C I N E MAti • TRADE NEWS • Dis~ption feared as Telefilm changes bosses Fundamental change OTTAWA - One week after II film and teleVIsio n, the indus­ the Canadian Film Develop­ was announced that Andre try will have toO u nderga another ment Carporatian, assumed a needed: broadcast review Lamy, Telefilm Canada's execu­ waiting periad while the new major role in the productian tive director, would be stepping executive masters the intrica­ industry when it toak on the TORONTO - Cammunications veloped piece-by-piece. The down on Aug. 1 as head of the cies af the industry. administration af the Braad­ minister Marcel Masse Apr. 9 system is fragile - all its parts carporatian, Peter Pearson re­ These fears were echoed in cast Program Develapment announced a long-awaited re­ are interrelated. All parts afthe signed his post as director of the Taronto, although attenuated Fund in 1983. Funded by a 6% view of broadcasting policy. In system depend on each other Canadian Broadcast Program by the belief that the new boss tax on the cable industry's re­ a luncheon address jointly for success. The activities and Development Fund, effective would come from the ranks af venues the Broadcast Fund has hosted by the Canadian Cable pragrams and investment plans June 1. The Pearson announce­ Taronta praducers. The tradi­ been a majar boaster af inde­ Television Assaciation and the af cable operators and conven­ ment, made on May 2, took the tion at Telefilm is to have the pendent film productian in Broadcast Executives Society, tional broadcasters and pay industry by surprise and the tap post alternate between Canada. Its current annual Masse said that "changing operators and educational combined departures have Mantreal and Toranto, and the budget is $68 millian. Recently technologies and economics, broadcasters and specialty ser­ spread concern about the rumdred appointment of fran­ the Fund appeared toO be an the increased demand for services, vices all have ecanamic effects ability of the corporation to caphane Picard as head af the verge of pl'ablems when the increased competition face on each ather. And all these maintain its efficiency during Fund suggests that an anglo­ CBC, the majar player in acces­ every broadcaster daily in the partners, taken together, are a the shuffle at the top. phone will be tapped to head sing the Fund, announced a exercise of the profession. Yet single broadcasting system, At presstime, Andre Picard, the agency. freeze on independent produc­ that profeSS ion and that indus­ charged with achieving certain head of French production at The annauncement that tians as a result of an $85 mil­ try are obliged to function cultural gaals for the nation as Telefilm in Montreal, was Marcel Masse, minister of Cam­ li on cutback in its budget. The within the framework of legis­ a whole. For these reasons rumored to succeed Pearson as munications, had asked Lamy freeze prompted Communica­ lation that is more than 17 broadcasting policy must be head of the Fund, though Tele­ to step down was made Apr. 23. tions minister Marcel Masse to years old. It is time for funda­ camprehensive. It cannot sim­ film would not confirm the The minister noted that the introduce changes in Telefilm's mental change." ply adjust one or two of the nomination. appointment is " at the pleasure mandate last month. It was He said he will be appainting pieces without considering the In Montreal, industry feeling afthe Governor-in-Council" and Lamy wha oversaw new palicy a task force of "informed and effect an the rest of the system." about Lamy's departure is that, sa has na fixed term and can be directives to bring Telefilm in thoughtful people to guide the The task force will under­ although predictable gi\'en his terminated at the minister's line with the changed mandate. review." He noted that the task take its mission through a series Liberal ties and the will of the descretian. Lamy has been Masse said that during his force will undertake a funda­ of closed-door meetings with Conservative government to re­ Telefilm executive-director for term Lamy had "brilliantly mental review of the Canadian all interested parties. At a back­ place Liberal appointees to high­ five years. accepted" the double challenge broadcasting system. He added, ground briefing with senior profile posts like the one at "After five years; it is narmal af strengthening the Canadian "policy for the Canadian broad­ Telefilm, the timing couldn't to shuffle people," Masse said film industry and improving casting system cannot be de- (cont. on p. 33) have been worse. Both the Fund in an interview. "It has nothing high-quality Canadian televi­ in particular and Telefilm in to do at all whether it is a Tary sion programs. general had been functianing government ar a Liberal gav­ A senior DOC official noted smoothly and the new policies ernment. What is annoying that Masse has been very Task Force Guidelines were beginning to bear fruit. naw is the fact that because it pleased with his relationship Apprehensian was widespread is a new government daing with Lamy. However, Lamy is The Task Force shall make recommendations to the Minister that unless the government that, people suspect all sorts of of Communications on an industrial and cultural strategy chooses someone with a strong things." to govern the future evolution of the Canadian broadcastmg private-industry experience in Telefilm Canada, farmerly (cont. on p. 49) system through the remainder of tbis century recognizing the importance of broadcasting to Canadian life. The strategy will take full account of the overall soCial and economic goals of the government, of government policies and priorities; including the need for fiScal restraint; CHT Cgets in act with own broadcast revision increased reliance on private sector initiatives and federal­ provinCial co-operation, and of the policies of the govern­ TORONTO - Just days prior to Thraugh its decision-making how he was strengthening the ment iri other related economic and cultural sectors, It will Communications minister pracedures the Commissian CRTC's policy making. He an­ also take t't!U account of the challenges and opportunities in Marcel Masse's annauncement has d e facto been making nounced the introduction of a the increasingly competithre brol\dcasting environment of a task force toO conduct an broadcasting policy. strategic planning branch presented by ongoing technological developments, exhaustive review of bra ad cast Its most recent policy deci­ under the direction of Doug The Task Force will examine and make recommendations policy which would include a sion has been the licensing af Ryan. Bureau also said that he on : look at the cable industry and distant television signals. The has created "specific units • appropriate pubHc palicy abjectives for the Canadian the CRTC, Canadian Radio­ creation af superstations which within the broadcasting direc­ Broadcasting system in the environment: of the 198iJ's and television and Telecommuni­ would be carried across the tarate af the commission which 1990's, addressing specifically the gDvernment's cultural cations Commission chairman country by satellite and trans­ will be exclusively concerned and eCDnomic priorities. Andre Bureau announced tha t mitted to the home by cable with and responsible for policy • the role and mandate of the national public broad­ the CRTC will be undertaking has been vigorously apposed planning and development for casting service and the private broadcasting sector, the its own major policy review of by off-air broadcasters who the various regulated sectors of scope of the provincial broadcasting services and the cable regulations. In a press fear audience fragmentation the broadcasting industry as a nature of their interrelationships in the current and futbre release Apr. 4, Bureau said that and the erosion of their adver­ whole." economic context. the review, slated to begin tising base. The CRTC decision Masse denied that the CRTC • the demands and desires of the public with respect to hearings on Apr. 30, is an can be reversed by an appeal to was pre-empting his policy re­ the services provided by the broadcasting system includin& attempt "to remove obstacles cabinet. Any interested party view. A sen ior DOC official said but nDt linUted to, the balance to bt'l sou~t among ~ through a more rigorous re­ can appeal to cabinet as soon it was in the CRTC's "best in­ regional and local s$'Vices; the particular needs of CPlIJ» view af our own objectives. We as a broadcaster is granted a terests not to make major policy phone and francophone aud,et1ces across the cOunt!Y i intend to be rigorous in asking superstation license. decisions." He added that they needs of ethnic audiences; the needs of native au· dif!!.nCet.::h-:.fi aurselves whether or not we Bureau noted that other must all "sing from the same and the specialiged needs of other 'CanadUins, can live without certain regula­ issues to be discussed in the sang sheet." In the meanwhile, • lhe role of regulation and other, palicy ins.tr\1m.Etnl tions and still achieve the de­ cable review are signal carriage the official said, "the minister including. in particular, expenditures 01 sired ends. For example, the priority, tiering arrangements, will not do anything to contra­ effective IJnd effiCient means of A()ltueirinlt: thrust of the CRTC's approach audio services, simultaneous vene his relationship with the . • means pf reducing stroCtqnd, impedil1neltts. to cable rates is to speed up the substitution and subscription CRTC under the existing legis­ : broapCastmg $yst~tn'$' COll~1OQ to television. lative framework." process and still ensure fairness '{U)rtly and' .soCtetf. :-.' ,> .' , '. far cable aperators and sub­ While Masse and seniDr DOC Masse noted that he intradu­ I.n form,utatin6' its .watuatjonDf~kE!Yfilctora scribers." officials were briefing the ced Bill C-20 last December iathe eilvil'ol1Iltelll; the T~ ~ wilt COril&ull witlk Bureau has taken a marked media about the forthcoming which if passed by the begin­ :t-ake into account the v.ifw..
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