THE COLOMA COURIER AND THE2 BENTON HARBOR HERALD VOL 34 COLOMA, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MARCH 9, 1928 NO 33 TWO PARTIES WILL PICK "WOMANLESS WEDDING" PROVED FAR WATCH HIM GROW TWIN (m HARBOR IS TWO CALLS ANSWERLD BETTER THAN HAD BEEN ANTICIPATED CANDIDATES FOR OFflCERS BLOdD BY SANDBAR FOR COLOHA TOWNSHIP Bi' FIRE the staging of the performance: and Bunker's Opera House \yaa Crowded to Mrs. Gladys Guy-Andrews, who was Dredging Will be Necessary Before Coloma Department Had a Busy Day an able assistant to Mrs. Traver. GROWING And Still Several Hundred People Repubiirans Will Convene Friday Boats of Local Lines Can bp Put in •FAST?! THAT Ijist Monday—Called First to the The box social which closed the DIET Afternoon and Citizens' Party on Were Turned Away—Entertainment evening's frolic was also an enjoyable Commission—Business Is Now Being Allen Stark Home and Later to L. S, affair and was well patronized. Clar- Was a Huge Success and Demands Saturday Afternoon Cared For by Automobile Trucks ence E. Geisler, who portrayed the Guy's Residence Two caucuses have been called for Have Been Made So That It Will be part of the colored "Mammy" in the Benton Harbor, connected with Lake The members of the Coloma volun- wedding party, did equally as well In the purpose of nominating candidates Michigan by ship canol ond the St. teer lire department had the busiest Repeated This (Thursday) Evening for the various officers for Coloma the role of auctioneer when the time Joseph river, bos in fact ceased to be n day last Monday thot they have bad In come for disposing of the boxes of township to be chosen on April 2d at "The Womanlen Wedding," put on harbor at all, and as a result the local many years, for they responded to two good things to eat that hod been the annual town meeting. The Repub- fleet of lake vessels, including the by the Parent-Teachers Association calls within four hours. The llrst call brought by the ladies. The gross re- lican caucus will Im? held at the Colo- Goodrich boots and the S. S. Bain- In the morning was to the home of Mr. last Thursday eveniUR, went far be- ceipts for the evening were $130.87, ma Theatre. Friday afternoon, Marcii bridge of the Chicago-Benton Harbor- and Mrs. Allen Stark, on Paw Paw yond what was thought or planned for i which goes into the treasury of the IONAGE1 9th. at 2:00 o'clock p. m. and the Citi- •LocalH South Haven line will be bottled up In street, and the second call which was it. There were at leoat 000 persons In Parent-Teachers Association to be used MERCHANTS zens' caucus will be held at the I. O. O. their winter quarters until the govern- turned In about 11:30 a. m., was to the the Bunker lionse and 200 or more In carrying on their work. F. boll on Saturday, March 10. at 2:00 ment gets around to dredging the local home of Mr. and Mrs. Lowell S. Guy went hack home because they could not p. m. channel. Repeat Show Thursday Night on East Center street. And standing room in the huilding. You should make it your duty to at- In view of conditions now existing, The members of the cast of charac- Such a large number of people were tend one of these caucuses. It is it is impossible to set a date for the Guy Home Badly Dantaged ters were all men. although you would disappointed at not being able to see equally as Important that good men opening of navigation, Horry 1). Ar should be placed in nomination as it nold of the Goodrich Transit company, The lire at the Guy home was one of never have believed It. so well did they the "Womanless Wedding" last Thurs- the most stubborn that the depart- ndspt themselves to the roles of the day evening that the cost has been per- Is for them to be elected. You stand a sold a few days ago. Vessels are better chance to have your choice for usually placed in commission by the ment has had to cope with in many fairer sex. Never was there a more suaded to repeat the performance and months, as the blaze was llrst dis- the second appearance of Coloma's the various officers If you attend the middle of March, but It may be May graceful bride, more bashful groom or covered when the flames broke through business men as actors and actresses caucuses than if you remain at home before the season opens this year. more sedate parson than those who I he roof near tbe chimney. Members took" part in last Thursday's perform- will be made this Thursday) evening ond let the other fellows tell you for Meanwhile local boat companies are of the family heard a crackling sound ance; every other member of the cast at the Bunker opera house. Although whom you should vote at the election. handling freight with motor trucks. in the upper part of the house Just was Just as good in his role. The cred- It is not probable that there will be as Current Causes Obstrucfiqn about the same time that the smoke it for the success of the show is large- large a crowd as that of lost Thursday REPUBLICAN CAUCUS CALLED commenced pouring out through the ly due to the untiring efTorts of Mrs. evening, if you want to be ossured of Tiie obstruction of the channel is at- shingles, and when the fire department Octavia Traver of the Coloma schools, a good seat this evening, you ore ad- FOR FRIDAY, MARCH 9tb tributed by Mr. Arnold to the exces- reached the scene it appeared that the who had charge of the rehearsals and vised to go early. sive current and bigb water in tiie river entire upper part of the home was on during the winter, when the level rose lire. Good work was done by the fire- A TOWNS BEST BOOSTER Meetlpg For Coloma Township Will to the highest point in lo years. The men and other helpers who rushed lo ALBERT GETTERIY FOUND DEAD stream brought down tons of sediment, the scene, but It was some time before Be Held at Coloma Theatre at 2:00 including the fill for the Sommeriey- all tbe lire had been subdued. The dam- toii bridge approach, and deposited the IN HIS HOME NEAR THREE OAKS p. m. age to the house from tbe fire and from A writer In a current magailne ob- f sand in the channel. The steamers the water which flooded the place is .ierves "If the newspaper is Just a lit- Notice is hereby given thot a Repub- draw from 12 to 14 feet, and there is estimated at not less than $500, which tle better than its town, the latter is MRS. H. G. KRAKE1$ HAPPY 3YRIIP SEASON IS OPEN lican caucus for the Township of Co- only eight feet of water in parts of the is fully covered by insurance. Discovery of His Body Was Made by the gainer thereby." loma*wlll be held at the Coloma Thea- channel now. Towns and their newspapers usually tre. in the Village of Coloma. on Fri- Friend Who Miased Him and Went log or lead together. Progressive OVER HER RETURN TO COLOHA AT THE IIIOOMINCDAIE day. March 9. 1928. at 2:00 o'clock p. The Coloma fire department was Journalism is the unfailing tonic of the To His Home to Make Inquiry m.. for the purpose of placing in nom- called out between 8 and 9 o'clock lethargic community, but It Is equally ination candidates for the various of- NEW WHITCOHB HOTEL TO true that a lifeless newspaper can ser- Monday morning to the home of Mr. Organic heart disease caused the ficers for Coloma township, ond for the ond Mrs. Alien C. Stork on Paw Paw iously retard the development of Its After Being an Invalid for Six Months, The William Bloomingdaie maple death of Albert Getterly, it was decid- transaction of any other business that street, where a spark from tbe chim- community. sugar camp in North Colomo is one of BE OPENED EARLY IN MAY ed by a coroner's Jury after the SD- Tills Talented Woman Is Able to may come before the meeting. ney had started a small blaze on the There is no better community asset the real lively spots in thot part of the year-old farmer hod l)een found deod By Order of Committee. shingle roof. Neighbors formed a than a home newspaper equal to the Keep an Important Speaking Engage- township. The first of the trees were at his Three Oaks home where be lived bucket brigade and held the blaze from needs of the community. While a poor tapped last week and the making of alone. Plans are now being formulated for spreading until the fire deportment newspaper is lietter than none to the ment In Chicago maple syrup was started. A complete The man bad been dead severol CITIZENS' CAUCUS CALLED a big event for tiie city of St. Josepii readied the home, and then the fire Individual reader, that does not hold new plant has been erected in the hours when the body was discovered Mrs. II. G. Krake, who relumed the first week In May. when the new wos quickly extinguished with a fire true for the town. woods and new vats and a new furnace FOR SATURDAY, MARCH 10 last Friday afternoon, it was said by home from her extended and forced $1,000,000 Whltcomb Hotel will be op- extinguisher, without the necessity of What can a good newspaper do for have been installed so that the work Dr.
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