Robins Break Through Red Sox Defence.Win Third Game of Big Series,4 tol By BRIGGS Jack Coombs Proves FLATBUSH FANS Cartoon Impressions of Ebbets Field Battle * * FAIL TO FILL a Moses for Ebbet< WIDE SEATS Veteran Twirler Leads Robins to Within $U $5 of Victory and then Voluntarily Retire. to Make Triumph More Sure. A\any Viicant Chairs Un- responsivc to Brooklyn's By W. J. MACBETH. (ircat Victory Over Ciilby Jack Coombs proveii hinisrlf tho Mosei born tvi ChirU Boston. Ebbets's lost tribe. The former iron man of Connie Mack's Atfil*tJ/ sormwhat rusty in tho hinges and creaky in the joints.w«9 tu\\ $l start the rhosen of Flatbush on the ritfht road throogh the wildenie*. 1 By W. O. M*(.EFHAN. Coombfl was one of the central figures of the third game of th, jj F.bbets's He a An acre or more of Squire classic (the tirst played at Ebbfltfl l-'ie'.d). led sortie that taJ «-idfl and capacious seats in baek the world's champion Red Sox for the first time. The KoriT lah were entirely unoccupicd yes- 4 to and marked the third i-onsecutive time that a Baall*« checked, 3, single run oa__y whea tha Rohlaa the between success and failure. Box tha score margm tiie linv of tha Rod by Like the Moses of this Moses of Klatbush did not racaal rhairs were all old, tarryari^, trfbfl till it reached the land. He led the band .- ,,-r aqaat, which went promiscd valiantly, _, toward the end to within sight of the milk ,-e that when Flatbush protcstcd falterinply. maybe, andhco, .h cost of seeing a world's country: then he halted voluntarily and turned tho triumphal partft,* th« Bltimatafll waa not mere the keeping of Jeff Pfetfer, a warrior not so renowne i but one morabbflj ldle chi.t'.er. with the vipor of youth and strength. A holiday march it proya__ 4 ft*** thc uppcr tier* the empty Jeff, the strong-. Urook- benches m.rely jraWBOd as the lt does seem a new world's ,-r>ries is lyn warnors. with their backs against born every game in this most thrilling the walls of Fbbets. Field, showed signs debate between the idols of Hoston nnd C'combs did as much ..t that were not in Hrooklyn. quite Probable flggreafliTeaeflfl a.s any one could ask in keeping with- Line-Up were twice biting efl when they out blemish or spot the most healthv for the histone dust in the vicinity of record anv piteher has ever made ifl To-day's Gan* Hunker 11 ill. I'erhaps it is because world's series play. Jack is the only twirler who ever The fourth Fbbcts'a seats are extra wide game of the var_f. Scyj.ro won rive classic strugeles without a series between th..* thaaa caataat ones looked particu- defeat to show against them. Pfeffer. the Boaton Ktifm Inr'.y forlorn during the bleak after¬ through the last two and two-third inn- and BreeUya Robina will b* pUn noon. ' ings, foiled the Boston batter.s in or¬ at Kbbets Kield. Brooklyn, thit g. 1: those seats had only been filled der, and foiled them at a time when ternoon, play to begin at 2 !¦ have been they had just threatened to break out o'eloek at $3 per might Boaton (A. L). Brooklyn (X.L a burat ef applauas worthy of the deed in one of their rashest deeda of depre- when Ivan Ivory Olson, the doughty dation. But Coombs and hi.s young Hooper. rf. Daubert, lb. Seandinavian, smashed out the triple understudy both must forswear the Janvrin, 2b. Johnaton,rf. that bro-.igh*. in two runs and practi- throne of the day in favor of a more Walker, rf. callv clir.chrd the game for Hrooklyn. generally abused private of the rank*. Myera,ci. fire Fbbets had not been ordered Yesterday was Olson's day; a Hoblitiell, lb. Wheat, lf. to eaarg. fi**e flimolaoaa for those brigbter day even than that memorabli Lewis, If. (utthaa,!,, squattir.;* placos there might have been one for Hi Mvers buck in Boston. A f.ardner. 3b. Mo.rey.lb, a iouder whea Hank O'Day ro* bulwark of defence, this unussuming prote.t Scott, s». Olson, aa. fuaed ta allow Jake Danhart a home; "TRVirJt. Tb GET HAmK and often maligned shortstop of the < raa. Tb Robins wns the whole show of Brook- .**>»«. "?leyera.e. O'DAV CrArMOC-.K Hii win:ung attack. Olson. single- Leonard, p. Cause for Kejoicing. - lya'fl MarquBrd,a. Hig H1ND AGAIN ATttJOOT saverl hrs collencues 4vhen thev I It iraa tha rat time during the cur- handed, mpires.< onriolly and Ihia. 'id DAUBERT'5 ^Ll£)£i FOR HOi^.e were lined up before the firing squad, American anything about to be shot against their owri l.eague; <.aig% ,__ to te but Flatbush pins ita O'Day, National tfl with fish hooks. wall. league. A bunt, placed so cleverly bv Otson r oi prineiple with tha erred Flatbusher not to pay that much evt*. Lead in the Fierce Attack that even the dead-shot Gardner World's Series Daubert and Olson in his haste to field it. led to Brook¬ to see Jake Daubert get a hit and to second run when tallies were com¬ A 4vhole of BBB a broken up by a nan named lyn's gaaefal baitbtll i ganie Baseball Facts v.-rv crowded into By the way. it is only on rare ing hard off tho underhanded de: the first innine, m tt demonstration of the Baseball Champions of World of ("arl Mays. Ivy's triple in the fifth. neith,er aida could break thrtqfl Overwhelms M That neat i- with two and two runners flrait wrty's took a I broken up. by a baseball gone stop hit of; ¦ late Henrik Ibsen. Third game for world's ing, elinehed the argument beyond re¬ vrin. Then, with two gont, Sotr riana hava dabbled champinnship, played at Hbbets call. Fnough for an afternoon, quite 4vho broke in as a world's ser.ti rt some-; Jack Coombs lar with three what laecessfully in literatura and in Tield, Brooklyn: Brooklyn (National and Three Triumphs, a the many brilliant plays he conaecu'ave cleaa i_ have Two Triples turned in short field; plays worthv gies, pumped his tirst blow to ghta iate baseball l.eaguel, I; Boston (American for Fifth Time in of The ten ra fame only with the rc- Their Toll Turned the Tables hea*ry-faeed type had his bludgeoning hit and run was put on aritk E 3. Singles litzell. Dick a h. For instance, there was l.eague), How Robins Series. been les<« Hendlv. rlipped pretty osii John Anderson, who pulled a bor.e Official paid attendance... 21.087 Battle. BOSTON LEAGUE). BROOKLYN (NATIONAL LEAGUE). Big (ip.e unfamiliar wlth the ider.tity of Daubert befaffl Juke h«id a chtra During (AMERICAN from the long- start. It looked ¦ dead uhich WBfl so startnng that sueh plays Total receipts.$69,762.00 AB. R. H. O. A. E. the respect-.ve teams, certim'.t .i5 "John Amlersons" even AB. R. H. O. A. E. distar.ce descriptions of the contc-ts in nothiag eoald keep tba fleet Shci Uivided as follows: cf.3 mistak- from *.cular bone Hooper, rf.4 Myers, tory, leaving the Colby entry on a par BostOB, could be pardoned for reaehmg thir.l. thc bast-s filled. Flayera.$.17,671.48 GRANTLANI) RICE. lb.. .4 one for the other. It was Bos¬ I'asey k.¦. -4-ever. cam« t with By Janvrin, 2b .... 4 Daubert, wi'h the famed citizens of Bucknell and ing Steagfll, . 18 a bit a dead run lor tiie Tarh club's share 12.557 rf . 3 .'. and C. ton's defenee that parted yester¬ ainirla, »-. g Famous Frror. Shorten, cf . .4 Stengel, Carli.lfl, meaning MathflWflon Van Loaa'a If.2 These alone had day, though it never could he accused gath.red with al! th* jrraee of ic National Commission. 6,976-20 1 Hoblitzell, lb. .4 1 12 Wheat, Albert Bender. Xhe thi. boa. arai pulled (i.nniMir.l from na.e series victories be¬ of cracking. It was Brooklyn's that tielder. Mis throw wa. ttarttd tisl was Total attendance for three Cutahaw, 2b.. .4 achieved t.ve world non-Scandinavian paid Lewii, If.4 fore Coombs moved to them stood impregnable, as*Rult after ;..¦ ...n aa hi. <i itt -j 3b. .3 1 up join harle? F. Van Loan, tne emi- games, 98,577; total receipts, $228,- Gardner, 3b... 3 Mowrey, and Coombs sault. It was Brooklyn that played The pej; carried ;rue unr] &n I I a Anderson in this record and his known s..4 1 yesterday, undoubtedly aathor pulled John 187.18, with par-t Scott, is.3 Olson, belonged. l'or Old Ironsides has been every jot and tittle of thepercentage right into Mowrey'- hand*. Shcn Bteur game. Mr. Van Loan sir.ee Hrook¬ c.3 as was was Total attendance for three eourage, coolne.vs aad biains, Thomas, c.3 Miller. one of the great ligures ef the game. arith Jauaty contidence it Boa* caught by yard-, anrl thi I haa '.ad eoaaiderable difh- paid 3 ton that the cost of chance of a ked >o\ betsseen the Red lyn went to war with new eonfidflBCC Mays, p .......1 Coombi, p.... For thal matter, he still is one of th'.- countcd flurry rally apa eulty ng BBtropologiata that games last year as a miser counts his gold t.oonib.s jnuffed.
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