APR. 30-MAY 1, MAY 6-9: ANDERSON: Bye, Bye, APR. 24: GEORGETOWN: Martha M oore, soprano (Univ. MAY 7 & B: CHARLESTON: " An Evening of Ballet" ; APR. 14: CAMDEN : An nual Camden Art Assoc. Spring Birdie, A nderson Community Theatre, G. Sam San­ Cincinnati Co nservato ry o f Music faculty) w ith j erry the Charleston Civic Ba llet ; Municipal Aud., 8:30. Sidewalk A rt Show, with new features, crafts and filippo, Resident Dir. Nightly at 8:30 except May 2 & 9 Helton, tenor and j ess Casey, p iano (W inthrop College May 16: BEAUFORT: " Samson" ; Byrne M iller Dance sculpture, along Bethesda Presbyterian Church f ence. (2:30 matinees). School of Music faculty); Geo rgetown Musical Arts Theatre, 5 P.M. APR. 17-18: CHARLESTON: Annual Charleston A rtist APR. 30: NEWBERRY: Cinderella; the Children's Theatre Club Concert Series; Georgetown Library Aud., 8 P.M . MAY 22: COLUMBIA: 30th An nual Carolina Ballet; Guild Clothesline Exhi bi t; the Gibbes Gallery garden. of Greenwood Community Theatre, Aileen lau, Dir., at APR. 24: SPARTANBURG: W offord Co llege Band Co n­ Cottingham Theatre, Columbia College, 2:30. APR. 18: GREENVILLE: " Psychology in Art," Howard Newberry H igh School. cert; Leonard A ud., Wofford, B (free). MAY 25: GREENVILLE: " The Unicorn" (M enotti), w ith Orenstein, Furman Univ.; Greenville County Museum APRIL, TO BE SCHEDULED: members of Greenville Civic Ballet assisting the Green­ of A rt, 3 P.M. CAMDEN: The Odd Couple or PIAu Suite; Camden APR. 25: AIKEN: Adib Fazah, baritone ville Civic Chorale; McAlist er Aud., Furman, 8:15. APR. 19-MAY 16: COLUMBIA: American Pai nting: 1900- Community Theatre. (Affiliate Artist at Univ. of S. C. spo nsored 1950 (IBM ); Columbia Museum o f Art. CHARLESTON: The Burning Tide, original drama by by U. S. C., Sears-Ro ebuck Fo undati on & APR. 23-25: DARLINGTON: A rt show, plus " Pageant of Patricia Colbert Robinson, Charleston; the Footlight ~ S. C. Arts Commission); U. S. C. Aiken Masters" (living tableaux of famous masterpi eces); 7th Players in the Dock St. Theatre. Reg ional Campus, 8 P.M . an nual Fest ival of Art, Courthouse. CLEMSON: The Hend erson-Davis Players, S. C. State APR. 25: COLUMBIA: Cho ra l Festival with U niv. of S. C. ~ APR. 25-30: SPARTANBURG: Spartanburg City Scho ols College, at Clemson's Calhoun Festival. Co ncert Choir and other u -a.un;. McM aster Hall. 4. Spring Exhibition; Memo rial Aud. - - 0 GREENWOOD: Acting and dance worksfiop (perfor­ APR. 26: ROCK Hill: W itHIIIUIJ '-'-" "'!>" \..horus, vvon­ APR. 28-M AY 2: SPARTANBURG: Show by Converse mances as exams), students of D rama and Modern thrqp School of Music Recital Hall, 8 P.M . Co llege Art Club; the Arts Cen ter, 151 N. Fairview. Dance Dept., lander College. APR. 27: COLUMBIA: Women's Sym pho ny Association --- -~ APR. 29-MAY 15: DUE WEST: " Artists, Authors and MAY 1: ORANGEBURG: Natl. Invitational Secondary Musi c Appreciation Lu ncheo n, w ith d iscussion o f Co­ Acto rs," original prints from Ceo. Binet Print Collec­ Speech & Drama Festival; South Carolina State College. lumbia Philharm onic concert, May 1; Town House tion; Erskine College Exhibition Ce nter. MAY 2: COLUMBIA: Public puppet shows; Columbia Motel, 12-1 P.M . (reservation s). APRIL, TO BE SCHEDULED: Museum of Art Science Museum, 2:15, 3, 3:45 & 4:15. APR. 27: COLUMBIA: Requiem (Mozart); Columbia CAMDEN: Joint exhibit, M rs. John K. deloach & M rs. MAY 3, 4 & 6: ORANGEBURG: Fanny, the Henderso n­ ..- Amos Ea ton; Camden Art Assoc., Louise Proctor Hall, APR. 19-24: SPARTANBURG: Fine Arts Focus W eek; Choral Society, Guthri e Darr, Director, w ith so loists - Davis Players, H. D. Flowers, 11, Dir.; White Hall Aud ., · -1 N. l yttleton St. Sarah Harvie, Sumter, so prano; Evelyn M cG arrity, con­ Wofford College. COLUMBIA: M useu m Gala Even ing, Columbia M useum APR. 23-25: DARLINGTON: 7th Annual Festival of Art, 8. tralto; Richard Veale, t enor and Adib Fazah, baritone; MAY 4-8: COLUMBIA: Baby, Baby, Won' t You Ever Trini ty Ep iscopal Church, 8 P.M . of Art. Courthouse. Grow?, written & dir. by Talley Sessions; Columbia Col­ SUMTER: One-woman show, M innie Descham ps; Sum­ All MAY: CLINTON: 5th A nnual Festival of Arts; Pres­ APR. 27: COLUMBIA: Moog Synthesizer concert, Her­ lege Players; Cottingham Thtr., 8. bert Deutsch; Un iv. o f S. C. Student Union Artist ter A rt Gallery, 219 W. liberty. byterian College campus. MAY 4-8: SUMTER: Bells Are Ringing, Shirley Housen, ALL MAY: MAY 6-9: GREENVILLE: Arts Festival, with participants Series, Russell House, U. S. C., 8 P.M . Dir. ; Sumter little Theatre. APR. 27: GAFFNEY: Allyn Haverland, faculty organ AIKEN: Pa intings, Truman Teed, USC Art Faculty; Aiken including the Greenville Sy mphony; Bob Jones Univ. MAY 5-8: CLINTON: P. C. Players production; Black p~~GRA~V Regional Campus, US C. Symphonic O rchestra; Greenville Civic Chorale; the recital; limestone College Fullerto n Aud., 8 P.M . Magic Theatre, Jacobs Hall, Presbyterian College, 8:15. APR. 2B: ROCK Hill: W inthrop Co llege Cho ral En­ CLEMSON: 1971 Thesis Presentation, Clemson Univer­ Cad enzas and other si nging groups; Fu rman Theatre MAY 6-8: CREENWOOD: West Side Story, the l ander sity College of Archi tecture; Rudolph lee Gallery. Guild; Greenville Civic Ballet and Greenville Artists semble; Recital Hall, 8 P."A. College Players, Donald B. McKellar, Dir.; Mrs. Ann THRU APR. 25: CLEMSON : " Photography and the City" ; CLINTON: Festival of Arts exhibits; Douglas Ho use Gal­ Guild . Events & exhibits in Textile Hall. APR. 29 & MAY 1: GREENVILLE: O pera Wo rkshop, Fur­ Hutto, M usical Dir. & Mrs. Klaus Neubner, Choreogra­ man Music Dept.; M cA lister Aud. City Planning exh ib it organi zed by Charles & Ray lery, Presbyterian College. MAY, TO BE SCHEDULED, pher; La nder College. COLUMBIA: Faculty art exhibition; Student Center, AIKEN Spring Arts Festival. APR. 30: SPARTANBURG: Barber of Seville (Rossini), Eames; Clemson Univ. College of Architecture, Rudolph MAY 6-B: NEWBERRY: The Curious Savage, Newberry annual Music Festival o pera by Converse College O pera l ee Gallery. Allen Un iv. College Theatre, Dr. Dennis C. Sanderso n, Dir.; Wiles Workshop, Jo hn Richards M cCrae, Producer-directo r; APR. 1: ROCK HILL: Whistle Do wn the Wind; Winthrop GREENVILLE : Senior exhibits, Dept. of Art Gallery, Fur­ Chapel, Newberry Coli., 8. Twichell Aud., Converse, 8 P.M . (season subscription). College Fine Arts Assoc. Cinema Series; Byrnes Aud .• man Un iv. MAY 7-B, 11-15: COLUMBIA: Waltz of the Toreadors APRIL, TO BE SCHEDULED: 7:30. GREENVILLE: One-man show, Hal Bryant; People's Natl. (Anouilh), Town Theatre, Anita Grannis, Resident Prof. DUE WEST: George Lucktenberg, pianist and j errie APR. 3: SPARTANBURG: Billy Budd; Hartness Aud., Ban k Main O ffice. Dir. lucktenberg, violinist; 2 Beethoven programs; Erskine Converse Co llege, 7:30. MAY 1 & B: COLUMBIA : Artists' Guild of Co lumbia MAY B: CLINTON: Cinderella, the Children's Theatre of Co llege. APR. 12: SPARTANBURG : 317th Platoon; Wofford Col­ Si dewalk Show; Richland M all. Greenwood Community Theatre; Arts Festival feature at ROCK HILL: The M essiah (Handel), Parts 2 & 3: Easter lege, 8 P.M . MAY 1: SPARTANBURG: Spartanburg Art Ass ociatio n's Presbyterian College. concert by Rock Hill Choral Society, Dr. James Elso n, APR. 21: GREENVILLE: Triumph of the Will (s how ing statew ide juried Sidewalk Art Show, along Converse MAY 11-15, 18-22, 25-29: GREENVILLE: Man of La Winthrop, Director. lim ited to film study groups & educational inst itutions); College fence, 10-5. Mancha, Greenville little Theatre, Ro bert H. Mclane, SUMTER: Univ. o f S. C. Con cert Cho ir excha nge con­ Greenville County Museum of A rt. MAY 2-30: corUMBIA: l and sca pes: Barclay Sheaks, Dir., 8 :30 P.M. cert with M orris College Concert Choir; Morris College. MAY 8: SPARTANBURG: Suddenly Last Summer; Hart­ with demonstration & w orkshop by M r. Sheaks to be MAY 13-15: COLUMBIA: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern MAY 1: COLUMBIA: W . John Williams, p ianist, U. S. C. ness Aud., Conve rse, 7:30. scheduled: Columbia M useum of Art. Are Dead, University Theatre, Russe ll Green, D ir.; music facul ty; soloist with the Co lumbia Ph ilharmonic MAY 19: GREENVILLE: Special fil m pgm.; Greenville MAY :> : COLUMBIA : Annual Univ. of S. C. Art Auction ; Ca pstone House, 8 P.M . Drayton Hall, 8 :15. Orchestra, Richard Burgin, guest conductor; D reher County Museum of A rt. MAY 13-15, 18-22: GREENVILLE: Antigone (Anouilh), High School Aud., 8 P.M. MAY 22: SPARTANBURG: Born Free; Hartness Aud., MAY 4-31: COLUMBIA: Prints & photo etchi ngs, Steve Furman Theatre Guild; Theatre 7 1 Playhouse, Furman, MAY 2: GREENVILLE: Furman Univ. Band Concert, M c­ Converse, 7:30. Nevitt, and pottery, Tom Turner; Havens Gallery, 2B1 2 Devine. 8:15. Alister, 3 P.M. MAY 2: GREENWOOD: Requiem (Fau re); U. S. C. Con­ MAY 6-9: GREENVILLE: State Art Collec­ MAY 13-15: SPARTANBURG: Aesop's Fal­ cert Choir; First Baptist Church, 4 P.M. tion ; feature of Greenville Arts Festival. ables, Spartanburg Children's Theatre, MAY 3: CREENVILLE: American Gui ld of O rganists ; O ther highlights: artists' demo nstrations, Allison H. Roulston, D ir. ; Spartanburg organ reci tal by William Whitehead, W estminster Choir crafts, & " Sunday Pa inters' Exhibit" o pen ~ little Theatre (May 13 & 14, 7:30; May 15, Co llege, Bethlehem, Pa.; Westminster Presbyterian ~ to area painters except Greenville Artists 10:30 & 2).
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