jackson, Plnmb, :Beck, Ferry, Johnston, Saunders, Blair, Frye, Jonas, Sawyer, Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. J. J. BULLOCK, D. D. :Brown, George, Kellogg, Sewell, The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read and approved. Burnside, Gorman, McDill, Sherman, :Butler, Groome, McMillan, Slater, RANK OF NA. VAL GRADUATES. Call, Grover, Mahone, Vance, Camden, Hampton, Miller, Vest, Mr. VANCE submitted the following resolution: Cameron of Pa., Harris, Mitchell, Walker. Resolved by the Senate of the Vnited States, That the Secretary of the Navy be Coke, Harrison, Morgan, requested to inform the Senate what alteration, if any, has been made in the rela­ Conger, Hill of Colorado, Moriill., tive rank of graduates of the Naval Academy as originally established at gradua­ DaVlSof W.Va.., Hoar, Pendleton, tion under the provisions of sections 1483 and 1521 of the Revised Statutes in any classes graduating since the year 1870; and, if so, under the provisions of what The PRESIDING OFFICER. A quorum is present. The Secre­ act the said alteration or rearranitement of rank was made.. tary will proceed with the call on the motion of the Senator from Tennessee, [Mr. HARRIS,] that the Senate proceed to the consideration Mr. DAWES. The phraseology should be " directed" instead of of executive business. ' "requested." We direct the Departments and request the President. The Secretary proceeded to call the roll. Mr. VANCE. Let it be modified in that way; and I ask for the Mr. BECK, (when his name was called.) I am paired with the Sen­ present consider_ilttion of the resolution. ator from Maine, [Mr. HALE.] The resolution was considered by unanimous consent, and, as mod­ ified: agreed to. ~Ir. FRYE, (when his name was called.) I am paired with the Sen- ator from Georgia, [Mr. HILL.] . MICHAEL BOYTON. Mr. GROOME, (when his name was called.) Upon this and similar Mr. BURNSIDE submitted the following resolution; which was con­ .questions I am paired with the Senator from Illinois, [Mr. LOGAN.] sidered by unanimous consent, and agreed to: Mr. GROVER, (when his name was called.) I am paired with the Resolved, That the President be respectfully requested, if in his judgment not; Senator from Nebraska, [Mr. VANWYCK.] incompatible with the public interest, to communicate to the Senate any informa· tion in possession of the Government touching the alleged arrest and imprisonmer..t Mr. JONAS, (when his name was called.) I am paired with the of Michael Boyton, who claims to be a citizen of the United States, by the anthon- Senator from Minnesota, [Mr. EDGERTON.] ties of Great :Britain. · Mr. KELLOGG, (when his name wa-s called.) I am paired with the OFFICERS OF THE SENATE. Senator from Dlinois, [Mr. DAVIS.] Mr. ANTHONY, (when Mr. L.u£A.R's name was called.) I am paired The VICE-PRESIDENT. The Chair lays before the Senate tho with the Senator from Mississippi, [Mr. LAMAR.] unfinished business of yesterday, being the resolution of the Senator Mr. MITCHELL, (when his name was called.) I am paired with from Massachusetts [Mr. DAWES] providing for the election of cer­ the Senator from Delaware [Mr. BAYARD] with the express under­ tain officers of the Senate, the pending question being on the motion standing that I may vote if it is necessary to make a quorum. I shall of the Senator from Ohio [Mr. PENDLETON] to postpone the resolu­ not vote at present. tion indefinitely, on which motion the yeas and nays have been Mr. SAUNDERS, (when his name was called.) I am paired on ordered. political questions with the gentleman from Kentucky, [Mr. WILL­ Mr. BECK. Mr. President- !Al\IS ;] but I do not consider that that pair is binding on me if my Yr. PENDLETON. If the Senator will give way I will move that yo~ is n~eded to make a quorum. I shall not vote at present, but the Senate proceed to the consideration of executive business. if 1t reqmres my vote to make a quorum, then I shall ask the right The VICE-PRESIDENT. Does the Senator from Kentucky yield t o vote. the :fioor! The roll-call was concluded. ' .Mr. BECK. I have no objection to that motion. Mr. SHERMAN. I wish again to announce the fact that I am Mr. PENDLETON. I move that the Senate proceed to the consid­ paired with the Senator from Delaware, [Mr. SAULSBURY,] and there- eration of executive business. fore I decline to vote. · Mr. DAWES. After the arrangement and understanding with the ' Mr. GROVER. My pair has been transferred to the Senator from Senator from Kentucky last night, I hardly supposed that he would North Carolina, [Mr. RANSOM,] and to make a quorum I vote "yea." yield for such a motion this morning when the Senate is so thin. Mr. BLAIR. I wish to announce that my colleague [Mr. RoLLINs] Mr. HOAR. The motion does not seem to be fair just now. is paired with the Senator from Florida, [Mr. JoNEs.] Mr. PENDLETON. At the request of the two Senators from Massa­ Mr. MITCHELL. I vote to make a quorum. chusetts, who indicate that their side of the House is unexpectedlJ" The result was announced-yeas u~, nays 20; as follows: thin, and that the motion w~s not expected this morning, I with­ draw it. YEAS-19, The VICE-PRESIDENT. The Senator from Ohio withdraws the Brown, Farley, Harris, Slater, motion; and the Senator from Kentucky will proceed. :Butler, George, Johnston, Vance, Mr; BECK President, I shall occupy the attention of the Sen­ Call, Gorman, Morgan, Vest, Mr. Coke, Grover, Pen.dleton, Walker. ate but a short time this morning. I had at one time intended to Davis of W. Va., Hampton, Pngh, follow somewhat in the line of deb~te which has been indulged in 264 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. APRIL 12, pretty freely on both sides, and I had especially stated to the Senator I am not going to say that you did this because of a corrupt bar­ from New Hampshire [Mr. BLAIR] that at some time this week I gain. I do not intend to make the Senate Chamber a bear-garden should endeavor to reply to the speech he made the other day; but or to have crimination or recrimination between myself and other as there has been a good deal of-I will not say crimination andre­ Senators by reason of charges that I might make on this floori· but crimination on both sides, but a good many attacks by ~entlemen on it is both parliamentary and just to say that the country at arge one side of this Chamber on the question of the repudiation of the has a strong suspicion that the alliance is a foul one, and even the debts of the South, tissue-ballots, bulldozing, and other things, and republican press of the country has charged it in forms so offensive as within the last day or two "the wind has shifted," and there have that when a democratic Senator caused one of the leading articles been a good many serious attacks made on the States of New England, to be read from that desk, he was asked if he avowed it as his, and Iowa, Minnesota, and other States in the North and West which seem dangers at least of personal responsibility were threatened; be was to be in the same category, I shall endeavor to confine myself pretty told that he must stop.
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