2018 THE LEGO GROUP MARKETING PLAN PRINCIPLES OF DIGITAL MARKETING FERNANDO ORTENBLAD SIGAUD The Lego Group Contents 1.0 Executive SummAry .......................................................................................................... 3 2.0 Situation Analysis ............................................................................................................. 4 2.1. BrAnd Profile................................................................................................................. 4 2.1.1. BrAnd Description .................................................................................................. 4 2.1.2. BrAnd Positioning .................................................................................................. 4 2.1.3. BrAnd Assets .......................................................................................................... 4 2.2. Market SummAry .......................................................................................................... 5 2.2.1. DemogrAphics ....................................................................................................... 5 2.2.2. Market WAnts ....................................................................................................... 5 2.3. Market Trends .............................................................................................................. 6 2.4. Market Size And Growth ............................................................................................... 6 2.5. Buyer Profiles ............................................................................................................... 6 2.5.1. Buyer PersonAs ...................................................................................................... 6 2.5.2. Buyer Needs And WAnts ........................................................................................ 7 3.0 Competitive AnAlysis ........................................................................................................ 8 3.1. PrimAry Competition .................................................................................................... 8 3.2. Competitor Products/Services And Pricing .................................................................... 8 3.3. Competitor Positioning And MArket ShAre .................................................................... 8 3.4. Competitor MArketing AnAlysis..................................................................................... 9 3.4.1. Keyword UtilizAtion ............................................................................................... 9 3.4.2. Website Design And UsAbility ................................................................................ 9 3.4.3. Social Media Utilization ....................................................................................... 10 3.4.4. Other MArketing TActics ...................................................................................... 10 3.5. SWOT Analysis (or STEEPLE)........................................................................................ 11 4.0 Marketing StrAtegies ...................................................................................................... 12 4.1. PromotionAl GoAls And Objectives .............................................................................. 12 4.2. Marketing Action PlAn ................................................................................................ 12 4.3. IntegrAted MArketing CommunicAtions ...................................................................... 13 4.4. Customer Acquisition, Customer Retention, Conversion ............................................. 14 5.0 Content Publishing PlAn ................................................................................................. 15 5.1. Distribution StrAtegy................................................................................................... 15 5.1.1. BrAnd Key MessAges ............................................................................................... 15 Fernando SIgaud Page 1 of 21 The Lego Group 5.1.2. MessAge TArgeting .................................................................................................. 16 5.1.3. MessAge PlAcement ................................................................................................ 16 6.0 References ..................................................................................................................... 17 7.0 Appendices .................................................................................................................... 20 A. EditoriAl CAlendAr........................................................................................................... 20 B. SWOT Analysis .................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. C. TacticAl Action Plan ........................................................................................................ 20 D. Keywords ....................................................................................................................... 21 Fernando SIgaud Page 2 of 21 The Lego Group 1.0 Executive Summary The Lego Group is A DAnish toy mAnufActurer compAny focused on creAting Lego bricks, thAt consists of colorful interlocking plAstic bricks AccompAnying An ArrAy of geArs, mini figures, And various other pArts (lego.com, 2018). The Lego Group use imAginAtion to inspire new wAys to delight their brAnd fAns. With continuous innovAtion And brAnd loyAlty, Lego uses their bricks products to creAte new ways of plAying for children in both genders And Adults with A young heArt. As a popular product sold all over the world, Lego is fun for children And Adults of All Ages, with more thAn A thousAnd products sets And severAl collections. Lego over the past five yeArs stArted to develop movies, video gAmes, And theme pArks to keep up with new trends And consumer needs. The purpose of this mArketing plAn is to outline how The Lego Group cAn AttrAct And retAin customers, compete AgAinst competitors, creAte mArketing strAtegies And distribute content. The plAn is divided into four pArts, first situAtion AnAlysis thAt focuses on presenting the Lego brAnd, their primAry Assets And demogrAphic, followed by specific buyer personas And the buyer's needs And wAnts for Lego products. Second, will present A competitive AnAlysis, thAt will focus on toy mAnufActures due to their intense competition over the yeArs And becAuse Lego core product is toys. This section will detAil whAt Lego mAins competitors, MAttel And HAsbro Are creAting And AnAlyze if they use wisely their sociAl mediA plAtforms, websites, And keywords. A SWOT AnAlysis will conclude this section, to compAre Lego with their competitors. Third, Lego MArketing strAtegies, to explAin Lego new promotionAl goAls And An Action to promote Lego products to engAge And cAll customers Attention to purchAse Lego products. FinAlly, to conclude A content publishing plAn thAt will explAin Lego distribution strAtegy, key messAges, And tArgeted messAge. Fernando SIgaud Page 3 of 21 The Lego Group 2.0 Situation Analysis 2.1. Brand Profile 2.1.1. Brand Description The Lego Group is the second lArgest toy mAnufActurer in the world. As privAte family-owned compAny from DenmArk, Lego sells their products All over the globe with quAlity, originAlity And creAtivity. A company committed to the development of children’s, that aims to inspire the builders of tomorrow through creAtive plAy, fun And imAginAtion (Lego.com, 2018). 2.1.2. Brand Positioning The Lego Group use imAginAtion to inspire new wAys to delight their brAnd fans. With continuous innovAtion And brAnd loyAlty, Lego uses their bricks products to creAte new wAys of plAying for children in both genders And Adults with A young heArt. Where Lego use their bricks products to develop new wAys to hAve fun, increAse creAtivity And mAke relAtionships get closer. 2.1.3. Brand Assets Being one of the biggest toys mAnufActures in the world, The Lego Group hAve different products And Assets that combined mAnage to show to customers the power of the brAnd. The Lego Logo is simple, unique And with three colors thAt mAnAge to cAll Any children Attention when they look At the shelves in A toy retAiler. A word thAt remembers A good quAlity of plAy, And inspires imAginAtion, And creAtivity. Another logo relevant to the brAnd is LegolAnd, thAt AppeAl to nine theme pArks locAted worldwide thAt tArgeted fAmilies thAt Are looking for An interActive theme pArk, where their children's cAn explore their imAginAtion inside the Lego world. FinAlly, the products, where since the start of the compAny up to nowAdAys Lego hAs creAted thousAnds of products sets And hAve been expAnding their brAnd in recent years to video gAmes, theme pArks, And movies. Using the fAmous Lego bricks, the compAny Are cApAble of recreAting StAr WArs spAceships, drAgons, boAts And Any other product to AttrAct customers Attention And show to them the best of Lego. Lego Logo LegolAnd PArks Logo Lego StAr WArs Millennium FAlcon Set Fernando SIgaud Page 4 of 21 The Lego Group 2.2. Market Summary 2.2.1. Demographics Lego mAin customers Are children's between the Ages of 5 to 12 yeArs old And parents that Are looking for products where their children cAn leArn while plAying. Over the lAst twenty yeArs due to the competitive mArket, Lego hAs to increAse their demogrAphics reAch, focusing on specific demogrAphics to spreAd their populArity
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