Pan American Journal Special report of Public Health Community mental health, primary health care, and health-promoting universities in Ecuador* Victoriano Camas Baena1 Suggested citation (original manuscript) Camas Baena V. Salud mental comunitaria, atención primaria de salud y universidades promotoras de salud en Ecuador. Rev Panam Salud Publica. 2018;42:e162. https://doi.org/10.26633/RPSP.2018.162 ABSTRACT The objective of this paper is to describe the current situation of mental health in Ecuador. In Ecuador, although the model of community mental health has been integrated into primary health care services for a decade, its implementation does not seem to have achieved the expected results. It is pertinent to explore the causes of this situation and to propose alterna- tives, taking into account the contributions of social medicine, collective health, and partici- patory action research as emblematic models in Latin America in the field of mental health. For an effective implementation of community mental health in primary care in Ecuador, the role of universities is central, specifically in projects linked to the community and in pre- professional practices in health science careers. These projects allow the promotion of commu- nity mental health at the first level of health care from a critical perspective, open to complex- ity and based on the principle that the community is the main active subject of social transformation. Key words Mental health; primary health care; community participation; universities; Ecuador The mental health system in Ecuador conditions. Furthermore, it recognizes the promotion, care, and recovery of in- has evolved over the past decade and the role of users, families, and social or- dividual, family, and community health is hailed as one of the main achieve- ganizations, as well as the central as a human right (2). ments of the country’s integrated fam- role of health professionals, especially Other significant steps forward in ily, collective, and intercultural health those who work in the primary care this process have been the Strategic care model (modelo de atención integral services (1). National Plan and the Mental Health de salud familiar, colectivo e intercultural – Since 2007, the national government Care Model 2015–2017, which have MAIS-FCI). In this model, mental health has sought to follow the principles sought to replace the curative/hospital- is considered to depend not only on agreed upon by the member states of the focused model with a community biological factors but also on living World Health Organization (WHO) at care model. For this purpose, they have Alma-Ata 40 years ago—namely: to pro- promoted the development of PHC * Official English translation from the original tect and promote the health of all the services and coordination between Spanish manuscript made by the Pan American people of the world, with primary health these centers and the second level of Health Organization. In case of discrepancy, the original version (Spanish) shall prevail. care (PHC) as the guiding principle of an care, facilitating the process of deinstitu- 1 Facultad de Psicología, Universidad Laica Eloy integrated health system. This model tionalization (3). Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador. Send corre- spondence to Victoriano Camas Baena, vcamas. seeks to replace the medical-biologistic- Despite the foregoing achievements, [email protected] curative approach with one focused on the mental health system in Ecuador has This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 IGO License, which permits use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. No modifications or commercial use of this article are permitted. In any reproduction of this article there should not be any suggestion that PAHO or this article endorse any specific organization or products. The use of the PAHO logo is not permitted. This notice should be preserved along with the article’s original URL. Rev Panam Salud Publica 42, 2018 1 Special report Camas Baena • Community mental health and health-promoting universities in Ecuador limitations that make it difficult to imple- effective implementation. And there is approach proposed by public agencies— ment this new legislation. They include: still another highly important drawback: comes up short. From the perspective the existing academic and professional being proposed here, CMH is an innova- 1. Insufficient funding in a budget that training programs are unable to prepare tive proposal within the panorama of the gives priority to supporting the sec- the human resources needed to meet the social and health sciences. Unlike the ond and third levels of care. In 2012, legal requirements for offering CMH prevailing traditional models in psychia- the total allocation for health was US$ within PHC. Even though recent years try and clinical psychology, which prefer 1,881,061,107, of which only 0.44% have seen progress in the development to focus on the study and treatment of (US$ 8,308,210) was designated for of higher education in this area, many disease, the integrated CMH proposal mental health, and of this amount, health professionals in Ecuador do not approaches its task from the perspective 98.57% was for psychiatric hospitals. have specific training in mental health at of health promotion and protection us- This trend continued in 2014, when the undergraduate or graduate level. To ing an investigative methodology that only 1.46% of the health budget was compound the problem, pre-professional includes community participation (9). set aside for mental health, and al- practices in the health science programs The increase in psychopathologies and most half was for investments in psy- are based on the hospital-focused model psychosocial problems is all the more chiatric hospitals (4). (7). Furthermore, few academic or health reason to seek an integrative approach 2. The primary mental health care ser- institutions offer community-oriented that is not limited to working with vices do not have enough profession- in-service practicums in mental health, individuals and their particular set of als or PHC centers to meet the needs nor do university-level teachers have problems/psychopathology, but rather of users. This situation often leads specific competency in health promo- extends attention, evaluation, and pre- them to “self-refer” to institutions at tion. The exception is the graduate pro- vention to the family and community the second and third levels of care (5). gram in family medicine, which includes level. The integrated CMH model en- 3. Most of the professionals who work training in mental health, capacity- compasses problems in the community, in the PHC centers lack resources, building to handle mental health prob- including active engagement in social competencies, and expertise in the lems, management of psychotherapeutic participation and the incorporation of area of mental health––much less in agents, and systemic psychotherapy, but mental health in PHC, with priority on community mental health. It is there- the depth of the training varies among the prevention of psychopathologies/ fore quite challenging for them to universities (8). Against this background, psychosocial problems and the promo- meet the needs of users and comply the specific objectives of this manuscript tion of mental health (10). with the terms in the Integrated are to reflect on some ideas for integrat- Bearing in mind the above, we now Family Health Care Model (MAIS). ing CMH into PHC; discuss the complex- turn to the proposals offered by the As a result, they tend to refer users ity of the issue from a critical perspective; Latin American social medicine/collec- to facilities at the second and third and suggest the fundamental role that tive health movement, especially its main levels of care. universities can play in improving health authors in Ecuador, as basic theoretical, 4. At the same time, the mental health care in the context of pre-professional methodological, praxeological, and above system in Ecuador continues to favor practices and outreach to the collectivity. all ethical and political references for re- the biomedical model for evaluation, In addressing social and community thinking and reformulating the country’s diagnosis, and interventions, omit- practices in health from this perspective, current model and the community mental ting the family and community com- we rely on the rich theoretical output of health policies, particularly within the ponent. Because of this limitation, the Latin American social medicine/col- context of primary health care. The Ecua- mental health care tends to focus on lective health movement. dorian authors of this school of social reducing symptoms in the individual medicine emphasize the importance of without considering the family and Community mental health and expanding the country’s current vision of community context. This is one of the primary health care: a critical health. They point to the deterioration of reasons why the numbers of cases overview services provided under the logic of the continues to rise in the health centers, unicausal biomedical paradigm, which along with psychosocial problems in As indicated above, CMH requires a has clearly failed to solve growing health the community. The current public detailed, substantive, and well-inten- problems (11). health scenario is governed by a pa- tioned policy along with legal
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