• The Weather ." ~.r-- Serving tho State Falr t.dar. PartIr l'MMJ' University of Iowa aM WU'Blrr SabINa,. HIP ....,.. 71: ..... SI. Campus and Din ThurM." It; Ie." Iowa City I'. • Est. 1868 - AP Leased Wire - Five Cents Iowa City. Iowa. rod , June 26. 1953 - VoL. 91, No. 193 , Envoy Gives · Se~·~et : ....o Note to Korean Chief 'Cheaper by the Dozen' Orchestra To Give Concert To Minister Says Rhee Shows Mother To 5peafc 'f./ere 'LiHle Gods' No Sign$ of Better known as the mother of Caused Riots Easing Terrils that large family in New Jersey lege of engineering. and 13 years BEHLfN vp)- East Germlny's which came "Cheaper by the Doz- on the faculty ot P\jrdue unlver­ Prime Minuter Otto Grotewohl SEOUL (FrIday) (JP)-Presldent en," or as the heroine at "Belles sity as prefessor ot management. reported on the Soviet pur,e list Elsenhower's .peellli emlsSllry and bec:luse or the worker rebellion In defiant Pres/dent Syn(man Rhee on Their Toes'," noted pioneer in Her biography in Who's Who in met Thur day In II tateful se Ion motion and time study. Mrs. Lil- America gives a list of her services his puppet stlte. heaped most of that could determine wht'thcr a lian M. Gilbreth will make her on educational and the blame Thursday on his under- truce will be achiev d In Korea. I] th appearance before the sur committees of national and inter­ Hnp - the "Utile ,ods" In th'e Walter S. Ro~rtson, a islant .1 summer management course to- national ·importance. Red offices of town and county. secre"ry ot state tor Far Eastern night. She is the author or co-author In an appartmtly frantic fllht affairs, delivered to the doughty. to stay In office the Communist 78-year-old chief executJve an ur- Mrs. Gilbreth's speech, "Motion of nine important books on sub- .' lent secret me ale from the U.S. and Time Study: Past. Present and jects related to Industrial PremIer stumped throullh the In- admInistration. Future." will be given at 7:30 in ment, home makIng and help duatrlal centers or the Soviet-oc- Robertson qld the contents ot the RIver room of the Iowa Me- handicapped people. THE ALL-STATE INSTRUMENTAL ~IUSJC camp orchestra, af- ./ Paul Vln BodelTlven. dJrecior 01 binds aad orehestra I~ New cupied zone to try to patch to- the m age would be made pub- morial Union. A dinner at 6:30 'Heart KUcllen' ter two weeks 01 Intensive rehearsal, will perform tQnlcht In I con- 1(erk uu.iverslty, and Paul BeluD., dJreeter of balUla at MaaoIl Cit,.. ,ether the shattered remains of lie later. In the meantime. he :ldd- will precede the talk. Mrs. Gilbreth fOstered the build- eert at 8 in the Iowa Memorial Union. Three bancb a ..o will piay. will cenduet. (See pldure of one of &he .,.... ea pan 3.) his government'l prestl,e. saved ed, he could .Ive no hint IS to la Earns Derrees ing of the "Heart Kitchen" tor dis- * * * no w 0 nI y b y So v Ie t mar II a I Iaw. nallire.Tho cont rence. which began lit Mrs. Gilbreth received her B.A. play at the American Museum or Orcheslra 3 Bands I 0 , ' r. I Killed 70 Preps Expected The West Berlln newspaper, 6:30 p.m. Thurl'day, Jowa Time. and M.A. degrees in literature Natural History for the occasion of, ne me ax .. u I Der Abend. predicted that Grote- broke up three hours lat~r. trom the University of CaliCornia, "National Em ploy the Handi- T PIC rt For AII.Slale Vocal wohl would be replaced by Her- No tim ... wu Innounccd for 11 in. 1900 and 1902, respectively. and capped week." This kitchen fea- 0 resen once House. Favors Extension of Excess Profits Tax; mann Kastner. a former chairman luture conference. married Frank Bunker Gilbreth. turcd many ot the Gilbreth prin- At U. T.· h Reed Threatens To Resign from Congress M· C H of the Liberal Democratic party- Pnelpltalft Crlslt tather of motion study, in 1904. ciples of motion economy and ob- nlon onlg I USIC. amp ere but only after lhe two million Rhee's persIstent and stron, op- Along with her household dut'es WASHINGTON (JP)- The Ei- . workers who revolted throu-hou' position to pre,ent armistice term. as mother of 12 children, she P:o- tyaOinrked Hitesarntalme ir?m. the N~w senhower administration won .I means committee, whose members Bore than 10 Iowa hiih school • • precipitated a crill. just as th(' ddt h Ph D d aSSOCiation Which Three bands and an orchestra . bltler resentment over be- students wfll arrive at SUI Sun- the ezut tone lill week have been UN comfTIand and the Commu- ce f e B 0 ~rnd er 't '. 191e5gree sponsored its construction. It was made up of 220 Iowa high school major test Thursday Olgbt when Ing bypassed by the Repu15llcan day mornln" to ~udltlon for the cowed suffIciently to permll the nlst. Ippeared read)' to onnounce rom. rown unlversl y. m. move d to the Be II evue hosPlta. I mUSICians,. WI'11 presen t a concer' t th e h ouse ru Ies comml'tt ee. YI'cld - leaderahlp' and the ruI' es commlt- All-State Vocal." Music camp QC- IIftinr of martIal law. final a(M!ement. .Her man)'.. outstandm" ." accom- wh ere I·t· IS S t'llI use d f or e d uca- tomg' ht a t 8 merna' th In It·ounge 0 109 ta Whit e HItouse peas. vo P. d to tee. accordIng to Rolph Rea camp• dl- Biamel Local Il.-c. Robertson WIS nt to Korea on phshments",.~m du~trlal mana~e- tiona I work with heart and cancer the Iowa Memorial UnIon. cl ar an excess protlts tax The showdown vote came aft('~ rector The pur..,ose of the camp is Tit hlft th bl t I In 11th hour ml Ion apparently 'ment and englneerlOg both With tient ads 'bed' a n st i h' . ry n, 0 a e arne 0 0- • her husband and alom: have been pa sse. cn . 10 ,.a s- ~he concert, w Ich IS a presen- sion bill tor debate on the Re~d tossed out a veiled threat to to provid~ the studl!nts with two cal bosse f th rulnoUJ I _ In an attempt to ret Rhee to modl- rewarded by eight h~nOrary de- sue ot Reader s Digest. tatlOn of the 15th annual fIne arts floor. qUIt congress. weeks oC intensive traln/n, plus a . s or e upr Sfy hit stand. grees Mrs. Gilbreth was instrumental festival, will conclude the two S· It I th I cotn Incensed by the administration's summer vacation. 109, Grotewohl claimed 90 per Rhee showed little sign or end- . MallY Activities in encouraging the establishme?t weeks session o~ the All-State In- mit~:u v~~ee;u~/'ki1l e n:~~sDanlei maneuver to detour around his Approximately 25 Iowa high cent of those who have ned Red In. his stron, opposItion to an ar- . ?t the management course now 10 strumental MUSIC camp. Reed's own bill calUng Cor a 10 committee and spring the bot1led- school teachers will be,ln Q work- persecution In East Germany mlstlce. teilln, 500,000 che rinK tl I.~. addItion t?d he~ b~S~ .~~ a~- Its 14th year at SUI. Paul Van Bodegraven, director per cent slash in lndlvidual Ir- up tax bIll onto the house tloor. shop of theIr own at SUI on Mon- would return now-lured by hill South Koreans t n Seoul rally I Viles as If-res I en. 0 . I ret, Vernon Martin. general sales of bands and orchestra at New come taxes starting July l. Reed banted his list on the lable day. under the direction or Prot. retorm promises _ except thot '!'hur do that they m\lst b rt'ody nc .• co~su h 109 eng~n~ers 10 man- manager for M~ytag company. York university. and Paul Behm. That marked a second triumph and shouted In red-laced anler: Hlmie Voxmnn. ot the mualc de- th d ttl th "lltU od" to ntht to the death It a truce on • s d wO yearts Newton. will begm today's talks director of bands at Mason City, for the EIsenhower admlnistra- 'No Place for Me' partment. ey 0 no rus eel present 15 silln d. a~e;nen ~ St~ve t a~ tl'rm.~ ~e~s~r;::~ re~ation~ ate~a:w~:: co~- at ~0:30. a.m. in .studio E of the will conduct lh~ music groups. tion. The President has said re- "If that's what you're .oln, to The studenla wlll live In \101- in town and county ottlc S. Hal'l New Attat'k Engmeermg bul!dmg. .Featured s?lolst .for the concert peatedly that taxes should not do, this is no I?lace ror me-and verslty dormitories. where all Grote~ohl warned these local As the hour approached for the wll~ be JSOlce Richards. a r;>es cut until a bal- . I've becn here 35 years !llrhUnllthclr me'll! will be served. bosses 'they must climb down conter nee. Chine e Communi t5 Momes. East high ~chool junIor. anced budget Is ' principles In iovernment." lIIatl'ueu.n Vlrie" from their thrones and cstabll.h hurlld a 13.0oo-man attack behInd who Will ~la~ the vloli~ solo part In Sight.
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