S-0981-0003-06-00001 Expanded Number S-0981 -0003-06-00001 Title Items-in-Public interest correspondence - a-2 Public interest and opinion Date Created 03111/1940 Record Type Archival Item Container S-0981 -0003: United Nations Conference on International Organization (UNCIO) subject files Print Name of Person Submit Image Signature of Person Submit II I June 251, 1945. My dear Mr. Anderson:, Your letter of April 29, 1945 and the accompa- nying package of booklets has been received, Thank you for your courtesy in makting the Acauaian AMe Text Book available to the Delegates to the Tnitod Nations Conference. Sincerely yours# For the Secretary General: IBNW1MVOAT Bryant Mumf ord Acting Information Officer Mdr. 1ohn I. Anderson,$ Rouite S Box 289., Raymond, Washington. IS:IOG: ANIEL: SGT ,24. /'kp ,;2:f4ý ec, --,ý /9-0ýýW opzaýý 12e--Cl4- y. "14 -ý3 ý1/191r4:$, June 23, 19415. -My-dear Mr. Abond: I acknowledge the cablegrami of Jine 4,s 1945 signed by you and by Messrs. Jaruchi and Yossef in which reference is made to recent events In the Near iiilast. You are of course aware that the purpose of the San Francisco Conference Is to formulate the best possible charter for an international organ- izatIon to maintal~n paeace and security for all people of the world regardless of race, color, religion, or sex, It is devoting its energies and its labors exclusively to this task. The organization being planned will niot come Into existence until after ratification of the charter and it would therefore be inappropriate to place the matter referred to In your cablegram on the agenda of this Conference. 'Sincerely yours-, For the Secretary General: BRYANT MUMFORD~ Bryant Mumford Acting Information Officer Mr. Nicoolau Abond, Andradina (Pros Lagoas) State or Sao ?aulo.. Brazil. :IS: iOC:STONE:SGT C. 4 4/ , 4 1,24 (TRANSLATION) ,5- CABLEGRMJ Tres Le~goas, Brazil, June 4, 1945 The President of' the Conference San Francisco The Syrian-Lebanese colony of Andr'adina, State of' Sao Paulo,,. Brazil, appeals to the higher authority of' world justice for the guarantee of the freedom and independence of the weak, oppressed people and for saving the lives of' unarmed civilians. Salutations. The Committee Nicolau Abond, F~ussian Jaruchi, Mlas Yosse' (Transl. by ff. C. Fill) (Rev. by J. V. McCali) 'r -t (TRANsLATlON) Tree Lagoas, Brasl, JýUne 4., 1945 The President of the Conference San Wtanoi000 The Syrian-Lebenese colony of Andradina,. State of' Sao Paulo, Brazfl$, appeals to the Migher authority of' wldjustice for the guarantee of the freedom and independence of the weak, oppressed people and for saving the, lives of unarmed civilians. The Committee Nicolan Abond, Russian Jaruohi, Elias Yegsef (Ttranl, bylH. C. illM) (Rev,*by J. V.ý lUctll) CLASS OFSSRvicE 1201 SYMBOLS 'This is- a. fiM-rate WSE `t Telegram or Cable- NLierLtcN-ih~te its ae- gram.erecharacter unless is in-I I ' I ( i I\ I LC-Defer-redCable dicatei by asutble I I ' I ~ 1 I~ symbol abve or pre- LClkNhtLte c~eding the'address.A.NWLLMShi dogs i. I PRESIDENT The filing time shown in the date fine on telegrams and day letters is STANDARiD TIME; at point of origin. Time of receipt is STAN~DARD TIME at point of destination *F AP-4 1- VNTLI_ýCD TR.ESL AGO AS iKIT V IA ALI A,, E- I CA 40 ýE A! _11 T DmFI Q I ~T)F7NITrI f fQI:N r' A 1945 JUN 6 PM 3 57 0?14 FA IRONT SFIAN- .G0OLJO", I S IRIO0 L fBANESE ANDRADINA E§TAD0 SAG PAULO DRAS11, ,'",.,A4~AIORAUTORIDADE DE JUST I CIA- LUN'D IA[ sENTrI oGARAvI-TI R LFEDF'( AE IDPEDENGI IA NOS, POVOS FRANGOS, OPF"'.I I0 __ALVAR> 11A GCIV IS DIESAREV~DO6t tSAUDA-COES COMISSAG N IHCOLAU A'OWD MUS!AU i:CH 3L I AS YOS SE FW TEiE COMPANY WILL APPRECIATE SUGGESTIONS FROM ITS PATRONS CONCERNING ITS SERVICE 'NA AgzrupaAicw do Marinos dea la ?epuiblicA Zspvabola At rica del2ore Orani Alseria.* T acknowledge thle receipt of your ooMrni0$o Qf aytq 1, 1945 requesting that the United N1atioMs Conereoe rOak reOlations with the Prance goveirnmeint As you, are no doub-t awarol, th,.e purpose of the6 Set Pranotaoo ConfereOnce to to formulate the beat 'Possible charter for an international organization to MaitinW peace and seouixtty for all people of the world re rceanI of race, colot,'' religiont or sez4. It is noanticipated that this 'Conferoene will take aotion 01n the mlatzter to Which ywaxr COM.Muniction Very tru,17y woars01 Per the Secretary Gleneral: B3RYANT MUMFORD Bryanit Mumf cr4 ActIng In-7ormation Offlcer IS 10O"66:DANIEL :SGT June 14# l945* v dear Mr* Adham: The enclosed letters, addressed to the Secretary of the San Frarcisco Confereice,. has been referred to me foraknleemt. Please be good enougsh to read it, and if it should have a reply from our officet, wrill you kindly furnish us with al1,nEnglsh translation? if: Sincerely yours,, For the S.eporsta%,y General: ) Brya-nt Mwntord 11 Acting information Officer Mv,Zohsue4 Trahim,Adhaim, Private Secretary to thib Linister of Foreign Affait's,o * ~The Delegation of Iraq, is*IS OC:1STONE :S5GT S I ae *1~nwedgethe roeept of your' letter' of J~une 4, 1945 and its onclosnreo relating to certain laws proclaimed- in Spain. You are of cotwse aw'are that the purpose of the Stan Flrancisco Conference Is to formuilate the best possible charter for' an internationial organization to maintain pesos and secuirity ifor all people of the wrorld rega11rdless of race color,* religion, or sex. it Is deoigits earties and Its labors exclusively to this task#, and It Is not intended that the matter, ,youmention wvill be the subject of action here, For the Secr'etar'ý General: tMUMPQRD Bryant Eumwfoz'd Acting Information Officer Geneal o*4 A-sonslo, 42,West- 57 Street,. New York 190, New York., U.10V-ANI-EL:S.GT XJOSEl .A.sElsi 4+2 West 57th St. New York 19.,N.Y. June .4,1945 Hon. Alger Hiss Secretary General of the United Nations Conference San Francisco,Cal. Sir., Permit to me present you myselfL. I am an Spanish Republic Army General, now Political refugee in the United States of America. I was Under Secretary of War in the year 1936-37 and later former Military Attachee to the Spanish Republic Embassy at VWashintongD,DC. at 1939 untill the defeat of the Republic. I am sending you a pamphlet with the Lawis proclaimed in Spain against Freemasonry by the Fascist Governtment of Spain. I believe that tiis knowledge will be lawful to you and to the United Nations Conference. I read the appeals to peace and brotherhhod made by Charles W.Froessell, Grand Master of Masons in the State of 'New York and your answer and I am agree with you words in the task not easy of the maintenance of peace and security in the future. You can sure that the Spanish Masons we are figting for the peace against Franco and the Dictators, We are the preferred victims the nazism and the fascism untill leave in Spain. I remain t F Laws Proclaimed in Spai~n I Against "Freemasonry" By the Dictator Francisco Franco. Issued by the Gaceta Oficial of March Ist, 1940 Z 43 ýz oA 4'Af EXII-Vo MEXICO, D. F. MCMXLV 1'q) ~- F Laws Proclaimed in Spain Against "Freemasonry" SBy the Dictatoi~ Francisco Fr anco Issued by the Gaceta Oficial of March 1st, 1940 3 j MEXICO, D. F. MCMXLVMML TO ALL LIERAY-S OF' THE WORLD, ESPECIALLY~ TO THE FREEMASONS It would appear surprising to someone, strange to others and extemporaneous to the most, the resolution taken by the Respect- able Lodge "LUZ HISPANICA No. 83" of Mexico City ordering the translation and publication of the present pamphlet. After a little pondering it will be easily seen that both the extraneous and the surprised are lacking of motives to think with such trifleness, when after nine years from theý beginning of the Military Revolt and after six years of unlawful govern- ment of Franco and his cohorts' of betrayers, there are still people in -this World who continue giving a deaf ear to the truth about thd Spanish Affair; when even HH.: our brothers continue ignoring or pretend to igno~re what happened in Spain W With dlear and most worthy Masons who* were sacrificed for having committed no other fault but having been members of our Honorable Institution; therefore, it is our firm belief that Ehis* booklet wil~l perhaps reach you with somewhat delay but hot out of time. Freemasorpry is, for the Phalarigist Government which now disgraces and enfeebles Spain, the preferred victim. For this reason, we wish, once more, to exalt 6ur protest before the free- men of the Universe with the sincere aim that this will not fall in. -3- deaf ears as this would be criminal. We Aare addressfing oar-' selves with special mention to the English speaking Masons with otim supplication that this barbarous Law transcribed as. follows be read in your Lodges and disseminated throughout all social spheres. Our goal is that our protest and our -complaint may *have the effects of an exciting drug in the spirits of all the dele- gates occurring to the San Francisco Conference, that they may raise also their combined protest, echo of our' affliction; that irV that proximate structuiring of a World of Peace and justice, Spain, strugglin'g and bleeding to excess, can not be and shall not be forgotten; as if once more the Spanish people are dis- -regarded there will not be a nation., great or small, free of the opprobious branded mark of complicity.
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