Complete Local News Top Advertising Results KfOP Astride All The Activities Our Family Of Over 9,000 Readers Of The Town With Your Is A Valuable Market For Home-Town Paper All Our Advertisers CartereCARTEKET, N. J., FRIDAYt , JULY 19, 1957 PRICE BOOT CENTS Playfields for Attendance Ot 4 Streets: Awards ontests Luring Kurgo All things must end (>roupH of Children to cm i-1 im1' We are resigned to Delayed Until Monday !;<• that we must take Borough I'lay Areas in r , u:ition alone, and that mr 110 C A R T E R E T—The contests companion. We sur- sponsored by the Carteret Recrea- V. S. Metals is Arranging of Jacoby is I1(|n ourselves passively to the tion Department 'ire drawing rx- Lou (Hut we win have a good ccptlonnlly large crowds of chll- 1 clren to the playRrounds. Commls- Aired, But Paid; linK i' sloncr Walter 3ullivan and Rc;1- For Open House August 29 reation Director Thorans Counnli- CARTBRET — Freeman H. Insure the safety of the vlsl'ois lln predict record registration on Donovan Objects Ks before schools closed, Dyke, General Manticer of the ns they are sulded through the all playr.rniind? in contests and Mie U. S. Metals Refining Company, various opcurtlns departments. imilli five us definite notice I arts and craft program of the de- CARTERKT — Borough Coun- announced today that the plant The General Committee ap- !,(. is not to be counted In jpartment. cil last night received bid* for will conduct an Open House on pointed to work on the Open ;l aiinn plans. He bluntly Thursday, August 29, to ccle- paving of four streets, but post- ,, tliat he had other plans ! Tlie Wnshlnston School play- House prouinm is composed of ground sponsored a watermelon brate the 70th Anniversary of poned action on awards until next ,<„miner and strewed the manaRcment and union person- !uatins contest with four age levels. the founding of the parent com- nel, i Monday night when a special r, ,|,,it he a 16 years and pany. The American Metal meeting will be held for that pur- In the girls division up to nine Mr. J. L. Carney. Director of Llir nmiitJis old and we.should NO SUMMER RKCF.SS: There wll be a ureat activity rifht through the summer at St. Joseph's, be- years of aue, Margie Grandell won Compnny. Ltd. The Open House pose. m realize that he Industrial Relations is the ; has causr for the next, school season the parochial school expects a record enrollment. Here shown map- first prize with Mary Ann D'Ales- will be conducted at the local A bid by Dras Construction Chairman. Other committee up. pine Plans fnr the school are left to right; Rev. Aloyslus M. Bnland, OS1M, cunitc; Rev. Louis M. sio and Ludmilla Trumach tleing plant from 10 A. M. to 4 P. M. Company. EnglUhtown for paving members are W. Lnwlor, C. Cortney. OSM pastor and spiritual director of the school and Rev. Joseph M. Mulroy, OSM. curate. for second place., in tlie girl's divi- The public is invited. of New Jersey Avenue was way Hemsel, S. Comba, E. Brantley, p.isi years, the planning sion up to twelve years of BRC, The marks the first time in out of line with other bids and a , ,ir ,1 vacation was as much Linda Surowka won first prize tlie history of the U. S. Metals J. Scheln, L. Curran, R. Wetzel. computation of Individual items ,. ,i vacation itself. In se- with Donna Gavron, Nancy Crom- that the public has been Invited M. Rosenblum, D. Bachimn, R. showed that the firm was off some U.S.M.R. Awards St. Joseph 's Teachers Inspect well, Patricia Penska, and Marilyn ;., ;i vacation spot, Junior to to^i- the plant area. Special Graves. J. Towers. J. Turk, and $5,000. • ijipcrmost in our mind. If Balaris showing, in the boys divi- preparations are being made to A. Marclniak. sion up to nine years of age Peter Dras asked $5,937.34 for the i fun. our vacation holl- ;ll 36 Service Pins Sees Record ' Westvaco Plant Senyszyn won first prize with New Jersey Avenue job, Other , ., written down M a per- :1 i George Lovas, Edward Goreckl. bidders were Halecrest Contract- ..inxess. We were satisfied CARTERET—Thirty-year sei'v-1 CARTERET — The local Wcst- Edward Radomski and Joseph ing Co,. Metuchen. $11,644.80; „ ;,;vny from the regular Rosary Society Ice buttons were awarded to four j Enrollment 1 vaco Mineral Products Division Chomiak showing, 1n the boys dlvl- Manzo Contracting Co.. Matawan, , MI on the veranda and employees: Stephen Comba. 548 plant played host to fifteen school j to twelve years of age Rob- $13,427.90 and Middlesex Con- :i nie people come and go. s onup crete Products and Excavation l,n Barron Avenue. Woodbridge, Su-i CARTERET — St. Joseph's teachers on Wednesday. The na won first prize with To Mark Jubilee ert DoD Company, Woodbridge. $11,135.05. pervisor in the Plant Cafeteria; - Parochial School expects a re- group visited the plant as part of I pau\ piuta. Dennis Pascal, Roman plans, he »ald, included Louis Rodrmuez, 905 Mountain', cord enrollment of 900 pi$lls a three week program sponsored JHatowski, Thomas Pascal, Joseph CARTERET — Final arrange- The Dras Company however :.r,: a job for the summer Avenue, Springfield. Foreman in , when the 1951-195? school sea- by the New Jersey Council for)Lovas, Richard Usenski, Arthur ments are being made by the Ro- was lowest bidder on the other three Jobs. Its bid for paving ol Mv:na enough money to the Yard Department: Leon N$l- son opens. Rev. Louis M. Cort- Economic Education, which is stelzle, and Stephen ScBsyszyn siiry Society of the Holy Family \ Carteret Avenue from Taylor Ave- , r;u when he reaches hU son, 517 Leon Avenue. Woofl- ney. OSM.. spiritual director of held at Montclalr State Teachers' ishowing., Church for the banquet to be held : nue to Jackson Avtnue was $12.- I,:/, ii;;iiiday next March. Sure bridgc, Instrument Technician in the school revealed today. Collegs. J Grant Avenue Winners AuRust 11 in the St. Demetrius' 266.34. Other bids were: Hale- , i.: h. a few dajp before the Power Department; and. Wa- "This figure ij way above the The day's activities included a ; The Grant Avenue playground Ukrainian Community Center to ,.,iis closed, Junior an- crest, $16,376.44; Mnnz, $16,639.- lenty Waselcuk, 101 Pulaskl Ave- enrollment of last y«ar and the plant tour, luncheon with com- held a doughnut eating contest mark the 50th anniversary of the 128 and Middlesex Concrete, $15,- i.-rii that he had found a nue, Carteret. Section Inspector largest ever for theschool," pany officials and representatives with the following girls entered in ormmizntion ot the society. An ;i,i\:nz $16.50 a week and In the Tank Father Cortney said. of Local 144. International Chem-, the seven to nine years group, Intenisliii!: program Is being ;• liirouuh his own cnter- ical Workers' Union, and seperate Gloria Ann Trucke, Mischella Arthur Avenue, Dras, $3,738.50; • ,md initiative, i Joseph Kopln, Foreman in the The Increased enrollment will Halecrest, *5,U8.00 and Middlesex require two additional class- discussions with each pf those Menda, Louise Ehman, Christine Tlie Rosary Society was organ- > • • OPHC Department, received a 25- Concrete, $4,720.80. rooms and two more lay groups, r. Smollen. Stella Carr and Eileen ized in 1907. under the direction year award. Joe resides at 43 Tluclce Lelck Avenue, Dras, $3,269.68; , had to admit that he had teachers. For the next school The purpose of the three week ' Christine Smollen was of Reverend Stephen Wier/.ynski, Chrome Avenue, Carteret. dcclared winncr ln lhls cont( stl Halecrest, $5,037.65; Manzo. $5,- vtter than we could do year, there will be a total of program, as explained by a Coun- i , ' the pastor. There were only seven ! Eleven employees of the. plant ll n 1 651.00 and Middlesex Concrete, :.;in in quest of a Job. We 16 facility members, which in- jell representative, Is to give school ^J'{£ jf R^ ^" Mali- members, but soon the number was received 20-year awards; John $4,000.75. pqii;i"ri of several business eludes five lay teachers, teachers a, better understanding i, _ . „ , _ ... ' ' Increased. The first president Was r.- In some, we were told Mitro, 11 Edwin Street, Carteret. Balails He!en Brltton RomU Bogumilla Makwlnski and with A resolution was approved ask- St, Joseph's expect's 120 pu- of our American economic system'^ ' ' 1 KAB1JI LEWIS BKENNER :t too late, that needed Yard; Joseph Skrypocski, 147 Gavron, Eileen Kovacs, Nancy , her as organizers were Kalhryn ing State Aid for paving ol Louis pils In the kindergarten, 10 over and how it functions. The discus Cp «.is already engaged. In Lowell Street, Carteret, Labora- !Cromwell, Jean Yapchinsky. Ar- NAMED TO POST: Rabbi Lewis Bolewicz, Antonettc Mnltwlnskl, I Street. last year. This will mean two sions with both management and ! •\f were Riven hope that tory: Joseph Gronsky, 13 Salem (lene Kubicka. Patricia Kerchef- ., Carteret, has been ', M'aryann Smolensk!, and. Mary Property owners of New York classes. There will be three first i union representatives give the 4 re was any Opening,,. Jun- , Avenue. Cartejc, t, Scjrap Pl%nt; (participants an opportunity to sky v Lorraine Hudak and Kathei-j iWmfMiifl_tii£,.EiteciiUjte Board of Czajlcowski. Avenue petitioned for paving and (Continued on Page iniri be given cbnsldera- ' William Pluta.
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