24 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Wed.. Jan. 5. 1983 Woman's death !mith details fown plans traced to Anacin GOP position bigger l-park . p age 9 . p a ge 7 . p age 3 Cloudy today Manchester, Conn. and Friday Thursday, Jan. 6, 1983 — See page 2 Single copy 25<p 40% OFF Chief: 911 ALL WINTER BOOTS *7 u.*21 Our O ng.* 12.99 to 34.99 (T o to t m ( Iik Mik M.) violated 30% ALL LEATHER INSULATED WORK BOOTS By Raymond T. DeMeo Herald Reporter 27.99 t. 38.49 Four Eighth Utilities District Our Rtfl. 39.99 to 54.99 volunteer firefighters violated emergency dispatching procedures •LKlies’ Oorm Boots,ortg.* s.«9.. .. *4 when they responded, without being dispatched, to a New Y ea r’s Eve 'InlMimdUt. ni.ilulo*m takwi Not Ul tlylM md lim In lU tloiM LbniM lo tlora ■iock only medical emergency at a Tudor Lane apartment, according to a police of­ ficer’s report. 3 0 %"OFFT In a Jan. 1 report to his superiors, Police Officer Michael V. Ludlow AU said that the district firefighters only got in the way at the scene and fireplace I frightened the victim, who had suf­ fered a seizure. They also risked a possible acci­ equipment dent by driving a fire truck through a red light at a high rate of speed on EXAMPLES: their way to the 4 p.m. incident, while Ludlow’s cruiser stopped on [•Hart Glass Door Sctaans the green, the report said. our Police Chief Robert D. Lannan, Bug. 129.70........ < 8 8 who administered the 911 program, made the in-house report public at a •Hart KD Screans meeting he called Wednesday. ’The POLICE CHIEF LANNAN Our iwrKNsblef^lm k. meeting was attended by represen­ ftag.49.70 ............ 34.79 stiyw aitnlia^ft^ tatives of the town, police, town and . blasts District officials Eighth District fire departments, •Assambtod Sciaens (Wise.) ' Manchester Memorial Hospital, and of “ pirating and jumping calls. Our the Ambulance Service of “ It^may well be that the police Rug.99.70 ....................... 69.70 CORONAt. Manchester, Inc. ’The press was also may take some kind of legal remedy Conip6.ttQii*j . l/na>'n)ya jiiiwwa^y^*jQ ^ | y 'iyt>we»wv fa> JtW iTliia’ kind of, rtwUli>»u>>aall ' i jumping,” he said. “ Don’t take that .♦BarOraJle ,.5 .9 9 AN ANGRY LANNAN accused OutR.O.0.77........................ ttoroeone district fire chief John Christensen •Hewtb Rug 5 .9 9 aSeitayRr.. and district director Clancy Allain PleaHe turn lo page 10 ..............................................■ • :T -* T SITU, rtook only. 8 0 IW. w . InalM.* O w S iM Us* ‘Pretty-AS‘A Picture’ Air •KaroaamC iii^ am n lV The House opens shop Boyle's lawyer Freshener Our 0 0 4 Rsg.1.39 . .9 « 9 •Aladdin 11,900 « T U Ruiiialii The new session of the General Assembly opened Wednesday Kerosene Heater, itag. iiaMriiNHinv and the Manchester delegation to the House of Represen­ Guardsman tatives settled in. Clockwise from left, Rep. J. Peter Fusscas, R- wants to quit •Aladttet I^SOOBIU C ^ ec ien 5Sth District, applauds with Interest the session opening Furniture festivities, while Rep. Elsie L. “ B iz” Swensson, R-13th District, By Richard Cody defender, filed his motion to be Potish (14 oz.) finds time to polish her fingernails. Rep. James R. removed among five others this Herald Reporter Our -I O T •Corona: McCavanagh, D-12th District, gets comfortable in his new morning. It climaxed bitter disputes fts^2.19. I . Q f Karaaenel home on his first day In the House, checking to see what his VERNON — The defense attorney between himself and the court and desk has to offer. McCavanagh, a freshman. Is the first for Eklward F. Boyle today stunned prosecution. Sion ilaoli only. Sony, no mnclioclii. Democrat to hold that seat since 1978, the courthouse by asking to be Giedraitis implied this morning that K elly has not allowed him .1 removed as counsel for the accused killer. enough time to prepare adequately 2 $ % i m for the case, thereby damaging his I; Tolland County Superior Court client’s chances of iKing acquitted. Judge Eugene T. Kelly was ’The lawyer today also said that LENOX expected to hear the motion later when police were obtaining' a con­ today. Shw/rci' fession — vital to the prosecution’s Vincent Giedraltis, the public case — from Boyle, an assistant •Woo«an4VaH|#$.^’ director at the Whiting Forensic Institute, the state’s maximum •BsrtMSoi Shiws CruMD m a l security psychological hospital, was 1tSK„OurR«g.MBE«..........a *ar*Z .74 Reponds to DiRosa's attack threaten^ with arrest when she •StsyFfiM MM.Rsds m «% <ijjji!l.oriii_si;i^ tried to tell Boyle that he had the tNN,0urRn^2J»..... .... 2 .2 2 right to have a lawyer present. Giedraitis said the police threatened •CwaFnM FantySMsMs 4 t%g% her with the charge of obstructing 9 t t l , O u t Rag. 2.39............ 1.99 justice. •Soft Ssnas Skin LoOon 4 I 9 * f Penny soys he acted properly 1SaB.OarR.g.2J9...... ....... 1 . 9 7 HOYLE, 22, a former Bissell Street, Manchester resident, is ^ Mg% •ShowsrMiM SiloiMur So«o ^iSSSiiSSiiB(A'- 9y Paul Handria allowed Tedford to probs the GOP PE N N Y S AID he thinks It was a facing charges of felony murder, 12flaL,OurRt9.iS9.. — 1.49 MEANWHILE. THE Democrats Bennet conversion, the Democrats H erald R e p o rte r > plan — charged Wednesday that mistake for DiRosa and Diana to believe the “ best and highest use” have said, because construction third degree sexual assault and Penny “ abused and misused his post leave the meeting. for other schools that may close in must be completed by the end of attempted first degree sexual Democratic Mayor Stephen T. as chairman of the Board of Dlrec- "Obviously, Peter was em­ the near future w ill be to convert 1983 if investors, are to get tax assault regarding the strangulation Penny thU morning said he acted tors.” DiRosa said Tedford’s barrassed,” said Penny. "He was them to housing, too, said benefits. death of Louisa M. Scott, 20, in May properly and In a non^rtlsan questions were out of order, b^use embarrassed for two reasons. One Democratic Town Chairman of 1980. Cummings repeated Democratic tnanner at the Board of Directors ^ Republican plan was not the sub­ was that be was unprepared and, Theodore R. Cummings. He Boyle is a convicted rapist serving contentions that the GOP estimates EUREKA meeting Tuesday, when he allowed ject before the board. two, it was obvious to him that the predicted future school closings, a 8-12 year prison sentence. He also for construction costs at their 2-H.P. Democratic Director Kenneth N. The board was H»haHng a resolu- questions to be asked by Tedford is facing charges in connection with "W ith our neighborhood schools, proposed project are too low and Tedford to question Republican uon that aUowed the Mancheater would reveal the lack of preparation seven other rapes that allegedly oc­ Canister the best use would be to convert that they forgot to consider costs of directors about their bousing Redfevelopment Agency to prepare Into that proposal.” curred in Manchester in 1980. Vaetnan them to housing and bold onto the insurance, engineering, bonding and profioaal. to sell revenue bondi to flnamcon- Penny has said that under his To date, the Boyle case has been Cfaanar buildings in the long-run, as we are maintenance. overshadowed by heated disputes RepubUcan Director Petw P. version of the vacant Bennet School leadership, the minority DiRoia J7. - who angrily left the building to elderly bousing, doing with Bennet,” said Cum­ between Giedraitis, Kelly and the Republicans have been brought into mings. “ By the time you’re through r a . 7 0 ......... meeting along with Rapubllcan The Republicans qppose the the governing process through a (including these costs), you’re going prosecution. Giedraitis asked for more time to work on the case on OMras9.9aS9 . William J. Diana when Penny Bennet conversion and offered an bipartisan subcommittee system "This (Bennet debate) opens up to have rents of about $350,” said HMorUeftfos. alternative plan last week to build that Includes them in decision­ tlie dialogue,” he continued. "W here Chimmings. ’Those rents would be ’Tuesday, but K elly said he felt there iwUcft, « t f g » WBWWiDisWicww elderly hoofing adjacent to the making. But be has warned that if do we uae our limited resources? Do comparable to rents at Bennet. had been ample time. wWiynw ' - m m m Senior Citlsens Center, financed by the Republicans want to be partisan, we build new housing, as the During an exchange of words OOWIM OOiy^Nilt PENNY SAID the Republican wHhtoolitil ' g t t S t o e T v O A l l ' general obligation bonds and a sale they risk forfeiting their role in the Republicans propose? Or do we use ’Tuesday, Giedraitis opened his brief proposal doesn’t add up, although ^ of Bennet. Tadfotd chose the diacua- governing process. our dollars to turn these closed case and tossed out his work to ^ rion o f the banding msolutloo to the concept Is fine. He said the con­ prove to Kelly he had a lot to “ I sympathise with Peter to the schools into housing and get some M pages, 3 secUona challenge the practicality of the cept had been proposed several research. He also shouted twice at extent that be Is under pressure further use out of the buildings? Or can we do both? We have only so years ago by the Democrats, but so the judge, complaining that K elly from bis chairman to lend bis en­ A r e i ^ w n s .............................
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