www.ijcrt.org © 2018 IJCRT | Volume 6, Issue 1 March 2018 | ISSN: 2320-2882 Litter carbon and nitrogen dynamics along an elevation gradient in the Darjeeling Himalaya *1Samjetsabam Bharati Devi, 2Suratna Sur Shan Sher Sherpa, 3Kishor Sharma 1Ph.D. Scholar, 2IFS, 3Ph.D. Scholar, 1Department of Ecology and Environmental Sciences, School of Life Sciences, Pondicherry University, Kalapet, Puducherry-605014, India 2Divisional Forest Officer, Kurseong Forest Division, West Bengal Forest Department, Government of West Bengal, Dow-Hill, Kurseong, Darjeeling, West Bengal-734203, India 3Department of Zoology, School of Life Sciences, Sikkim University, 6th Mile, Samdur, P.O. Tadong, Gangtok, Sikkim-737102, India ABSTRACT: High altitude forest and soil have large carbon and nitrogen pools. In this study an attempt has been made to understand the role of litter in carbon storage in different forests type occurring along the elevation. Both carbon and nitrogen play an important role in nutrient cycling as well as an indicator of the global climate change. Carbon stock have been widely studied however, however available nitrogen stock studies is negligible.The litter carbon stock in Indian forests have increase from 131 to 136 (million tonnes) during 2015 to 2017 (ISFR, 2017). Many studies have been conducted in temperate and tropical forests, however the fundamental aim of this paper is to assess litter carbon and nitrogen at different forest type including tropical deciduous forest, temperate forests, and sub alpine forests present in three protected areas, Mahananda Wildlife Sanctuary, Neora Valley National Park, and Singalila National Park, respectively of Darjeeling Himalaya. Singalila National Park has the highest carbon (%) and C:N ratio whereas Neora Valley National Park has highest Nitrogen (%) in litter. Litter Carbon (%) increased from year 1 (40.45±0.95) to year 2 (40.94±0.96), Nitrogen (%) increased from year 1 (0.96±0.01) to year 2 (1.01±0.01), however, C:N ratio decreased from Year 1 to year 2. Litter Carbon (%) and C:N ratio increased with elevation whereas Nitrogen (%), declined with elevation in Darjeeling Himalaya. KEYWORD: Litter, Eastern Himalayas, Protected areas, Carbon (%), Nitrogen (%), C:N ratio, Altitude. I. INTRODUCTION The atmospheric carbon dioxide content has risen from 315 ppm in the year 1958 to 408 ppm in 2018 (NOAA, 2018).Carbon sequestration is one of the solutions, which could potentially help in mitigation of global climate change. Taking in consideration of elevation gradient is a reliable tool to study the temperature sensitivity of litter decay (Malhi et al., 2010). The soil can act as a sink or source depending on input and decomposition of litter. Litter decomposition and its rate have huge impact in accumulation of nutrient in the upper surface layer as well as limitation of nutrients to the primary producers (Melillo, 1982). Around 35% of the global carbon sink is contributed by litter, soil, deadwood and harvested wood and they constitute 60% of the global stock (Pan et al., 2011). C:N ratio serve as a good indicator of quality of organic matter however they are most likely to be wrongly interpreted if the two controlling variables are wrongly calculated (Batjes, 1996). Soil can store twice as more carbon than the atmosphere and for a longer period of time. The soil carbon depends on how the net primary productivity and decomposition rate changes relative to each other (Liski, 1999).The increase in carbon concentration in the atmosphere will lead to accumulation of more aboveground litter , which in turn will enhanced soil respiration. The litterfall represents a major pathway through which carbon and nutrients exchange happening between the soil and vegetation. Litter fall are more likely to affect the below ground processes (Sayer et al, 2011). The interaction between carbon and nitrogen cycle will control the response of forest against future climate change (Zak et al, 2003). The world forests have carbon pool of 1500-1800 PgC, out of this 37% is present in low latitude forests, 14% in middle latitude forest and 49% is in high latitude forest (Dixon et al., 1994).The carbon stored in soil increases from Tropical, temperate to boreal. Carbon sequestration has to be enhanced by delaying the rate of decomposition, which will lead to conservation of carbon in the humic form. Nitrogen plays a very important role in humification as well as stabilization (Prescott, 2010). The greater availability of litter means more food substrate for micro-organisms, which may lead to more respiration further enhancing the overall global warming effect. Therefore it is necessary to understand litter quantity and its component of a specific forest type with precision. Litter is defined as organic horizon (all the leaves, twigs, small branches, fruits, flowers, roots and bark) on the mineral soil surface (IPCC, 2006). Three general components that determine decomposition processes including physical parameters such as climate and mineralogy of the parent material, the quality of the decomposing resources, and organisms (Swift et al., 1979).The litter carbon may be different in same forest as well as between forest types. The turnover time of litter carbon is more or less about three years which makes the soil more of a source then sink, this is one of the constraint of litter carbon (Schlesinger et al., 2001). In a study conducted in Western IJCRT1803031 International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) www.ijcrt.org 943 www.ijcrt.org © 2018 IJCRT | Volume 6, Issue 1 March 2018 | ISSN: 2320-2882 Himalayas, the litter carbon ranges 1.1 to 1.4 Mg/ ha which accounts for about 8% of total carbon (Dar et al., 2015). West Bengal has total geographical area (TGA) of 88,752 km2 and the total Carbon stock of forests is 163.201 million tonnes which is 2.3% of total carbon of the country (ISFR, 2017). The study of litter carbon is important as it contributes to carbon stock of terrestrial as well as soil. The world forest has a carbon stock of 861±66 PgC, Highest carbon stock is in soil with 383±30PgC (44%) and least carbon stock is in litter with 43±3 PgC, contributing 5% of the total carbon pool (Pan et al., 2011). In the present study we hypothesized that (1) litter Carbon (%) increases along elevation, (2) litter nitrogen (%) is highest in temperature forest, and (3) temperature and precipitation are the main driving force in controlling carbon and nitrogen dynamics along the elevation in Darjeeling Himalaya. II. MATERIALS AND METHODS 2.1 Study area and study sites The study was carried out in three protected areas of Darjeeling Himalayas. Mahananda Wildlife Sanctuary (MWLS), Neora Valley National Park (NVNP), Singalila National Park (SNP) situated at different elevation range (Fig. 1). The study sites are: the Eastern Himalayan Sal Forest (3C/C1a(i)) in the MWLS, the East Himalayan Montane Wet Temperate Forest (11B/C1c) in the NVNP and East Himalayan Sub-alpine Birch/Fir Forest (14/C2) in the SNP. Each of these study sites has a unique assemblage of species thus having distinctive forest type. MWLS (Panchanai) is located in the eastern lowland Himalayas. It covers an area of 159 km2. The Sanctuary is dominated by Sal species (Shorea robusta). Neora Valley National Park (Rachila) is located in the Kalimpong Sub- Division of Darjeeling district, it covers 88 km2 and highest point of this national park is Rachila Danda. Neora Valley National Park has a wide altitudinal range of 183 m - 3200 m. Singalila National Park (Phalut) covers an area of 80 km2 and it is located in Singalila range. The Singalila range (Phalut) forms the eastern part of the Great Himalayas, and is in the tri-junction of Nepal, West Bengal and Sikkim. It forms the north-western boundary of Darjeeling district and altitude ranges from 2400 m to 3650 m. The objective of the study was to assess annual carbon and nitrogen dynamics along the elevation gradient of Darjeeling Himalaya. Soils are shallow to deep, pale brown to dark brown in colour and coarse to moderately fine textured, acidic, high in organic carbon and low in CEC and base saturation (Ray and Mukhopadhyay 2012). Most of the soils of this region are developed due to fluvial action or by lithological disintegration (Majumdar et al. 2014). The rock formations belong to the Darjeeling gneiss, daling series, schist sand shales, gondwana and the tertiary system (Banerjee, 2014). Darjeeling has 1370 km2 of forests in dense and moderately dense category which is 43.51% of the TGA of 3149 km2 (ISFR 2017). The three study sites have distinct climatic pattern (Fig. 2). 2.2 Study design and data collection Each of the three study sites were divided into different elevational transects and 20x 20 m quadrats were laid and investigated ranging from 154m to 3450 ml. A total number of 153 samples were collected, 51 from each respective protected areas for both year 1 (2014) and year 2 (2015). Thus we collected 306 samples in the span of two years. The sampling was designed in a way in which we used 1m*1m wooden frame with a same dimension mesh fitted inside it and kept under the dominant tree of each forest type. The litter collected in the mesh was kept in tagged bags. The tagged bags were weighed in the field. The bags were subjected to immediate oven drying in the laboratory to ensure minimal loss. The litter bags were oven dried at 65° C 24 hrs until dried thoroughly, it is later removed from the oven and kept at the room temperature for about 24 hrs to equilibrate (Murphy et al, 1998). The sample was weighed and ground in powder form by using a grinder and unwanted particles were removed by passing it through 2 mm sieve.
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